The Pussy Trap 3
Page 18
“Your mother never loved Sadeek. She tolerated him. When Malik stepped up his game and claimed her, nothing was the same.”
“What do you mean?”
“Sadeek always knew about her and Malik, but he didn’t challenge it, and he knew you were not his daughter. When you were born, Sadeek was so proud. He marched up to the prison with me, his mother, and sister. And when they released you, he took one look at you and the smile drained from his face. He knew immediately you were not his.” She sat back, folded her arms, and crossed her legs. “Sadeek loved Keisha, and because of that love he claimed you, but couldn’t let go of her deception. He took very good care of you those few months until she came home. Then she flipped the script on him. She and Malik got closer, and Sadeek was pushed out. Not just as his boy, but as his business partner.”
“So, is that why he had them killed?”
“To be honest, all that did was provide the fire he needed to help with the murder. He did not have the power to pull off anything. One night we were together, and he had gone home really late. Then about an hour later, he was right back at my door. They had a huge fight and that sealed it.”
“Sealed what?”
“The deal. There was a guy named Tyquan Wells. He was the corporate type, or so it would seem. This nigga was smooth but devious. Because he was into some type of banking, he was flipping their money. But the shit that got things fucked up was he had their money tied in with some mob type niggas.
“See, Tyquan was a hood nigga, but he was smart. He went to school, came back and showed them niggas how to turn that trap money into clean money. When Malik and Sadeek fell apart, that divided the crew. Malik had all the loyalty and connections, and Sadeek just had greed and envy. Tyquan was smart and greedy also, but the thing that fucked it all up was his taste for beautiful women. He had this high-post bitch named Monique. She was like the empress in the house. But the bitch soon found out that she was not the prettiest flower in his garden, and that’s when shit got real.”
“What you mean?”
“Keisha became the worm in their big red apple. Sadeek wanted her, but couldn’t have her. Malik wanted her, but he was married. But Tyquan wanted her and went for it. Being as though Keisha and Sadeek always fought, Sadeek would send me to get his money and Malik would send Keisha. Well, one of those times I was sent to New York to pick up. I caught a cab as usual. When I got out, Mo was pulling up in her Jag. We both walked inside and got on the elevator. When we got to his floor, Monique walked her high-post ass over to the receptionist and announced herself, and the woman kindly told her ‘You have to wait a minute. Mr. Wells is in a meeting.’”
KoKo looked at Dutchess, who was on the edge of her seat like the shit happened yesterday.
“You know how you have the door with glass on both sides? Usually, the curtain would be open, but that day that shit was closed, and I could hear music playing. You know, like soft jazz or some shit. Monique looked at that door. Her eyes closed a little, and she started biting her bottom lip. I was like, Oh shit! I sat my happy ass down and waited.” She smacked her mouth and shook her head.
“About fifteen minutes later, the door opened and Keisha and Tyquan came out. And honey, fuck if looks could kill. If reading a bitch’s mind could kill, Mo would have leveled a whole city block. Keisha was giggling, and he was smiling and looking all relaxed. When Keisha turned and saw us two bitches over there, she smiled this sinister smile that said, Fuck y’all looking at? I could have sworn I heard Monique shit a brick. Tyquan said, ‘Lunch again on Wednesday?’ Keisha turned to him and said, ‘Of course, and until then, don’t ruin your appetite on cheap shit.’ Then she looked at Mo. Tyquan smiled as Keisha walked away.”
KoKo sat listening to her recount the facts. It was like she was listening to some House Wives of Atlanta type shit.
“Anyway, after that, Mo went on a mission. She went after every nigga he was connected to. She went after Edwin, who was the connect. He then pulled the dope back from Malik, forcing him to fuck with this Dread from Chicago. Then the thirsty bitch went after Dread, but she couldn’t flip him. But that nigga Scarie. He jumped right on the opportunity for a come up, and Sadeek’s greedy ass was the scandalous one he needed to help with his takeover. The last one she went for was Malik.” Her expression became stoic. “Can’t nobody tell me she didn’t have something to do with what happened to his family.” Tears came to her eyes as she pulled up the memories of that time.
