Why It's Still Kicking Off Everywhere
Page 33
Oldouz84 36, 37
Olives, Monchet 202–4
online popularity 75
On the Jewish Question (Marx) 143
Open Source software 139–40
Operation Cast Lead 33
organizational format, changing forms of 77–78
Organisation of Labour, The (Blanc) 187
organized labour 71–72, 143
Ortiz, Roseangel 161
Orwell, George 30, 129, 208, 210
Owen, Robert 142
Palafox, Felino 204–5
Palamiotou, Anna 97
Palestine 25, 121, 179, 180
Palin, Sarah 181, 182
PAME (Greek trade union) 90
Papaconstantinou, George 91, 97
Papandreou, George 88, 96
Papayiannidis, Antonis 103
Paris 39; 1968 riots 46; revolution of 1848 171, 172
Paris Commune, the 1, 72–73, 84, 132
PASOK 89, 91, 98, 99
Paulson, Hank 110
Petrache, Ruben 203–4
Philippines: Calauan, Laguna Province 202–4; Estero de Paco, Manila 200–2; Estero de San Miguel, Manila 196–99, 205–6, 206–9; Gapan City 193–96; Makati, Manila 204–6; New People’s Army 203
Philippines Housing Development Corporation 198
philosophy 29
phone hacking scandal 61, 148–49
Picasso, Pablo 127, 128, 132
Pimco 170
Poland 172
police car protester (USA) 4
Policy Exchange think tank 55
political mainstream, youth disengagement from 89–90
popular culture 65, 176
Porter, Brett 154, 155, 156
Port Huron Statement, the 129–30, 145
Portugal 92, 112, 188
postmodernism 28
poverty 121–22, 210, 211
Powell, Walter 77
power, refusal to engage with 3
power relations, erosion of 80–81
Procter & Gamble 23
propaganda of the deed 62
property 48
property bubble collapse 106–8
protectionism 124
protest, changing forms of 54–57
pro-Western dictators, support for 31
Prussia 191
Puente 165
Putnam, Robert 134
Quantitative Easing II 120–23
radicalization 33, 37, 47–48
radical journalists 149
Ramírez, Leticia 165
Real Estate Tax Authority Workers (Egypt) 19
Really Free School, the 1–2
@rebeldog_ath 96
reciprocity 77
Reed Elsevier 146
Reider, Dimi 179
Research and Destroy group 38–39
revolt, demographics of 66, 66–73
revolutionary wave 65
revolution, definition 79–80
revolutions: 1848 171–73, 173–75, 191, 192; 1917 173; 1968 173; 1989 173
Reynalds, Jeremy 159–60, 162–63
rice crops 195
Riches, Jessica, @littlemisswilde 41–42, 44, 45, 135–36, 138
Rimbaud, Arthur 132
River Warriors 201
Roads to Freedom (Sartre) 129
Road to Wigan Pier, The (Orwell) 208
Romer, Christina 117
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 169–70
Rove, Karl 30–31, 32
Rowan, Rory 54
Said, Edward 26–27
Said, Khaled 11, 148
@Sandmonkey 13
Sandra (Joy Junction resident) 160
Santa Cruz, University of California 37–39
Sarkozy, Nicolas 91–92, 98
@sarrahsworld 11–12, 14, 135
Sartre, Jean-Paul 129
Saudi Arabia 121
savings, and investment 107
Savio, Mario 4
SB1070 (USA) 164, 165–66, 166–67
self-esteem, and consumption 80–81
self-interest 111
self-reliance 68 self, the, social networks impact on 136–38
Sennett, Richard 68, 80–81, 131
Sentimental Education (Flaubert) 171
el-Shaar, Mahmoud 22
Shafiq, Mohammed 20–22
Shalit, Gilad 179
shared community 84
Sharp, Gene 83
Sharpton, Al 184
Shirky, Clay 138, 139, 140, 146
Sinclair, Cameron 199, 208
Sioras, Dr Ilias 90–91
Situationist movement 46–47
Situationist Taliban 1
slum-dwellers 68; numbers 198
social capital 134
social democracy 145
social housing 199
