Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend

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Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend Page 7

by Hobbes, Amelia

  At least the double diapers gave some definition to her hips and backside, but as Amber peered down at her chest, she couldn't help but frown. The scooped neck plunged dramatically, showing a shocking amount of the skin between her breasts. It was obvious her small bust didn't come close to filling the 'casual' nightdress out.

  "It looks silly on me," she complained. "I mean, it's cute! I like it... But it makes my boobs look even smaller than normal."

  Evelyn laughed, and Amber smiled despite her embarrassment about her body. She really liked to hear Evelyn laugh...

  "...I wish I had a figure like yours," Amber went on, without even thinking. "You're so... curvy."

  "Oh stop," Evelyn chuckled, although she wore a shy smile. "I'm jealous of you! You look like you've never gained a pound in your life."

  "But... my breasts..." Amber looked down at her chest with another frown, her heart thumping in her chest once more. "I wish they were bigger."

  The conversation was innocent girl talk on the surface, but it still made her blood fizz in her veins. It felt like flirting, dangerous flirting - and Amber wondered how far she could go without Evelyn pulling away.

  "They might grow, when you're older," Eve said, her red cheeks the only hint she was feeling less nonchalant than her even voice suggested. "...And a lot of people like um... smaller breasts."

  Amber flashed a smile at Evelyn, and then silence reigned for a few moments as they both looked each other over. Amber couldn't tell what Evelyn was thinking, but she was imagining being here, with her... having Evelyn be the one to appreciate her body outwardly, instead of just in vague references to what 'some people like'.

  "...Well, I should go down to the couch," Evelyn said, as she looked away, pulling open a drawer to grab pajamas for herself. "I'll come get you at seven-"


  Amber's hand shot out, and she grabbed Evelyn's nearest wrist urgently. Evelyn's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and even Amber looked as shocked as she felt that she'd done that.

  "Um... I... it's a queen, right?" she said, voice squeaky. "So we could. Both share the bed?"

  Evelyn paused, and Amber cringed, wondering if she sounded desperate or clingy. After several long moments of silence, she slowly nodded, her own face uncertain - but pleased, Amber thought... or maybe hoped.

  "...You're right," she said. "I mean, if you're comfortable with it. Let me just get some pajamas on."

  Amber politely averted her eyes as Evelyn undressed, feeling her libido stirring at the knowledge she was naked just a few feet away. When she looked up to see her wearing a sky blue pair of comfy pajamas, it didn't stop - instead her eyes made a quick trip up and down Evelyn's body, being careful not to linger anywhere, before she gave the older woman a smile.

  The comforter was pulled down, and Amber wriggled down under it, Evelyn chuckling and following suit a moment later. At first, they lay apart... but minute by minute, they naturally moved closer to one another. Evelyn smiled sleepily at Amber as she rolled onto her side - then closed her eyes slowly.

  Amber didn't think she'd be able to sleep, her heart pounding unsteadily at being so close to Evelyn in what seemed like such an intimate situation. This close, she could smell the shampoo she used, a sweet fruity scent that clung to her nostrils.

  Half asleep, Evelyn's arm slowly slid out and draped itself across Amber's waist loosely.

  At first, Amber was surprised, but then she smiled, closing her eyes and rolling over so her back was turned towards the older woman. Evelyn pulled her closer in her sleep, snuggling the teenager against her.

  Amber felt the nightshirt riding up, her crinkly diapered bottom pressed against Eve's crotch. She wriggled backwards, sighing as Evelyn unconsciously held her in her arms. Despite the excitement racing through her veins, the feeling of being held like this made Amber feel small, calm and relaxed.

  She sighed deeply, closing her eyes. Even if Evelyn would never be her lover, Amber treasured this moment. She felt totally safe there, and it wasn't long before her own breathing began to slow as she drifted toward dreamland.

  That night, Amber had the best sleep she'd enjoyed in a long time...

  And wasn't awake to hear Evelyn sleepily mumbling her name, as she held her close... dreaming of the cuddles she didn't know were already happening.

  Chapter 10 - Evelyn

  Evelyn's eyes cracked open as the sun rose - and then opened wide as she saw the way she'd been laying.