“Malik’s wife, Sabrina wasn’t in our circle. She didn’t deserve that shit. And Keisha, regardless of what she did, she didn’t deserve that shit either. They tried everything on that girl, but being the bad bitch she was, she made it.” Dutchess caught the tears that fell from her eyes.
“So, let me get this straight. My mother was fucking my dad and Sadeek and Tyquan?” KoKo asked, still a bit confused.
“Not really.”
“What the fuck is not really? Either you fucking a nigga or you ain’t.”
“She had stopped giving Sadeek pussy long before she slept with Malik. They were more like roommates, but she would let him eat that shit on a regular. I found out from Mo one night when she came down off her throne and had drinks with us that all Tyquan was doing on those Wednesdays was getting his tongue wet too, or as Mo said it in a drunken slur ‘Can you believe that all that nigga do is eat her pussy? Fuck him!’” Dutchess laughed. “Keisha was a bad bitch.”
“Let me ask you this. What was your role in all this?”
“I had no role. I was Sadeek’s woman. I was around when he needed me and that was that. They paid my rent. I let them cook shit up at my house and occasionally watched a kid or two while they made runs. I even watched you.” She smiled. “Keisha and I never had words.” But she flashed back to the night Keisha busted her with Sadeek. I guess she knew she didn’t want him and didn’t care if I did.”
“How did you meet Kayson?”
“A few years ago he found me and asked me some of the questions you are asking, but he was more concerned with his father and Nine.”
“What do you know about Nine?”
“Well, Nine, was like a mediator. He worked for both sides. He worked for Malik, and he worked for Tyquan. But when shit got rough, I believe he turned on them both. But Nine knows your husband very well.”
“What makes you say that?”
“He is the one who brought him to my house.”
A puzzled look came over her face. “When Kayson came to see you, Nine, brought him. And then what happened?”
“They exchanged some information and then left. Nine got in one car and Kayson got in another. I don’t know what happened after that. I never saw either of them after that day. I was contacted by Fred and told that Kayson was killed, and if you ever came to look for me to tell you everything I knew.”
“What do you know about Pat?”
“No disrespect. But that bitch is crazy. She is what I call a reacher. She wanted to have Keisha’s life, so she stayed close to her and reached out for every crumb that fell off the table.”
“I guess when she reached out for my father, he reached back.”
“Reached back? He wasn’t trying to fuck with her. He would have never done that to Keisha. And all that shit about that being his baby. That’s bullshit. She didn’t pop up with that one until he was dead and gone. Now granted, people may think she looks like him, but shit I’m old school. I believe when a bitch fuck the same kind of dudes all the time, chances are her kids come out looking a certain way if you know what I mean. If you want the truth, I think she cooked that shit up for some money. But you ain’t hear that shit from me.” She sat back and took a break, and KoKo welcomed it.
KoKo reached in her pocket and pulled out a knot and passed it to her.
“No. I can’t take that.” She pushed KoKo’s hand back. “There is a lot I should have said and sooner. I’m sorry for everything that you lost.” She looked KoKo in the eyes and again got teary.
sp; “Can you tell me one more thing?” “I can try.”
“Do you know who this is?” KoKo reached in her vest and pulled out the picture of the lady and the little boy.
Dutchess took the picture in her hand and began to smile. “Yes, that’s me. I haven’t seen this picture in years.” She held it in her hands, rubbing her finger over it.
“Can you tell me who the child is?”
“Yes,” she responded as tears ran down her face. “He’s my son.”
KoKo watched as Dutchess began to break down.
“He was all I had. And one day he just didn’t come home.” She wiped her face and stood to grab a tissue from a small box on a nearby display table. “When he was little, I started calling him Boa. Whenever you wanted to put that boy down, he would cling to you. You know, hold your neck, wrap his legs around you. Anything to keep from walking.” She chuckled. “I miss him.” She sniffled, looking at the picture tight in one hand and wiping her tears with the other.