Socialist International 19–20
social justice 177, 191, 192, 209, 210
social media 7, 74–75, 77; collective mental arena 137; lack of control 37; power of 34–35; role of 56; and the spread of ideas 151
social micro-history 173
social networks 77, 82; impact of 147; impact on activism 138–41; and the self 136–38
social-republicanism 187
solidaristic slum, the 207
Solidarity 42
‘Solidarity Forever’ (song) 42
Soviet Union 28
Spain 66, 104, 105, 188
Spanish Civil War 209–10
species-being 143
@spitzenprodukte (art activist) 1
spontaneous horizontalists 44–46
spontaneous replication 55
Starbucks Kids 79
Steinbeck, John 153, 155, 159, 163, 164, 169
Stephenson, Paul 52
Stiglitz, Joseph 118
Strategy Guide (Sharp) 83
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique 188
strongman threat, the 177–78
student occupations 37–39, 44–46, 53, 53–54
students: economic attack on 38; expectations 67–68; population 70
Sudan 25
Suez Canal Port Authority 19
Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) (Egypt) 18, 20
surveillance 148
swarm tactics 82–83
swine flu epidemic 9
Switzerland 123
syndicalism 175–76
synthesis, lack of 57
Syria 25
tactics 54–57
Tahrir Square, Cairo 6, 69, 89, 139; chants 191, 211; Day of Rage, 28 May 15–17; demonstration, 25 January 10–14; numbers 13; Twitter feeds 13; volunteer medics 20–22
Taine, Hippolyte 73
Tantawi, General 19
Tarnac Nine, the 189
Tea Party, the 117–18, 124–25, 180–81
tear gas 93–94, 100–1
technology 65, 66, 74–79, 85, 133–36, 138–39; and the 1848 revolutions 173–74
Tehran, Twitter Revolution 34–37
teleology 131, 152
Tent City jail, Arizona 164–67
Territorial Support Group 50
Thatcher, Margaret 106
@3arabawy 10, 22, 71
Third Way, the 31
Time magazine 36
Tim (human rights activist) 1–2
Tim (Joy Junction resident) 160
Tocqueville, Alexis de 192
totalitarianism 147–48
toxic debt 110–11
trade wars 122, 124–25
transnational culture 69
Transparency International 119
Trichet, Jean-Claude 112
Truman Show, The (film) 29
trust 57
Tunisia: Army 178; economic growth 119; inflation 121; organized workforce 72; revolution 10, 11, 25–26; unemployment 119
Turkle, Sherry 136
Twitpic 75
Twitter and tweets 3, 74, 137–38; #wiunion 184, 185; @Ghonim 13; @mehri912 34; @norashalaby 13; @rebeldog_ath 96; @Sandmonkey 13; Egyptian revolution 13, 14; importance of 135–36; Iranian revoluti
on and 33–37; Madison, Wisconsin revolt 184; news dissemination 75; real-time organization 75; reciprocity 77; user numbers 135; virtual meetings 45
Twitter Revolution, Iran 33–37, 78, 178
Ukraine 177–78
UK Uncut 54–57, 58, 61
ultra-social relations 138
unemployment: America 159–63; Egypt 119; Spain 105; Tunisia 119; youth 66, 105, 119–20
UN-Habitat 199
Unison 57
United Nations, The Challenge of Slums 198–99
