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The Asian One: BWAM, Asian Man, Billionaire Romance (Relatives From Money Book 5)

Page 11

by Samantha Drake

  He kissed the swollen contour of each breast while his hands massaged them gently. Their hips had joined the game too. They were moving in sync at their own pace.

  Hyung wondered if it was even fair. How could someone have so much power over him? He’d never been so needy. He’d never felt such a burning desire before. He’d never found someone as beautiful as Talia, someone that resembled a goddess more than anything else.

  Somehow, in the blur of the moment, they’d gotten to the bed once again. He’d set Talia on the cold mattress, with his body hovering over her. His own pants were now missing, there was nothing standing between them anymore. Meanwhile, he continued trailing kisses down her abdomen. She arched her back, as if to give him more access.

  Then he reached his prize. Talia gasped when he parted her legs, when his hands pushed against her inner thigh, spreading them apart. He smirked and looked her in the eye, savoring the different emotions swirling on their surface.

  Talia screamed his name when his mouth finally made contact with her core. She placed her legs over his shoulders, just as his mouth began working its magic. Hyung was happy to know that he was pleasing her. The way her body reacted to each stroke was a clear answer of approval. It was good to know that he wasn’t the only one feeling the insane amount of pleasure. Then, after an insane amount of teasing on both sides, Hyung finally positioned himself between her legs. His chest was above hers, his hands guided his tip to her center. And then, they became one. The feeling of being inside her was indescribable. Emotions exploded inside him, the world was no longer a material place but one made of fire and light and colors. He was in a parallel universe, one that only knew the electrifying pleasure of having Talia against him.

  Eventually, their love was consumed, and he fell beside her. Sweat glistered on their bodies, their chests rose and fell unevenly. Hyung chuckled and turned to look at her.

  “I could get used to this,” he joked. Talia laughed and shook her head before she got closer to him. She pressed her head against his chest, her other arm wrapped around his torso. They stayed like that, silently, until sleep finally crept over them.

  Chapter 11

  Hyung was standing in front of Talia’s door. He took in a few deep breaths to help calm his breath. He’d been with her at parties before, but those didn’t have the same meaning as this one. Yes, it was still organized by his company, so it shouldn’t have felt different. But how could it not feel different when they were no longer the same people they were back then. Hyung still had no idea how everything had happened. Their relationship had gone through so many phases. First, they held back, they forced themselves to build walls between them; then they agreed to be themselves again, to call it a truce and start over. And now, in just a few days, they’d found the courage to admit their true feelings and finally dive into what their hearts really wanted.

  Hyung doubted he would ever understand how he got the courage to take those steps towards Talia. It was all a blur. He’d walked over principles and beliefs he’d had his whole life. It was all for her. He doubted he would have ever done something like that for anyone else. Was it trust?Was it love? Was it something else? Hyung believed it was a little of everything. But he was willing to stick around long enough to figure it out. Even if it meant forever.

  He finally took in a deep breath and brushed his knuckles against the familiar wooden door. An answer came almost instantly, followed by the sound of hurried steps. Hyung ran a hand over his blazer, an action induced under the effect of his nerves.

  The moment she opened the door was the moment the world stood still. All thought vanished, his mind was now filled with her and only her. He admired her from head to toe. He took her appearance in. Her fluid dress, her loose curls and the soft makeup she’d put on. Her shoulders were almost bare, only covered by two thin straps and the eventual curl that jumped over them whenever she moved. Her skin was glistening, radiating under the artificial light of her apartment. So were her hazel eyes. Those deep and beautiful eyes that seemed to hold so much power over him.

  Hyung gulped and opened his mouth, but he didn’t know what to say. So, his lips formed the only word it knew when it came to Talia.


  “I was hoping you’d say that.” Talia giggled. It was so refreshing to have her like that, like her usual self, without crazy boundaries set between them. Hyung smiled as he entered her apartment. “Wait here, I’ll go get my coat and we can leave,” Talia continued, but Hyung’s hand stopped her before she could walk away. Using minimal force, he pulled her against him. Their lips crashed almost instantly.

  Their kiss was like fireworks, like two opposite ends meeting for the first time. Hyung’s hand trailed up and down her arm, but he made sure not to take it too far. He wouldn’t be able to stop if he did.

  Eventually, he pulled away. Their gazes, however, remained intertwined for a little bit longer.

  “You know,” he whispered, “I wouldn’t mind spending New Year’s Eve here.” He saw Talia gulp down a nod, but she quickly gathered herself.

  “But, unfortunately, we can’t,” she said as she played with his tie. “I’m obliged to share you with others. It’s the price I have to pay because my boyfriend is successful.” She laughed softly.

  Hyung doubted he would ever get used to hearing her call him her boyfriend. The mere thought of him being hers made his insides burn.

  “So, we can’t stay here?” he joked.

  “Nope.” She giggled as she pulled away. “I’ll go get my coat and purse.”

