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Tame Me-To Load-

Page 12

by Bloom, Cassandra

In the year 1870, our leader reappeared at our war call and talked to the People. He told the warriors that if they continued the bloodletting, all the People would disappear forever. He told them he was now among the Warriors of the Sky. He assured the People he would watch over them, and he would return every five turns of the seasons.

  Trembling, she drew in an unsteady breath. Devon…a ghost warrior?

  The legend says the People are to provide our spirit-walking leader with all that he will need at the times of his appearance.

  She froze at the description. The cave with all the furnishings!

  The People have a sacred duty to provide for his protection from evil spirits. It is told to us by the Elders who have spoken with him, that when the day comes and the People are safe with the assurance they will live on as a tribe, that he shall choose a bride and...

  Madeline gasped and dropped the book as her hands rose to her mouth.

  “You are my chosen wife.”

  Backing away from the book as though it would go up in flames, she jumped from the couch.

  “He chose a white woman?” The brave’s deep voice resonated in her mind. “He chose well.”

  “No, it’s not true. He’s human!” She cried her denial to the empty room.

  “It’s complicated and you won’t understand.” Devon’s words echoed in her memory.

  Her breathing accelerated with dread as alarm grew in her. Of all the explanations about the truth of the real Devon, this was not even close to what she’d imagined. It can’t be true. I’m in love with someone who’s not even real? There is no such thing as... She ran out of the trailer and stumbled down the steps in a blind panic. “Dev!” she screamed out to the darkness. “Dev! Tell me it isn’t true!” Running over the rock-laden ground, the cacti kept scraping her feet and legs.

  She didn’t feel the gashes and pricking on her skin. The miserable pain-filled grip squeezing at her chest became so enormous she was mindless. “Why?” Madeline felt utterly devastated and utterly lost as she zig zagged a meandering path through the darkened desert, tearing through the black night, calling out his name.

  She finally collapsed and felt pain when she fell then she closed her eyes. She wanted oblivion and the darkness gave it to her.

  Oh, what is that sound? Madeline tried to swallow and instead, she coughed.

  “There now, there,” a woman whispered to her ear.

  Her eyelids felt heavy and she attempted to open them, but was too weak to accomplish it.

  What happened? I can’t remember, and I’m just so tired.

  A loud moaning, like women crying, resounded around her, and she could hear the beating of drums. The vibrations from the drumbeats matched the pounding of her heartbeat and the combined hum rang in her ears.

  “Shh... It’s okay,” the woman soothed.

  “Who are you?” she asked.

  “I am Kami, and I will watch over you.”

  Her voice sounded far away to Madeline as sleep took her.

  Madeline opened her eyes. She didn’t know how long she’d slept or how she got here. Then she remembered. Fury swept through her.

  Sunlight streamed in through the high windows and flooded the room with light, reflecting across the high wood-beam ceilings. The air was scented with the sweet aroma of pine. Madeline lay motionless and glared at the sunlit ceiling as she struggled to move her legs and arms, but she felt weighted down, as though covered with a lead blanket.

  “It will pass,” a man’s voice spoke from beside her.

  She attempted to turn her head, but it wouldn’t budge.

  “There was much poison in you, and it will take a while for the spirits to remove it.”

  Not recognizing his voice, she tried to speak, but only gasps came out.

  “You will live, but you must take better care,” he warned.

  Madeline could now see him standing at the end of the bed. She recognized the older Indian from the day of silence.

  “He chose you, and I see you are stronger than I first thought.” He solemnly nodded at her and left her line of sight.

  What the hell is going on?

  A group of Indian women came in, and gave her their shy smiles, lowering their faces. One of them reached out and took the blanket, which covered her. “I am Kamikowa.” The silent maidens sat her upright as though she was a puppet and divested her of the gown she wore. “But you can call me Kami. We are here to get you healed.”

  Why can’t I move? Madeline wanted to ask, and peered down at herself to see her thighs and calves lined with red and purple streaks. “Oh!” Sheer panic found her lost voice for her.

