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by Kathi S. Barton

  Chapter 5

  Tess was careful with counting every item that she used during surgery. But this was a new hospital for her, and she didn’t want to step on toes. As she was counting them in her head, Granddad, still in his cast, told her to do it. It was what she did, and they’d have to get used to it. So she had the surgery nurse dump out the bag that she’d put them in and count them twice. There was one missing. “I could have sworn they were all in here.” The entire room dropped what they were doing to look for the last sponge. Finally it was found near the bed under the shoe of a nurse. After that, she told them that it was her job to make sure that it was all accounted for, and thanked the nurse for counting again. “You’re very welcome. And I must say, Dr. Stanton, it’s a real pleasure to work with you.” They were set to be married this evening in a big way. The plan had been to just let the one they had stand, but since Jules was running for the mayor position, she was sure it was to get votes. It didn’t matter to her why, but she was glad to have it for Lucy. She loved that woman as much as she’d loved her grandma when she’d been alive. And today was the big day. “You ready?” She asked Granddad what he meant. “You’ve not heard then? I’m sorry. I would have thought that Jules would have talked to you about it.” “I’ve asked him not to talk to me during surgeries. I don’t want to lose my concentration. And I’ve not let him know that I’m finished. What’s happened?” Granddad told her. “That’s wonderful. Jules is going to love going to those meetings. I wish I could go with him.” “You are, honey. It’s the day after you get back. I thought you’d be upset with him being out in the public eye. You do understand that that means you’ll have to be out there too.” She told Granddad that whatever made Jules happy, it thrilled her to death. “I’m glad to hear that. I think he’ll make a fine mayor, don’t you?” “I do. He’s been kind of bored with himself. And if he wakes up Ruby from her nap again, I’m going to brain him. He’ll poke at her when he’s nothing to do so that she can play with him. Makes for a hard bedtime.” Granddad laughed. “You wouldn’t think it was so funny if you saw how upset she is. And you should see him with her, Granddad. He gives her a bath and spends all his time helping her with walking. He loves her better than I ever thought a man could.” “Of course he loves her. And you too.” She flushed a little bit. “You and him, you’re going to have more, aren’t you? I’d love another grandchild or two.” “I’ve heard that you’re going to be great granddad to all the Stantons’ children. So, you cannot be begging me for them when I know that you have at least two more coming along soon.” He laughed with her. “Now, I have to have a meeting with the head of surgery. You coming with me?” “He asked me to come along. Is that all right with you?” She told him she was glad to have him. “I have an idea that he’s going to ask you to stay on here. I know that you were working for me, but you’ve done a fine job of it. I’m betting he asks.”