“You can hold onto that. I believe it served its purpose.” KoKo rose to her feet.
“Thank you.”
“I believe it’s yours anyway.” KoKo turned to leave. “No. I was thanking you for your kindness.”
KoKo turned back and looked the woman in the eyes.
“I know about you and Boa. And I know the game well. You came here to kill me, and to be honest I was ready to go. That is, until I released my demons. Then a bitch had to reconsider.” She smiled. “So, thank you.”
“I did come to kill you. But I can see that on the inside you’re already dead.” KoKo turned and headed to the door.
- 32 -
Nine Lives
Kayson waited in the shadows of Nine’s driveway, carefully plotting his demise. After his meeting with Deborah, he had everything he needed to get the hits off his back. His hand began to sweat as he gripped his .45.
Nine was playing a dangerous game by toying with both sides of the fence, and it was time to make that nigga choose a side or die trying.
A few minutes passed and Nine pulled into his driveway and looked around. The faint sound of crickets filled the night air as his feet touched the ground. He reached for his keys, realizing he left them in the car. As he turned to go back, a monster stood in his face holding a gun between his eyes.
He paused as a knot formed in his throat.
“You got some shit to tell me. And if it ain’t what I need to hear, your third eye is going to be open real wide.”
“Kayson, you know I have been nothing but honest with you,” he stated nervously.
“Have you? Let’s go inside and go over a few things.”
“I have to get my keys out the car.”
Kayson reached in his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. “Here, use your wife’s,” he angrily stated.
Nine’s eyes grew wide, and his whole body got cold. His mouth filled with saliva as he tried to speak. “Please don’t hurt my wife,” he pleaded, trying to remain calm.
“She’s safe for now. But if you don’t say something I want to hear in the next twenty minutes, the call I place will fill the rest of her life with pain and misery.”
“I got you.” Nine took the keys and began fumbling with the locks.
“And don’t try no slick shit. Because even under pressure I will put holes in you that will make an undertaker wonder,” he barked as he held his gun firm to Nine’s head.
Once the door was closed, he pushed Nine into the living room and forced him to the couch.
“Look, we don’t have to do this like this. Just ask me what you need to know, and I got you.”
“It seems like you got everybody.”
“You know what I do. I have to play the game hard enough to get what I need and smart enough so that in order for others to get theirs, they need me.”
“I have about ten more minutes of patience left, and after that I’ma give you what you need and some shit you don’t want,” Kayson warned as he carefully placed a silencer on the end of his gun.
“Hold up. We had a deal. You need to honor that.” Nine raised his voice.
“A deal?” Kayson chuckled. “Nigga, you helped plan my funeral. Ain’t no honor in that, muthafucka.” Kayson’s livid voice bounced off the walls, causing a vibration in Nine’s soul that even fear was afraid of.
“Let me make shit right.” Nine tried to calm the situation. “Who is behind the contract?”
“I don’t know. I have access to only the money.”
“Who is behind the contract?” Kayson growled as his blood began to simmer.
“I don’t know.” Nine stood his ground.
Kayson was done with questions. He was ready for answers, so he took a few steps and stood over Nine with an evil grimace and bad intent.
“Who ordered the hit?” “I dont kn—”
Before the words could leave his mouth, Kayson grabbed him in the throat and smacked the shit out of him with his gun. Blood flew from his mouth, landing on the light-colored sofa and glass end table.
“How is your memory now?”
“I do—”
Kayson smacked him again, this time causing a gash above his right eye.
“Please, wait!” Nine put his hands up in surrender.
“Tyquan is behind everything,” he confessed.
“Muthafucka, you think I’m pussy. You just tried to fuck me.” Kayson smacked his ass again, putting a gaping wound on his forehead.
Nine felt like he was losing consciousness. He tried to focus on Kayson, but the blood that ran from his head blurred his vision.
