Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend

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Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend Page 6

by Hobbes, Amelia


  Amber's adorable expression made Evelyn chuckle to herself, reaching over to help her without even thinking. It was only as she pulled the ties around her waist tightly, pulling the shorter girl much closer, that Evelyn realized just how close they were...

  "...Right! All ready!" Evelyn said, with forced cheerfulness, in an attempt to hide the tension racing through her body. "Wash your hands please, kiddo."

  Amber's lips quirked upwards slightly as she moved toward the sink. Evelyn wouldn't have noticed it normally - but she was watching Amber's face very carefully tonight. Her teeth toyed with her lip... Did Amber enjoy when Evelyn talked to her like a child? It was easy to slip into when she'd known her since she was a child...

  "Done," Amber said, holding her damp hands up for approval. "Your turn."

  Once Evelyn's hands were washed, she divided the dough into two big balls, sprinkling flour on the counter and rolling pins so it wouldn't stick. She showed Amber how to flatten and turn the dough as it was rolled out, resisting the temptation to wrap her arms around her and guide her through it that way...

  'Just like a Mommy,' Evelyn thought, shyly grinning.

  When the pizzas were both rolled out and topped with sauce and cheese, Evelyn laid out the toppings she'd bought for them both to choose from.

  Evelyn herself picked out pineapple and ham - a traditional, if slightly boring, choice. She watched to see what Amber would pick out of the corner of her eye, trying not to make it obvious she was staring.

  Amber tentatively grabbed a handful of pepperoni and began placing it carefully in a circle around the entire pizza. She looked up at Evelyn, hesitantly, as if for approval, and Evelyn smiled back lovingly.

  Even if Amber didn't know just how much the older woman loved her.

  Amber grabbed peppers, olives, and mushrooms, and very carefully placed them down in turn. She kept glancing up at Evelyn, her face a little pink, as if she was worried about her reaction - but Amber kept going.

  "Oh!" Evelyn said in pleased surprise as what Amber was making began to take shape. "It's a face!"

  "Yep," Amber said, giggling self-consciously. "...I know it's a little childish..."

  "There's nothing wrong with being childish sometimes, Amber," Evelyn said sincerely, her hand sliding over to Amber's. "Remember that."

  Evelyn's blood thundered in her ears as her skin met Amber's, hand covering hers and gently squeezing. The contact only lasted a few seconds, but despite how brief and innocent it was, Evelyn had to fight to keep her panic under control, as if that very small touch could somehow let her attraction to Amber leach through her skin and let her know how Evelyn felt.

  "Well... Well, thank you," Amber muttered, cheeks red. "I'll remember that."


  The pizzas were now in the oven, aprons removed, and both women sat on the couch in the living room, now sans cat, grinning and giggling as they talked to each other. The oven timer was set to go off in fifteen minutes - not long enough to do much of anything. So the only thing to do was talk.

  It was funny how Amber could make Evelyn feel like she was young again. Not that she was old... But being around Amber took her back to a time when her worries were about what someone at school said, or if she'd pass her next algebra quiz.

  "...but anyway, I'm learning a lot..." Amber finished her story about the AP classes she was taking and looked over at Evelyn for a response, still slightly anxious.

  "Your mother must be very proud," Evelyn said, smiling. "You've grown into such a smart, capable young woman..."

  Amber blushed, shaking her head.

  "Oh, you are!" Evie pressed, grinning.

  Evelyn swallowed. Her mouth was dry. She decided to be a little daring.

  "If I was a couple decades younger," she said, slowly. "...I'd kiss you."

  Amber's eyes opened wide, and her mouth dropped. Her red face conveyed mortification of the most extreme kind, and Evelyn instantly regretted her comment, biting her lip as if she could bite back the very words she just spoke.

  "Sorry, sorry!" she said, urgently. "I um. I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..."

  "No! No, you didn't," Amber suddenly said, her own voice cracking with urgency of its own, a hand reaching out and squeezing Evelyn's arm gently. "God, sorry. I just... I um..."

  Amber flushed, looking down and away.

  "...I never knew you were gay," she muttered, shyly.