  “I was worried he was going to tell me the opposite. You know, we’ve read over your records and you’re too bossy or too in debt.” He asked if he could please take care of it for her. “Jules already did it. He told me last night. I have to be honest with you, Granddad, I’ve never loved anyone like I do him. And he’s so kind to me. Just...he’s just kind to me.” “You deserve it more than most, I think.” He walked with her down the hall. “What’s your plans after you’re married? I noticed that the staff calls you Dr. Stanton already. Nothing like keeping it in the family. I love it, by the way.” Today she’d be married at the big house that Jules had grown up in. And his parents were going to keep an eye on Ruby while they spent the next two days in Columbus, Ohio. Then in a few months, after Ruby was a little older and maybe walking, in the warmer weather, they’d take a longer vacation where there was a beach. It was the honeymoon she was looking forward to. She’s been shopping online, had herself some pretty things to wear and something nice to wear for dinner out. But right now, she had to think about what she was doing in the office of the head of surgery. Her granddad kissed her on the cheek and told her to go get him. This was going to be bad, she knew it. “Hello, Dr. Stanton, Dr. O’Rourke. I hope that we can be a little informal here.” They both said it was all right with them and told him their first names. “I’m David Craven. And you may or may not have heard, but I’m not the sort to beat around the bush. I’m retiring in a few weeks, on my seventieth birthday as a matter of fact. And I’d like for you, Tess, to take my job. I’d have offered it to your grandfather, but he told me that he’s retiring as well.” “Granddad?” He told her that he was having too much fun hanging out with friends and playing with Ruby. “I don’t know what to say. I thought for sure that you’d just want me to not come around anymore.” “Not come around? My goodness, girl. Kendal Wayne is home now, feeling better than he has in years, I’ve heard. He has a good job, his wife is working too, and that is thanks to you. You saved that man’s life. Because as surely as we’re sitting here, I don’t think he might have lived long with the pain of it.” She shook her head. “He told me that himself, honey. You saved him and his wife’s lives. She would have joined him.” Tess had a lot to learn about shifters, apparently, but right now she had a decision to make. He was telling her about the hours, which weren’t too bad, the pay, and what her perks would be. The perks alone would save her a great deal of money with children in the house. No medical cost to her at all, or her family. “I’ll have to talk it over with Jules.” He laughed and told her that he heard he was running for mayor next term. “Yes, I think he’ll do an amazing job, don’t you?” “I brought that little boy into this world, him and his brothers. There is not a better family around than the Stantons. I’m so happy that you’re in their family. I have to admit, Dane frightens me a bit, and so does that Allie. That girl has moves that makes me think she has no bones.” They laughed. “You take a couple of days and let—”

  “I’ll take it.” She laughed at herself. “I’m sure that Jules will support me, and this is just what I’ve wanted all my career. But we’re getting married tonight—you’ll be there, correct?—anyway, we’ll need some time off for that.” “Vacations are a part of your package, and a signing bonus as well. The hospital also said that if you took the job, they’d give you all the advertising money they were going to spend on luring someone here to take it. You’ve saved me a lot of time too. I hate to interview people.” When she was walking out a bit later, she realized that she had a job. Staggering just a little, she was making her way to the elevator when her granddad touched her face with his hands. “Are you awake now?” She nodded. “You walked out on him. I think he wanted you to see your new office. He said that it’s down the hall here.” Tess followed him while reaching out to Jules. He had bitten her a few days ago so that they could talk. But she was waiting on them making love. Sex was all she’d been able to think about since he’d kissed her. Congratulations, my dear. Chief of surgery. What are you going to do with such a prestigious title? We’ll be Mayor and Doctor Stanton. Christ, that sound pretentious. She asked him why she had to be second. Oh, I’m so sorry. We’ll be Doctor and Mr. Mayor. That better for you? By the way, I hope you don’t mind, but I turned down the house that came with it if I get it. That way we don’t have to start over. You think I have a chance? You’re hands down going to be the mayor if the people in my operating room have any say in it. And I think that Doctor Craven might vote for you too because I helped him retire. They talked a little more, at least until she entered her office. Oh Jules, it’s beautiful. Empty, but very pretty. I can see our house from here. As well as the main street. How beautiful. We have a desk that you can have. But I’m thinking you need something huge and newer. I’ll have to help you look around. She told him she wanted her granddad’s old desk, or one like it if he didn’t want to get rid of it. Oh honey, that’s a great idea. And Dad, he’ll be thrilled to death to have you there. He’ll have a million and one ideas for you, too, to make improvements. He’s been wanting a new wing for the children’s area for years. He’d more than like
ly do that for you. The Dexter and Alma Shipley Children’s Ward. She had no idea why that popped into her head, but that was what she was going to suggest they name it. If they allowed her to do so. As she looked around the office, Granddad made notes—the size of the room, the door size, as well as the walls. Before this was done, he would be able to tell her if a shelf that she was looking at would not just fit on the wall, but through the door as well. “You should take that old desk of mine.” She looked at him with a smile. “Your grandma bought me that when I first started out as a doctor in college. She’d love for you to have it.” “I was trying to think how I should ask you for it. Do you think it would fit through the door?” He said that it would. “Then yes, I’ll take it. And I also want a shelf that Lucy showed me the other day that is in the barn. I want to clean that up and put it here for pictures.”

