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Good Cop, Bad Cop

Page 19

by Lily Harlem

  “Like this.” He was fingering me again, balancing on one hand as his other eased my entrance. Tugged, and gently stretched the pulled-thin flesh. “Yeah, that’s it.”

  I was aware of his hips curling at the same time as a fire-cracker of pain whipped over my taut skin.

  “Ow, oh, Jesus,” I cried. Fuck, the stretch, it was sore as hell but weirdly erotic too. To think that he was forcing his way into me, his cock shoving up against Dillon’s and wheedling its way into the small, moist space…

  “Breathe,” Dillon said, his own breaths hard and fast, jostling me on his chest. “Just remember to breathe through the pain.”

  “Oh, God.”

  I shut my eyes, became aware of Jose tunneling another inch into me. Dillon’s cock on its own had been big and solid, but now combined with the first section of Jose’s too, my body was alive with sensation, bursting with fullness. I willed my tight muscles to give. Every shred of me wanted to do this for Jose. I could see by the sheer determination on his face he needed it.

  This was his thing and I wouldn’t let him down. Not when disappointment seemed to take a starring role in his life.

  “Jose,” I gasped.

  “You’re doing great,” he said. “Tight, but not impossibly so.” He dropped a kiss to my lips. “You handling it?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “Once I’m in you’ll come,” he said, “it will feel fucking awesome, for all of us.”

  “Ah, God, get on with it,” Dillon groaned. “I’m not far off. Fuck!”

  Jose forced his way in some more. There was no room for him. His plundering entrance was simply an overwhelming force against my soft, pliant body. It had no choice but to give in, take it.

  I folded in on myself, shut my eyes and became lost to the pleasurable pain searing over my nerve endings and filling my cunt and pelvis. As his diameter increased, centimeter by centimeter, so did the strength of the packing sensation. There was nothing else to think about, nowhere else to go. They felt enormous side by side in me, like the size of a fist opening me up. Never before had I known such edgy bliss, such complete possession.

  “Ah, that’s it,” Jose said, sliding in to full depth. “Fuck, Dillon, she’s done it.”

  “Tell me about it,” Dillon groaned.

  Jose dropped his body over mine. He found my mouth and kissed me, though I could hardly kiss him back. I was flying in a different dimension. Visiting a place where only absolute, intense fullness existed.

  “We’re going to come inside you, together,” Jose said, “But only when you do, so just relax, okay?”

  I think I nodded, but I couldn’t be certain.


  Jose began to rock. There was no shunting in and out of cocks. They were too deeply buried, too tightly wedged against one another to move at all. But Jose’s hard body butted against my clit, and, already swollen and needy, it sprang to life. Zinging new sensations blasted around my pussy. I was on fire, desperate for it all. Now.

  Scrabbling for Jose’s shoulders, I clung onto him. The orgasm hovering was so big, so powerful I was scared that it would shatter me. How would I survive the climactic spasms in my cunt when it was already stretched to bursting?

  I groaned, a deep rumbling sound that was out of my control. I never thought this would happen to me, but now that it was I was as in awe of it as well as being steam-rollered by it.

  “Good girl, just breathe, just breathe and let it take you,” Dillon said into my ear, his breaths blowing like a storm.

  “Ah, fuck…so good, so much,” I cried.

  Jose was kind of kissing me, but it was clear that his attention, like mine, was below. Our lips swept over each other, then our tongues touched, slipped, moans rumbling from our mouths.

  “Oh, my God,” I managed when the wildness in my clit could no longer be contained. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” I sobbed, a mixture of terror and delight bubbling up from my chest. The strain inside me felt so inflexible, I had no idea how I would cope with climax. I was scared to find out but knew I had no choice now. The point of no return was upon me.

  Jose ground into me harder, offering nowhere to hide for my clit.

  “So are we,” he panted. “We’ll all come together. As one.”

  Dillon hissed in a breath, which he held, tight, expanding his chest and shifting me on him. But I barely noticed. As the pinnacle of pressure was reached and exploded, my entire body seemed to implode. In the core of my being were two pumping, jerking cocks spewing heat into me.

