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Her Dom (Dominic Powers #1)

Page 12

by A. D. Justice

  We settle in comfortably on the plush, leather couch and Sophia snuggles up to my side. Within a few minutes, she’s fast asleep and using me as her personal Dom pillow. She throws her leg over mine and wraps her arm around me. Even with as uncomfortable as I’ve become after more than an hour of sitting in this one position, I don’t want to wake her, but she just feels too good and my cock is throbbing with need for her. The private bedroom in the back of the jet is calling my name.

  “Sophia,” I say softly as I rub her back, “wake up, love.”

  She stirs and lifts her head, looking around in confusion before she realizes where she is.

  “We’ve already taken off?” she asks.

  I chuckle, “Yes, love. We’ve been in the air about an hour now. There’s a bedroom in the back of the plane. Why don’t you join me?” I intentionally lower the timbre of my voice, leaving no room for misunderstanding.

  Sophia reaches up and kisses me intimately before saying, “I’m with you. I’m yours. Take care of me.”

  Helping her to her feet, I place my hand at the small of her back and guide her to the waiting bedroom. “Stand still for me, love. I want to savor every second of this.”

  Sophia nods and I begin undressing her. With every piece of clothing that’s removed, my hands and mouth worship the skin that’s revealed. Her low murmurs of pleasure spur me on, making it more and more difficult for me to wait. As a Dom, I have trained my body to comply with my will. When I’m with Sophia, the carnal side of me is in a constant war with my controlled side to take over.

  Quickly shedding my clothes, my excitement and readiness for her is abundantly clear. Her soft hand grasps my cock and begins to slowly move up and down. Folding her legs, she drops to her knees and wraps her splendid lips around me. Her hand is as the base of my cock and begins working me faster, in tandem with her mouth. My head falls back of its own accord as she takes me deeper and I feel the back of her throat.

  “Damn, baby, you’re killing me,” I growl and pull her to her feet. Covering her mouth with mine, I guide her until we’re in position on the bed. As I bury myself in her, I pour my feelings into every thrust, every kiss, and every love bite I leave on her beautiful skin. There’s something about the sight of my teeth marks on her creamy skin that intensifies my libido.

  As we hit our peak together, I fight back the urge to tell her how much she means to me. It’s too soon to express the sentiment, to voice the words, or to give life to the thought. Regardless of whether I say it, I’ve already taken the biggest step and given her the one thing I’ve never given anyone else. She just doesn’t realize the significance of it yet.

  Two hours later, we land in Corpus Christi and Tucker secures our car and luggage while Sophia and I freshen up. The Texas heat hits us as soon as we exit the plane and the only consolation is the breeze blowing off the bay. Tucker pulls the S65 AMG Mercedes Sedan around and we climb into the back, instantly feeling the relief of the air conditioning. Opening the compartment between our seats, I retrieve two chilled bottles of water.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going now?” she asks with a sly smile as she sips her water.

  Leaning over the center console, I frame her face with my hands and pull her in to thoroughly kiss her. Just as I feel her melting against me again, becoming pliable and willing in my hands, I whisper against her lips, “You’re going to meet my parents.”

  She suddenly freezes—it’s like instant suspended animation. Her mouth drops open and she looks at me with both suspicion and disbelief in her eyes. She thinks this is all a practical joke, but she’s wrong. It’s time for her to meet the family and immerse herself into my life. I’ve agreed to be her Dom, to take care of her and be responsible for her. To do that fully, she needs to be inducted into the family.

  “Tell me you’re kidding,” she says flatly.

  “No, not at all. You will watch your tone and words with me, Sophia,” I level her with my Dom look. She immediately assumes the submissive position again. “I think it’s time we have that punishment talk.”

  “Yes, Dom,” she replies with her eyes downcast.

  “We’re going to meet my parents. If you really want to be my sub, you need to meet my family and be part of it. You will not be separate. You’re not a dirty little secret. You’re an important part of me and this is important to me,” I explain with more impatience infused in my voice than I intended.

