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First Encounter

Page 3

by Ginny Michaels

  One of Julian’s hands darted into her hair, gripping tightly as he slid his dick deeper into her mouth. “Fuck yeah,” he ground though his teeth.

  His approval helped bolster her sprit. Despite her nerves and her initial reservations about having Julian as her master, Maggie soon found herself lost in the moment. She opened her lips wider, taking as much of him into her mouth as she could. God, she wanted to touch him, to stroke him and feel his flesh slick against her own. Instead, she’d have to be content with draining him dry. Intent on doing just that, she hollowed her cheeks, tightened her lips and sucked. A whoosh of air escaped his chest on a grunt and he began to thrust in earnest, shoving in and pulling out in a pace that had her pussy clamouring for attention.

  Her gaze flicked up to his face and she was more than a bit surprised to see him watching her with those penetrating green eyes. Whenever she’d given blowjobs to her past boyfriends, they would inevitably have their head thrown back and their eyes closed, probably picturing some other woman, she realised. Julian was watching her, which meant she was the only one he was picturing. God, maybe he really had meant what he said about her being in his fantasies.

  Suddenly wanting to give him everything she had, Maggie again closed her lips tighter around his shaft, hollowed her cheeks and switched her breathing to her nose. A slight tip of her head forward at the same time he thrust forward allowed him to push past her gag reflex. His eyes flared at the shock then his movements sped up. Quicker, deeper he pushed until he passed the point of no return. His grip tightened on her scalp as he let loose a deep and powerful groan. Warm jets of semen flooded her, washing down the back of her throat, causing Maggie to whimper with need. As good as he tasted, as happy as she was that she’d given him pleasure, she needed more.

  Not waiting to be asked, she began to lick him clean, slowly brushing her tongue over his shaft until, unbelievably, his softening rod began to harden once again. He watched her with eyes that burned with something she’d never seen before. Was it passion, desire or something more radiating from those beautiful green irises? Whatever it was, he continued to watch her as she slowly primed him for another round.

  “That was absolutely amazing, Maggie. I’d ask you where you got such a talented mouth, but I don’t think I’d like the answer.”

  Oh my God, was he jealous? Her body jolted on that thought. Never had she ever experienced a man being jealous of another about her. To realise he was exactly that sent her self-esteem skyrocketing. She took him deep once again, then smiled around his shaft as she tongued the tip. Whether he knew it or not, he’d just made her feel more special than she’d felt with any man.

  Chapter Four

  What in the hell is wrong with me? Julian felt every bit the ass he knew he was. The woman of his dreams, naked and vulnerable, lay at his mercy, and what did he do, but force her to suck him off? Sure, maybe that was how he would have handled potential subs in the past, but Maggie was special and required a different approach.

  She’s here for a reason, you dickhead. Don’t go soft on her now or you’re doing her an injustice. He shook his head at the last thought and desperately tried to get a grip on his emotions. No matter what his conscience said, there wasn’t any way he could give her the indoctrination he would have given any other woman. He glanced down at her. Despite her fragile, diminutive exterior, she was here for a purpose and it was his job to fulfil her every desire. If she wanted to be dominated, to give her any less would be cheating her of the experience, but maybe there was a way for him to do it slowly. He could start with light stuff and, depending on how she reacted, he could up the terms as he went.

  The first thing he’d do would be to finish binding her. Ropes wouldn’t bring her any harm as long as he didn’t make them too tight. “As much as I’d love to experience that talented mouth of your again, there’s much for you to learn.” He slowly extracted himself from between her lips, feeling the rush of cool air over his member as he slid free with a pop. She’d definitely taken the edge off, but only slightly.

  He turned back to the dresser where the tools of his trade were kept in each room. He removed the rope and approached her. “I’m going to finished what Cain started with the bindings. It’s supposed to be uncomfortable, but not painful, so tell me if I hurt you, okay?”