  My cunt gripped their shafts in a series of wild, tortured spasms. I couldn’t breathe, didn’t know if my heart would hold out. The sensation went on and on—it was as if my pussy couldn’t get enough of the invasion.

  I cried out, tortured and flung to ecstasy at the same time. My internal muscles weren’t able to release the climactic frenzy they’d been driven to because of the lack of room to convulse. This meant my orgasm swirled on and on, as if it was trapped inside me. No escape.

  I thrashed my head against Dillon, catching him on the chin.

  He called out, bucked and writhed beneath me, his climax extending with mine.

  Jose pulled in a breath, lifted up, shoved my legs wider and stared down at where the three of us were joined. Sweat shone on his forehead, and his abdominal muscles were tense and rippling in waves as his cock throbbed.

  “It’s not easing,” I cried. “Oh, God, you’re going to kill me with pleasure.”

  “You look fucking awesome,” Jose panted. “Full of us and all twitchy and wet around our cocks.”

  His words were jumbled in my mind and took a moment to sink in. I flapped my arms, searching for something to hold on to. Dillon found my hands and held them crossed tight over my chest in a secure embrace.

  Still my pussy convulsed, clamping on and off the thickness pulsing within me.

  Suddenly there was a tight pinching on my clit. I gasped.

  “Easy,” Jose said.

  Opening my eyes, I realized he’d caught my clit, was holding it tight as it tried to bob and tic.

  “Keep still, let it take you.”

  Tears were spilling down my cheeks, the enormity of the experience overwhelming.

  “You still…with us, baby?” Dillon asked, his words staccato and breathy.

  “Yes, oh, yes…”

  A sudden flare of heat burst in my clit. Jose had released it and blood surged through the bundle of swollen nerve endings.

  Again I cried out, a real scream this time as another fast and furious orgasm ravaged me.

  Wild, pyrotechnic lights surged in my vision even though my eyes were open. My cunt imploded yet again, surging great waves of contractions around their hard shafts.

  Now I was sure this would be the end of me. Who could survive this extreme sensation?

  Jose was holding me down by pressing on my belly, only adding to the pressure inside. Dillon had me wrapped in his arms. I wriggled and twisted but could barely move. They had me, completely. I was theirs to do with as they wished.

  “I’ve got you,” Dillon said gruffly. “I’ll bring you back down, just enjoy.”


  That was an understatement. I was being fucked into oblivion. I would never be the same again. My breaths were hard to catch. I was stuffed so full there was no room for air.

  “Shh,” Jose soothed. “Shh, calm now.”

  His words seemed to flick something in my brain and I willed my arched back to settle into Dillon, my fingers to stop clawing at his forearms. “Oh, oh, but…” I tried to drag in sensible breaths, enough to sustain me.

  “Shh,” he said again.

  Finally the spasms began to fade, the length of time between them drawing out, though each one still jerked my trapped legs and bowed my neck into Dillon’s throat. I gulped in air.

  “Good girl, look at me,” Jose said. “Breathe steady and look at me.”

  I didn’t realize my eyes were shut, so I opened them and stared up at h
im. He was sitting between mine and Dillon’s legs, still buried deep.

  “You okay?” he asked, shoving hair from his damp brow.

  “I…I think so.” My mouth was dry. I licked my teeth and gums.

  “I’m going to pull out now. You’ve had us both in there for long enough.”

  I nodded.

  He began to withdraw. Each tiny movement of his cock felt multiplied against my sensitive, extended walls. I groaned, both enjoying it and hardly able to bear it.

  Suddenly he slipped from me, a gush of fluid warming my outer lips and slipping down to my asshole and cleft. Dillon was still buried deep and my internal muscles contracted around him, drawing another guttural moan from his chest.

  “Ah, baby,” Dillon said. “You did it, that was awesome.”

  “I didn’t know that was possible,” I gasped.

  “It is if you can relax enough,” Jose said. “Which you did.”