  “I’m sorry I disappointed you. It will be an honor to meet your family,” she replies, her voice unpretentious and her shoulders are slumped in resignation.

  Tucker pulls up to the front walkway of my parents’ palatial home. He gets out to get our luggage and I exit the car and walk around to her side to open the door for her. Taking her hand to help her out, I pull her close to me and give her a chaste kiss on the lips. “Sophia, relax. What have I told you?”

  “I’m yours and you take care of what’s yours,” she recites back to me.

  “Have I hurt you yet?” I ask pointedly.

  “No, Dom,” she shakes her head.

  “Then I think I’ve earned at least some of your trust,” I state definitively. “If you want this to work, you have to do your part. If not, tell me now before you meet my parents.”

  “No, I want this!” she replies emphatically.

  “It’s time to start showing it, then.”

  She nods in agreement but doesn’t verbally answer. Her bottom lip is quivering as she realizes she was precariously close to losing me. “Let’s go. They are waiting for us to arrive. My mother is so excited to meet you.”

  “She knows about me?”

  “Yes, she knows about you. Come on,” I turn her to face the house.

  Finally really looking at it, she gasps audibly and her hand flies up to cover her mouth. It really is a magnificent home with all the comforts and luxuries money can buy. But my mother has worked very hard to make it a home, not a museum, so it also feels very homey and cozy. Well, to me, at least. Sophia seems to be having other thoughts at the moment.

  As we approach the front door, it swings open widely and my mom rushes out to welcome us. She’s always so happy to see me and gives me a big hug. I love both of my parents. They’ve been great and made a wonderful home for my siblings and me. But, being the only son, I’ve always had a special bond with my mom. She understands me better than anyone.

  “My baby boy is home!” she exclaims as she rushes toward me.

  “Hi, Mom,” I reply warmly as I take her in my arms. She kisses me on the cheek and steps back to look at me, checking to see if I’ve changed any, even though I’m well past grown.

  “Mom, this is Sophia. Sophia, this is my mom, Kayla,” I make introductions and the two most important women in my life politely consider each other. My mom grabs Sophia and hugs her like she’s known her all her life.

  “Sophia, it is so nice to meet you, sweetie,” Mom says as she takes Sophia’s arm and leads her to the house. “These men can get your things. Let me show you around.”

  “I can manage the bags, sir. You can go on in and visit with your family,” Tucker offers.

  “Thank you, Tucker. I appreciate that. Here, I’ll take these two with me,” I say as I pick up Sophia’s personal bag and my special suitcase. As I enter the house, Dad steps out of his study and embraces me.

  “Good to have you home, son,” he says as we each turn and walk toward the stairs.

  “Good to be home, Dad,” I reply. “I’m going up to put our things in my room and I’ll be right down. Mom took Sophia off on a tour, so if you find them first, don’t let them out of your sight or we’ll never find them again,” I joke and we both laugh as I jog up the stairs.

  A few minutes later, I hear voices and laughter coming from the kitchen so I head toward the back of the house. Sophia is sitting at the table with my parents, talking and laughing, and they seem to have bonded. Upon closer inspection, I see that they are actually bonding over the family photo album.

/>   Fucking great.

  “Mom,” I draw it out in exasperation.

  “Sit down, Dominic,” she replies in her mom-voice, that tone that says ‘don’t fuck with your mom’ without actually embarrassing the child because only the family recognizes the inflection.

  I do as she says—otherwise she will embarrass me. Mom doesn’t tolerate anything that remotely resembles disrespect toward her or Dad. Leaning over the table, I immediately recognize the pictures she’s showing Sophia. They’re of me, of course, in various activities through high school. There are several different shots of me in football, baseball, proms, homecoming dances, and some just funny shots with my friends.

  “Sophia, I see you’ve met my dad, Rick,” I look between them and they both nod.

  “This boy here—what was his name, Dominic?” Mom asks as she picks up the picture to show me.

  “That’s Joey,” I respond with a smile. “He was he craziest guy I knew in high school and he always stayed in some kind of trouble with the teachers, but they couldn’t resist his personality, so he normally got out of everything.”

