Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend

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Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend Page 5

by Hobbes, Amelia

  This visit passed quickly, too quickly for Evelyn's tastes, but she didn't want to make it obvious she was lingering as she put Amber in her bedtime diaper.

  She spent the whole time trying to control her breathing, in time with adjusting the crinkly padding and pulling it snugly around Amber's waist.

  Back waistband pulled flat.

  Breathe in, slowly.

  Pull the front of the diaper taut, pretending that her fingers weren't trembling. Peel open the first bottom tape.

  Breathe out.

  Stick that first tape down. Grab one from the other side.

  Remember to breathe in!

  Evelyn was sure her nervousness was obvious as she finished fastening up the last tape on Amber's diaper, but the teenage girl didn't seem to notice at all. As Evelyn stepped back to admire her handiwork they both exhaled at the same time, a little of the tension between them dissipating.

  "Well... Thank you," Amber said softly, her cheeks blazing. "For um. For helping."

  Evelyn felt a pang of sympathy as the young girl bit her lip nervously. She was obviously mortified by having to be diapered by her Mom's friend... Soon she'd be doing anything she could to do it herself without involving Evelyn, the older woman was sure of it.

  All the more reason to feel guilty for her crush, Evelyn thought to herself, as she stole a quick glance between Amber's legs as she was distracted by setting her phone's alarm.

  "I'm always happy to help, kiddo," Evelyn said after a moment, hoping her voice sounded older-adult maternal and not fetishy ABDL-Mommy maternal.

  She wasn't sure if she accomplished her goal, though, because Amber blushed even worse and tucked her chin down self-consciously as soon as she spoke. The strawberry-blonde hair Amber brushed behind her ear stole Evelyn's attention for a moment, before the sparkling sea-green eyes captured it once more.

  "Well, I mean, this is... weird," Amber said, uncomfortably. "Like. I appreciate you doing this for me, haha."

  "You're welcome," Evelyn replied, brushing the comment away. "It's really not a problem..."

  There was a brief moment of tense silence as they both smiled shyly, then looked away, clearing their throats. Their cheeks were equally flushed, but Evelyn assumed it was just an awkward situation for Amber - and that she'd better make her exit quickly.

  "Well, I should get going..." she mumbled.

  "Wait!" Amber said hurriedly, one arm reaching out to grab Evelyn's wrist. "I... I..."

  Instead of finishing her stammered sentence, Amber threw caution to the wind and moved forwards, wrapping her arms around Evelyn. At first, Evelyn stood stiff and awkwardly, not sure what to do...

  A moment later, she put her arms back around Amber, and relaxed, light filling her heart relentless at the show of affection. When Amber finally let her go, Evelyn saw her worried face and smiled back instead of returning a frown.

  "Sorry if. If that was weird?" Amber said, nervously. "I just... I really... Wanna thank you."

  "It wasn't weird at all," Evelyn said reassuringly, while her mind was busily categorizing the feeling of Amber's skin against hers, the smell of Amber's hair, the sight of her poofy bottom sticking out as she leaned in for a hug. "I care about you, honey."

  "I care about you too," Amber mumbled shyly. "Well... Goodnight."

  "Goodnight," Evelyn replied.

  And although she loathed to leave, Evelyn still found herself walking on air all the way back to the car.

  Chapter 7 - Amber

  "Kiki? Sis!"

  Amber hissed down the phone under her blanket. The air was hot and sweaty in her makeshift tent, but it also kept her muffled as she squealed on the phone to Kiki about her latest almost-ABDL experience.

  "Yes, yes, I'm here, I'm just -gh- moving my laptop," Kiki grumbled on the other end, then sighed. "Okay. What's up?"

  "Sorry," Amber muttered. "I just wanted to talk to you in person about Evelyn..."

  "In person?"

  "Don't tease me!" Amber giggled. "You know what I mean."

  "True, but you're cute when I tease you," Kiki said, the smile evident in her voice. "...But go on. What about Evelyn?"

  "...Do you really think I should go and see her tonight?"

  Since Amber confessed to her that she had a big crush on Evelyn, the first thing they'd done was have the long, confusing 'am-I-gay?' conversation (Amber decided she was probably 'bi', but Kiki said she preferred 'pan - but with a preference for girls')... and then Kiki had started scheming for ways for the two of them to be alone.