  The smiling women froze in their ministrations.

  “What happened to my legs?” Madeline became breathless while viewing the bloody stripes and gashes on her body. Her gaze swung over to their faces. “Someone please tell me!”

  The other women stood very still as Kami opened her mouth to answer, but it wasn’t her who answered the question.

  “You were found in a ravine.”

  She heard Devon’s voice loud and clear. “Dev?” Relief and shock swept through her, followed by resentment and rage because he dared to reappear after the damage he’d caused.

  The women laid her back down.

  “I will attend to her.” His gaze remained on her.

  “No!” Madeline shrieked. “Kami, come back!” The women were gone, and his face loomed over hers. “No.” She swallowed heavily. “Get out!”

  Devon sat on the bed.

  Tears formed in her eyes. “You can’t see me like this.”

  He took her hand. “I already have. I’m the one who found you.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks, but due to the paralysis, she couldn’t turn away and just shut her eyes.


  Her lower lip trembled. “You left me!”

  He squeezed her hand. ”I’m sorry.”

  Like a little girl, she sniffled. “It doesn’t matter, since you’re not even real.”


  “You heard me.”

  His fingers wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Maddy?”

  Biting her lower lip, she refused to respond.


  Her eyes popped open.

  “I am real, see?” He rubbed her arms.

  “You get away!” she seethed. ”I hate you!”

  Devon drew closer. “And, just how are you gonna make me?”

  “I’ll scream and everybody will come.”

  “What will everybody do?” he asked. “I’m a god to them.”

  “Yeah, that’s right, and gods are not human!”

  “Oh, how I love you.” He laughed at her dramatics. “You do realize that hate is the other side of love, don’t you?”

  “Well, we are on the other side! You tricked me and wore me down,” she accused. “You seduced me into...”

  “Into what?”

  “Into telling you that...” Madeline swallowed the rest of her accusation and found she could finally move her head.

  He chuckled softly.

  “Yes, just laugh it up!” The sarcasm rang heavy in her voice. “You just up and disappear like smoke, and then expect me to forget it?”

  He shook his head. “I’m going to take care of you, whether you want me to or not.”

  “Not!” She raised her head a little and looked for the maidens. “Get those women back here.”

  Devon stood and walked away.

  “Yeah, that’s right, just get the hell out!” Her voice broke.

  Appearing again at her side, he rubbed her leg with something cool and silky.

  “What are you doing?”

  He remained quiet and smoothed the peculiar substance onto her legs and calves.

  “I can feel it now.” Madeline released an enormous relieved breath.

  Lifting her other leg, he rubbed it down too, and a tingling prickled in her limbs. Devon grasped her by the waist and flipped her over.

Oh!” Her cheek met with the bed. “What the hell?”

  “Gotta rub your backside, too.” His voice sounded like a purr.

  “Well, don’t get any ideas, Mister Ghost Warrior!”

  His laughter rang again. “Ghost Warrior, eh?” He smoothed his warm hands over her backside. “That’s pretty good, actually.”

  “It wasn’t meant as a dammed compliment!” She quieted as his hands rubbed the backs of her thighs.

  Devon caressed a path along her legs to her bare ass. “Mmm, no injuries here.” He gripped each cheek with his hands and squeezed. “Just a sweet, supple...”

  “Oh!” She drew in a stunned breath. “Stop that!”

  He continued the sensuous compressing and lowered his lips to her neck. “Make me.”

  Madeline shuddered visibly as he suckled her neck, and an immediate, hot flush spread through her. “Stop it!”

  Devon ignored her and just kept going with the playful caressing of her ass while he kissed her neck.

  “Ohh—stop?” Her demands sounded weak even to her.

  Without speaking, Devon drew his lips away and his hands slid between her ass cheeks.

  “What are you...”A stunned gasp took her words away as he smoothly slid his hand in between her cheeks and gently rubbed her back and forth. “Oh stop?” She held her breath at the magnificent feeling his caress brought.