  “What about you, Dom?” Sophia asks and my mom’s head jerks up from the pictures. She rapidly looks between Sophia and me as I purposely keep my eyes from meeting hers. Sophia continues, “Did you get in a lot of trouble in school?”

  “Nah,” I say shaking my head. “I rarely got caught.” The table erupts into laughter and my mom swats my arm for good measure.

  “I know just what this group needs,” Dad says as he gets up from the table. Sophia looks up at him, questioning what he meant but not yet comfortable enough to ask him.

  “Dad is making a round of his specialty—Piña Coladas. They are the best you will ever have and he won’t tell anyone his secret,” I explain to Sophia.

  “That’s right!” Dad exclaims as he gathers his ingredients. “Even your mom can’t get that information out of me.”

  Mom laughs and whispers to Sophia conspiratorially, “I could get it out of him if I wanted to.”

  Sophia and Mom both laugh and Dad wiggles his eyebrows at Mom suggestively, “I’ve been telling you for years to just try your best.”

  Mom gets up and walks over to Dad. Standing on her tiptoes to reach his cheek for a kiss, she replies, “You know I would do anything you want me to—recipe or no recipe.”

  Sophia smiles, at first, as she watches them, and then her smile fades. The romantic, hopeful look she had just a moment ago has been replaced with sadness. Reaching across the table, I take her hand in mine as I say, “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she says, putting her happy face on again. “I was just thinking about my parents and wishing they could’ve been like yours. You must’ve had a great childhood.”

  I glance over at my parents, who are in a loving embrace in the kitchen, and I have to agree with her. “Our home was full of love. It sounds like yours wasn’t and I’m sorry to hear that. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a happily ever after.”

  That longing look is back in Sophia’s eyes, but it’s not a sexual longing. It’s a desire for a real family, to have someone to lean on, and to know that there is someone in her corner who will fight to the end for her. Unconditionally. The very thing she’s never had but always wanted.

  “Okay, everyone, the grill is hot and the steaks are marinated. Kayla, throw the potatoes in the microwave and let’s get some food to go with my special Ricka Co-la-das,” he finishes with a fake Spanish accent and pitiful attempt at humor. It garners a giggle from Sophia, anyway, and she rises to help my mom with the preparations.

  The blender whirs until Dad’s concoction is ready and I grab enough glasses for everyone. Dad takes the marinated steaks out of the refrigerator and walks out on the back deck, leaving the door open for me to follow him. Sophia glances up and shrieks, “Oh my god!” Everyone jerks their heads around to see what she’s looking at and her eyes are still glued to the door leading outside.

  “What is it, love?” I ask.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. How embarrassing! I just saw the backyard and I can’t believe how beautiful it looks! It rivals even the house!” she gushes.

  “I will be glad to show you around as soon as we finish eating,” my dad offers, obviously proud of his backyard oasis.

  “I would love that, Mr. Powers.”

  “Rick, please,” he says with a smile as he walks back out on the deck.

  I join him and leave Sophia with my mom in the kitchen. Dad doesn’t even glance over at me as he lifts the lid of the built-in grill of their outdoor kitchen as he says, “Dom, huh?”

  Inhaling deeply, I know there’s no way out of this conversation, so I answer truthfully, “Yes.”

  “You’ve never let any of the others call you that. She’s that special to you, son?” Dad’s voice is full of concern. He’s trying hard not to cross the line of giving unsolicited advice and being a father who cares about his son.

  “She is, Dad. I can’t explain it. I knew she was different from the second I laid eyes on her, and I didn’t even know she was already somewhat trained as a submissive then.”

  “Somewhat trained?” he asks, his brow drawn down and his head titled to the side.

  “Yeah, I don’t have the full story yet, but he abused his authority and he abused her.”

  Dad shakes his head in disgust. The look on his face mirrors mine and I know he’s thinking the same thing I am—if we could only get our hands on that fucker, he would never abuse anyone again.

  “Just be careful, son. Make sure she’s the one before you’re fully vested in her,” he says as he cups his hand on my shoulder.

