“First, I would like to welcome you to New York. Can I get you anything? A drink? Something to smoke?” she asked, extending her arm toward the bar.
“No thanks. I’m good,” Damien smoothly stated, his gold tooth with the diamond star in the middle shined bright through his sneaky smile.
“Well, let’s get down to business then, shall we? Is there a reason why you all up in my ass?” She looked dead in his eyes.
“It’s funny that you should ask that. Because I heard that up in yo ass is the place to be. Deadly but definitely worth it,” he said, continuing to lock gazes with her.
“Is that right?” she said, looking at him like he’d lost his mind.
“Yeah, it’s right. I have been all over the world and been in the company of the best, but I must say. Nothing has been so intriguing than to follow a beautiful, powerful, yet dangerous woman.”
“So, let me get this straight. You’ve been following me even though you know it’s both deadly and dangerous?”
“I had to be in the presence of the woman who is responsible for the deaths of— “The man rambled off names, dates, and places.
KoKo’s blood pressure shot straight up when he ended his list with Savage.
“Look. I appreciate your extra hospitality, but if you don’t mind, there’s a woman downstairs that needs a long, deep conversation, and I’m trying to give it to her. Plus, the Atlanta PD is expecting me back to work on Monday.” He rose to his feet. “Y’all enjoy your evening.” He turned around.
“I hope your wife got life insurance,” KoKo said. “Is that a threat, Mrs. Wells?”
“No, I just heard your line of work is deadly, but I’m sure it’s worth it.” She gave him an evil smirk. “Travel safe.”
“You too,” he shot back.
Pausing to look up at KoKo, Night scowled and then headed to the door. The guards were posted up strong, ready to air his ass out.
“Let him go,” KoKo ordered.
They stepped aside slowly and escorted the gentleman to the elevator and then out the door.
“How the fuck this nigga get past us?” Night yelled, walking away from the monitors.
KoKo sat in her chair tapping her foot and reviewing in her mind who knew what and who was talking.
“Did Taz say who he gave up?”
“Nigga, you was in the same room I was in,” she said, looking up from her seat.
“What did Savage say?”
KoKo stared at the desk trying to review the conversation. “Well?”
“Hold the fuck up! I’m thinking.”
“If yo’ ass wouldn’t kill niggas so fast, maybe we could get some information out of ‘em.”
“Fuck you! Don’t blame this shit on me. If you weren’t down there fucking Goldie into la-la land you could pay more attention. That snake popped up in your city.”
“Shit!” Night yelled out.
“This fucking pregnant shit is cramping my style. My shit is all over the place—memory fucked up. I’m missing shit. Can’t smoke. You know a bitch need to blow something to have a good thought.”
Night paused and looked back at KoKo. “Pregnant?” “Don’t say the word. Just hearing it makes me sick.” “That’s why your ass getting thick. I thought it was because
my brother been handling his business.” He put a little smile on his face.
“Yeah, he handling his business and fucking mine up at the same damn time.” She shook her head.
“I slipped up too, KoK,” he confessed. “Oh, shit. Rain gonna kill yo ass.”
“It is what it is.” He shrugged.
“We both slippin’. This is some bullshit,” she said. They both started laughing.
Ai’ight, enough of this mushy shit. We gotta get on point,” KoKo said, sliding all the way into her desk.
Night walked over and took a seat. He was about to start talking when he looked up and saw Baseem moving like fifty miles per hour. “Look at ya boy.”
KoKo turned to the monitor and could see that Baseem was pissed. His nostrils flared, and his body language said ‘I’m about to kill a nigga’.
“Here we go,” KoKo said.
“You know he about to come in here with some bullshit, right?” Night sat back.
“Yes, and I am not in the mood. You think Kayson gonna be mad if I kill ‘im?” she joked.
“Maybe a little bit,” Night held his hand out to measure about an inch with his fingers.