  Her licenses were in storage—she’d been terrified that someone, Dexter, would get in and get to them—but she knew that he wasn’t being destructive, but he was sick. She had so loved him as a child, and to see him this way, suffering the way he was, it hurt her deeply. The rest of the day was spent with her getting ready. There was a spa day that she was both looking forward to and not. She didn’t like to have anyone messing with her feet, but when she’d told the woman, she had whipped out a large stone and began scrubbing all the dead skin away. After showing her what two minutes of work looked like, she was happy to have her feet touched. And she was ready for her hands to be done as well. As a surgeon, she never had nice long nails. She had this fear of the germs that were usually under them, and had decided early on in her career never to have them any longer than her tips. But to have them buffed and painted now, she thought she could get used to this. Having herself pampered was sort of fun. “Your hair, have you decided what to do with it?” She said that she was just going to wear one of her old dresses with her hair pulled up in a nice bun. Lucy laughed and said that she wasn’t. As she was taken to the back room of the shop, she almost messed up her face, as the woman who had done her makeup had called it, when she saw her grandmother’s dress hanging on a soft silk hanger. “Ericson said that your mother wore it as well.” Crying at the beauty of it, she nodded at Lucy. “We’ve had it cleaned and repaired, just some lace that needed a stitch or two. And Mabel is going to fit it for you. Though now that I see it, I’m betting that it fits you like a glove.” It did. Not only did it fit her, but with a photo of her mom and grandmother, she was able to have her hair styled the same way—a long braid down the back, with pinned pearls in it. Then it was wrapped up around her head for the veil. “That’s not all we’ve done for you either, my dear. Look at dear little Ruby.” Ruby had been playing in a walker for the last few days. She didn’t get far, but she could move in circles. The little boy that was pushing her was gentle with her, and brought her right to her. “Look at her dress, honey.” Pulling her out of the little walker, she held her little girl out and looked at her dress. It was as ruby red as her name, and her shoes looked like the slippers from the movie with the witch. Her baby looked so happy to be all dressed up. And her hair, usually a mess, was moosed back into curls, and she had a little tiara on. This time there was no stopping the tears. “Lucy, you’ve done so much for me. I just don’t know what to say.” She told her it was her first wedding of her sons, since the others had gotten married in the courthouse, and that she was enjoying it. “But Ruby, what you did for her is amazing.” “You should see the design that we’re coming up with for the walker. Brayden has gone all out. And he’s having a blast too. And you having me be your matron of honor—you have no idea how wonderful you’ve made me feel.” She told her about the office and her new job. “Well, that shelf you wanted, it’ll be perfect. I’ll have one of the boys take it out to have it cleaned up. Oh my, what a wonderful day this is turning out to be.” By the time she was dressed, the walker was complete. Ruby had had a nap, so she’d be in a much better mood, and Tess had on her grandmother’s dress. Lucy was right, it was turning out to be a wonderful day. ~~~ Jules helped his dad with his tie. There were only a few people here, he knew that, but he was still nervous. His dad seemed to be as well. When he asked him for the hundredth time what was going on, he finally broke. “Your wife, she’s a beauty.” He said that he knew that too. “Well, I have to tell you something that I’m so afraid of messing up. I’ve never been a granddaddy before. I mean, I’ve thought of nothing else since we found out about the other two babies coming along, but now she’s here. Little Ruby, she’s my first grandbaby, and I’m afraid of hurting her.” “Dad, I don’t think you could ever hurt anyone.” He said that wasn’t what he meant. “Then tell me. That kid loves you. She just brightens up every time she sees you.” “I mean, I might be hurting us by being too strict. I can’t do it, Jules. I have thought it over, and I want to be a granddad, not a man who she avoids because she can’t wrap me around her finger. And you know what? I don’t think I’m going to be all that good at that anyway.” He asked him who had said he had to be that way. “I don’t want her coming to me when you tell her no. Well, I do, but I don’t want to cause any trouble between us because I give in to her.” “I want you to give in to her. Not on everything. We have to have rules. But you’re going to be her grandfather, and I remember my own grandmother. She wasn’t at all like what you’re describing. We were terrified of her.” He said that he’d been afraid of his mom too. “She was just so sour. I’ll tell you something, Dad; we used to pretend to be sick, so we’d not have to go there as much. I know that’s horrible, but she never made us feel very welcome.” “I’m sorry about that. I am. And your mom and I, we had that figured out anyway. I was a doctor, you know.” They both laughed. “I’ll be careful not to touch on things that we shouldn’t be giving into. I promise you that. But I would like to take her all night too. And to take her and the others on trips with us. My goodness, your mother and I have been looking at large vans, so we can take them on long trips with us.” “It’s a deal. With our business schedule, we’re hiring a nanny for her. I know that you’ll babysit anytime we want you to, but this will be too much for you. Even for us, I think. And I don’t want you and Mom worn out too much when you want to take her out.” He laughed. “Dad, I want you to have her anytime you want. And you won’t want to when you’ve had her entirely too much, because of babysitting.” “I like that idea. And a nanny you can trust too.” Jules told him that was their number one priority.” Good, good. You’re having Dane help you out with that, I’m betting.”

