Chucky said.
“No, on the real. A grown ass man should not have to be reminded a million times about his duties. Niggas be wanting pussy and a pacifier. Fuck outta here.”
“I told you her ass grouchy today,” Chucky stated.
“You need a hug?” Savage asked as he passed her the daily profit in a white envelope.
KoKo took it and placed it on her lap. “Fuck you. Let’s go.”
Savage smiled and shook his head. “Catch you later, brah.” He hit fists with Chucky and pulled off heading for the interstate.
“I wanted to take this drive with you, so I could let some shit off my chest,” Savage said, looking over at KoKo, gauging her mood.
“What’s up?” she asked, looking forward.
“They flipped Taz,” he said as if he was telling her that he wanted ketchup with his fries.
“Fuck is you talking about?”
“A few months ago Taz got picked up, and they been on his ass for information ever since.” Savage switched lanes and headed for the exit.
KoKo looked over at him as a frown took over her face. “Hold the fuck up. You mean to tell me that this nigga is a double?”
“Not really. He ain’t telling them nothing they can use against us, only small shit on other niggas. But they really want him to turn me, so I can give you up, but you know that ain’t something I would do.” He stared forward, now anxious by KoKo’s cold stare.
KoKo turned to the side and looked out the window. She could not believe what she just heard. She didn’t know who she was more mad at, Savage for withholding the information, or herself for missing it. She gazed out the window a little longer, and then she got started. “So, you knew all along?”
Savage looked over at her as he began to filter what it was he would reveal. “No. Not all along.”
“So, you been all in my face hiding something like this from me?” She looked over at him in disgust.
Savage kept his eyes on the road, daring not to look back in her direction as he could feel the heat coming from her seat. “It's some real complicated shit going on.” He paused. “But I knew that this was one thing I could not keep from you.”
“One thing?” His words illuminated in her mind. “What else are you hiding?”
His lips wanted to reveal all, but his mind took over, and the only word that would leave his lips was, “Nothing.”
“Yeah, ai’ight.” KoKo opened the envelope and looked over the neatly stacked bills as she plotted what to do next.
“I do need to tell you something else.” He confessed as the weight of deceit felt as if it would crush his chest.
“It’s more to all this shit than you know,” Savage revealed.
KoKo looked over at him as his mouth started to move a mile a minute. He was talking, but her mind and heart had shut down as his words pierced her soul. KoKo stared at him and then back at the road and became enraged.
Savage had released all his demons, and the car fell silent. Then KoKo said, “You’s a dirty muthafucka.”
“Look, ma. I could have took all that shit to my grave. But I care about you.” Before he could turn to see her response, KoKo said, “Take this to your grave, punk muthafucka. Blow!” She put one in his temple.
Savage’s blood and brains hit the window as the car started to swerve on the road. KoKo grabbed the steering wheel, but Savage’s foot was heavy on the gas, and off the road they went into a wooded area and careened into a tree. The air bags released on impact, smacking KoKo in the face and knocking her out.
Light was beginning to leave the sky as KoKo opened her eyes to hear a voice saying, “Miss. Can you hear me? Are you all right?” a small voice forced its way through the window, and a rain of knocks followed. KoKo turned her head slightly in the direction of the words. Her head was pounding. She slowly reached over and released the locks. The woman opened the door and freaked out.
“Oh lord. Are you okay, young lady? Just sit tight. I'm going to call 911.”
“No! Wait!” KoKo pleaded.
“It's okay. Don't worry. I’ll get you the help you need.” The woman pulled her phone from her pocket, but was stopped by the hot bullets released from KoKo’s gun. The woman fell back against the tree, and slid down as her body convulsed in pain.
KoKo staggered out the car, stood over the woman, and put three more shots in her. “I don’t need no help. Nosy ass Good Samaritan.” KoKo got her bearings, and then stumbled toward the road. She jumped in the woman’s car and pulled off doing ninety all the way home. She pulled up to her boy’s chop shop in Brooklyn.