  “Mmm, not just a pretty face.” Dillon pressed a kiss to my ear, a noisy, breathless kiss that sent goosebumps of pleasure spreading over my sweat-slicked flesh.

  Jose suddenly scooped me into his arms, tugging me off Dillon altogether and drawing me into his chest. More cum flooded from me, wetting my thighs and stickying the sheets.

  A final orgasmic tremor besieged me as I nestled into him, shut my eyes and felt my internal flesh clamp tight, as if re-aligning the muscles from the inside out. Squeezing itself back into shape.

  Dillon shifted from the bed and I felt the loss of his body heat, but only for a second, because then he was back.

  “Open up a little, before you rest,” he said then wiped a soft, warm flannel between my legs. Tenderly, thoroughly.

  The last thing I was aware of as I fell into a dark, sated sleep, was Dillon scooping in behind me and Jose kissing my forehead.



  Three months later

  “More. More. More,” the crowd bellowed.

  I strutted across the stage and grinned at the hundreds of thousands of people chanting at me. The night sky was full of flashing strobes, beaming up from enormous floodlights, and the sound of my band, eagerly rumbling the tune of a final encore, assured me of the fun they’d had in the last two hours of the show.

  “Goodnight, Denver,” I yelled into my microphone, giving a hearty wave. ‘Thank you for being so awesome. I love you all.”

  The roar that greeted me was louder than any explosion. They weren’t happy that it was over.

  And I knew why.

  “What do you want?’ I asked, stalking to the other side of the stage, my high-heeled boots making me feel even more on top of the world. “Tell me, what do you want?”

  “Two for the Price,” they chorused. “Two for the Price.”

  I tossed my Stetson to a floor-girl just off set. “I can’t hear you,” I shouted, flicking my hair over my shoulders and holding the microphone to the audience. I was hot and tired but buzzing. This was my second favorite place in the world to be.

  “Two for the Price,” they yelled again, this time in a sonic boom. One that couldn’t fail to bring another grin to my face.

  I whacked my hand on my hip, stared out at my sea of adoring fans and thanked the Lord that I was here, back on stage, singing. This was the last night of my Promise tour that had been so rudely interrupted by Liam, but then so sweetly made right by Jose and Dillon.

  “You don’t want that old tune,” I teased, feigning shock.

  But of course they did. Two for the Price had just hit number one in nine countries including the USA and the UK. I was flying high on its success and couldn’t help the thrill that went through me every time I sung the lyrics, knowing they were about two very special men who had no problem with sharing me.

  Naturally the crowd didn’t know that. The scandal would be shocking.

  “Okay then. If you insist.” I turned to Mike, my drummer. “Take it away,” I called, air drumming the first few beats as he whacked them out.

  And then I was off. Doing my thing. Singing, dancing, urging the crowd to join me in the chorus. The energy flowing from them was incredible, and it fed me like a nourishing meal. My body felt lithe, healthy, ready to go all night. The words tumbling from me were natural and catchy and when I heard the thousands of voices singing along with me I knew this was something I’d been born to do.

  That and loving Jose and Dillon.

  They were out there somewhere.

  Finally the song came to an end and I had to deny the Denver crowd any more encores. They’d had more than their money’s worth and it was time for me to leave the stage. I presented Meredith to the crowd and she gained, as usual, enormous applause, and then all my band members, each one adored also.

  The yells and cheers didn’t fade when I trotted down the steps and glugged on a bottle of water back stage. And it became obvious after five full minutes no one was leaving until I gave a final, final wave.

  Striding back onto the stage I blew kisses to the front row of the crowd, waved to the back. “This really is good night.” I shouted over the din. “I need my beauty sleep.”

  They roared and cheered manically, but this time as I flopped into a chair in a back-stage room, side by side with Meredith, their roars did eventually fade.

  “Phew,” Meredith said, mopping her brow. “That was amazing. I always love playing in Denver.”

  “Me too. They’re so welcoming here.”

  “You okay, Miss Moore?” Lawson asked, folding his arms over his beefy chest. He was my new bodyguard. Ex Special Forces, black belt in everything and hired by Jose and Dillon at a considerable cost, but, I was assured by them, worth every penny.

