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Nobody's Obligation (Swimming Upstream #2)

Page 28

by Rebecca Barber

  With a deep laugh, Miss Perfect dropped the book into her bag and slung it across her shoulder. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Could be anyone. Guess we’ll never know.” She shrugged but Ava wasn’t about to let it go. There was more going on here than a simple smile. There was a sneakiness behind it which intimidated Ava more than she cared to acknowledge.

  “Yeah, I guess we won’t,” Ava confirmed.

  “I’ll be back. Excuse me.” Miss Perfect said politely before clambering over people and disappearing down the stairs.

  Ava turned back to face Amanda and wasn’t surprised to see her looking like she was going to burst. “Seriously! Go!” Ava exhaled heavily. That was all the encouragement Amanda needed to break out into a wild fit of laughter which left her coughing and spluttering and gasping for air. When Amanda finally started to get herself under control, Ava looked at her, her mouth set firmly in a line. “Better now?”

  “That was fucking hilarious,” Amanda gasped as she continued to fight to get herself under control.

  “Glad it amused you,” Ava retorted dryly.

  “That it did, Ava. That it did.”

  When the first competitors were paraded out and lined up behind the starting blocks, Ava’s heart skipped a beat. It was time. Glancing down at the program in her hands, she knew she only had to sit through five races before Tyler was up. The knowledge that within minutes Ava would see him again sent her pulse sky rocketing. But she had to make it that long first. So she went through the motions without conscious thought. When each swimmer was announced, Ava clapped. Moments after their name had been declared, she’d already forgotten it but she clapped along with everyone else because it seemed like the right thing to do.

  When a large hand landed on her shoulder, Ava jumped in shock. “Excuse me, Miss,” a deep voice interrupted her. Ava’s head spun almost off her neck as she traced the hand resting on her shoulder up to the face. A big, burly man with a wild red beard and a stern look on his face had her in his sights. “Can you please come with me?” he instructed, not really leaving any room for discussion. Ava noticed the name of a security company written on his bright orange vest and knew she had no choice.

  “S-Sure,” Ava stuttered, as she dropped her handbag into Amanda’s lap and slipped her phone into her pocket.

  Ava followed in silence until she reached the steps leading towards the exit. That’s when she passed Little Miss Perfect, who had a Cheshire cat grin across her perfect face. Ava was completely lost and confused, but more than anything she was annoyed. Everything was going wrong. Not that she wasn’t used to things going wrong, that was the story of her life. But tonight, all she’d wanted to do was to sit back anonymously and ogle from afar. And it had all gone to shit.

  “Where are we going?” Ava squeaked nervously.

  “Just a little further. Please just follow me,” his voice rasped.

  As the crowd thinned, Ava’s fear sky rocketed. When her chaperone flashed his pass and indicated that Ava was with him, she was overcome with the urge to run. Run anywhere. It really didn’t matter. As long as she got out of there.

  “Through here please, Ms. Jacobs,” he said softly as he indicated an open door.

  Ava took a step towards him before his words registered. “Hey, how did you know my name?” she asked. He didn’t answer. Instead he shrugged as he gestured for her to enter.

  Chapter 51


  Tyler was running out of time. He knew he had to get ready. Hell, he should have already been making his way to the marshalling area but nothing was going to stop him. He couldn’t help but laugh as he recalled the conversation with Jake as they planned and schemed to turn Ava’s ordered and boring, predictable life on its head. Tyler hoped that Jake was right when he promised that Ava would be mad at first but she’d come around. Eventually. But right now Tyler had to focus. He had to live through the next five minutes and then calm down and go and race his heart out. Especially if a certain someone was watching.

  The sound of footsteps in the corridor made his heartbeat feel like it was going to smash through his ribcage. He could pick Ava’s voice through the echoes from the stands above. As swimmers were introduced, the cheers and clapping ebbed and flowed, depending on the swimmer. Tyler had always felt a bit sorry for the lesser known competitors. It must be disheartening to be standing there ready to compete with someone who was physically bigger and stronger, who you knew their split times, and then for the crowd to go absolutely apeshit when they were introduced. Tyler barely remembered the feeling, but even now, the nerves still sometimes got the better of him.