“Ma, you okay?” Big John asked as he approached the car. “Yeah, I’m good. Get rid of this shit ASAP. Call me a cab.
Where is the bathroom?”
“In the back,” he shouted as he jumped in the car, parked it in the garage, and closed the big metal doors.
KoKo stood in the mirror dabbing tissue on the small cut above her eyebrow. “Shit!” she yelled as she leaned on the sink. Her body started to ache, and a few sharp pains hit the bottom of her stomach. She rubbed her belly and washed her hands. Replaying Savage’s confession, she stood staring at herself in the mirror. Within hours, her whole life had changed. She needed a minute to gather her thoughts, but that would have to wait. Her reverie was interrupted by the words, “KoKo, your cab is here.” She snatched the door open and headed outside. Once she got in the cab, she began putting a strategy into action.
The cab pulled up a few blocks away from the mansion and KoKo got out and jogged back. Entering the house, she went straight into business mode. She looked at the clock which read 9:15 PM. KoKo called Night to alert him that a meeting was needed ASAP, and to make sure Taz was with him.
“What’s up?” Night responded to the urgency in her voice. “Just do what I asked you.” She hung up.
KoKo quickly showered and changed. She wrapped her clothes in a bag, tucked it in a big Gucci bag, and hit the door. Exiting the garage, she threw the bag in her trunk and headed to the spot.
Busted . . .
“Where we going?” Taz asked, feeling a little uncomfortable about Night’s silence.
“We gotta meet KoKo. She wants us to make a pick up.
Night looked over at him, and then back at the road.
Taz slid down in his seat, pulled his fitted down, and tried to relax.
Night pulled up to an old building in the Bronx and got out the car. Taz looked around, noticing there were no cars in sight. The block seemed abandoned. He stepped out the car with only the flicker of a streetlight to guide his path.
Night walked up to the gray metal door and knocked three times.
KoKo looked out the small, dirty glass window, and then pulled the latch.
When the door opened, Taz’s stomach sank to his feet.
Immediately, his mind started to race.
“What’s up, ma?” Night asked, passing her.
“What’s good, KoKo?” Taz asked, forcing a semi-smile in an effort to appear calm.
“Ain’t nothing.” KoKo slammed the door and hit the latch hard.
Taz jumped and turned around quick. “Fuck you jumpin’ for?” Night asked. Taz didn’t respond.
“We going in the back room,” KoKo instructed.
“Ai’ight,” Night said, heading through the maze-like hallway to a back room.
Taz followed closely behind him, occasionally looking back at KoKo. He eyed each room as he passed, afraid that something or someone unexpected might pop out.
When Night got to the last room, he stepped aside allowing Taz to enter first.
Taz looked at the empty room and knew exactly what this was. He stepped inside and stood in the middle of the floor.
“I guess y’all found out,” Taz said, giving in to the certainty of death he was now facing.
“Nigga, you know what this is,” KoKo barked, pulling out a pink and black Sig Sauer and resting it at her side.
Night pulled out tw
o Cult Double Eagles and held them at his side.
“I promise you. I didn’t give you up, KoKo,” he confessed. “Muthafucka, you a snitch. Ain’t no integrity in that shit!” “I’m just saying. They came for me, threatening my family and shit. I had to protect mines.” Taz raised his voice. “Nigga, we’re your family,” Night growled back.
“I ain’t got time for this shit.” KoKo shot Taz right between the legs.
Taz staggered back, losing his footing and hitting the floor screaming.
“Did you just shoot this nigga in the dick?” Night asked. “Yeah, he pussy. He don’t need it.”
“Wait, please. I don’t deserve this shit.” Taz screamed.
Night stood over him with an evil grimace. “In your next life, ask to be bulletproof, muthafucka.” He filled Taz’s body with bullets.
Night stood breathing heavy and peering down at Taz like an angry bull.
KoKo stepped next to Night. “You ready?”