  Evelyn's heartbeat came down out of orbit for now, flooded with sheer relief that Amber wasn't disgusted with her. And she was touching her , now...

  "Oh," Evelyn replied. "...Well, I am. I didn't know if you knew or not. I guess not!"

  "Sorry," Amber said, wincing. "...I guess I don't remember any uh, girlfriends..."

  Evelyn snorted. Amber obviously didn't mean anything cruel by the comment, but it was a reminder that the last time she'd had a serious relationship the girl had been very young.

  "Oh, well... It's been a long time for me," Evelyn said, after a moment. "I've dated... I think I'm still a little hung up on this one girl I knew... But she was never a good fit for me."

  Unbidden, images of Shelley, her ex, filled her minds. Pictures of her in thick diapers, cuddling massive stuffed animals. Blushing and grinning behind a pacifier... Moaning and grinding against 'Mommy's' fingers on the bed...

  "Um... Evelyn?"

  Amber's tentative words brought the older woman back to reality, and she mentally reprimanded herself for drifting off into painful memories... as well as naughty ones...


  "How did you know?" Amber said, in a tiny voice, the hand that had been on Eve's arm now picking at the carpet. "...That you were gay?"

  Evelyn stiffened. She'd never even suspected that the adorable young woman she'd been attracted to for a while now was having questions about her own orientation - but that seemed like the only interpretation that made sense.

  Tenderly, Evelyn let her hand slip down, laying it on top of Amber's once more. The girl didn't move, leaning in to listen to what Evelyn said next...

  "I think I always knew," Evelyn said, and Amber frowned quickly, obviously dissatisfied with that answer.

  "I mean, I always knew I didn't really like boys," Evelyn said hurriedly. "But... I think I knew for real... when I had my first kiss..."

  Thump-thump. Evelyn's heart was in her ears again. The simple contact that had been meant as a comforting gesture suddenly felt like so much more... One glance at Amber's face told her that she was feeling the same way, her lip quivering with nervousness... But she kept moving towards Evelyn's lips, slowly...

  And Evelyn didn't back away...

  They were inches, then millimetres apart. Soon their lips would touch, and Evelyn felt the whole world drift away, lost in what was happening...

  'BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!' screamed the oven.

  Evelyn jerked backwards and opened her eyes wide, Amber doing the same. They both wore the same look of embarrassed shock, and then Evelyn jumped to her feet, trying not to sound flustered as she rushed to the kitchen.

  "Pizzas! Pizzas are done!" she squeaked hurriedly, heart hammering in her chest as she hurried to leave the room.

  Around the corner, she leaned against the wall, hidden from view. Evelyn's body was stiff and tense, mind replaying what had just happened... and what had nearly happened.

  Evelyn sighed, slowly letting the tension out. It was lucky they'd been interrupted. It was obvious that Amber was just experimenting right now. She wasn't looking for a relationship with an older woman - she was just exploring with the first gay girl she'd met.

  And, Evelyn thought, with a guilty twist of her gut, she wasn't the baby girl Evelyn liked to fantasize. She was a normal teenage girl... she would never want the same things as Evelyn.

  With another soft shudder, Evelyn sighed again and grabbed the oven mitts off the wall. She needed to stop dreaming, and get real - because Amber would never be in love with someone like her

  Chapter 9 - Amber

  Amber wasn't sure if the last few moments had really happened, or she'd somehow hallucinated them.

  Evelyn had been right here, and it seemed like they'd been moments away from kissing...

  And then the oven went off, ruining everything.

  When Evelyn came back, Amber hoped that maybe things would pick up where they left them. She watched as Evelyn carefully put down both pizza plates, her cheeks flushed, her smile slightly forced.

  "Careful, they're hot," she warned, as she moved to sit down next to Amber. "...Here's the pizza cutter."

  With a small frown, Amber took a deep breath, and then slowly moved towards Evelyn, testing the waters, her lips pursed.

  Evelyn swung her face away almost imperceptibly, reaching out for the remote to the TV. Amber pulled back, embarrassed, as cold water was thrown on her fantasies.