  She nodded as she eyed the rope, a look of anticipation etched into her features.

  He stopped, giving her a look of disapproval. “I can’t hear a nod, Maggie. What do you say?”

  “Yes, Master,” her reply barely a whisper. Her words sent a fresh ripple of desire rushing through him and he realised with some shock that he’d never get tired of hearing her utter those words.

  Julian slid a hand behind her back and pulled the rope under, careful not to drag it across her skin and create a burn. He wrapped it several times around her mid-section, going both above and below her breasts, creating a restraint that squeezed them up and out. Way too tempted to resist, he took a nipple in his mouth, rolling it around against his tongue before grazing over it with his teeth as he let go.

  She shuddered beneath him, her gasp barely audible. As he leaned over to tease the other, he flicked he gaze upward, his eyes meeting hers in a stare so heated he swore he’d go up in flames right where he stood. His first indication that she might actually enjoy the pain was the look in her eyes as he raked his teeth over her other nipple, pulling it with some force before letting it go.

  He studied her features, watching the flare in her eyes, feeling the slight arch in her back as she lifted towards him. There was only one true way to tell if she enjoyed the slight bite of pain. Slowly, he eased down her body, eventually hooking his fingers around her panties and pulling them off.

  Then he took a second rope and pulled up her leg, tugging it out and up as far as she could comfortably go. He wrapped the rope behind her knee, then attached it to the rope around her waist.

  Satisfied that the rope was tight, but not constricting, he moved to the other knee and repeated the process. The position exposed her innermost secrets, allowing him to see how wet her pretty pink pussy actually was. His dick jerked in response, growing long and thick yet again. Damn, he wanted nothing more than to bury his cock deep within her wet core and fuck her until she screamed for mercy. Instead, he made a silent promise not to take her until she’d experienced at least some of what she’d come for.

  Her gaze followed his movements, her breathing ragged—with lust or nervousness, he couldn’t quite be sure.

  “You have a beautiful pussy, Maggie.” He stroked a knuckle up through her folds, pulling her juices over her clit. Her body jerked against his hand and he smiled. She was so responsive, so sensitive to his ministrations. This was going to be fun. “Time to get down to business, honey.”

  With those words, he slid two fingers deep inside her channel, felt her clamp down against his invading digits and watched her struggle to arch her back. Her eyes fell closed in what he could only image as bliss. He gave her no warning as, with his other hand, he snagged her already hardened nipple between his thumb and finger and squeezed. Her eyes flew open as a gasp tumbled from her lips. Her channel flexed against his fingers as a new flood of warmth coated his digits.

  He’d set out to shock her and had done exactly that, but more importantly, he learned her body’s response to outside stimulation. While her mind might not be ready to accept the truth yet, her body was quite clear in its needs. It was possible that Maggie was a pain slut, at least to some degree.

  Well, wasn’t that just a juicy bit of information he’d enjoy exploring with her?

  “Julian?” she whispered, watching him with a now wary expression.

  “It’s ‘Master’, Maggie. Remember that, or I’ll have to punish you.”

  “Master,” she repeated.

  “Part of learning how to be a good sub is knowing your own body’s needs, pet.” As he spoke, he continued to tweak and pull at her nipples. She squirmed and twisted, trying to get away fro
m his hands, yet there was no mistaking the response her nether region gave. He let go of her nipples and removed his fingers from her channel, inciting a whimper of protest from her.

  “Hush, little one. I promise you will enjoy what I’m about to do.”

  Little one?

  Maggie had read erotic novels where the ‘Master’ had called his sub ‘little one’, but never had she actually expected someone to use it in real life. Gee, maybe sometimes fact was closer to fiction.

  She watched him, still a bit wary of what he’d do next. While deep down she trusted him not to hurt her, it didn’t change the fact that the entire situation had become incredibly uncomfortable. Tied wide and on display for his pleasure, she felt vulnerable and exposed on a level she’d never encountered. Yet, even as she tried to deal with the strange uneasiness weighing on her chest, she couldn’t deny her arousal at everything he’d done so far.