  Devon removed his hands and Madeline breathed a rickety, relieved sigh. “You just can’t come in here and seduce me with your magic spells, and there’s no pool this time.” She made a frantic attempt to sway him from his heated advances on her skin.

  Ignoring her taunts and accusations, he seized her waist, turning her back over, and she found herself staring up at him. He gave her his gorgeous smile. “Now for the frontal exam.”

  Shaking her head, she gulped with panic. “No, Dev.”

  Lowering his mouth to a nipple, he latched on.

  Oh, no. She went completely wet with a wretched neediness as he suckled her nipple and nibbled at it with his teeth. “Oh, God!”

  “You called?”

  Madeline glared at him. “You will stop all of this, right now.”

  “I am your husband, woman, and I have certain rights, you know?”

  At the chauvinistic statement, her mouth dropped wide open.

  Devon took even more advantage and smothered her open mouth with his. He tugged her body closer to him, and her breasts rubbed against his shirt.

  Noe her nipples were tingling with the motion. The heat from him already emanated to her bare skin and she could feel his hard, muscled body pressed against hers. Oh, the way he kisses, as if meant for me. No man except him has ever known the right way to kiss me.

  His hot tongue wrapped around hers while he kissed her hard. His velvety lips smoothing on hers with precision, he even sucked on her lower lip at intervals between the tongue thrusting. Eventually, he wound down to gentle, sweeping motions with his hot tongue, and gently tugged at her lower lip with his teeth as he pulled away.

  Madeline’s head tilted back and she struggled for air.

  Continuing with his heated oral exam, he again lowered his lips to her nipple. “It must be a thorough physical checkup before I can pronounce you healthy.”

  She couldn’t even speak at this point in his erotic assessment, let alone argue with him.

  Devon sucked on her nipple and teased it with his teeth just like the other. He lowered his fingers to her throbbing labia and rubbed her in smooth, measured circles.

  Her body flamed, a blazing burned along on her skin.

  With wicked enjoyment, he took his index finger and briskly stroked her clit, making her wetter and wetter.

  Madeline helplessly trembled from head to toe.

  Removing his fingers, he stood from the bed and got undressed.

  Oh, he just keeps doing this to me. I am out of control again, aching for it, needing it like oxygen. She lay in a hot pool of her own juices watching his skin become bare. Her body instantly coiled with desire at the sight of him, and her eyes lowered to his cock. “Unh,” she breathed out with need.

  Devon raised a brow at the sound. “Did you have permission to observe me?” he bantered with a teasing tone.

  “You remembered that?” Madeline knew this man trapped her by everything he did—locked into his vision by his eyes and captured by that smile. She could not look away from him, and she finally admitted to herself—she didn’t want release from this glorious entrapment.

  “Yes, I eventually remembered it and some of the rest.” A teasing smile showed on his face. “Apparently, you were a very bad girl.” He ran a lone finger from her neck, to between her breasts, and lower to her stomach. “Your skin is back to its original beauty now.”

  She raised herself to look and her skin appeared smooth and unblemished. “How?”

  He silently traced her stomach with his fingers while intently studying her skin.

  She shivered at the slight feather-like touches. “Dev?”

  “Yes, Madeline?” His attention remained on her skin.

  “How am I going to be with you, if I can’t move?”

  “I think you can now.” Placing his fingers on her thighs, he urged, “Go ahead and open them for me.” He gently kneaded the skin of her inner thigh, and her legs drew open immediately. “See?” He lowered his lips and softly kissed her tender skin.


  Devon knelt on the bed between her thighs. “Now this next part of the exam will be very invasive,” he warned. “Open wide.” Lifting her hips, he placed his mouth to her clit.

  “Ohh!” she exclaimed with the jolt his hot mouth caused.

  Tugging her closer to his face, he used his fingers to part her folds while his tongue slid up and down over her exposed clit.