  “Yeah, fine. You enjoy the show?”

  “Very good, ma’am.”

  Meredith giggled and looked up at Lawson’s serious face. He was older than her by at least ten years, going gray around his temples and a little salt and pepper in his stubble. She thought him ruggedly handsome, so she’d told me, and also cute the way he called us both ma’am. I could sense that he would have to watch himself now that her heart was on the mend. She might just try to eat him up and I wasn’t sure how useful his black belts would be to him then.

  “Brilliant, as usual, darling,” Tommy said, dropping a kiss to each of my cheeks. “You completely wowed them.”

  He smelled of his strong, expensive cologne and I was happy to receive his hug. Since Liam had been discovered as my stalker I felt closer than ever to my friends. To think I could have entertained for a minute one of them might have wanted to harm me made me feel terrible. It was a secret emotion I was going to keep close to my heart for always. The thought of them ever finding out made me want to weep with shame.

  “So that’s it,” Tommy said, also kissing Meredith then standing straight, hands on hips. “The end of the tour, an international number one and the recording studio booked in six weeks’ time ready to start on the next album.”

  “We’re flying high,” I said, flapping my shirt to increase the flow of air. I was hot and damp. Ready for a shower.

  “Thank goodness,” Tommy said, shaking his head. “To think how it could have gone.”

  “We’ve been through this one hundred times,” I said with a sigh. “I’m fine, we’re all fine.”

  Meredith shuddered. “Still, it could have gone so differently. That video clip of him—”

  “Stop.” I held up my hand. “No more, it’s pointless going over it.”

  “Sorry.” Meredith gave me a grin. “But one last thing. Just to really put it behind us.” She reached into her handbag and pulled out a small pink box wrapped in a silver ribbon. “This is for you.” She handed it to me.

  “What’s this for?” I asked, taking it. “It’s not my birthday.”

  “You’ll see.” She clasped her hands together. “Go on, open it.”

  I grinned, a bubble of excitement going through me. Quickly I slid the ribbon free then lifted the lid on the box. Nestled on a bed of blac
k silk was a silver compact mirror, my first name engraved on the front.

  “Oh, thank you so much,” I said, giving her a hug. “Just what I needed.”

  “I know.” She shrugged and smiled. “Read the inside engraving.”

  “There’s more?”

  “Yes, open it up.”

  Carefully I undid the clip, briefly saw my reflection in the mirror and then held it up to read the delicate, scrawling writing on the inside. To my best friend. Thank you for sharing this crazy, fantastic ride with me. I love you, Meredith x.

  I reached for her, and now the tears did come. “I love it,” I said, “it’s perfect, and just so you know, this wouldn’t mean nearly as much if you weren’t on the stage with me, you’re my rock.”

  A little sob erupted in her chest. “We’re a pair of soppy things, aren’t we,” she managed through a smile.

  “I guess so.”

  We both laughed, slightly hysterically. Tommy rolled his eyes but grinned.

  “I gotta get going,” he said. “I’m meeting with some of the bigwigs who came to watch the show, possible six-figure advertising contract for next year.”

  I opened my mouth to speak.

  “Don’t worry.” He held up his hands. “I told them you wouldn’t be coming with me. That you were otherwise engaged.”

  “Good.” I stood and grabbed another bottle of water from a table. I kissed him again, on the cheek, then shouted goodnight to the band who were loitering near a table stacked with pizza.

  “Ready,” I said to Lawson.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I grinned at Meredith, who winked at me, then I headed down the corridor.

  My heart was pounding. I was on an adrenaline rush from performing, but also looking forward to seeing Jose and Dillon. I’d sent them tickets to the concert and back-stage passes, all access. It had been two weeks since we’d been together. They’d been undercover and I hadn’t been able to contact them even for a goodnight chat.

  My heart was tearing in two being apart from them. How it was possible to feel lonely when more than two hundred thousand people were screaming your name was beyond me. But that was how my life was now.

  I just wanted to be with them.


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