  Amber slept peacefully, curled up in Evelyn's arms, which were wrapped firmly around her upper torso. Biting her lip to focus, Evelyn carefully untangled herself from around the younger woman, sliding her arm out from underneath her.

  Now she was free, she sighed. Apparently even in her sleep she wanted to snuggle up to Amber... It was just lucky she'd woken up before the younger woman did. Evelyn was sure Amber would have been upset to discover Evelyn wrapped around her like a vine while she slept. Just imagining it made her heart pound with worry and guilt.

  But as long as she hadn't seen, no harm, no foul, right?

  Amber mumbled something in her sleep, shifting slightly. Her diaper rustled as she moved, and Evelyn couldn't help but smile at the sound.

  Amber really did look angelic laying there, her light-colored hair tousled from sleep, her chest delicately rising and falling. Evelyn's heart ached from how beautiful she was...

  "Now you're the one who's dreaming, Evelyn," she muttered to herself as she gingerly stood up from the bed, careful not to make the mattress wobble too much in case she woke Amber up. "I'd better get in the shower."

  As she left, Amber lay there, snoring softly in her sleep. Evelyn didn't see the frown that suddenly crossed the younger woman's face - as she realized, even through dreams, that Evelyn was no longer holding her in her arms.


  The water was hotter than Evelyn would usually like, but she didn't mind.

  As she lowered her head underneath the shower nozzle, she imagined the warm stream washing away the thoughts she had about Amber, purifying her from the sinful desire to take, claim, kiss the younger woman. Evelyn couldn't help but imagine what she could do with Amber, untaping her diaper, grinding her wet mound against hers, hearing her cry out 'Mommy!'...

  With a squeak of embarrassment, Evelyn realized her fingers had been inching between her thighs, heading towards her slick and needy slit. Quickly, she pulled them away and grabbed the shampoo bottle, face fiery red as she shamed herself for thinking that way about Amber.

  "She's much too young for you, anyway," Evelyn reminded herself, rubbing the shampoo into her long auburn tresses. "I need to get my shit together and get over this ridiculous crush..."

  Although it was Amber who was still in high school, Evelyn felt like it was her who was acting like a blushing, giddy schoolgirl. Every moment she was alone with Amber felt dangerous, like her feelings would suddenly spill out of her unexpectedly.

  She cringed as she thought about how she'd nearly kissed Amber last night. That was beyond embarrassing... Obviously Amber was confused about her sexuality right now, but that didn't mean Evelyn should take advantage of that.

  From now on, Evelyn told herself she'd try and avoid more intimate situations with Amber. She needed to get out there and find a woman her own age... It hurt, knowing she could never be with Amber. But it was for the girl's own good... She deserved to fall in love with somebody her age, as well.

  Once her shower was done, Evelyn wrapped herself up in both her towels, and left the bathroom. Amber was awake now, sitting up in bed and typing something on her phone - but she jerked and abruptly shoved it down between her legs as she noticed Evelyn back in the room.

  "Um. Hi," Amber said, sounding slightly nervous. "How did you sleep?"

  Evelyn's heart fluttered foolishly. Everything Amber said seemed to be imbued with the caring, sympathetic qualities that Evelyn loved about her. Why did she have to be so lovable?

  "Fine," Evelyn said, self-consciously tugging at the end
of her towel. "Not many dreams, though... how about you?"

  "...Yeah," Amber said, hesitantly, her cheeks touched with pink. "No dreams."

  Evelyn nodded, feeling distracted by another dilemma. She had to undress and get ready for work, but that would mean being naked in front of Amber.

  She could always leave the room of course or ask Amber to look away, but that felt like it would just make things more awkward. Like Evelyn was making it a 'thing', when Amber had been naked in front of her just hours ago.

  The conversation had lulled for so long now, Evelyn breathed hard through her nose, trying not to look nervous as she undid her towel and let it drop to the floor.

  Nude and slightly damp, Evelyn looked away from Amber, partly to avoid the awkwardness of meeting her eyes, partly to hide the blush on her face. In silence, she rummaged through her drawers for clothes, well-aware that her entire curvy figure was on display.