  Her body tensed from the heat of his mouth. “No, Dev.”

  Continuing his oral assault, he pulled her hips higher, and pumped her fiercely with his hot tongue

  “Mmm.” Her head rolled back and forth with the repeated wet thrusts.

  He raised his head. “Give it to me.”

  Madeline fought it; she’d never come into someone’s mouth before. “No, Dev.”

  Devon willfully tongued her clit again. “Yes, Madeline!” He opened her folds wider. “There you are, and you need to be sucked dry.” His mouth latched onto her throbbing labia and sucked with fevered delight. He plunged his tongue into her, relentlessly sucking on her as she came into his mouth.

  “Ahh!” Madeline screamed partly from the torturous gratification and partly from fear at such an overwhelming experience. Her body quivered and pulsed, and she attempted to raise her head, but it slumped back on the bed “Ohh, oh...oh.”

  He chuckled and swept his tongue around his lips. “Mmm,” he growled low in his throat. “Sweet and salty.”

  Madeline laughed at the familiar description, and her laughter grew until tears rushed down her cheeks and her chest heaved with puffs of laughter.

  “I told you I would make you cry.”

  Her laughter halted, as she remembered he said that in her drunken dream, that first day when she met him. “So, you’ve been in my dreams all along?”

  “I have been with you for quite some time.”

  “Are you going to leave me now that I...?”

  Devon tilted his head at her a curious expression on his face. “Now that you what?”

  “Now that I have shown you...” Her voice broke.

  Resting his ear to her chest, Devon listened contentedly to her pounding heart for a long moment. “What Madeline?” He rested his chin between her bare breasts and looked at her.

  She released a small sob. “That I cannot do without you, and I love you.”

  Devon repositioned his body and drew his lips closer to hers. “That means you’ll be with me, ‘til we die.”

  “But Dev, you’re already––”

  He lowered his lips and kissed away her words, and her doubts drifted away as well. He sighed
with a contented sound and lay next to her, pulling her relaxed body close to his. “Sleep now, Madeline.”

  “And, you won’t leave me?”

  “I will try my very best.”

  Madeline fell to sleep in his arms, with a tranquil smile on her tear-streaked face.


  Odd sounds echoed in the room. Giggling? She abruptly rose to a sitting position. “Dev!” Madeline called out with alarm.

  Three women stood at the end of her bed and batted their eyes at her while the blanket fell away from her bare breasts.

  With an intake of breath, Madeline jerked the blanket higher and looked around. He’s gone?

  One of the women held a brush, another held one of the dresses from her suitcase.

  She gaped at them, heard water running and looked around for the source.

  A fourth woman stood in the bathroom doorway, holding a fluffy, folded towel in front of her.

  Madeline wiped the sleep from her eyes. Okay, so they want me to shower and dress. She rose with a sigh, headed to the bathroom and the giggling women followed.

  An hour later, the women finally allowed her to leave the room. She made her long way down the stairs.

  The Skywalk k looked open for business when she got to the lobby floor. There were people everywhere and murmurs of curious voices as the combined sound of dialects from all over the world rose to the high adobe ceilings. Searching through the crowd, she saw him at the lower level. She held her breath and could see he wore a business suit. God, does he just look good in everything? Or better in nothing at all? Madeline’s face flushed as she realized that once locating him, even in a crowded room, she couldn’t look away.

  A well-dressed man walked over and held his out hand to Devon.

  Taylor Scott? Why is he here? Madeline had held suspicions of Taylor’s ulterior motives since the day she met him, and to actually see the young, urbane executive here at the tribal center startled her senses. The two men went in through the double doors, and she rushed along the stairs. Squaring her shoulders, she opened the doors to view a long, horseshoe-shaped table.

  Devon sat at the far round part and looking up at her, he smiled.

  Her heart lurched. Oh geez, just because he smiles at me, I feel like I’m walking on air? To cover the excessive reaction, she kept her face devoid of any emotion and made her way forward.


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