United States of America: agriculture 154–56; Albuquerque 159, 159–63; Arizona 164–67, 183; armed struggle 181–83; Bakersfield, California 168–70; budget cuts 156, 161, 167, 170; California 168–70; campus revolts, 1964 4; Canadian River 159; cattle prices 156; collapse of bipartisan politics 116–19; culture wars 179, 180–84; current-account deficit 107; debt 118; deportations 166; devaluation 123; Dodd–Frank Act 167; the Dust Bowl 154–55; economic decline 183–84; economic growth 170; Federal budget 156, 161; fiscal management 183; fiscal stimulus 117–18; fruit pickers 169; hamburger trade 156; healthcare bill 180, 183; homeless children 160; homelessness 159–63; Indiana 116–17, 125; Interstate 40 157, 170; job market 161; Joy Junction, Albuquerque 159–63; Madison, Wisconsin revolt 184–87; minimum wage workers 158; the Mogollon Rim 163; motels 157–58, 162–63; the New Deal 169–70; Oklahoma 153, 153–56; Phoenix, Arizona 164–67; police car protester 4; political breakdown, 1850s 182–83; property bubble 106–8; Quantitative Easing II 120–23; radical blogosphere 184; the religious right 118; repossessions 168; Route 66 157–59; San Joaquin valley 169; SB1070 164, 165–66, 166–67; State Department 178; states’ rights 183; student occupation movement 37–39; the Tea Party 117–18, 124–25, 180–81, 186; Tent City jail, Arizona 164–67; Tucson, Arizona 182; undocumented migrants 164–67; unemployment 159–63; wages 108; war spending 162; welfare benefits 162, 170
Unite Union 55
university fees 44, 47, 50, 54
urban poor 70–72
urban slums 191; Calauan, Laguna Province 202–4; clearance policies 198–99; education levels 207; Estero de Paco, Manila 200–2; Estero de San Miguel, Manila 196–99, 205–6, 206–9; Gapan City, Philippines 193–96; improvement policies 199, 205–6; internet access 207; labour force 208; living conditions 196–99; Moqattam, Cairo 6–10; population numbers 198
Vail, Theodore 74
Vanderboegh, Mike 181
Van Riper, Lieutenant General Paul 82
Venizelos, Evangelos 97–98
Vietnam War 129
virtual meetings 45
virtual societies 134
Vodafone 54–55
Vradis, Antonis 87–89
wages 108, 112
Walker, Scott 184
Walorski, Jackie 116–17
Walt, Stephen M. 26
war, threat of 178
Warwick University, Economics Conference 67–68
Washington Times 35
Wasim (Masry Shebin El-Kom delegate) 23
water supplies 194
wave creation 78
wealth, monopolization of 108
We Are Social 148
Weeks, Lin, @weeks89 184
Wellman, Barry 130
Wertheim, Margaret 136
White House, the 92
‘Why the Tunisian revolution won’t spread’ (Walt) 26
WikiLeaks 140
Wikipedia 46, 140
wikis 140–41
#wiunion 184, 185
Wobblies 176
Women’s liberation 132
Woods, Alan 33
Woollard, Edward 43
working class 68, 71–72, 79–80, 145; culture 72; revolutions, 1848 172–73
World of Yesterday, The (Zweig) 128
World Trade Organization 122
Yemen 25, 119, 121
youth 68; alienation 62; British 41–42, 44, 53–54; culture 70; disconnected 190; disengagement from political mainstream 89–90; radicalization 33, 37, 47–48; unemployment 66, 119–20
YouTube 75; Egyptian revolution on 11, 14, 15; Iranian revolution on 34, 35
Zamalek Sporting Club, ultras 16–17
Zapatistas 1
Zekry, Musa 5–6, 7, 23–24
Zola, Emil 191
Zweig, Stefan 128, 132–33, 152, 176
This revised and updated second edition first published by Verso 2013
First published by Verso 2012
© Paul Mason 2012, 2013
All rights reserved
The moral rights of the author have been asserted
UK: 6 Meard Street, London W1F 0EG
US: 20 Jay Street, Suite 1010, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Verso is the imprint of New Left Books
ISBN: 978-1-781-68245-6 (e-book)
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
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