  Evelyn tried to move naturally, as if she were alone, but found herself overthinking the whole thing. Every motion made her think about if she was facing Amber, the angles of her body, how the light hit her. Flushing self-consciously, she was glad when she managed to pull her panties back on, following suit with her bra.

  "That's a cute outfit," Amber commented as Evelyn pulled on her light pink polo shirt. "...You look really nice."

  "Thank you," Evelyn replied with a genuine smile. Now she was nearly completely dressed she felt much more comfortable around Amber.

  ...But she wouldn't get to enjoy that for long, Evelyn thought with a frown as she checked her phone on the dresser.

  "I need to hurry," Evelyn said, sounding disappointed. "I have a meeting this morning. Sorry for not making you breakfast..."

  "It's okay," Amber replied, shifting on the bed as her diaper from last night rustled between her thighs. "You did enough last night, with the, the pizza and all."

  Evelyn reached down to the nightstand to grab her keys, shoving them into her purse as she hurried to leave.

  "Help yourself to anything in the kitchen," she said, turning her face at the same time.

  In an almost-unconscious motion born from years of knowing Amber as a little girl, Evelyn planted a kiss on her cheek goodbye. But this time instead of just platonic warmth, she felt electricity shoot through her as she pressed her lips against the girl's skin, heart thudding as she felt the warmth of it against her mouth.

  There was silence for a moment as she stood back up, an awkward pause filling the air. It was obvious Amber felt the strange tension between them too, and Evelyn swallowed, unsure of what to do next...

  Except leave.

  "Well, uh, bye!" she said hurriedly - and then rushed off to work, cursing herself for being so stupid.


  On her way to work, Evelyn couldn't stop replaying the scene in her mind. She tried to remember Amber's expression, scrutinizing it over and over. It was so unclear now... Had she been shocked? Upset? Pleased?

  ...Not that it mattered anyway. Evelyn had kissed Amber on the cheek dozens of times before. It probably just felt weird because of her own perverted thoughts. She just needed to move on and stop thinking about it.

  "Work time," Evelyn muttered aloud to herself as she pulled into the lot of her store. "At least that should keep me distracted..."

  One of the guys who'd been employed there since way before Evie was manager - Gus, right? - waved at her as she walked in, and she dimly waved back, forcing a smile. This morning she had a virtual meeting with corporate, which was sure to be groan-inducingly boring.

  Later she'd be going through shift schedules for next month, which was equally unexciting.

  'I bet you'd rather be spending time with me,' the diapered minx of Amber teased Evelyn from inside her head. 'Right, Mommy ?'

  Blushing, Evelyn shook her head and headed straight to her office.

  Two hour meeting. Time to get started.

  Chapter 11 - Evelyn

  Actually, all things considered, the meeting went fairly well. At one point the area manager was trying to insist on less overtime for staff, but Evelyn firmly pointed out that currently, they were very short-staffed, and needed it to make up for it.

  Recruitment agreed to make a bigger push in Evelyn's area, and Evelyn agreed to come in extra hours if they needed her to do interviews any time soon. It would be good to have more workers rather than stretching everybody so thin.

  It wasn't until she was eating lunch in the breakroom that Evelyn realized she'd gotten several messages on Facespace from her mother. With a guilty swallow, she opened them, eyes scanning them tentatively for bad news.

  There wasn't any, and Evelyn sighed in relief. Her mother was just asking if she'd be coming to visit that weekend. Evelyn frowned with her mouth full of sandwich as she thought about it. It had been a while... and she could use some time away from Amber, to get her head clear.

  '"Yes," Evelyn slowly typed on her keyboard, having to focus to make sure her thumb hit the right letter. "See you soon. Love you."

  Not visiting her family often enough also made Evelyn feel guilty, but at least she could do something about that.

  Speaking of visiting people... What day was it? Thursday? Evelyn's frown deepened again.

  Every week, she and Hannah had a girls night in and watched soaps, drank wine, and shared what had happened to them that week. Sometimes - often - the topic strayed to their love lives... But there was no way Evelyn could talk about the girl she currently had a crush on.

  She slid her thumb upwards, to Hannah's contact, hovering over it for a moment. She could just cancel...