  "But she's not even gay," Amber had muttered, as she typed a similar response to Kiki online - who promptly told her it didn't matter:

  PinkPunkKiKi: Well people can change right? Sexuality is fluid ;)

  PinkPunkKiki: And anyway... it's not all about that kind of relationship. You deserve time to be a babygirl in real life >.< it sounds like she's more accepting than your Mom would be.

  So then she'd suggested that when her Mother went out tomorrow evening, Amber should go to Evelyn's for a 'sleepover'. There was even a perfect excuse - there'd be a thunderstorm tomorrow night and Amber was scared of lightning.

  "Not anymore!" Amber had protested down the phone. "...Not really..."

  "But she's known you since you were tiny," Kiki reminded her. "So she probably remembers you're scared of them, right?"


  Kiki had felt that proved her point - and then she'd had to leave, called away by one of her roommates to deal with something. Which was why Amber was calling her now.

  "Do I think you should go to your crush's house tomorrow?" Kiki repeated. "Yes, of course."

  "But what if she thinks I'm weird?" Amber said, peeling down the edge of the comforter so she could poke the top of her head out. "Like, what if-"

  "She obviously doesn't think you're weird," Kiki reassured Amber. "Or she wouldn't be putting you in your nighttime didees so often."

  While Amber recovered from the massive pink blush that quickly overtook her face, Kiki giggled and went on:

  "I'm not saying to, like, crawl around and cry and use babytalk," she said. "I'm saying... Maybe you go and she diapers you, and you forget your pants... And you snuggle one of her plushies... Sounds fun, right?"

  "Gnmmmfff...." Amber mumbled into her pillow as she flopped face first onto it, but she was nodding anyway. "...Yeah. It does."

  "Then go for it," Kiki said, excitedly. "Come onnn! For your big sissy?"

  "Fine, fine, fine," Amber replied, although she was feeling almost equally excited... if not more so. "You think I should just... like... text her?"

  "Not yet," Kiki replied dismissively. "...Did she put you in one again?"

  "Um, yeah... hold on," Amber pushed her comforter down with one hand while the other grabbed her phone, turning the camera on and shifting it about until it focused on her face. "Ta-da?"

  Amber panned down to show the padding between her thighs, shifting self-consciously at being so on display as she spread them slightly. The diaper rustled with her movement, and Kiki squealed delightedly as she saw.

  "Oh my gosh, Ambs, you are just sooo precious!" she said, as Amber frantically wrapped her hand around the speakers to try and muffle Kiki's high-pitched voice. "Who's a shy li'l baby girl? Who is?"

  "Shhh! My Mom's in bed!"

  "Not until you admit you're a cute li'l diaper baby..."

  "Fine," Amber relented, unable to keep her face grumpy as she moved the camera back up. "...I'm a cute widdle diaper baby..."

  "Oh good girl!" Kiki giggled. "And okay, okay. Let's hang up now. But take a screenshot when you send your message to your girrrrrlfriend."

  "Get lost," Amber replied playfully, a big grin on her face as she ended the call... And then breathed out heavily as she opened her messaging app.

  Her fingers felt numb as she typed something out to send to Evelyn. The temptation to keep editing and re-writing was strong, but Amber knew if she waited too long, she'd back out of sending it at all. It was
best to just check it over briefly and then hit send...

  Her breathing unsteady, Amber read through the message with a bitten lip:

  'Hey Evelyn,

  Can I come sleep over at yours tomorrow?

  Mom's going out and there's a thunderstorm... :('

  "That should be fine," Amber said under her breath, trying to convince herself. "The worst thing she can say is 'no'."

  At that moment in time, the possibility of 'no' felt like it absolutely was the worst thing Amber could hear or read - but she ignored that as her sweaty thumb hit the 'send' button, and then promptly turned the screen off. Heart pounding, she waited for a response, tense and squeezing her stuffed horse to her chest tightly.

  It felt like Amber was waiting an eternity before she got a response - even though it had only been five minutes.

  "...Sure," Amber read off of her screen. "Come over after school. I'll leave the door unlocked if I'm not in yet."

  Relief washed over Amber, followed immediately by a wave of much stronger anxiety. She'd gotten the 'yes' she was looking for, and now the more immediate worry about tomorrow night itself set in.