  "Let's watch a movie," Evelyn said hurriedly. "...How about The Tiger Prince? You used to love this when you were a baby..."

  God, how could Evelyn be making her heart flutter even now? It hurt. Amber felt her guts twist. She wanted so badly for Evelyn to love her, to want her that way too. Amber knew it was crazy... but that didn't make it any less painful to feel rejected.

  "Excuse me," she said, briskly as she stood up. "I need to go to the bathroom first."

  Amber made it all the way into the restroom, closed the door, and sat down on the toilet seat - before she broke down into tears. It was hard, but Amber managed to keep her sobs quiet, not wanting to add the humiliation of being caught crying after everything else. That would really make Eve think she was a little kid, and not in a good way.

  How was Evelyn so perfect, and how had Amber never noticed before this week? She sniffled, rubbing her snotty red nose with the back of one hand. Amber felt like she was in the presence of a Goddess, a Goddess she'd come briefly, fleetingly close to being able to kiss when Evelyn revealed she liked women...

  But apparently not her, Amber thought, with fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. Maybe she was ugly, or maybe Evelyn just found something about her specifically abhorrent...

  Amber didn't know. So she waited in the bathroom until she was all cried out, and then returned to the lounge to watch her favorite childhood movie with the love of her life.

  Who barely cared she existed.


  Things got better after that. Amber still felt hurt that Evelyn had rejected her, but as they watched the movie and ate pizza, they slowly got closer and closer.

  Eventually Amber's head rested on Evelyn's shoulder, her legs taking up the rest of her side of the couch. She'd finished eating now, half a pizza left, several crusts beside it on the plate.

  She felt small, again, but in the nice way this time. Her face was pink from imagining Evelyn and her like this, watching a Bizney movie, everything exactly the same... Except that Amber imagined herself in a diaper, and Evelyn was her Mommy...

  Amber let her eyes close slowly, sighing as she drifted into her fantasy. She could stay like this forever... Here with her 'Mommy', close enough to feel Evelyn's heartbeat, to hear her breathing.

  The movie ended more quickly than Amber would have liked, and Evelyn allowed her to snuggle up a few moments into the credits... and then sighed herself, standing slowly up. Amber tried not to look hurt as Eve cleared the coffee table, putting their leftovers away - especially since a moment later Evelyn gave her another smile that made her chest feel like her heart was doing flips inside it.

  "Let's go upstairs," Evelyn said. "I can get you uh... ready for bed..."

  They both shared a blush, knowing what Evelyn meant. As Amber carried her backpack up the stairs, her diapers buried at the bottom, she couldn't stop picturing Evelyn wrapping her up in them - knowing that would be a reality soon.

  Upstairs in the bedroom, Amber flung her backpack onto the bed and started rummaging through it, eventually pulling out two of the thin, crinkly drug store diapers. Even now, she could hardly believe this was actually happening, her slender fingers shaking as she handed them to Evelyn.

  "You'll, um... Amber, you'll need to be undressed?" Evelyn said, with a hint of a chuckle, as Amber sat cross-legged on the mattress.

  "Oh! Right, right... Sorry."

  As Amber slowly stripped down her cheeks burned with shyness, averting her eyes from Evelyn. She wondered if the older woman was watching, half-hoping she was, wondering if she'd appreciate her scrawny body the way Amber liked her fuller, curvier figure.

  At last, Amber was dressed in just a bra and her panties, the rest of her clothes unceremoniously dumped in a heap at the end of the bed. Now she did look up at Evelyn, making eye contact for just a moment as her thumbs hooked into the waistband. Evelyn smiled shyly and then looked away, and Amber continued, sliding the cotton panties slowly down her pert backside, leaving her naked as a jaybird from the waist down.

  A movement on top of the wardrobe attracted Amber's attention, and she jerked before realizing it was was just Mitzi, watching her with big golden eyes.

  'She knows!' she thought instantly, blushing at her own foolishness.

  As she sat back down, Evelyn frowned, reaching for her backpack. In a different situation, Amber might have been concerned about somebody looking through her bag. But with Evelyn, she noticed it hardly seemed to bother her - she felt safe around the older woman...