  “Through here please, Ms. Jacobs,” a baritone voice asked politely.


  Tyler sucked in a breath, dug his hands in his pockets as far as they would go and walked to the opposite side of the room.

  “Seriously?” Ava exclaimed with a huff.

  Tyler didn’t need to see her to know she was near. He felt her the moment she glided through the door. The air surrounding them crackled. His throat was suddenly dry and his palms sweaty. The wide, unbridled smile that reached his eyes couldn’t be contained. As excited as Tyler was to see Ava, he was equally as terrified.

  “H-Hi,” Ava stuttered.

  Tyler stood before her wearing nothing but a pair of track pants, runners, and the most seductive smile he owned. His hair was still wet, sending rivulets dripping down onto his perfectly sculpted, perfectly toned, perfectly tanned chest. Ava’s mouth watered at the sight.

  Tyler spun on his heel, his gaze colliding instantly with hers. For a moment they both stood there. Stunned. Neither moved. Neither spoke. Barely breathing. They just stood there, staring at each other.

  “Seriously?” a voice behind Ava broke the silence, shocking them both.

  Ava spun around, almost tripping over her own feet. Tyler jumped, wrapping his hand around Ava’s arm before she fell. Her gaze landed on Little Miss Perfect leaning against the door, watching them like they were the funniest thing she’d ever seen.

  “Don’t!” Tyler’s voice was thick with warning.

  “Tyler?” Ava asked as she took a cautious step back towards him.

  “Yeah, Tyler?” Little Miss Perfect taunted.

  “Fucking seriously, Katie. You enjoying this?” Tyler growled as he let go of Ava.

  “Katie?” Ava questioned, her eyes darting between Tyler and Miss Perfect, who were now locked in a staring contest, both with smirks covering their faces. Daring the other to break first.

  “Seriously, Tyler? You won’t win,” Miss Perfect snickered.

  Tyler opened his mouth to speak but the overhead speaker drowned his voice out. He was being summoned to the marshalling area. Ignoring Katie, Tyler turned to face Ava. “Hey.” It was as if the last couple of minutes never happened.

  “Hey.” Ava grinned back.

  “So…that was some trick you pulled the other morning.”

  “Who, me?” Ava played coyly.

  “Yes, you,” Tyler’s voice was gravelly.

  “Sorry?” Ava shrugged, wrapping her arms around her chest protectively.

  “No, you’re not. But I got you something anyway.”

  Ava’s eyes were dancing. They were caught in their own private happy bubble. Even though Katie still leaned against the door, able to hear every word, grinning like a Cheshire cat, neither Tyler nor Ava cared. Or even noticed her.

  “My seats…” Ava began but Tyler shook his head. “They weren’t the seats I bought?”

  “Okay, so I may have found out from a little birdie that you had shitty seats and had them upgraded. But having you where I could see you was really a present for me.” Tyler shrugged nonchalantly as if it was nothing.


  “Well, now I know exactly where you’re sitting.” Tyler explained and stepped slowly towards Ava. He watched as Ava’s pupils dilated and she swallowed deeply. He knew that he was getting to her. Her short, sharp breaths gave her away. Now was the ti
me for revenge. After the way Ava had left Tyler blindsided in the car park, leaving him nothing but a kiss to remember, payback was his. Tyler reached out his huge hands and wrapped them around Ava’s curvy hips. Beneath his fingertips he felt Ava shudder, and satisfaction ran rampant. “And now I can keep my eye on you. And no one can try to steal you away,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Vomit!” Katie interrupted.

  “Katie!” Tyler barked.

  It took a moment, but Ava had reached breaking point. It had been a long day. “Seriously. Who the fuck are you?” Ava said, turning around and coming face to face with Little Miss Perfect.

  “Tyler?” Katie offered, raising a quizzical eyebrow.