  He turned away from her to the dresser beyond. She’d spotted the assortment of toys when she’d walked in with the other Master and had chosen to ignore them, hoping if she didn’t see them, then they really didn’t exist. Now she wished she’d taken a better look. Of her own free will she’d written down the use of sex toys, so why was that thought now sitting so uneasily with her?

  After several long and silent minutes, he turned back to her with what looked to be a riding crop in his hands. Oh God! Implements like that had only one purpose, and by the look on his face, he intended to use it on her. He moved next to her and sank on the bed between her legs, his gaze between her legs then back up to her face.

  “I want you to close your eyes and clear your mind.”

  Steeling her nerve, she followed his instructions. This was a big step in handing over control of her body to him and her first real challenge of the night. Her mind screamed for her to stop, to use her safe word and go home, but the pesky curiosity that had brought her here to start with demanded more. She chose to listen to her curiosity.

  “Now, pet.” Julian’s warm timber glided over her like a blanket in the cold, easing her fears, fortifying her trust. “I want to let go of any preconceived notions you have about pain and pleasure. There is no unacceptable type of behaviour or feeling within these walls. Here you’re safe to explore every hidden desire without judgement from me or anyone else. Now take a deep breath.”

  She drew a long, deep breath in through her nose and held it, feeling her muscles relax as she let it go in the same manner.

  “Now, baby, just feel, “he commanded, his tone stern but also calm and soothing.

  The smack registered in her ears a split second before a wildly shocking pain shot through her clit. A scream tore from her chest and her eyes flew open, her gaze landing on where he knelt between her legs, waiting and watching her while he held the crop mere inches above her nether lips.

  She shook her head. “I don’t want this.”

  “Yes, you do, Maggie,” he replied, his voice uncompromising in his position, even as his eyes showed a gentleness she knew she needed.

  “No, I don’t,” she argued. Even as she pulled frantically at the bindings, a new wave of panic settled in her chest.

  In an instant, he was at her head, his hands cupping her face in strong hold. “Maggie, stop!”

  She froze, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. “I—”

  He placed a finger over her lips. “Shhh, baby. Listen to me. You’re okay. I wanted to see your response to pain. Maybe I pushed you too far too soon.” His lips brushed over her cheeks, kissing away her tears, soothing her fears. “I’m sorry, little one. Can you forgive me?”

  For several seconds, she considered his words. It was possible that she’d overreacted to the situation. After all, he was doing exactly what she’d wanted when she’d come here—he was pushing her beyond her boundaries. Yes, the strike had hurt like hell, but as she zeroed in on her nether regions, she detected the tingling sensation, the swelling of her lips and incredibly the moisture spilling from her.

  There are some people who can garner immense pleasure from pain. The words she’d read in one of the online chat groups regarding BDSM bounced around in her head like one of those twenty-five cent super balls. He was trying to get her to find the pleasure in the pain. Knowing now what was expected of her, she nodded. She had a safe word, and if the situation simply became too unbearable, she’d use it. “I forgive you, Master. Please continue.”

  Julian continued to focus on her, his brow creasing with his frown. “Are you sure? I don’t want this to be a bad experience for you, pet. There are plenty of other things we can try.”

  “No, sir. I want you to teach me to find the pleasure in pain. Please continue.” God, what in the hell am I doing? He’d given her a way out and she’d flat out turned it down. Maybe she really was some sadist.

  He moved back between her legs, readied himself. She started to watch, then instead closed her eyes. At this point, it was probably better not to see what he was doing. This time, when the hit registered, she’d expected it. She whimpered and fought back the tears burning her eyes, but didn’t cry out. Somewhere behind all that sting was something she was missing out on.

  “Again?” he asked.