“What the fuck is going on?” Baseem burst in the office. KoKo and Night were sitting back trying to remain calm. “What are you talking about?” KoKo asked calmly from
her desk.
“Tori hit me up and said they snatched her up and are holding her at the pool hall until they hear from you.”
“What the fuck you mean ‘and’? I had her on some shit.
You just fucked that up.”
“You had her on some shit, or you had her on your dick?” KoKo spat.
“Don’t fucking play with me. I ain’t these muthafuckas.
You know how I get down.” “Yeah, I heard.”
“Look, stay the fuck outta my business! You need to worry about who you fucking.”
“What the fuck is you talking about?” KoKo chuckled.
“Yeah, I saw yo ass with that Atlanta nigga. Rock, is it?” he asked, looking at her with the side-eye. “Yeah, talk some shit now. While you was all up in that nigga’s face, that detective was all in yo’ ass.”
“You don’t know shit about me.” KoKo didn’t even bother to clarify her actions.
“I know one thing. Yo’ ass is slippin’. Out here chasing niggas and doing sloppy ass murders.” He paused and looked at Night.
“This muthafucka,” he stated and then continued his rant. “From this moment on, I’m taking over this shit. You’re relieved,” he said to Night.
Then he turned his attention to KoKo. “I don’t know what the fuck you been doing, but go ahead and do you. But New York is mine now. I’m calling a meeting to sit everybody down. This shit has gotten way outta control.”
“Relieved? Muthafucka, you can’t relieve me.” Night stood up in Baseem’s face.
“It’s already done.” He glared back at Night.
Night turned to KoKo. “I’ma let you handle this, because this nigga done lost his muthafucking mind.” Night turned and walked to the bar to keep from laying hands on Baseem.
“No, I’m good. It’s y’all niggas who got the game fucked up,” he yelled.
KoKo was trying her hardest to remain civil, but Baseem was one wrong word away from getting it.
“We built this shit!” he shouted. “My brother put his blood, sweat, and tears into this organization. He sacrificed his fucking life! And you gonna sit here and fuck it up.”
That was the last straw.
“Well, Kayson ain’t here, and all of this”—she held her arms out— “is my shit, muthafucka.” There was no turning back now. “He left all this shit to me. I make the fucking decisions around here. Who the fuck you think you are? Come up in my shit and order me around. No, fuck that! You’re relieved.”
“You always talking about what you owe him. Well, here!” She went in the drawer, pulled out a wad of money, and threw it at his feet. “You paid your dues, and here is the fucking change.” She stood breathing heavy as sweat formed on her nose. “But I will tell you this. If you owe somebody, it’s me. You owe me some fucking respect!” She looked him square in the eyes.
Baseem was both shocked and pissed. If it were anybody else, he would have blown her fucking head off. Staring intently into her eyes he said, “I gotta take a piss,” in an effort to get out of her presence as quickly as possible.
“Well, be careful. Don’t let your big balls weigh you down on the way out,” KoKo said as he reached the door.
When he left the room, KoKo sat in her chair. Her hands shook and her heart raced.
“KoKo, you had to go there.”
�Not now, Night,” she said as she tried to calm down. “I almost killed him,” KoKo confessed. “But I know Kayson would never forgive me if I killed this nigga for trying to protect his legacy and be loyal to the code they set up.”
“Just give him a minute. He’ll calm down.”
“No, he won’t. Baseem is not built like that. Kay is going to have to get at him, or I’m gonna get at ’im.” KoKo put her hand up to her head.
I’m Taking Over . . .
Right after the big blow up between KoKo and Baseem, things were very cold between them. She had made her position clear. And he made his even clearer by going forward with his plan to fade her ass to the back. He immediately called a small meeting with the heads of each city to regroup everyone. He didn’t give a fuck what KoKo said, and as far as he was concerned, she had lost her ability to rule and he was taking over.
He carefully directed each man into their new position. There was a little confusion at first, but when he laid out his plan, each man saw a very profitable role and quickly got on board.
