Book Read Free


Page 11

by Gillian Archer

  Austin’s shoulders shook with his silent laugh. “Nah, I just learned early that if you don’t decompress you turn into a fucking maniac. You might feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, but it’ll sure as hell crush you quick if you don’t find some outlet to relax.”

  “And for you, it’s sex.”

  “Actually, for me it’s exercise. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no monk, but I probably don’t whore around nearly as much as you think I do. But when I get all twitchy, I work out. It releases the same endorphins as sex, it just isn’t nearly as much fun.”

  I could hear the smile in his voice and couldn’t help smiling in return. “I don’t know. From where I’m lying, it looks well worth the effort.”

  “You don’t gotta pump me up, sweetheart. I already know you’re a fan.”

  I punched him lightly in the stomach and he grunted.

  “I’m sorry for all that shit I said. I just…lashed out. It wasn’t right, and I’m sorry.”

  “Already forgotten. Now, are you ready for round two?”

  “Seriously?” I sat up, put my hand on his chest, and stared down at him. Judging by his naughty grin, he was serious. And I was tempted. Until I reflexively squeezed my thighs, and muscles I’ve never felt before twinged in protest. Wincing, I regretfully shook my head. “I don’t think I can. The spirit is willing, but my muscles are sore.”

  “Sounds like a nice, hot shower is in order then.”

  “That does sound good. Although it does mean leaving the awesome warmth of your naked body.”

  “Aww, sweetheart. You’re so cute. Do you think you’re showering alone?” Austin’s laughter vibrated under me. “Okay, come on.”

  And that’s how I found myself naked, for the second time that day, with Austin Burns. Only this time water and slippery soap was involved.

  And many more moans.



  An hour later, we were mostly dry and lying on the huge bed in my room. Rachel nestled in my arms and Blue sprawled out on the carpet below us. This was nowhere near the weekend I thought I’d have when I headed for the hills, but I gotta say it was damn near perfect.

  Rachel turned in my arms and her nose scrunched up. “Not to ruin the mood, but have you heard from any plow companies? That storm’s supposed to hit in a few hours.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart. Looks like you’re stuck here with me for another night.”

  “I guess I can’t really complain. You’ve almost perfected the whole hospitality aspect of my stay here. I’d give you five stars.”

  I snorted. “That’s out of five, right? I guess I’m okay with that then.”

  Rachel snugged back in my arms, and my mind wandered. I thought about the shit with my dad that had brought me to Tahoe. The fact that I hadn’t told my brothers. How Nathan was busy back home building the Kings’ bike before they showed up tonight. If I’d just stayed home and confronted my problems like a fucking adult, my brother wouldn’t be busting his hump by himself.


  I didn’t realize I’d said that aloud until Rachel looked up at me with a frown. “What’s wrong?”

  I sighed. “Just thinking about Nathan at work all alone, busting his ass to finish the bike that’s due for pickup today.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Wow, could you be any more alpha male?”

  “What do you mean?” I didn’t know if I should be pissed off or flattered.

  “It just sounds to me like you don’t like to ask for help—you’re used to doing everything yourself, and it kills you when you can’t.”

  “That’s a little kettle and pot but whatever. I seem to remember telling you the same thing about getting a coworker to fill in for you.”

  She pursed her lips before a smile broke through. “Touché. But what about you? You have what? Two other brothers who work with you guys at the shop? Call one of them to help your brother.”

  I blinked. With all my self-flagellation, I’d forgotten about Ryan. I owed him an epic ass-chewing. “Fuck me. That’s brilliant.”

  Rachel shrugged. “I try.”

  “I’ll call in the cavalry right now. Thank you.” I gave her a smacking kiss and leaped out of the bed to hunt down my cell phone.

  “While you’re busy saving the day, I’m gonna get dressed. Can’t be naked all day.”

  “Now let’s not get crazy here.”

  Rachel snorted with laughter and hurled a pair of sweatpants at my head.

