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First Encounter

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by Ginny Michaels

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  First Encounter

  ISBN #978-0-85715-020-2

  ©Copyright Ginny Michaels 2010

  Cover Art by Lyn Taylor ©Copyright January 2010

  Edited by Jess Bimberg

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

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  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road

  , Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-melting.

  The Training of Maggie Malone


  Ginny Michaels


  To those looking for the passion within.

  Keep searching, because you never know what you might find.

  Chapter One

  Julian Daniels had made his decision. Hidden behind a mask, his features blocked from view, he studied the ravishing brunette with a newfound intensity. He still couldn’t quite believe his eyes. No, that wasn’t correct. He believed what he saw as real. What he couldn’t figure out was why. What was she doing here of all places?

  Maggie Malone, Julian’s business partner and friend of three years, wasn’t the type of woman he’d ever expected to find here. Shy and unassuming outside of work, Maggie was the quiet type who preferred to blend into the shadows than be in the limelight. What in the name of all that was good and sweet was she doing in a fetish club?

  “Welcome to Club Exotica,” a man dressed in black from head to toe said as he stepped forward to address the group of would be submissives. “After extensive background checks and clean bills of health, the five of you have been selected to join our exclusive and private club.” He walked behind the row of four women and one man, all of whom appeared to nervously shift in their seats.

  “As many of you know, our club caters to various tastes. From ménage to swinging to bondage and submission, our cliental are allowed to explore their sexual needs in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Since each of you have shown interest in becoming submissives, tonight each of you will meet your master and enter into a world many find distasteful and taboo. Some of you will decide the life of a submissive isn’t for you, others may very well discover exactly what’s been missing from their lives. Either way, your very existence is about to change in a way you never could have imagined. We hope you enjoy your stretch here at Club Exotica. Now it’s time to meet your new masters.”

  The man in black turned towards the men waiting patiently to pick their new prey. Julian considered the four men who stood on either side of him. Frado was openly gay so there wasn’t any doubt which sub he would choose. Then there was Doug, or Master D as he was called at the club. Doug was an exclusive blonde hair, big boob man, which meant the peroxide-enhanced double D sitting on the end would more than likely be his choice.

  Julian’s buddy Cain wasn’t a picky man when it came to looks. His philosophy ran more along the lines of what kind of fight the sub would put up. More than likely he’d choose the redhead with the long black fingernails who at the moment, held her head up high in an obvious attempt to appear that she wasn’t nervous. Yes, Cain would have fun taming the little spitfire. That only left Julian and Xavier to choose from the two brunettes. From what Julian had heard through the grapevine, Xavier was a bastard who would use electrodes and wired toys to torture his poor subs.

  Julian eyed Xavier, following his gaze to where Maggie sat. His stomach dropped. Maggie was innocent, at least in the ways of bondage and submissions. No way could he allow Xavier to get his slimy hands on her. As hard as it would be for him to take on Maggie as a sub, better he initiate her to the taboo than some sadistic bastard who only thought about his own needs. The problem lay with choice order. To be fair, each Dom was assigned a number and each number was drawn from a hat. If Xavier’s number was pulled before Julian’s, he wouldn’t be able to save her from Xavier’s clutches.

  “Number five,” the host called. Frado stepped forward and, just as Julian suspected, he lifted the leash held to the only man in the group of subs, claiming his new sub with a click of the clasp.

  “Number three.” Doug was the next to step forward and lay claim. The blonde Julian had suspected Doug would choose almost seemed relieved when the lock clicked to the hook on her collar.

  “Number four.” Julian swallowed hard as Cain stepped forward and surveyed the group. Much to his surprise, Cain shot Julian a cheeky grin and promptly stepped in front of Maggie. The click of the clasp making contact with her collar echoed in Julian’s ears even as both disappointment and relief washed through him. He hadn’t realised until that moment how much he wanted to be the man to show her all the naughty things her heart desired, yet there was sense of relief at knowing Xavier wouldn’t get his sadistic hands on her.

  “Number one.” Obviously frustrated at Cain claiming his choice, Xavier stepped forward and frowned at the two remaining women. With a wicked click of the leash, he claimed the second brunette, leaving Julian with the redhead.

  She absolutely wouldn’t have been his first choice, but rules were rules. He walked to where she sat and promptly claimed her.

  “Now that you’ve all made your choices, training should start immediately. Gentlemen, please show your submissives to your designated rooms on the upper levels, for their initiations.”

  Shortening his leash, Julian motioned for the redhead to follow, even though his heart wasn’t in it. On the way out the door, Cain caught him by the shoulder. “Get her settled in the room, and then meet me in the hallway. I want to talk to you.”