“Yeah, but what the fuck is that?” Night asked, looking at her gun.
“Why yo’ shit pink?”
“Fuck you. I’m trying to get in touch with my feminine side.” She glanced at her gun, turned it back and forth, and then looked up at Night shrugging her shoulders.
Night chuckled. “Good luck with that. Come on. We got to pull shit in and make sure our tracks are covered. They gonna be looking for this greasy muthafucka.”
- 35 -
The Cross Over
After finding out about Taz’s deception, KoKo closed down all the trap spots and relocated them. She even shut down whole cities and moved everyone around.
She could not take any chances. Spring was approaching, and it was a good time to do some cleaning. The drugs KoKo needed were moving well. With every one of Mr. Odoo’s shipments was KoKo’s product. Chico would meet the shipment in Florida and have it dispersed to Georgia, Virginia, Cali and New York. From those locations, everyone else in the organization would pick up.
Peppa sat back stacking his money and earning his respect. He figured that he would make a trip to New York and feel what the big city had to offer. When he arrived at LAX, KoKo had him picked up and brought to the Lion’s Den.
Peppa walked onto the ground floor of the bike club and saw all the bike tricks going on. His eyes roamed the crowd, stopping at the half-dressed females in leather and spandex.
“After KoKo takes care of you, you can come down here and snuggle up with one of these bad bitches,” Chucky stated as he escorted him to the elevator.
“Take him to KoKo,” Chucky instructed security, who stood firm in his post.
The tall, serious man waved Peppa onto the elevator.
When the doors closed, he was again amazed at the action going on from floor to floor. He was adding up the figures, and from the looks of it, this place KoKo had set up was a cash cow.
The elevator came to a stop and Peppa was directed to the opened door. Security watched as he approached slowly. When he got to the office door, Baseem walked out to greet him.
“How are you? You must be Peppa,” he said, extending his arm.
“Yes, and you must be Baseem. We spoke on the phone.” He shook his hand.
“Welcome to the city of nightmares. Please come inside.” He extended his arm toward the room.
Peppa walked in, and Baseem closed the door.
KoKo turned in her chair to greet her guest. “Good evening. How was your flight?”
“That plane of yours is fit for a king. Thank you,” he said, walking closer to her desk.
“Please take a seat.”
Peppa sat in one of the white chairs across from her and put his foot up on his knee. “I love this place you have here. I need one of these in my town.”
“Make yourself at home,” she said, pulling up to the desk. “Would you like something to drink?”
“Yes, please. Something dark and smooth,” he stated. “Pete, please get Peppa a glass of that black rum we just
got from Bermuda,” she instructed.
Pete poured as KoKo began the meeting. “So how is business?”
“It’s well. Things seem to be moving along at a good pace. I really want to up the volume.” He paused as Pete passed him his drink. “How do you feel?”
“I am satisfied with the way things are going and so is
“You spoke to Mocha?” he asked, now feeling a little left out.
“Yes, we spoke and came to the conclusion that we will be going a different route. We both appreciate your initial generosity. However, with the direction that we are taking our business, your services are no longer needed.”
“What are you talking about?” he asked as his body began to heat up. Sweat formed on his brow as Peppa tried to wrap his mind around the bullshit coming out of her mouth.
“I know you heard me, so repeating myself is not an option,” KoKo spat from her seated position.
“Let me get this straight. I brought Mocha to you. I made it possible for you to have safe delivery, putting my family’s business on the line, and you go behind my back and cut a side deal, which now has nothing to do with me,” he asked, giving her the side-eye.
“This shit ain’t personal. It’s business. I am a businesswoman. I can only wish you the best in your affairs. I hope that you wish me the same.” KoKo looked him square in his eyes.
“My father has been nothing but loyal to you. How could you cross my family?” Peppa was beyond vexed and ready to go off. However, he was not ready for KoKo.