  “What do you think of her so far, Dad?” I ask, genuinely interested in his opinion.

  “I think your mom will feel her out and tell us both what she thinks,” Dad responds with a smile.

  He’s right, actually, and that’s most likely the very thing that drove me to bring her here so soon. Mom is like a human radar—nothing gets by her. My sisters and I used to joke growing up that no matter how hard we tried to hide something, Mom must really have eyes in the back of her head—and everywhere else—because she always knew the second we looked at her.

  Several minutes later, the steaks are ready and Mom and Sophia are setting the outdoor table. Sophia seems to be really enjoying herself with Mom, and Mom loves all the attention that Sophia is lavishing on her. They’re chatting about girlie stuff while I help Dad with the grill. Sophia’s happiness is radiating from her face and there is an actual glow about her.

  We’re all enjoying the deck after dinner, sufficiently stuffed, and not eager to start cleaning up yet. Mom, in her usual take-no-prisoners action, breaks the evening pleasantries with a question that has me choking on my drink and Sophie staring at her in stunned silence.

  “So, Sophia, tell me, when did you become Dominic’s sub?” Mom asks as if she’s asking Sophia about the earrings she’s wearing instead.


  “Don’t raise your voice at your mother, Dominic,” Dad chastises me and pins me with his eyes.

  “Sorry, Mom,” I concede. I was raised to know better. Dad doesn’t joke about how Mom is talked to or treated by anyone.

  “It’s okay, Sophia. You can tell us,” Mom continues, completely ignoring me.

  “Officially, just a couple of days now,” Sophia finally answers. “But, in some ways, since I started working for him a few weeks ago.”

  “I see,” Mom says without really conveying her thoughts.

  “How did you know?” Sophia asks Mom, truly interested.

  Mom gives Sophia an understanding smile before she answers. I cringe, knowing what’s coming next.

  “Because I’m Rick’s sub. I suspected when you first arrived, but I knew when you called him ‘Dom’,” Mom explains.

  Sophia blanches white, staring at Mom, and I know she’s trying to ascertain if Mom is telling the truth or if she’s just fucking with her mind. What Sophia doesn’t realize i
s, Mom only tells the truth all the time, whether it’s what you want to hear or not.

  “She’s telling you the truth, Sophia. This is part of why I wanted you to meet them at this time. This has been their choice my whole life and they’re very happy with it,” I reassure her.

  Turning to Mom, I share some of Sophia’s information, “Mom, we’re working on building trust now. Sophia had a bad experience where the man responsible for her abused his position and abused her. She’s learning that I’m not that man.”

  Mom’s reaction is not unexpected to me, but may be shocking to Sophia. “That bastard needs to have his dick cut off and shoved down his throat then,” she says, and then turns to Sophia. “Honey, that is not how we raised Dominic, and while I know he would never do anything like that, if he ever did, all you have to do is call me and I will take care of it immediately.”

  Sophia’s eyes are as big as saucers and she stammers for a moment before she can intelligently speak again. “But, I thought you were a submissive?” Sophia questions, clearly confused and trying hard to reconcile all the information she’s just been given.

  “I am, honey, to Rick. I am not submissive to anyone else—ever,” Mom declares resolutely. “Just let another man try to dominate me one time. I will put him in his place so quickly he won’t know what hit him. My man is the only one who has that right.”

  The wheels are turning in Sophia’s head again and confusion has quickly become a resident on her face. Clearly, she has not been instructed this way and she’s not sure what she should do. I take her hand in mine, giving her my strength and support as she considers the implications of what all she has just learned. “You can speak candidly here, Sophia. No one will judge you. If you have questions, Mom and Dad will be glad to help.”

  “You just seem so…loving,” Sophia replies as her eyes dart between Mom and Dad.

  Dad is thoughtful in his reply, “Sophia, Kayla submits to me because she wants to, not because I demand it of her. It’s a gift that she gives me but I have to earn it. It’s my job to create the trusting environment where she feels safe to give me total control. If submission is taken from you any other way, it’s is abuse, plain and simple. Kayla is free to change her mind at any time, it’s not up to me.”


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