“Listen, this shit may get real dirty for a minute. But I promise you after the fall out, everyone will be in charge of their own city. And the only thing you will need me for is supply. We in the 21st Century. You, niggas should be able to stand on your own. If it’s heat, then the heat is on you. If it’s beef in your camp, then you handle it. We not coming to another man’s city and trying to rule. We will still have these meetings to make sure nobody is toe steppin’. But at the end of the day, you are the captain of your own ship.”
There was strong agreement in the room.
“That’s all for now. Let’s enjoy the night,” he announced as he passed the long table, patting a few of the men on the shoulder on his way by.
“Yo, Bas,” Moe yelled out, stopping him from exiting the room.
Baseem turned as the other men passed him talking and laughing.
“What’s up?”
“Is KoKo good with all this?”
“She don’t have no other choice.”
“I’m just saying. She been running ship well without Kay, and I’m just trying to feel which direction we moving in, that’s all,” he humbly stated.
“I feel you. And you got my word, we good. She got a lot of shit on her shoulders. I’m just stepping in to make sure we don’t collapse under the pressure.”
“That’s what’s up. Well, if you need me, you know me and my team stay at go.”
“Good to know.” Baseem stepped forward and shook his hand.
“Ai’ight, well let me go have some of this fun you got set up,” Moe said as he headed to the main room of the club.
“I’ll catch you out there.” Baseem left the meeting room and walked down the hall to the bathroom. While walking, he ran the conversation he had with KoKo through his mind. It was the first time he had ever had a blow up with her, and to be honest, he was feeling fucked up about it. The fact that she had not spoken to him since that night put a rip in his armor.
Entering the bathroom, he began putting together the words he needed to say to make things right between them. He knew better than anyone that Kayson would have a serious problem with any man disrespecting his wife, friend or not.
Baseem positioned himself at the stall. When he was done, he quickly zipped up and headed to the sink.
As he grabbed a paper towel, a dark figure caught the corner of his eyes. Carefully, he rubbed his hands, calculating how fast he could get to his gun. Glancing up at the mirror, he watched the figure move slowly in the shadows.
Being the man he is, and not about to surrender to any man, he quickly reached around his back and pulled out. With gun extended firmly in hand, he said what might have been his last words.
“Only a bitch comes at a nigga’s back.” His heart beat rapidly.
The figure moved from the stall, just enough to make his presence known.
Baseem looked him over for a weapon, but saw there was no threat of life or limb. When his hands moved up and his hood came back, Baseem almost shit his pants.
“Damn, nigga. If this is how you treat an enemy, I would hate to see how you treat a friend,” Kayson smoothly stated, looking Baseem square in the eyes.
“Muuuthafucka . . .” Baseem slurred, squinting his eyes to make sure they were not deceiving him. “Can’t be,” he mumbled. “Kay?”
“In the flesh,” he responded.
Baseem dropped his gun to his side. His heart raced and he breathed heavy.
“How the fuck?” he asked, still confused.
“It’s a long story. I’ll fill you in on the way to the house. I’ll meet you out back. Do what you gotta do out there. I’ll be in my truck.” Kayson pulled his hood back over his head.
“Stop shaking, nigga. I almost threw your ass some twenties. I trained you better than that,” Kayson joked.
“Nigga, dead muhfuckas don’t be in bathrooms and shit,” he shot back.
“Hurry up, I’ll see you outside.” He smirked, and then headed out the bathroom.
Baseem leaned against the sink and shook his head. He was fucked up and didn’t know what to think or how to feel. Then it hit him. All of KoKo’s sneaking around, the hickies, the panties in the dressing room. “That’s why she been acting like that.” A surge of relief came over him. For a minute he thought he may have to do something drastic. He tucked his gun away, and ran some water over his face.
Quickly, he rushed out the bathroom, gave out a few orders, and headed to the back. His energy increased as he got closer to the door. It was on now. Kayson was back, and their enemies better get ready for the body count.