  ...The phone buzzed again, and Amber read the next message from Evelyn without even thinking:

  'And remember your night time protection, kiddo x'

  Amber whimpered as her brain broke, Evelyn's short sentence hitting buttons inside her she didn't even know she had. The authoritative tone, the gentle nickname, taking the time to make sure Amber brought her diapers along...

  Underneath the thin layer of padding, Amber could feel her clit stirring. Hesitantly, her fingers loosely trailed down the front plastic outer shell of the diaper, peering down intently as she watched her fingertips dig in more firmly.

  "Ohhh," Amber moaned as she felt the dry padding against her wet slit, whimpering as her sensitive, hormone-flooded body reacted to even that. "Oh my God I'm such a naughty little girl..."

  For whatever reason, Evelyn hadn't put her in double diapers this time... But it made it much easier to feel things through the thin lining. Amber balled her hand into a fist and pressed it against her mound through the diaper, the pressure transmitting to her eager nub and the surrounding area.

  The diaper crinkled audibly as her knuckles pressed inwards, kneading her womanhood as Amber moaned out her lust for Evelyn. Her face was bright red, hips shifting with gentle but eager motions, rolling against the teasingly dulled pleasure though her padding.

  Her first time masturbating in a diaper... Just thinking about what she was doing reminded Amber of how taboo it was, how filthy. Whimpering, she began to grind her hips harder and harder, humping against the inner lining of her diaper as it was pressed between her folds.

  "Ohhh, Mommy," she murmured, imagining Evelyn there, hands between her legs, encouraging her to work herself harder and harder against her diaper. "It feels soo good..."

  Every time the cotton-like lining brushed against her sensitive clit, Amber felt electric sparks between her legs. She was humping against it more enthusiastically now, mouth hanging open in bliss as she gasped at the building waves of pleasure.

  "Oh yes, oh yes, god, I'm such a bad girl, touching myself in a, in a diaper..."

  Amber's enthusiastic dirty talk devolved into incomprehensible mumbling as her voice trailed off, silent for several long seconds. The sound of crinkling and bedsprings squeaking grew louder and louder, hanging on for several long seconds...

  Until Amber squealed as she came.

  Moaning as her lower body was overwhelmed by bliss, Amber's eyes rolled back in her head, trembling. Her cunny spasmed, pulsing in time to her racing heartbeat as she gasped through an intense orgasm.

  As she felt relief from the tension inside wash over her, Amber gasped and jumped as she felt her body releasing little spurts of urine, her spasming muscles clenching and pushing some out into the diaper.

  With a low noise of pleasure, Amber trembled, riding out every last second of her climax, every wave making a little more pee spurt out into the dampened padding. It felt so amazing to cum in her diapers, an orgasm more intense than any she'd felt before... And Amber was desperate to do it again soon.

  "Ohhh my God," Amber mumbled, face red from exertion and embarrassment as she flopped backwards onto the bed. "Ohh... my God..."

  Happy in her post-climax daze, Amber sighed, grabbing Butterscotch and hugging him tightly to her chest again. A little smile turned up the corners of her mouth.

  Tonight she would dream of Evelyn…

  Chapter 8 - Evelyn

  Evelyn had been very surprised when Amber messaged her, asking to sleep over. It took her a while to calm down and get the giddy smile off of her face, before she finally managed to reply.

  She knew it wasn't really about her - Amber had definitely been scared of lightning as a kid. Evelyn remembered clearly the stories Hannah told her about having to rescue Amber from being trapped under her bed after she crawled under there during a storm.

  But Evelyn still had that little feeling of hope in the back of her head, slowly growing. It was still easy to brush aside, but Evelyn decided that even if it was just a silly, ludicrous crush, it made her feel... really nice. And that seemed like something to hold onto.

  Eve thought about the idea of Amber coming over the whole day. Luckily she was generally pretty fastidious so she didn't need to clean her place up. Instead of worrying about making sure her living room was tidy, she could focus entirely on her daydreams of diapering Amber... and everything else, she thought with a blush.

  Sitting in her office chair where she'd first asked Amber about her bedwetting, Evelyn decided she'd get the ingredients to make fresh pizza on the way home. It had been a while since she'd cooked, and a hands-on activity like that would give them both something to do while they were together.