  Unable to drag his hands away, Tyler ran his hands up Ava’s arms until they rested on her shoulders. “Ava, please meet the biggest pain in my butt. My sister, Katie.”

  “Sister?” Ava gasped, humiliated. Without a word, Ava tried to wriggle from Tyler’s grasp but he held firm. He wasn’t about to let her go anywhere.

  “Hey, Ava.” Katie waved, pushing off the wall and walking towards them.

  Ava tried again to get away but Tyler was having none of it. “Ava, stop!” Tyler instructed, earning him a death stare.

  Katie’s infectious laugh filled the room. “I like you. You’re feisty,” Katie told Ava. “Tyler, why don’t you leave Ava with me and go swim. They’re calling you. I promise I won’t let anyone near her,” Katie offered genuinely.

  “It’s not them I’m worried about!” Tyler muttered under his breath.

  His unabashed discomfort helped Ava to relax. “Tyler, go. I’ll be fine. I want to watch,” Ava tried to placate him, but he wasn’t buying it.

  Glancing over Ava’s head, Tyler begged his sister, “Give us a minute?”

  “You’re that quick?” Katie teased.

  “I can still throw you on the ground and tickle the shit out of you,” Tyler replied, his voice firm, his jaw set, but the mischief in his eyes betrayed him.

  “Just try it, buddy. I’ll show your girlfriend the photos of you playing dress up in Mum’s clothes,” Katie countered, winking at Ava before she ducked through the door.

  Tyler took a deep breath before turning back to Ava. “Please, please ignore her,” he pleaded.

  “No promises.” Ava grinned, not giving an inch. “Tyler, go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Hesitation flashed across Tyler’s face but he shook it off quickly. “I want you to have something.”

  “Tyler, you didn’t have to…”

  “Yes, I did.”


  Tyler’s finger came down on Ava’s lips and silenced her objections. “Ava, shut up!” Tyler silenced her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a lanyard before draping it around Ava’s neck.

  Ava reached up and fingered the pass at the end. “What…?”

  “After the races finish, use that to come back down here. It will get you past security and down to the pool deck. I’ll meet you right here.” Tyler grinned widely.

  After a pause, Ava flipped it over and gulped. “Tyler…thank you. But…but I can’t,” Ava confessed sadly.

  “Why the hell not?” Tyler asked, his voice full of shock.

  “I’m here with Amanda I can’t just abandon her. That’s not right,” Ava rushed all her words together.

  Grinning, Tyler reached into his pocket and pulled out a second pass. “That’s why I got her one too.” Tyler laughed, overly pleased with himself.

  “You think you’re pretty clever, don’t you?”


  “Go. Race. Win.” Ava told him as she waved her hand dismissively.

  “Yep.” Tyler laughed before he swept Ava dramatically into his arms, tipped her backwards, and kissed her, long and deep, leaving her flushed and breathless. “Gotta run.” He smiled as if nothing had just happened.

  Ava tried to force her scrambled thoughts back together, “Tyler!” she called out just before he reached the door. Fingering the pass hanging from her neck, Ava saw the picture. “Where’d you get the photo?”

  With an overly pleased cackle, Tyler just looked Ava straight in the eye. “Facebook!”


  “And Jake!” Tyler added, before disappearing out the door, leaving Ava standing in the middle of an empty room, lips tingling, trying to force her breath back under control.

  Chapter 52


  The moments ticked past and Ava continued to stand frozen where Tyler had left her. She was still reeling too much to risk putting one foot in front of the other and attempting to walk. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted movement and swivelled her head to follow it, her feet still firmly planted.

  Katie crept inside the room. “Ava? Are you all right?” Katie asked with a calm, motherly tone.

  “Your brother…your brother. I don’t know whether I want to strangle him or screw him.” Ava huffed heavily, feeling instantly lighter the moment the words left her mouth.