- 37 -
When Baseem reached the truck, he and Kayson drove around for hours bringing each other up to speed on the shit going on inside and outside of the organization. When they were done, they picked up Night and headed to Atlantic City, where it all began.
Kayson, Bassem, and Night hit the 40/40 and enjoyed the club scene before going to their hotel suite. After a few drinks, they rolled some blunts, sat back on the plush couches with the lights dim, getting fucked up and talking shit.
“When the crew saw Kay walk into that room, I could hear their hearts drop to their toes,” Baseem stated.
“Hell yeah. They did not see that shit coming,” Night responded.
“I started to bring some chains and rattle them muthafuckas for effect,” Kayson said, reaching in his pocket and shaking his change.
“Oh shit! You crazy as hell,” Baseem said as they burst into laughter.
“Let me ask y’all something. How the fuck both of y’all niggas got babies on the way?” Baseem slurred out.
“Maaan . . . that shit was a set up,” Night confessed.
“Fuck you mean ‘a set up’?” Baseem shot back, taking a long pull on the blunt and then passing it to Night.
“Y’all know KoKo did that shit on purpose. Gonna put me in a house with not regular pussy, not okay pussy, but highly trained and skilled pussy. Made a nigga throw all the rules out the window and run them shits over with my truck.”
“Oh shit!” Baseem laughed as he reached for his drink and then sat back.
“Y’all niggas already know I got boss pussy. She got all my shit. Be talking shit and pulled a gun on me. Where the fuck they do that at?” Kayson chuckled.
“Y’all know KoKo ass is crazy,” Night said.
“When yo’ punk ass gonna settle down?” Kayson asked Baseem.
“Who me?”
“No, muhfucka, the nigga behind you,” he shot back.
“Fuck that. I’m not ‘bout that life. I don’t fuck with these bitches like that. Get all caught up in your feelings then a bitch get new on you.”
“You gonna die a lonely man,” Night joked.
“I won’t die a broke one. This nigga just said KoKo got all his shit. How we both gonna be broke?” he slurred.
They all looked at each other and then burst out laughing. “You stupid as hell,” Kayson
said as they continued to laugh.
“. . . Shittin’ me. These bitches already know. I live by one philosophy. Get on this dick, cook me something to eat, and try not to talk me to fucking death while it’s happening. And I might let you ride in the front seat.”
“Nigga, you retarded,” Night said, still laughing.
Baseem shrugged his shoulders and sipped his drink. “Damn, I miss us together like this,” he stated.
“You was about to kill me a week ago, nigga,” Night reminded him of his arrogance.
“My bad. You know a nigga need counseling,” he said, shaking his head.
“I got yo’ counseling, nigga,” Night said, and then pulled on the blunt.
“On the real. Out of all the shit we been through. I would have never thought that Al would have been a snitch and Wise a fucking crack head.”
“No excuses, but shit got rough when you faded to the back. Al let that shit happen. But KoKo put that heat on ‘em.”
“She is as loyal as they come,” Kayson stated.
“Yeah, KoKo held us down. She kept me and my family straight and made sure everybody ate while I was on lock. Niggas were coming for her, but she did what she had to do,” Baseem stated.
As the words left his mouth, Baseem thought about that nigga in Atlanta that he saw KoKo with. He started to say something, but figured now was not the time.
Night nodded in agreement. “So, where we taking this shit from here?” he asked.
“We about to bring some pain,” Kayson said, siting up and rubbing his hands together.
For almost three years he had plotted and planned, and with the enemy accurately identified, all he needed now was to make them bow to him.
- 38 -
Yuri stood at her father’s side with a sly smile on her face. Mr. Odoo had sent Yuri to oversee the shipment, and to her fortune, she found the Miami police snooping around and questioning the workers. She knew instantly Peppa had been dealing drugs out of the warehouse. The other thing she was certain about was that Mrs. KoKo was behind it. Being the daddy’s girl she was, her report was swift and accurate.
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