  Shaking her head to clear it, Evelyn tried to focus on looking through the budget and re-stocking schedules for the next month... but found herself unable to stop thinking of Amber the whole time.


  Evelyn had been home for an hour before Amber arrived. Not able to sit still, she mixed the pizza dough in advance, stuffing it into the heating closet to rise.

  Her heart leapt as she heard the door, taking a deep breath and reminding herself to calm down before she went and answered. It still pounded desperately in her chest as she saw the shape of Amber's skinny figure through the frosted glass of her door.

  Seeing Amber there with her school backpack slung over her shoulder gave Evelyn conflicted feelings. It was a stark reminder of just how young the young woman really was.

  Of course, Evie could remember when Amber was a baby for real... and now she wished she was her baby girl in a different way. Blushing, Evelyn looked away uncomfortably for a moment, wondering for the millionth time if she was a crazy pervert for feeling this way.

  "Um, Evelyn? Are you gonna... invite me in?" Amber said, with a nervous chuckle.

  "Oh, sorry, sorry," Eve grinned bashfully, pushing the door wide open. "I was just... thinking about something."

  "It's okay," Amber reassured her. "I uh. I remembered... everything. Is there somewhere I can put my bag?"

  "You can just put it at the end of the couch," Evelyn said, unable to stop thinking about the diapers inside Amber's bag that she'd be putting her in later. "We can take it up later."

  "Okay," Amber said, as she kicked off her shoes in the direction of the shoe rack. She remembered where shoes went, even though it had been a while since she'd visited Evelyn.

  She'd never visited Evelyn without her mother before, actually, Evelyn thought to herself with mild surprise. This visit felt meaningful because of that - but was she just reading into things again?

  "C'mere girl," Amber cooed, grinning as one of the cats approached her, sniffing her hand cautiously. "This one's Mitzi, right?"

  "That's right," Evelyn replied with a smile. "The other one is Lila. She's probably asleep on my bed right now."

  "I wish I could hav
e a pet," Amber said, as Mitzi purred softly at the rubs she was receiving. "But Mom would never let me get one. She doesn't like animals."

  "I know," Evelyn said, taking a seat on the other side of Mitzi. "I always told her she was strange for that."

  Amber chuckled, and for a few moments there was comfortable silence apart from Mitzi's loud purring - although Evelyn's heart was beating like a bass drum.

  She pet Mitzi too, her fingertips occasionally brushing against Amber's skin, making them both giggle in surprise. Evelyn let her eyes wander up amber's shapely body to her face, watching her expression carefully.

  Was the pinkness in her cheeks normal adolescent insecurity, or something more? Were the corners of her mouth turned up because she liked petting the cat, or because she was at Evelyn's house with her.

  Internally, Evie groaned... It was completely crazy to be thinking about Amber this way. She was just a kid, for God's sake!

  "So, I thought we could make pizza for dinner," Evelyn said suddenly, trying to get her brain off of this train of thought. "I've already let the dough rise. So we can just roll it out and put whatever toppings we want on."

  "Sounds amazing," Amber said, sounding genuine. "I've never cooked real pizza."

  "It's easy," Evelyn said, as she stood up. "...Let me go get it out of the closet, and then we can get ready to cook it. If you're hungry?"

  "I'm starving."

  Evelyn left, returning after a few minutes with the bowl of risen dough. Amber stared at it with her mouth open for a moment, reaching out and poking at the clingfilm covering it, full of carbon dioxide, expanding it into a big bubble.

  "Wow, it's so big!" Amber said, gesturing to the lump of dough inside the bowl. "Why is the plastic wrap all... poofed out like that?"

  "The chemical reaction that makes the dough rise also produces a lot of gas," Evelyn explained, smiling as she led them both into the kitchen. "It fills up all the space inside."

  "Oh, right," Amber said, sounding a little embarrassed. "...I probably could have guessed that."

  Evelyn put the bowl down on the counter and grabbed one of the rarely used aprons hanging from the wall, putting her neck through the hole and easily tying it around the back. Amber copied her, grabbing the apron - but managed to put it on backwards, looking over at Evelyn with an embarrassed, slightly lost expression.


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