  It took all her strength to walk away from him. Her body yearned to stay there, in his embrace, close to his heartbeat. She wanted to have his scent wrapped around her, like a shield against the world. But she also knew he had responsibilities. She was with a man who carried the weight of a whole business on his shoulders. He had guests and business partners waiting for him. Talia also wondered how they were going to act around them. They all knew her as his secretary. Was he going to change her title? Was he ready to tell the world about their relationship? No one even knew he'd broken up with Kristel. Their relationship was complicated, but when had it not been like that? They were used to having to go an extra mile. Talia, however, no longer cared about that. Hyung and she had decided to experience their new relationship rules together. She was ready to walk at his pace. He’d trusted her, he’d given up on his hopeless idea of having someone of the same nationality as him. She needed to appreciate that, to acknowledge how difficult it must have been for him. It took her a while but she slowly got the answers to a lot of the questions she had regarding Hyung. He slowly answered her and opened up his heart. She now understood why he did what he did, and the reason behind so many of his choices. The process began in Korea, and it continued in America. Talia hoped that it would go on forever.

  “Talia, we should go.” Hyung’s voice brought her out of her train of thought.

  “Coming!” Talia said after she shook her head. “I’m done.” She was in the living room in a second. She was struggling to slip her hands through the sleeves of her coat. Hyung chuckled and came to her aid. “You’re a mess when you’re in a hurry,” he said in a amusement.

  “Oh, shush it. Let’s go.”

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  When Talia got out of the car she was immediately welcomed by flashing lights. The reporters
were scattered on each side of them, screaming questions at Hyung. She’d expected it though, he was hosting a party for the most important people in the country. Talia took the first steps behind Hyung. She was keeping up her act as his secretary. No one paid much attention to her. She was the extra. Everyone was focused on Hyung. They asked him about his newest contract, his future collaborations but mostly about Kristel. They asked him where she was, if she was coming, if they were still together. Questions flew from every directions, but Hyung answered none of them. At least he didn’t answer them directly. But he did silence them. With one action alone. He stopped when he was halfway to the door and then turned to face Talia. Talia felt the danger of his gaze before anything even happened. She froze in place, no one knew what he was about to do, but Talia had a feeling. She gulped down the lump in her throat just as Hyung reached for her. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her closer. She hitched her breath when her body collided with his. Everyone gasped, and for a second they were all silent. They watched Hyung in confusion. The world erupted in whispers and awed sounds before it once again burst with the loud sound of random questions. This time, they were louder, the flashing lights were more frequent too. Talia didn’t focus on them, she kept her gaze on him. She focused on his brown eyes and the feeling of his fingers intertwined with hers.

  “Should we give them a show they won’t forget?” Hyung’s voice had been low and husky. Her entire body trembled under the effect of his voice. She didn’t answer, but she didn’t need to either.

  Hyung got closer. She felt his breath on her face before she felt the soft caress of his lips. Their kiss had been so short, but it had been enough to set the world on fire. The report’s voices were so loud, but so indistinct. Hyung smiled against her lips before he pulled away.

  “There, now they all know you’re mine.” Talia didn’t know how to move anymore. Her body wasn’t responding, it had been bewitched by the words that rung in her head over and over again.

  “Kristel and I broke up. I have another girlfriend. This is not an open invitation to begin to pray into my personal life. I will not give further statements about my relationship.” Hyung’s voice had been so settle, so dominant and clear. It was the only certain sound in the noisy wave. After he finished speaking, he began walking again. He dragged her behind, until they were safe inside.

  “Did we really need such a strong proof that we are together?” Talia chuckled breathlessly once they were behind the double doors.

  “Not really. But can’t I have some fun every once in a while?” He asked innocently.

  Talia shook her head in amusement as they began walking again. Talia followed Hyung for a bit, but she stopped before they made it to the entrance of the ball-room.

  “Go in. I’ll go to the restroom.” Talia had been shaken by the intensity of their moment with the reporters. She needed a moment alone. Hyung smiled and nodded.

  “I’ll be inside.”

  Hyung watched her until she disappeared around the corner. Then, he entered too. The room was already filled, almost all his guests were already there, sipping on champagne and speaking of all the trivial and insignificant things in their lives. He hated such parties. But he didn’t have much of a choice, he had to attend a lot of them as a businessman. He wished Alec could have joined, but he passed the offer over saying he would prefer spending it with Mia and their baby. Damon was still abroad, too, so Hyung had to endure the night alone. He had Talia, at least. She was all he needed to pass the time. That was why he decided to hurry and greet his guests so he could retreat and spend the night with his lovely girlfriend.

  Hyung was about to make the first steps and join one of his business partners, but before he did that he noticed a familiar face. Hyung’s smile disappeared, his eyes widened. He cursed under his breath and wished to disappear. Kristel was walking behind him with hurried steps, she was angry, he could tell. He wasn’t prepared to deal with her. Why did she have to be there on New Year’s Eve? He sighed and walked out of the room, knowing that she would follow. He didn’t want to have that fight in there, not in front of his guests. He'd been right, she did follow. The sound of her heels became clearer and clearer until they vanished.