  Before Julian could ask why, Cain gave a light tug to the lead on his sub’s collar and quickly moved away, leaving Julian more than a little confused. What in the hell had that been about? With a much harder jerk on this own sub’s leash, he headed for the elevator. He’d been looking forward to tonight for over a week. Now it seemed it would be everything he could do just to get through the night. Damn!

  Julian entered the room he’d chosen for the evening and instructed his new subordinate to strip. She did so without resolve and climbed onto the bed, crawling across the mattress on hands and knees. “I only instructed you to strip,” he commanded, his voice loud and authoritative, pulling her to a quick stop.

  “But I assumed you’d want me on the bed,” she argued.

  “First rule as a submissive, never assume you know your master’s intentions. Now stand and head to the wall, breasts against the paint.” This wasn’t good. He was aggravated already and they’d only just started. He knew that part of his frustration rested with Maggie and what Cain was probably doing with her in the other room. He couldn’t imagine her stripping as easily as the vixen he was about to tie to the wall. No, Maggie, if she even managed to remove her clothes, would probably be doing it blushing the w
hole way.

  Shit! He shook his head as he watched the redhead follow his instructions and move to the wall. He needed to focus and stop thinking about Maggie. She wasn’t his sub and he wasn’t her protector. The club’s screening process was extensive and extremely thorough. At this point, she had to know what she was getting herself into.

  He moved up behind his sub and caught her watching over her shoulder while he attached the wall mounted leather cuffs to her hands and feet. Already he could smell her arousal, and despite his frustration, his dick hardened. If a good fucking was what she was after, she’d no doubt have it by the end of this night.

  “Master, I want to apologise for disobeying you,” she said, her eyes showing neither apology nor regret.

  Frustrated at her brazen act, Julian brought his hand down hard across her bare ass. “You are not to speak unless I permit it,” he chastised. “Do not apologise for what you are not sorry for doing.” He glanced towards the door. He’d agreed to meet Cain. Maybe if nothing else, he could confide in his friend about his association with Maggie. Not that he actually expected Cain to do anything about it. Unless a Dom or Domme was willing to give up their sub, there really was little another Dom could do.

  His gut clenched at the image of Cain fucking Maggie, and for a split second, Julian feared he might actually retch. He closed his eyes, drew in a deep, calming breath. In actuality, he should be thanking Cain for keeping Maggie out of Xavier’s hands, not freaking out over what he would do with her.

  Julian slid a finger between the cuffs and the sub’s skin, making sure they weren’t too tight. The rule was, one was never supposed to leave a sub while bound, so he’d have to make this quick. “Now stand here in silence and think about all the ways you’re going to be a good submissive, while I take care of some business. And remember, no talking.”

  Already frustrated with the way the night was going, Julian stepped out into the hallway and spotted Cain standing at the other end. He sauntered down to where his friend stood. “Can we make this quick? That little wench I have tethered to the wall is going to need all my attention if she has a prayer at becoming a good submissive.”

  “I can make this very quick,” Cain said, slapping a hand to Julian’s back. “You want to switch?”

  What? Julian’s gaze snapped to his friend, gauging his sincerity. From what he could tell, Cain wasn’t joking. “What’s the catch?”

  Cain shook his head. “No catch.”

  “If you didn’t want her to begin with, then why did you pick her?”

  Cain smiled. “I saw your expression when you spotted the brunette. She’s obviously somebody you know and somebody you didn’t want Xavier getting his hands on.”

  Julian scrubbed a hand over his face. “Am I that transparent?”

  “Not usually, which is why I picked up on it so easily. Knowing there was a decent chance you’d end up choosing after that bastard, I took her for you. I also knew there wasn’t any way he’d choose that sexy little redhead. As you’ve obviously already discovered, she has a spirit about her. Xavier doesn’t want to deal with that much defiance. I, however, can’t wait to show her who is boss. Now…” he slapped Julian on the shoulder, “go take your girl. You can thank me later.”

  Julian stopped at the doorway and watched as Cain strode down the hallway and into the room he’d just left. A smile teased his lips as he thought about the redhead still strapped to the wall. At five-foot ten, Julian knew he wasn’t a big man, but next to Cain, he looked downright small. Damn, what he would give to be a fly on the wall in that room when she set eyes on Cain.

  He slapped a hand against the frame, stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Boy, oh boy, was he going to owe Cain big time for this. His gaze lifted to the bed, and almost immediately, his breath caught in his lungs at the sight before him. Stripped to her panties, Maggie lay on the mattress, eyes covered, arms above her head tied to the railed headboard.