  ...No. Hannah was her best friend. And it would look even more suspicious if she canceled out of the blue, while she kept seeing Amber every day. Sighing, Evelyn flicked the phone's screen off instead. Hopefully, her embarrassment and guilt wouldn't be immediately obvious...

  Even to a woman who'd known her for the past 17 years of her life.

  "Gnuhhhh," Evelyn groaned. "Why can't life be simple?"

  "Y'okay, boss?" Darlene, a shop floor worker who was heating up soup in the microwave asked. "You don't look so well..."

  "I'm fine," Evelyn said quickly, sitting up straight with a blush. "...I'm just a little stressed."

  Darlene nodded in understanding and flashed a smile. It was a simple, quick interaction, but it made Evelyn feel a little better. It wasn't like her budding romantic interest in Amber had changed everything, after all... And it felt nice just to be on the receiving end of a little kindness once in a while...


  That evening, Evelyn headed to Amber's house again - only this time it was to see Hannah, just like she did every week.

  She brought with her a bottle of cheap but fruity rose wine, checking her smile in the reflection of the shiny glass part of Hannah's door. When she decided she looked acceptable, Evelyn knocked, and a few moment's later, Amber's mother was beckoning her inside.

  "Hi," Evelyn said, trying to keep her heartbeat under control. "How are you?"

  "Oh, let me tell you that once I've had some wine," Hannah replied, half laughing. If she noticed anything was up with Evelyn, she didn't show it.

  Now in the lounge, Evelyn smiled and nodded along to Hannah's story, laughing at all the appropriate moments. On the outside, she looked like the sweet, attentive friend Hannah knew her to be...

  ...But Evelyn herself knew better. As she complimented the new sweater Hannah found at a thrift store, she felt her guts twisting in guilt. What on earth would Hannah think if she knew that Evelyn had been thinking about, fantasizing about, her innocent little girl? It would be the end of their friendship, surely...

  "...So, I don't think I'll go on a date with him again," Hannah said, with a chuckle, finishing another story about a man she met online who proved to be a total bore. "...What about you, Evie? Anybody special in your life?"

  Evelyn managed to stop herself from looking too shocked, as Hannah fixed her with what looked like a very knowing gaze. Swallowing, sh
e shook her head, tongue feeling like a piece of limp taffy in her mouth.

  "You're sure?" Hannah said, with a frown. "Positive?"

  "Yep," Evelyn replied, trying to keep her breathing steady. "Nobody."

  "Hmmmmm," Hannah hummed, as she took a long sip of wine. "That's such a pity. I think you work too hard, Evie... You need to get out there and meet more people! You never know when you might meet Mrs. Right, eh?"

  Phew. Evelyn had avoided the questioning, and her smile was one of genuine relief now.

  "I know," she admitted. "It's just been so hectic lately... I don't really have time to meet anybody new..."

  The two women talked for hours like the old friends they were, and for a little while, Evelyn forgot about her forbidden lust for Hannah's little girl. It was only when she'd glance at a picture on the wall, or a drawing Amber made as a child that her Mom still kept pinned to the fridge, that she'd become overwhelmed with guilt again.

  But Hannah, thank goodness, didn't seem to notice.

  In the middle of an episode of General Hospital , Evelyn heard a key in the front door. Her heart thudded weakly as she realised Amber must have been home, determined not to react as her footsteps came down the hall.

  "Hey, Mom," Amber began - and then stopped, as she saw Evelyn there.

  She'd seen Eve sitting in that same chair, in that same spot, a hundred times before. But today she froze, her eyes widening suddenly... And then the moment was over, and she smiled.

  "Uh, hi Mrs- hey Evelyn," Amber said, her cheeks slightly red. "What's going on?"

  "We're just watching our shows, dear," Hannah said before Evelyn was forced to respond. "Did you get something to eat while you were out?"

  "Yeah, don't worry," Amber said dismissively. "Me and some of the guys split a pizza."

  Evelyn couldn't help but notice that while she was speaking to her mom, Amber's eyes kept darting over towards her. Was she glad to see her... or upset she'd invaded her space again? Evelyn didn't know - and the uncertainty made her nervous.


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