  They were now standing by the staircase, a few feet from the ballroom entrance. Hyung didn’t plan to start the conversation first. He’d said everything he had to say. But, he had a feeling Kristel had plenty to say. Their conversation started with a slap across his face. Hyung welcomed it, as if that was the price he had to pay for being stupid and sticking around her for too long. It was the price he was obliged to pay for his own stupidity.

  “You broke up with me? For that bitch?” Kristel said, hate dripping from every word. “I knew something was fishy, but I was still shocked when I saw you out there.” Kristel pointed to the double doors. “I knew that girl was trouble from day one. She just had that gold-digging face.” Kristel chuckled dryly.

  He was ready to hear it all. He’d known that at some point he’d have to face Kristel’s wrath. She wasn’t a girl to allow someone to easily break up with her. But,while he was ready to accept her words, he wasn’t ready to allow her to trash Talia’s name.

  “Curse me, spit in my face, but don’t you dare speak ill of her,” Hyung warned in a low voice.

  “You’ve been cheating on me with her, and you expect me to compliment her?” Kristel spit.

  “I never cheated on you. I broke up with you the minute I realized I could have something better with someone else,” Hyung said. “Let’s not pretend we were happy. You loved no one but yourself. I don’t blame you though, I never loved you either.”

  “Poor you, you’re so innocent. Can’t you see that she brainwashed you? She planned it all along.”

  “Kristel, watch your mouth! Don’t make me say things you don’t want to hear!” Hyung warned in a low voice.

  “No! Please, say it. Let’s hear what you have to say.” Kristel was acting all innocent. If someone were to hear her, they would truly believe Hyung was the one to blame for their failed relationship.

  “How can you blame it all on me? Kristel, wake up! Reflect a bit. Go back in time and see where you were wrong. I’m not saying I was the perfect boyfriend, but I sure as hell wasn’t as bad as you.”

  “I was never a bad girlfriend,” Kristel hissed between her teeth.

  “Let’s not open the subject. Kristel, I know you cheated on me, I know you only used me so you could be better than your friends. And I know, for a fact, that you are only doing this because I hurt your pride. So, I won’t say anything else about it. But, I warn you, don’t you dare take it out on Talia. You’ll regret it if you do.”

  Hyung didn’t stick around to hear more. He was done with the argument. He’d given her the chance to face him and that was all he was willing to spend on their breakup. Talia was inside, he’d spotted her almost immediately. Her eyes were scanning through the room, probably searching for him. Hyung forgot everything almost instantly. He walked towards her, his finger tapped her shoulder, grabbing her attention.

  “Are you here alone?” he joked. “How about a dance?” Talia smiled and suppressed a giggle.

  “If I must.”

  Hyung guided Talia to the dance floor. There were few couples dancing, but it wasn’t like Hyung was even noticing them. When he was that close to Talia, everything else was like a blur. Talia wrapped her hand around his, while her other trailed to rest on his shoulder. She followed his moves, each step she took was a perfect echo of his own. Her breath fanned his neck, it was warm and moist against his skin. Being so close to her was a danger, it made his body ignite.

  “Where were you?” Talia asked.

  “Kristel is here.” Hyung sighed. He could have kept it away from her, but he didn’t want to. They’d gone through so much because of things she didn’t know. “Don’t worry. I dealt with her,” Hyung continued in response to the worried look she sent him.

  “Do you like the party?” she asked.

nbsp; “It’s pretty. I also heard there’s going to be a great firework show.”

  “I know. My thumbs still hurt from dialing so many companies.” Talia tried to pull a straight face, but she couldn’t fight the laugh that played on her lips.

  “How lucky are we?”

  Three hours passed like that. They danced, and laughed, and joked around. They were occasionally interrupted by people that came to greet Hyung, or by people who were just curious about their newly born relationship. Midnight was just around the corner so they’d all retreated on the balcony of the ballroom. Everyone was holding glasses of champagne, waiting for the countdown to begin. There were a few kids too, they squealed in excitement as they waited for the show. Talia was in Hyung’s arms. She held the glass in one hand, her other was busy tracing random patterns on Hyung’s hand. It was chilly outside but she was warm, the heat radiating off his body kept her cozy. Eventually, the countdown began, and Talia felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Unlike other years, she was truly looking forward to the next year. She had Hyung now, and she was looking to start a new chapter with him. She held his hand at the moment, and she hoped she would be able to hold it through the coming year and many more to come.

  The countdown came to an end, and the last three digits echoed around her. They played on her lips too. And then, the countdown melted into a wave of cheers and wishes. The sound of fireworks began, too. The booming sound vibrated through her, but it didn’t catch her full attention. Hyung’s voice did.

  “Happy New Year, Talia,” he whispered. She turned to face him, her entire body shivered once she met his eyes. “Thank you for making my year meaningful. Because of you, I found a purpose to my days.” She felt like crying, that’s how emotional she was. He was speaking so sincerely, his eyes told her that he was bearing his soul at the moment. “I love you.”

  He spoke clearly, his voice didn’t break, he didn’t stutter, but she still couldn’t make sense of the words. To her, they were words from a different language, something foreign that she hadn’t known before Hyung. She looked at him in disbelief, her heart stopped just like everything else around her.


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