  Her pert breasts, barely more than a mouthful Julian imagined, faced the ceiling, the dusky pink nipples puckered and pointed upward, revealing her arousal. Damn if that thought didn’t have Julian’s cock swelling behind his leather pants. Her tongue darted between her lips, licking them as if they were dry, and Julian found himself stifling a moan. How would it feel to have those beautiful lips wrapped around his dick? He’d wondered that same thing over the past few years, but knowing his affinity for what some would deem the perverse, he never attempted to pursue anything with her. Maggie was as innocent as they came without being a virgin and he hadn’t wanted to corrupt her or, worse yet, have her reject him and their friendship because of his lifestyle. They had a business to run and bringing his sex life into work hadn’t been an option.

  Now, faced with her all but naked, bound and blindfolded, he had a new opportunity before him. The application process for Exotica was extensive and the annual fees pricy for even him. To get this far, she’d obviously done her research, considered her options and decided this was what she wanted. Damn if he wasn’t excited as hell at that fact.

  He typically liked his women with just a bit more padding. Yet he couldn’t deny that, even with her slender build, he was more than a little attracted to her. Hands down, she was the most beautiful sight he’d had the pleasure of laying eyes on in quite some time. Maybe it was the fact he knew her as a person that made her that much more appealing to him. Whatever the reason for his attraction, he couldn’t wait to explore all her most intimate secrets and share a few of his own.

  She squirmed against her bindings, her small boobs bouncing only slightly with the movement. He wanted to go to her, rip off her panties and bury his face between her long tapered legs. Knowing that wouldn’t befall a proper master, he chose instead to simply enjoy the view.

  It was then one very sobering thought occurred to him. He needed to reveal himself to her, let her know the truth of who he was before this little situation went any further. Club rules dictated that the first night was experienced in anonymity, with the Dom hidden by a mask and the sub remaining nameless until the morning after. If at that point the sub wanted to continue the relationship, identities were exposed, and if the sub instead decided to leave, she could do so feeling confident in the security of ambiguity.

  The fact that he already knew her identity made Julian feel like a rat. He couldn’t in good conscience hide who he was from her until morning. She would no doubt be horrified come morning if she learned of his identity after she’d done all the naughty things he planned for her. Not that he had any intention of letting her back out simply because they knew each other. No way in hell would he let the woman he’d had wet dreams over for the last three years leave now that he had her right where he never thought she’d be. This was simply a move to level the playing field before the actual games began.

  He moved to the side of the bed and carefully untied the scarf, letting it fall away without ceremony. She squinted and blinked against the light in the room. “You’re not my master,” she said, her voice edged in fear.

  “The man who claimed you has relinquished you to me, so yes, I am your master.”

  “W…why would he do that?” she asked.

  “He did me a favour,” Julian answered. He eased down onto the end of the bed, careful not to touch her in any way. “I know who you are, Maggie Malone.”

  Her eyes went wide, a look of shock and dismay racing across her gorgeous features. “Management promised me complete secrecy until I was ready to reveal myself.”

  “Yes, well, I don’t think management counted on us knowing each other outside of the club.” Before he changed his mind, Julian removed his mask.

  Chapter Two


  Maggie blinked again, knowing there was no way the man of her most wicked fantasies could be standing in front of her. “Julian?”

  “That’s right, hon.” He reached out and stroked a knuckle along her cheek.

  Warm skin brushed against her face and the reality of the situatio
n struck her hard. Heat flooded her cheeks as she remembered that she was bound and on display for him.

  “What are you doing here?” She tried to appear indignant, but ended up sounding more like a timid mouse that’d been caught hording cheese.

  “I could ask you that same question,” he replied. The same knuckle he’d dragged along her cheek slid lower, stopping at the pulse point on her neck before continuing its journey south. “What in the world possessed you to join a club like Exotica?” Even while he spoke, he continued his journey along her body. She held her breath and fought to hold back a moan as he slowly brushed along the soft curve of her breast.

  “I asked you a question, Maggie. Why would someone as sweet and charitable as you come to a place like this?”

  “I…I,” she stuttered. Trying to form a coherent sentence while his hand continued a downward slide was nearly impossible. “Can you please stop touching me for a moment?”

  He drew his hand away as if he’d been burned and she couldn’t help but feel a little bad. Still, she needed to think, to get her mind around the sudden turn of events in her carefully executed plan. “Thank you.” She grabbed the bars of the headboard with her fingers and, using what leverage she could, pulled herself into a more dignified position—if there actually was one when bound to a bed. “Now, to answer your question, even someone like me has desires, Julian.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean someone like you?”

  “You said it yourself. Sweet and charitable. Women like me don’t attract men who are willing to share their bedroom experiences, much less provide any type of real satisfaction.”

  “Sweet and charitable does not equal ugly, Maggie.”

  “It does for me.” She blinked hard, struggling to keep back the tears threatening to fall. She always hated talking about her inadequacies, and with her already being so emotionally charged, doing so now wouldn’t be easy. “Do you ever notice how all the good-looking men either avoid me or only want to be friends?”


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