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Page 42

by Peter David

  Team Room, the

  The main crew lounge aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur, located on Deck 7 in the rear of the saucer section. Its name was a holdover from a term used in the early days of space exploration.


  Yakaban man. Brother to Kusack. Came to Narrin with his two brothers, Qinos and Shadrak, to rescue his other brother, Kusack, from Majister Fairax’s gaol. In the attempt, Temo murdered Majister Fairax. Temo and his brother Qinos later attempted to ambush Calhoun during a duel with Krut. Their scheme did not go as planned. The ambush went awry, Temo murdered Rheela during the altercation, and was killed in turn by Rheela’s son, Moke.

  Tentacle, The

  Aptly descriptive name given to a creature composed of energy plasma that “hatched” from the warp core of the U.S.S. Excalibur, killing Ensign Christiano. Research by Lt. Soleta indicated the Tentacle was likely related to the Great Bird of The Galaxy, which destroyed Thallon.


  Vulcan female. Nursemaid to Selar’s child, Xyon.


  The capital city of the now-destroyed planet Thallon.


  A disintegrated pile of rubble that was once the capital planet of the Thallonian Empire. It was never harmless.

  Thallonian Empire, The

  A wide-ranging autocratic empire that controlled most of the star systems in Sector 221-G, until its recent collapse.


  A large, agrarian animal on Xenex.


  Xenexian profanity that refers to the fecal products of a t’han. Can be used as a synonym for “nonsense.”


  Xenexian animal held in low regard. Typically referenced in the Xenexian epithet, “son of a tharn.”

  Thul, Gerrid

  “Madman” who created a computer virus that came close to wiping out the Federation. His allies, who included Rafe Viola (a.k.a. Sientor Olivan), introduced a delayed-reaction computer virus into the Excalibur that destroyed it. That virus was an artifact of the incident the Federation called the “Double Helix situation.” The same virus was later introduced by Nik Viola into the central computer of the El Dorado hotel on Risa.

  Tiempor, Shad

  Ruler of the Enevian Empire in the 39th century. Placed the Excalibur and the planet Haresh under retroactive Enevian protection in the 24th century, thwarting a Redeemer assault on the planet and preventing the Federation timeship Relativity from destroying the Excalibur, which tried to protect Haresh from the Redeemers.

  Titan Colony

  One of the first extraterrestrial colonies founded by Earth’s fledgling space program. By the 24th century, the colony was in serious disrepair and was generally neglected by the Federation. Its main entry port is Catalina City. Local authorities enforce strict laws against the possession and use of energy weapons.

  Torelli, Engineer’s Mate

  An engineering crewman, working under Chief Engineer Burgoyne 172, aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur.


  Tactical officer aboard the Thallonian flagship under the command of Sedi Cwan.


  Mother of Starfleet officer Soleta. Raped by a Romulan criminal named Rajari on a remote world. The rape produced Soleta, whom T’Pas and her mate, Volak, raised as their own child. T’Pas died unexpectedly, at a young age for a Vulcan, the victim of a rare virus.


  Ancient Vulcan female adjudicator. Presided over Burgoyne 172’s petition for parental rights to Xyon, whom he sired with Selar. T’Pau upheld Burgoyne’s parental right to demand the ritual of Ku’nit Ka’fa’ar.

  Tulaan IV

  A planet of varied climates, its lush agrarian centers are sparsely populated and tended by robots. The Redeemers congregate in a harshly cold and inhospitable region known as Medita.

  Tulaman the Misbegotten

  Leader of an Eenza clan from the western tropical region of Zondar.

  Tulleah, Mount

  A high elevation located in the Gondi Desert on Vulcan. Selar ascended Mount Tulleah many times during her youth, finding it a source of peace and contemplation. It is faithfully represented in at least one holodeck simulation aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur.

  Tulley, Lieutenant Commander Chris

  Science officer of the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Shelby. Slim and waspish. Graduated from Starfleet Academy two years early.


  A Yakaban man who was murdered by Kusack following a disagreement over the outcome of a card game.

  Unblinking Eye of Mynos, The

  Name given by the Barspens leaders to an artifact they stole from the people of Ysonte.


  An ethnic group on the planet Zondar that engaged in a protracted civil war against its neighbors, the Eenza. The eventual outcome of their conflict was predicted by the Zondarian prophet Ontear.