  Katie didn’t even bother to pretend. “Firstly, eww! That’s my brother. And secondly, I honestly don’t think he would mind either way.” Katie giggled, stepping forward. Ava raised her eyebrows in surprise at her honesty, but Katie didn’t shy away. “That brother of mine is a good guy. Don’t get me wrong, he still bugs the shit out of me, but generally he’s a good guy. And he likes you.”

  “No—” Ava countered quickly.

  “Yeah, Ava, he does. You may not want to admit it. You may not even want to hear it. Hell, I don’t know you well enough to know if you even want him to. But the truth is…he does. He’s happier than he’s been in a long time and if that smile he can’t wipe off his face is because of you, well then, I’m one hundred percent on your side,” Katie declared adamantly.

  Ava was shocked by Katie’s blunt honesty. She wasn’t used to dealing with people who were so open and candid. It was refreshing. And terrifying. “I…I don’t know,” Ava exhaled.

  “Don’t sweat it. Really, Ava. You’ll figure it out. But right now, let’s get back up to the stands and make sure he does what we all came here to see. Win this damn race.” Katie grinned, her eyes lighting up as she linked her arm through Ava’s and led her down the corridor and back into the stands.

  Ava and Katie walked arm in arm as they twisted through the corridors and back up into the stands. When they collapsed into their seats in a fit of giggles, Amanda shot them a confused look. With a shake of her head, Amanda couldn’t help but to ask, “So I guess you two have met now?”

  Shooting death glares between Amanda and Katie, Ava couldn’t control her snarky attitude. “You know each other?”

  With a casual shrug of her shoulder, Katie just laughed. “We needed an insider!”

  “And I volunteered,” Amanda quickly added.

  Ava shot them confused glances. She knew Amanda was telling the truth. This was exactly the sort of shenanigans she would love to be involved in. In fact it was the sort of mischief Amanda would feel cheated of if she wasn’t. And a minor role wouldn’t do. It had to be a starring part.

  “You both suck, I hope you know that!” Ava pouted, spinning in her seat to focus all her attention on the pool deck. Behind her the laughing continued, and as much as she wanted to be cranky and annoyed, she couldn’t help but feel blessed.

  “Yep! We know.” Amanda grinned, nudging Ava in the ribs. “But you wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “You sure?” Ava dared.


  “She’s right,” Katie added, not one to be left silent in the shadows.

  “You don’t even know me!” Ava reminded her.

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Katie said with a shrug. “But I know him. And you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

  Ava’s gaze followed Katie’s outstretched hand. There he was again. And although he was across the arena, Ava felt her heartrate take off and warmth flood her. It frustrated the shit out of her. How could he cause such an in
tense physical reaction without even touching her? Ava forgot about everything. Katie and Amanda’s voices faded into silence. The cheers and clapping from the crowd were no louder than a pin drop. Ava’s entire being was focused on Tyler. And as he strode confidently towards the centre lane, Ava couldn’t tear her eyes away. She didn’t want to. And this time she didn’t even pretend to.

  The swimmers were introduced one by one to the crowd and they went through the motions. One step forward, wave to the crowd, pull off their shoes, then shirt, then pants before starting to stretch. Ava watched as four swimmers went through the process, but when the fifth stepped forward Ava held her breath. Everything else faded away. The aquatic centre was empty and silent. Well, it might as well have been. And when Tyler’s name was called, a roar echoed, but it was the tiny smile that danced on his lips as his gaze landed on Ava that almost knocked her on her arse. He’d seen her. Suddenly it was personal. It was private. It was just for them.

  “Told you so,” Katie whispered into Ava’s ear.

  It took a full minute for Ava to pull herself together enough to understand what was going on. With all the swimmers introduced, they were lining up behind their block, ready to race. “What? I don’t—”

  With a knowing smirk on her face, Katie couldn’t help but enjoy Ava’s obvious obliviousness. “Of course you don’t. But everyone else who knows either of you does. I can see the sparks from here.”


  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Ava! Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t suit you. Do you think that Jake and I would have gone to these lengths if we weren’t one hundred and ten percent sure that, one, he wouldn’t hurt you. And two, you wanted this as much as he did,” Amanda declared pointedly.


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