“Let me tell you something, muthafucka. You are the disloyal one. The day you sat in your father’s house and plotted to go behind his back and mix illegal business with his legitimate business, you fucked yourself. I have the utmost respect for him and your family, and that is why I didn’t kill your sister, and I decided to not kill you. Please don’t make me change my mind,” she warned.
“You will not get away with this.” Peppa stood.
“Did you just threaten her, muthafucka?” Baseem moved toward him.
“I don’t threaten,” Peppa responded.
“KoKo, I don’t know this nigga’s father and don’t give a fuck about him.”
“Relax, Bas. Trust me. This ain’t what he wants. Mocha assured me that if he does not get back there and report that New York is fine, then some very important people will be in danger.”
“You will have no luck or good fortune. Please take me to the airport.” He turned to the door.
“That can’t be true. I’m already about to get your fortune. And luck, I don’t need that. I walk with a whistle that will cut a nigga’s thought in two. I’m good.”
Peppa looked back at her, and then at the men in the room, who looked ready to disobey her order and make his day a short one.
Peppa thought he was getting ready to come up. He just didn’t understand that once he introduced her to the connect, his ass would be pushed right out the picture. KoKo was never for a middleman. When doing crooked shit, it was better to have less people on the boat as possible. So, when the ship went down, there would be limited people to die or tell.
Pete pulled out his banger and then walked him to the elevator. Baseem stood in the doorway.
“I think that nigga is going to be a problem,” Baseem said, watching Pete get on the elevator with Peppa.
“He is way more bark than bite. I’m already shaking his tree, and some big shit is about to fall out,” KoKo responded. She knew that Peppa wasn’t going to move against her, because his father would be more disappointed that he disobeyed. Plus, she had Mocha on her side. He was going to make sure Peppa stayed in line. However, she knew that he would probably be a bitch and tell Kayson. KoKo did not want to have to deal with that beast when he found out she had risked his plan and went behind his back.
- 36 -
Later that evening Night pulled up to the Lion’s Den and drove into the bike area and jumped out. KoKo was
there to greet him.
“After this meeting, I have to get to Atlanta,” she said, walking fast behind him while heading to the elevator.
KoKo looked out over the crowd and smiled. Despite all the shit going wrong, she still had successful businesses and legitimate connections that at the end of the day, made it feel that some of the shit she went through was worth it.
“Let me holla at Chuck right quick,” Night said, leaving her standing by the elevator.
KoKo stood with her back against the wall, enjoying the bike tricks when something caught her eye. “What the fuck?” she said out loud.
The guy from Golden Paradise that she saw the night she was in Atlanta stood talking to Tori. She moved toward him. She posted herself to the side and watched him touch Tori’s face and whisper in her ear. Heat blazed in KoKo’s gut. Who the fuck is this nigga? she thought as she eased around the crowd to get a better look.
Tori was all wrapped up in his game, and KoKo was ready to snatch her ass by the top of her Mohawk.
Night saw KoKo and tried to follow her gaze.
When he saw Tori wrapped up with the nigga from Atlanta, he too became alerted. “Hold up, Chuck,” he said, heading in KoKo’s direction.
Night slid down into the cut behind KoKo and tapped her leg. “You see that nigga?”
“Yeah, he tried to holla at me in the A,” KoKo said. “But you see Tori though.”
“You know she sleeping with Bas.” KoKo looked at Night with disgust.
“Get that nigga snatched up. Bring him to my office. Have Tori taken to the pool hall. I want the light on both they faces.” She headed to the elevator.
Night rose to his feet and looked around the room to assess the situation. He walked over to security and gave the word.
KoKo sat at her desk carefully maneuvering her thoughts.
Five minutes later, Night walked into the office followed by three security guards and the mystery man of the hour.
“Have a seat,” Night instructed.
The man walked over to one of the chairs in front of KoKo’s desk and casually sat down.
Two guards held post inside, and the other one posted up outside the door. Night stood right behind him, peering down and daring him to do or say the wrong thing.
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