  The most massive of the Dogs of War, a full head and a half taller than Rier, the leader. Not very bright. Was deceived by Xyon of Calhoun, who slipped past Vacu to use the Dogs’ own command ship to destroy their other vessels.

  Verdin, Zoran Si

  A Thallonian agitator, a best friend turned worst enemy of deposed prince Si Cwan. Si Cwan described Zoran as being “almost insane in his hatred.”

  Zoran laid a trap for Si Cwan aboard the science vessel Kayven Ryin by placing the name of Si Cwan’s sister, Kalinda, on the ship’s passenger manifest. Zoran later confessed to having murdered Kalinda, but subsequently recanted the statement. In truth, he abducted Kalinda to the planet Montos, where he brainwashed her into believing she was a Montosian, the daughter of a woman named Malia. Verdin visited occasionally to keep tabs on Kalinda, so that he might follow her when she received The Summons, to locate The Quiet Place.

  Viola, Nikolas

  Son of Rafe Viola. A young man, commonly goes by the diminutive “Nik.” Handsome, with strong, chiseled features, eyes of ocean blue, thick eyebrows. His nose is slightly large. His hair is blond, combed tightly back, with a perfectly pointed widow’s peak.

  Rescued Robin Lefler from a tight spot while spelunking on Risa. Later murdered Quincy, manager of the El Dorado hotel, and attempted to kill engineer Montgomery Scott, who escaped attack by leaping—apparently to his own death—down a deep computer core shaft. Nik was in the computer core area to plant a virus in the El Dorado’s central computer on behalf of his father, Rafe, who might have been manipulating him through mind control.

  Nik was killed on Risa by a subterranean, gelatinous carnivore.

  Viola, Rafe

  An alias of Sientor Olivan, a human male whom Si Cwan accused of murdering Si Cwan’s teacher, Jereme, based on the account of a dream experienced by Si Cwan’s sister, Kalinda.

  A tall and distinguished-looking man, Rafe was handsome, and his hair was carefully cropped and shaped, with crests of gray on either side.

  Rafe Viola/Sientor Olivan was instrumental in creating and delivering a computer virus that destroyed the Federation Starship Excalibur. He planted a similar virus in the central computer of the El Dorado hotel on Risa.


  Mate of T’Pas and nonbiological father of Starfleet officer Soleta. Tall, distinguished, with eyes glittering with quiet intelligence.


  A Vulcan archaeologist who was the husband and mate of Dr. Selar. He died of a coronary failure while consummating the Pon farr ritual with Selar.

  Vonce of the Many Fortunes

  Leader of an Eenza clan from the western tropical region of Zondar.


  A Vulcan vegetable soup that simmers for a long time before being served.

  Wagner, Lieutenant Glen Scott

  Deputy chief of security aboard the U.S.S. Exeter, under the command of Captain Elizabeth Shelby. Wagner reports directly to Lt. Kahn, Exeter chief of security.

  Walking Grin, The

  Nickname given to Robin Lefler by her mother, Morgan Lefler. It
referred to the young Robin’s constant efforts to cheer up Morgan, who frequently was depressed.

  Watson, Polly

  A transporter officer aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur.

  Widow Splean

  Feisty Litenite woman farmer who was assaulted by delinquent students of the Kondolf Academy. The two Tellarites and their Andorian accomplice threatened to knock over the Widow Splean’s harmless furn.

  Williams, Commander Holly Beth

  Starfleet officer assigned to the command offices on Vulcan. Friendly, casual, insists on being called “H.B.,” and won’t answer to “Holly.” Speaks with a slow drawl, has a round face, seen-it-all eyes, and short brown hair. Provided clandestine, unofficial help to Soleta in locating the released prisoner Rajari.

  Wynants, Medical Technician Patty

  Member of Dr. Kosa’s staff aboard the U.S.S. Exeter. Twin sister of Sali Wynants, who serves aboard the Exeter in the same capacity. The twins are known to speak in sync with one another, and to sometimes finish each other’s sentences.

  Wynants, Medical Technician Sali

  Member of Dr. Kosa’s staff aboard the U.S.S. Exeter. Twin sister of Patty Wynants, who serves aboard the Exeter in the same capacity. The twins are known to speak in sync with one another, and to sometimes finish each other’s sentences.


  Woman to whom Morgan Primus addressed a personal letter. Although the exact identity of the addressee is unclear, there is some evidence to suggest the letter was intended for Lwaxana Troi of Betazed.