  She worried her bottom lip between her teeth, then nodded.

  The next blow was slightly lower than the first one. This time, her mouth opened with a silent cry, but something was starting to wind deep in her core.

  “Again, Maggie?” his voice shaky and hoarse.

  “Yes,” she managed to croak, suddenly curious to the intense feeling building low in her stomach.

  Her eyes popped open to watch mere seconds before the riding crop landed with a thwack across her drenching wet pussy. She writhed beneath him, gasping as her stomach tightened even more.

  “That’s enough,” he announced.

  She started to protest, but could only swallow her words when his mouth descended on her sensitive and inflamed flesh. He licked from bottom to top, grazing over her clit, and she exploded. Spasms gripped every muscle of her body as convulsing as waves of pleasure flooded her system. Her vision tunnelled as her lungs seized, paralysed by the intensity of the pleasure coursing through her. White noise filled her ears, rendering her all be helpless to his ministrations. Never, in all her years of having sex, had she ever experienced such a powerful release.

  When her brain finally decided to once again function, the first sound to register was the running of water. She opened her eyes to see Julian approaching from the bathroom.

  “That was a pretty intense first experience for you, honey. It’s best to ease that sting with a cool bath.” As he spoke, he slowly undid her bindings. Her arms ached as the ropes finally slacked. He moved to each arm, rubbing the cramping muscles until she was able to lower them to her side.

  “Are we done?” she asked, her voice reflecting her disappointment.

  He chuckled and pulled her to her feet, giving her a moment to gain her balance before directing her to the bathroom. “Not by a long shot, pet. I’m simply giving you a chance to regroup before your next lesson. Now.” He helped her step over the edge of the large whirlpool tub. “Relax for a few minutes while I order us up some food.”

  Easing into the tepid bath, she let out a hiss of relief when her still sensitive tissues made contact with the water. The scent of lilacs surrounded her and she realised he must have added some type of oil to the water, because there were certainly no bubbles.

  He pushed the button for the whirlpool, then dimmed the lights on his way out. With only two wall sconces providing illumination, the room sank into a soothing and somewhat romantic glow. Maggie eased her head back against the tub and closed her eyes. After what she’d just been through, a few minutes to regroup wasn’t a bad idea. Not that she was having second thoughts, but with her mind still reeling from their encounter so far, a break from all the intensity was certainly welcome.

  Chapter Five

  With Maggie settled into a soothing bath, Julian walked over to
the phone sitting on the table next to the bed and dialled the kitchen. “Yeah, it’s Julian Daniels, can you send me up a mixed platter and a bottle of wine please. Oh and I need it delivered to Cain Sherwood’s room.”

  He hung up the phone and turned his gaze to the bathroom door. He hadn’t planned to use the crop on Maggie like that, but now that he had, he’d have to wait for some of the effects to wear off if he had any chance of continuing the night. She’d be sore, but the lavender in the water would help to draw out some of the heat he’d caused. His dick jerked at the image of Maggie in the throes of her orgasm. God, she’d been a beautiful sight. Now he’d just have to be patient for a little while longer. Letting out a sigh, he raked a hand through his hair. A little food and wine would go a long way in rejuvenating her and he still had a long night of debauchery planned for them.

  Twenty minutes later, he set the platter of meats, cheese and fruit on the middle of the bed, then proceeded to open the bottle of wine and pour out two glasses.

  Just as he was about to rouse Maggie from her relaxation, the bathroom door opened. She emerged with a towel wrapped around her. He frowned and stepped in front of her, stopping her forward motion. Before she could ask what he was doing, he pulled the towel away.

  “As long as you are mine for the night, you’ll remain naked.”

  Her gaze once again dropped away from him and a visible blush appeared on her skin. He curled a finger beneath her chin and tipped her face up so she’d look at him. “Don’t you dare be embarrassed, honey. You have a beautiful body, and I want to enjoy it as much as possible.”


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