When she looked past her, she saw Quran standing in his pajamas with her .22 tight in his grip.
“My daddy said I was in charge. He said ‘protect your mommy’.”
KoKo began to cry at the sight of her baby at the other end of a gun. A ton of emotions flooded her body at once. Pain, fear, regret, and lastly, pride.
“Keep it pointed down and walk slowly to Mommy,” she instructed.
Quran walked slowly around Keisha’s dead body. When he got to KoKo’s side, he stood next to her with his eyes fixed on the woman he had affectionately called MiMi.
“It’s okay, baby. You didn’t do anything wrong.” She tried to soothe his little soul.
KoKo began pulling at the pipe in an effort to free herself.
Then she heard keys in the front door.
Kayson opened the door and unarmed the beeping alarm. He frantically called her name. “KoKo! Baby, where you at?”
“I’m in here, Kay!” she yelled back.
Kayson ran to the kitchen and almost lost it at the sight of KoKo tied up, Keisha laid out bleeding with a gunshot to the back, and Quran standing with a gun in his hand. He rushed over and gently took the gun from Quran, put it on the safety, and laid it on the counter.
“Move over, son,” he instructed as he began yanking at the pipes to free KoKo’s hands.
“Baby, look in that bag,” she said as she grimaced in pain.
He grabbed the bag, pulled everything out and turned it upside down. A key hit the floor. He unlocked the cuffs and then untied her feet.
“Ohhh . . . baby, be careful,” KoKo moaned as he moved her leg.
Kayson ran and got a towel, rushing back to her side. Wrapping it around her, he picked her up and held her in his arms. Moving to the phone on the wall, he called 911 and waited for the fall out.
Quran grabbed onto his father’s leg. “I kept her safe, Daddy. Right?”
“Yes, you did, son. Come on,” he said as he walked to the front door to meet the ambulance.
“Baby, what the fuck happened?” he tried to ask. KoKo lifted her head off his shoulder and looked in his eyes.
“As hard as we prayed that he would be better than us. He now has blood on his hands.”
A week later, KoKo was sitting in her bed watching Kayson smile as he looked at his baby girl Malika Kah’Asia Wells. KoKo beamed as he held his daughter while little Quran sat next to his dad rubbing her tiny hand on his face. Even though they had everything to live for, the pain of the past would not allow her to give up the search. She was determined to be a woman of her word and make everybody pay their debt, and the sacrifice wasn't shit. She couldn't wait for the baby to get old enough, because she was going after whoever was left and their whole family. For every devilish temptation within their darkened hearts, all their jealousy, power, and greed, she would use against them to set a trap that would ultimately end in death.
“Hello,” Tyquan answered as he ran on his treadmill.
“You know we can’t let that muthafucka live in peace, right?” the cold, malicious voice boomed through his speaker.
“Brenda, I got it.” He stopped the treadmill and grabbed his towel.
“No, I got it. You have had enough time to fuck shit up. From here on I’ll handle it,” she abruptly disconnected the call.
Book Discussion Questions
1. Was Baseem justified in killing Mugsy?
2. Should KoKo have told Baseem about Kayson to keep him from going off?
3. Did you see the twist with Keisha coming?
4. What will come of little Quran?
5. Did Goldie and Night cross the line? Was his death punishment for his disregard of orders?
6. Will KoKo stop or will she always be driven by her thirst for revenge?
7. Do you think there are any more weak links in the crew? If so who?
8. Was letting the Duchess live a smart move for KoKo or is she planning a bigger move?
9. What will become of Tyquan and will his treachery destroy everything Kayson and KoKo hold dear.
10. Who is Brenda Watson?
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