  Deity of the Redeemers of Tulaan IV, who refer to Him as “He Who Had Gone On” and “He Who Would Return.” Redeemer mythology holds that Xant passed through the Beyond Gate into another plane of existence, and that He will return through the Beyond Gate at the time of the Second Coming of Xant.


  The religion of the Redeemers, who worship the “great god Xant.”


  A Class-M world located near the border of the Thallonian Empire in Sector 221-G. It is the homeworld of the Xenexians, and of Starfleet Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, a.k.a. M’k’n’zy of Calhoun, who in his youth led a revolt that ended the 300-year-long occupation and oppression of Xenex by the Danteri.


  Indigenous inhabitants of the planet Xenex.


  The half-Vulcan, half-Hermat offspring of Burgoyne 172 and Dr. Selar. Named in honor of Xyon of Calhoun.

  Although predominantly Vulcan in appearance, Xyon displayed such Hermat traits as early maturation of physical skills and a mode of locomotion that involves traveling on all fours rather than fully upright.

  Xyon of Calhoun

  Son of M’k’n’zy and Catrina of Calhoun. Captain of the Lyla. Born during the Xenexian uprising against the Danteri. Possesses low-level, instinctual psionic abilities that proved sufficient to fool the Redeemer Overlord into believing Xyon was dead. Later faked his own death during the Excalibur’s rescue of Tulaan IV from the Black Mass, by slipping away during a crisis using his ship’s cloaking device.


  A harsh planet with large swaths of barren terrain and desert. Its city communities tend to be fairly insular in nature. Communication and contact between localities is discouraged.


  Humanoid species indigenous to Yakaba. Typically pale in complexion.

  Yates, Ensign

  An engineering crewman, working under Chief Engineer Burgoyne 172, aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur.


  Fictional character: the late lamented court jester of Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet.

  Yoz, Thallonian Chancellor

  A leader of Thallonia who attempted to apprehend Soleta for trespassing. Soleta managed to embarrass Yoz while she resisted arrest, eventually trapping him under his own mount. Yoz later helped the people of Thallonia overthrow the ruling class, including High Lord Si Cwan and his family.


  Technologically inferior world, from which such priceless treasures as centuries-old, elaborately carved gems and statues were stolen by Barspens leaders, who presented them to the Barspens people as “sacred artifacts.”


  Native inhabitants of Ysonte. Little technology, not much in the way of weaponry. Excellent artisans and sculptors. They hired Xyon of Calhoun to recover their stolen artifacts from the Barspens.

  Yukka Chips

  Small, greenish, curved waferlike Thallonian delicacy.


  Litenite female, the beautiful wife of Adulux. She was abducted for several days, or possibly longer, by Q. After her rescue from captivity by Adulux, Mark McHenry and Zak Kebron—upon whom she developed an unrequited crush—she soon left Adulux for another man.


  This world produces what is regarded as the best ale in the quadrant, better even than Romulan Ale and twice as difficult to obtain. A Starfleet survey team was captured on Zantos by local inhabitants, and the leader was subjected to harsh punitive measures. Allegedly, Starfleet Captain Mackenzie Calhoun snuck onto the planet’s surface and absconded with a case of Zantos Ale, with the Zantosian fleet in hot pursuit.


  An Orion slave-girl who belonged to an Orion trader named Krassus. She originally was meant to be sold by Krassus to a buyer named Barsamis, but Krassus reneged on the deal and murdered Barsamis when he filed a protest. Krassus later lost Zina to Mackenzie Calhoun in a game of Six-Card Warhoon, but the loss turned out to be a ruse to allow Zina to distract Calhoun with her feminine charms while Krassus attempted to stab Calhoun from behind. Their plan failed. Miserably.


  Planet wracked by a bloody civil war between the Unglza and Eenza that was halted by the Thallonians, who were under the command of a distant ancestor of Lord Si Cwan. The Thallonian fleet ended the conflict by destroying the eastern seaboard of a major Zondarian continent, killing 500,000.


  Natives of Zondar. They have leathery skin that glistens, making it appear always wet. They are all bald, devoid of body hair, and have clear eyelids that make clicking sounds when they blink. They are highly insular by nature and resentful of outsiders; their social structure is based around clans. They possess limited transporter technology that can beam materials to and from fixed transmat pads, but they lack the capture-and-receive technology possessed by the Federation and other, more advanced major Alpha Quadrant species.




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