  “Yes. I don’t think she’d let us do it any other way.” They were both laughing when the music started. It was time for them to go out and wait on his bride to be. “Dad, thanks for being my best man. And for Mom helping with everything too.” “Our pleasure.” They went out to stand where they were supposed to, and he was glad now that they’d decided to have the wedding at his parents’ house. Dad was going to be doing a lot of duties here today, and he was happy that he had them around. Ruby could not be in better hands today, and for the rest of the weekend. His mom came out in front of the flower girl. And when the little motorized walker came out, he saw that Brayden had done it up really nice. There were flowers everywhere on it, as well as a little bowl of fruit for Ruby to eat if she was bored. The way she was flying up and down the little walkway, she was screaming at the top of her lungs with glee. He was glad that someone was recording her fun. He couldn’t wait to show it to her when she was a little older. Next came his bride. To say that she was beautiful would have been a gross understatement. She was whatever word surpassed beautiful. She was gorgeous, stunning, and his. Everything about her screamed lovely, from the veil on top of her head to the bottom of her jewel encased feet. The dress was a lovely shade of ivory. Seed pearls, what his mom had called them, were all over the lower half of the dress. The sleeves were lace, covering her from wrist to breasts, and then down the other side of her body. He had never seen a more beautiful gown. And he was sure it had to do with the woman wearing it. They h
ad decided not to have flowers in the event that she’d have to hold Ruby when this started, so Tess held a small white Bible that had been her mother’s. When she needed to store it, he could put it in his own jacket pocket, and then it wouldn’t be lost. As soon as she was near him, he pulled the veil over her head and kissed her like a man starved. The room erupted in a chorus of cheers. It was funny, really, the way the clergy cleared his throat and told him to behave. He thought he was. Jules hadn’t thrown her to the floor yet and taken her. That was what he really wanted to do. When he and Tess were pronounced man and wife, he took Ruby from Tess. He held her to his heart as she patted him on the back and laid her head to his shoulder. He turned to the family that was there and the few friends that they had invited. “Today I took this little girl’s mom to my heart, gave her my name, and will worship her for the rest of her days. Tess Stanton is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And in that wonderful gift of love, I gained a daughter. Ruby Denise Stanton is now and forever my daughter. Not because the paperwork says that she is, but because in my heart she belongs there. She is my child. I will never treat her any differently if she is not our only daughter. I will never disrespect her by saying that she’s not my biological child. As far as I’m concerned, there was no other male in her life but me, and I will love her forever because her mom gave her to me.” When he kissed her on the mouth, Ruby said as clear as day, “Da Da.” Jules felt like a man blessed at that very moment.


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