  Evelyn's frown deepened as she rifled through Amber's bag, reaching right in and pushing aside textbooks and notepads to see if anything was hiding at the bottom.

  "Amber, did you bring anything to sleep in?"

  Amber's eyes widened in surprise, and then she bit her lip, embarrassed... She'd been so excited about the diapers, she'd completely forgotten that she needed to bring pajamas. Evelyn probably thought she was a real idiot.

  Gulping, Amber shook her head. What if this beautiful, maternal goddess said she had to go home, then? Stupid, stupid!

  "Well, that's okay," Eve said after a moment. "We'll just find you something of mine you can borrow..."

  "Are you sure?" Amber asked. "I don't wanna... I don't want to put you out?"

  Something about getting to wear her crush's clothes made Amber's chest do a flip. Snuggling down in Evelyn's pajamas felt strangely intimate and cozy, like something only lovers would do. But she really didn't want to be a burden...

  "Don't be silly, honey," Evelyn said with a handwave as she carried the two folded diapers over to her dresser so she could slit the inner one. "...Did I forget to put you in two the other day?"

  "Um, yeah, but it's okay," Amber said, swinging her nude legs over the side of the bed.

  "Did it hold?" Evelyn said casually as she used a small blade to shred the plastic of the first diaper. "I worried only one wouldn't."

  Amber flushed at the frank discussion about her diapers, about using her diapers... In truth, she hadn't even wet that one, having to hurry to school that morning over she overslept.

  "Um... sort of," she lied. "...It uh... it leaked a little."

  Amber tilted her chin down, embarrassed and excited by saying that. Using her diapers to the limit was a fantasy of hers.

  Evelyn seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then she carried on with her task, lowering the two diapers together before she spoke again.

  "I'm sorry to hear that," she finally said. "...I could have guessed though. You definitely need something thicker. From now on I'll make sure you're always in two when we're using these."

  With a smile, Amber gently laid down and lifted her bottom so Evelyn could slide her fresh diapers underneath it. The comforting softness was almost familiar at this point, but Amber still felt her heart start beating faster as Evie weaved the diaper between her thighs, the lining cradling her womanhood as the first diaper was done up snugly.

  The added thickness felt so nice as Evelyn pulled the second diaper up and carefully pulled the tapes into place, leaving Amber laying on the bed in just her bra and diaper.

  Amber bl
ushed slightly, sitting up to look down at her crotch... She longed to reach out and trace her fingers over the padded bulge of the diapers, but she restrained herself, knowing Evelyn was watching. That would be super weird...

  "Okay, so, let's see what we've got for you," Evelyn said as she pulled open a drawer of her dresser. "...I guess this might fit you?"

  A moment later, Evelyn was holding up a deep plum nightshirt with a plunging scoop neck. On the front were the words 'Naughty or Nice?' embroidered in gold, and Amber snickered as she saw them.

  "Did you get that for Christmas?"

  "Mmmmaybe," Evelyn replied, giggling herself. "It's comfy, though. Why don't you take off your bra and we can get this on?"

  It occurred to Amber that now her diaper was on, she didn't really need Evelyn to dress her... but she definitely wasn't going to point that out. As she clumsily reached behind her to undo her bra's band, she tilted her head down shyly as she slipped it off of her arms, feeling self-conscious, knowing her pink nipples stuck out, bare and erect without their covering.

  "Arms up," Evelyn said, and Amber's inner toddler squealed with excitement as she obediently lifted her arms.

  Evelyn was a natural caretaker, and even though Amber wanted her to think she was a sexy, mature young woman... she found herself paddling in the shallow pools of littlespace whenever she was around her.

  The nightshirt was made of a very thin, very soft material that stretched slightly around Amber's diapered hips. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly in and out, savoring the feeling as Evelyn dressed her, imagining again that she was her Mommy dom.

  "Well? What do you think?" Eve asked, tugging the hem of the nightshirt down so it covered Amber's poofy tush.

  Amber's top row of teeth found her lip, and she sucked air in through them as she looked down at herself. The nightdress was only a size or so bigger than what she'd usually wear, but the cut was obviously for a woman with a very different figure.


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