  I caught them mid-air and pulled them on. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I headed out the door to call my brother in peace. If I watched Rachel put her clothes on, I’d be tempted to help her pull them off again.

  Blue followed me out into the hallway and I absentmindedly patted him on the head while I thumbed through my phone. Usually I only communicated with my family through texts, but this was too important. I found Ryan’s contact info in my phone and called him.

  The line rang and rang and rang until finally his voicemail message picked up.


  I called again. The line rang and rang and rang. Voicemail again.

  I called a third time. I knew my brother. More than likely, he was face down in some random chick’s bed. I was gonna call until he or his hookup got so annoyed they answered. I could’ve called Dylan, but his specialty was painting, not mechanical work.

  Finally, on the fourth call, a woman answered. “Hello?”

  I sighed. “Put Ryan on.”

  “Um, he’s not exactly—”

  “I don’t really give a shit. If he’s there, put him on.”

  Fumbling and hissed whispers came over the line until finally Ryan answered. “What the fuck.”

  “And a good morning to you, bro. I need you to get down to the shop. That bike’s not gonna build itself.”

  Ryan snorted. “Like you’re one to talk. You made this big deal about everyone pulling their weight and you don’t even bother to show up the next day. Besides, it’s Saturday. I don’t work fucking Saturdays.”

  “I’ve worked more than my fair share of Saturdays. It’s your turn now. Get your ass down to the shop.”

  “I’m fucking busy.”

  “I don’t give a damn. If you wanna keep working at Badass Builds, it’s time you start pulling your weight. Get your ass down to the shop and help Nathan with the West Coast Kings’ Bike. They’re expecting it to be delivered tonight, and I really don’t think I need to tell you that there will be hell to pay if the bike’s not ready.”

  “Fuck,” Ryan bit out. “Fine. I’ll see you guys in twenty.”

  “You won’t see me, but Nathan will appreciate the help.”

  Ryan’s breath huffed on the line. “Why aren’t you at the shop? Where the hell are you?”

  “I got snowed in up at Tahoe. Storm dumped a few feet of snow overnight, and I’m still waiting on a plow to clean up the road.”

  Just then, my bedroom door opened and Rachel poked her head out. “I’m going to start on lunch. Sandwiches and soup sound good?”

  She spoke softly, like she didn’t want to interrupt my conversation, but we were standing close enough her voice carried.

  “Fuck. Really?” Ryan hissed. “You give me endless shit about me not pulling my weight, and you’re up in Tahoe with some snowbunny? Are you shitting me?”

  I jerked my head at Rachel then turned to face the wall while I rained a shitstorm down on my little brother. “I have worked every fucking Saturday since I opened the shop. I was working nights and weekends until my knuckles bled while you were busy feeling up your little girlfriend in high school. You wouldn’t have a job if it wasn’t for me. And I’m not about to explain my choices to you right now. If you want a job come Monday and a fucking paycheck to cash next week, get your ass to the shop, and help Nathan with the motherfucking build. I’m snowed the fuck IN!”

  I hit the ‘end call’ button and barely curbed the impulse to punch the wall in front of me. I’d worked my ass of
f to give my family a secure life, and this was the thanks the bastard gave me when I asked for one little favor? Fuck. He was lucky I was a hundred miles away.

  After taking a few deep breaths, I tossed off a quick text to Nathan.

  From me: Ryan should be on his way to help you out. Give me a holler if he’s a no show.

  I waited a beat, but Nathan didn’t reply right away. Most likely he was busy working and hadn’t heard the incoming text.

  That little bastard had better show up.

  I jumped as I felt a hand clasp my bicep.

  “Everything okay?” Rachel asked softly.

  I hitched a shoulder in reply. I didn’t really know how to answer that. I hadn’t been to work in two days. Nathan was no doubt pissed at me. After that phone call, I knew Ryan was definitely pissed at me. And in three short months, my dad would be out on parole. My life had turned into a clusterfuck of drama.