Holding him down hard to the couch, Kayson peered down at him ready to blow his brains all over the room. But he needed that name, and he knew just how to get it. Kayson hit the button on his Bluetooth and said, “Call Night.” A few seconds later, he barked his next order. “How is she holding out?” he asked, watching Nine cringe with anguish.
“I’ma ask this nigga one more time. Then I want you to make that bitch closed casket worthy.”
“Wait! Please!” Nine yelled. “Please.” Tears ran from his eyes.
“Talk, muthafucka,” Kayson yelled.
Nine took a breath. “It was Chi. He is Tyquan’s boss,” he confessed.
Kayson’s rage increased. “And you are his bitch.” Kayson put the gun in his mouth and blew his skull and brain all over the wall.
“Night, do that bitch dirty,” Kayson ordered and disconnected the call.
- 33 -
Full of vengeful thoughts, Kayson walked into the mansion and went straight to his room. He stripped down, hopped in the shower, and began processing the
information he just learned. As the hot water ran over his neck and back, he played Nine’s last words in his mind. Chi is Tyquan’s boss. Lu Chi had saved his life. He had been loyal to Lu Chi for years and had not once expected that he was secretly trying to destroy him.
Kayson knew he needed to plan wise and accurate. There could be no loose ends and no mistakes. Each person had to be dealt with, and each punishment needed to be tailored to fit their treason.
He wrapped a thick towel around his waist, and then headed to his bedroom. Grabbing the remote, he turned on the radio in an attempt to relax his mind. He walked to the closet and threw on some sweat pants and a T-shirt. Then he moved to the safe, spun the combination, and took out all the paperwork KoKo had shared with him.
Kayson headed to his office and poured himself a drink. He sat on his throne and spread the papers out on his desk, going over each one carefully. When he got to the insurance policies, he scanned them vigilantly. The first problem was the policy numbers. Each one was inconsistent with the dates. Then he looked closely at the signature. It was his mother’s name, but her signature was a little off.
Kayson sat back and pondered. “What the fuck is going on? And why would my mother sign her name as Wells?” he spoke aloud. He placed the documents aside and looked at the list of names that his father gave her. At th
e top of the list was Scarie and several names of his crew members followed. Near the bottom of the list was Brenda Watson. Kayson tried to remember where he had seen that name before, but it wasn’t coming to him.
He picked up the insurance papers and compared the handwriting. The ‘W’ in Wells was written the same as the one in Watson. Kayson searched through all the documents with a careful eye. Every signature had a letter that was inconsistent with the next. He grabbed the folder that he got from Deborah and pulled out a single sheet of paper with account numbers on it. He scanned the list, and his eyes fell on one that matched the numbers on Malik’s insurance policies.
“That muthafucka!” Kayson said as he searched for the other policy number among the list. When his eyes rested on it, he knew exactly what his father was doing. “This nigga setting up fake policies to hide money, but for what?” He sat back in his seat, grabbed his drink, and sipped while his wheels turned.
- 34 -
Double Cross
Nervous sweat beaded across Savage’s nose as he pulled up to the pool hall to pick up KoKo. He rolled down his window to take in some of the crisp winter air.
Chucky came over to the car and stuck his hand inside. “What’s up, my nigga?” Savage asked, giving him some
“Ain’t shit. It’s slow than a muthafucka out here tonight.” “Word? Where’s KoKo?”
“She’s coming. She in there talking shit and taking money. Her ass been grouchy all day.” Chucky smiled. “Where y’all headed?”
“We just taking a ride. You know how she do. I fuck around and end up across country messing with KoKo’s ass.”
Chucky chuckled and then looked up to see KoKo coming their way. “Stop all that frowning,” he yelled out.
“These niggas get on my nerves.” She got in the car and shut the door. “Sometimes I feel like a fucking psychologist. I don’t have time to deal with muthafuckas wounded inner child.”
“What the fuck?” Savage said, looking at her all strange. “You know she be reading that shit in Kayson’s library,”