  All the stress-relief from playing with Rachel was gone. Now I was just a bundle of flayed nerves and suppressed anger. My body vibrated with all my bottled-up emotions. I needed an outlet, but I wasn’t in any shape to be around anyone just then, so I lifted my chin at Rachel. “Help yourself to anything you want in the kitchen. I’m gonna go work out a few problems in the gym.”

  “Austin, wait.”

  But I didn’t pause or say anything to Rachel. I all but ran downstairs to the gym so I could sweat out my problems. I really didn’t want to be around anyone just then.

  Least of all Rachel.


  Hours later, I’d sweated my demons out and showered the sweat away. And I felt bad about the way I’d walked out on Rachel. She’d helped me figure out the problem with the Kings’ bike, and I didn’t even thank her. Instead I’d argued with my brother and then ran away with my tail between my legs.

  I grabbed a bottle of Heineken and searched the house for her. She wasn’t upstairs in the bedrooms. She wasn’t in the media room. She wasn’t in the kitchen. Fuck, she’d better not be outside in this snowstorm. My pulse picked up as the possibilities raced through my mind.

  I was so relieved when I found her in the front room, sitting in the big picture window, watching the snow fall in big, fat flakes. But it was the expression on her face that had my stomach feeling hollow. She looked totally heartbroken, like nothing would ever be okay again. Even Blue knew shit wasn’t right. He sat at her feet, whining quietly. Every now and then, the sound would penetrate the aura of sadness enveloping Rachel, and she would reach down and pat his head.

  I stood there silently watching her. I wanted to make everything right for her, but I couldn’t. Nothing would be okay for her again until she was back with her kid. And away from me.

  I didn’t know what was sadder—the look on Rachel’s face or the way my stomach felt when I realized our weekend together—this escape from the shitstorms of our lives—was almost through.

  I cleared my throat roughly. “You know, I don’t think that’s healthy.”

  She glanced down at the mug in her hands. “Three teaspoons probably makes it more sugar than tea, but it’s still gotta be better than the swill you drink.”

  “This isn’t for me.” I held up the bottle, so she could see the bottlecap still in place. “Thought maybe you’d like something stronger to drown your sorrows.”

  “I don’t like Heineken. Do you have any tequila?”

  I snorted. “Yeah, no. There’s no way we’re bringing tequila to this pity party. You’ll be shitfaced in nothing flat.”

  Rachel lifted a shoulder. “Isn’t that the point?”

  “Or we can talk about whatever’s bugging you.” I twitched uncomfortably and avoided looking at her. “You helped me out with my shop and family and whatever. I’d like to return the favor if you’d let me.”

  “It’s snowing. I’m stuck here—again—so I can’t work, I can’t see my son, I can’t help my mom. And maybe in a few weeks, I won’t be able to pay rent. That’s what’s wrong. That’s what’s been wrong since I got here.”

  I blinked. “We can’t change the weather.”

  “I know.” She turned her head back to the window.

  I looked out the window as well at the snow falling under the outside lights. It would’ve been pretty but it was the reason that Rachel was so fucking miserable. I was beginning to really hate the stuff. Reaching over, I flicked off the outside lights, leaving the window black with darkness.

  “Hey! Turn it back on.”

  “No. Pity party over. We can’t stop the snow. There are some things in this life you can’t control. The weather being one of them.”

  “I know there are things that are out of my control. Believe me, I know. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t be a single mom living in a shitty apartment and working two jobs. I wouldn’t have to rely on my paralyzed mom for childcare. So, I really don’t need a lecture from you about the realities of life. Turn the fucking light. Back. On.”

  “Yeah no. Sorry. But not really. Come on, let’s do something.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “I’m not in the mood. I just called home and explained to my little boy that I’m not coming home—again. He cried. I cried. It was a whole thing. Now turn the light back on.”

  “Awww, I’m flattered that’s all you can think about when you see me, but I’m not talking about sex. Let’s do something. Watch a movie or talk or drink. Anything that’ll get you out of your head and into the moment.”

  She opened her mouth to reply when I cut her off again.

  “And I’m not talking about sex. Really.” I smirked. “But I’m not taking it off the table. I’m just not talking about sex now. Just to be clear.”

  “You are. Crystal. But I’m not in the mood for any of that. I just want you turn the light back on and go away. Really.”

  “Yeah, not happening. Come on.”

  And before she could come up with another excuse to avoid me, I grabbed her tea, set it on the window seat next to her, and hoisted her over my shoulder.

  “Austin! Put me down.” She gasped and wiggled around on my shoulder. “What is it with you and carrying me everywhere? Seriously?”

  “It’s fun. And it’s the easiest way to get you to do what I want.” I laughed. She was light as a fucking feather, and I really enjoyed the way her tight little body felt when it rubbed against any part of me.

  “Austin, seriously, put me down.”

  “I will. Once we find the tequila. If I can’t get you to have fun, I’m gonna get you drunk.”

  A minute later, I plopped her down on a large recliner in the media room.

  “Now, stay. I’ll be back with tequila.”


  Yeah, I didn’t believe her. “Blue. Guard.”

  A jangle of metal tags had her head swinging to the corner of the room where Blue had followed us in and now stretched out on a large dog bed. Blue lifted his head and stared back at us.

  Rachel snorted. “I’m shaking in my boots.”

  “You’ve only got socks on. And your ass better be in that seat when I get back.”

  “Yes, sir.” She mockingly saluted me before I left the room.



  Looking around the media room didn’t let me know what he’d been up to for the last couple of hours. When Austin stomped away to work out—again—he didn’t exactly seem to be in the best of moods. Now he was all hyper and bouncing and bullying me with kindness.

  Austin reappeared with a bottle of tequila and two shot glasses in his hands. He plunked them down onto the little end table next to me and dropped into the chair opposite. “How about a little game of never have I ever?”

  I raised my eyebrows. “That drinking game from high school?”

  He shrugged as he filled the shot glasses. “Yeah. You know the rules, right? You say something you’ve never done before, and if I’ve done it, I drink. You go first.”

  “Okay. Never have I ever done drugs.”

  Austin froze. “Well neither
have I. What the fuck, Rachel?”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just…you were so pissy earlier—you disappeared for hours—and now you’re all hyper and bouncing around the room. What was I supposed to think? I’m sorry.”

  “I…shit, I’m sorry I jumped down your throat.”

  I nodded slowly. “Okay, thank you. And I am sorry.”

  “How about we make a pact? You stop apologizing, and I’ll stop being an ass?”

  “Sounds good.” I laughed, even as I bit back the urge to apologize again.

  “Okay then. My turn. Never have I ever…had a kid.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I see how you roll.”

  “What? It’s the name of the game.”

  I smirked and grabbed my shot glass. After a bracing breath, I downed my shot and shuddered as fire burned a path down my throat. I set my glass on the table with a click and gasped. “Smooth.”

  “I love me some Patrón.” He refilled my shot glass with a smirk. “Your turn.”

  I smirked. “Never have I ever smoked a cigarette.”

  Austin grunted. “I’m sensing a theme here.”

  But he took the shot.

  “What is that about anyway?” I asked as I refilled his glass. “You smoked a few cigarettes last night, but I don’t think you’ve had even one today.”

  Austin lifted a shoulder. “I only smoke when I drink. Mostly. It’s usually more of a social thing—like I started because all the guys I’d go out with are smokers—but it kinda spun out from there. I’ve cut way back from when I first started building bikes. There for a while, it was part of my design process. Or part of my panic, when I didn’t know what the hell I was doing.”

  “Maybe you should think about quitting.”

  Austin groaned. “You’re starting to sound like my Aunt Wendy. She’s pissed. I’m the ringleader who got all my brothers smoking.”

  “Okay, okay. Just saying, it’s not the sexiest thing ever, in my opinion.”

  “Noted.” He quirked an eyebrow. “I think it’s my turn. Um, never have I ever…been engaged.”


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