Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend

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Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend Page 12

by Hobbes, Amelia

  She also couldn't help but notice the puffy red eyes and tracks of tears down her cheeks... Evelyn winced internally, wanting nothing more than to wipe them away - but then chastised herself for the thought, telling herself it was wrong.

  "So," Amber finally said, with a big sniff. "...Let's talk?"

  Evelyn gulped, and nodded.

  Chapter 18 - Amber

  Mouth dry. Legs shaking.

  Amber forced herself to look right at Evelyn now they were alone. She swore she could hear the other woman's heartbeat as well as her own, the air in the living room seeming to fizz and burn with tension...

  "...Why did you come here?" Evelyn asked, miserably, as she sank into the couch.

  It hurt to hear Evelyn say that, like a piece of glass being stabbed into Amber's heart. But the silence was broken, and now there was nothing to do but talk.

  "To... talk," Amber said, swallowing. "To ask you why you left last night?"

  Evelyn groaned, shaking her head as she brought up her hands to clutch it. Amber heard her sniff, too, and had to fight the part of her that wanted to rush forward and comfort Evie right now.

  "I just. We can't be together, Amber," Evelyn said. "It's wrong."

  "Why? Why is it wrong?" Amber said, taking a step forward, voice trembling with urgency. "I like you! I think... I think I might even love you!"

  Instead of being pleased, Evelyn let out a miserable sob, her shoulders shaking as she began to cry. She weeped, miserably for several moments, as Amber watched, confused and nervous about the turn this conversation was taking. What could possibly be awful enough to make Evelyn react this way?

  "Why are you crying?" Amber asked, on the verge of tears herself. "I... I thought that was a good thing..."

  "It is," Evelyn said, quickly, sniffling, eyes puffy and red as she looked up at last. "It's just... oh, God, Amber. I'm sorry."

  She took a deep breath, mucus rattling in her nose.

  "Amber... You're too young to understand. I took advantage of you," Evelyn said, glaring at a spot on the floor, voice dripping with self-loathing. "I manipulated you. I used your incontinence issues to get close, I, I knew you were confused about your sexuality... and then I kissed you. It was wrong."

  "Don't I get to decide that? I'm the one you kissed..." Amber protested.

  "You don't get it!" Evelyn cried out, shaking her head in distress. "It was wrong. I lied to you, I... I pretended to myself I could control my attraction, but I obviously couldn't. I was dishonest this whole time about how I felt, with you, with myself, and I let it make me do something awful."

  Dishonest... Amber's face began to turn redder and redder, her heart thumping in her chest loudly. She didn't know if confessing her own dishonesty could change anything now, but at least she'd finally be able to come clean, and the guilt could stop gnawing at her every day.

  "You were dishonest?" Amber said, softly.

  Evelyn nodded, and Amber sighed - before taking a deep breath. It was now or never...

  "Well, I was dishonest, too," she began. "That day you saw me buying diapers at the store? Well... I lied. I'm not a bedwetter. I never have been."

  Evelyn's mouth dropped open, but Amber continued before she could say anything:

  "I know it sounds crazy, but I... I was buying diapers because I like to wear them," Amber went on, voice shaking with emotion. "So I... So if you're evil, for not telling me that y-you were a lesbian, that you were attracted to me, and that you might enjoy helping me for other reasons... then I guess I'm just as bad."

  "Because the whole time I've been having you come over and put me in diapers, without ever needing it. Just because I wanted you to."

  Now Amber was crying. She wasn't sobbing this time, but tears ran down her cheeks silently as she pushed herself onwards, forcing herself to keep talking no matter how hurt and mortified she was.

  "I kn-know it's freaky, and crazy. I just got caught up in my... In my fucked up fantasies," Amber sniffled, rubbing away some tears that clouded her vision with one hand. "I'm sorry. It was wrong. But now you know, and I... I won't force that on you anymore. I promise."

  Evelyn had stood up at some point while Amber was crying. She came closer.

  She took Amber's hand. Amber sniffed, letting her eyes widen as she stared back at Evelyn, who looked at her with utter disbelief.

  "...What kind of fantasies?" Eve asked, slowly.

  Amber was reluctant to explain, but she guessed she should have known that question was coming. Looking away in embarrassment, she spoke quietly and unsteadily.

  "I mean, like, as long as I can remember... God, this is so weird to say to somebody normal!" Amber laughed awkwardly. "...I always wanted to go back to being a baby. I wanted to be treated like a little toddler, and... and the diapers were just, like... something to make me feel more 'little'..."

  Evelyn's expression was unreadable, as she thought about what Amber said.

  "...I know, I know it's disgusting," Amber added, after a few seconds had passed. "I just... y-you asked, so I'll never mention it-"

  "I wasn't thinking that," Evelyn said, quietly. "Amber... Are you an ABDL? I mean... are you a little?"

  Hearing those words come out of Evelyn's mouth was a shock to Amber's system. Before she even responded, she could feel that tiny flicker of hope inside her burning even more brightly again, unconsciously realizing something long before her conscious mind could put words to the feeling...

  "I, I... How do you know what that is?" Amber asked, not daring to believe what she hoped was true was really true. "How?"

  Evelyn flushed, but, there was a tiny smile on her face that spread wobbily across it as she spoke:

  "Because... I'm a Big. I'm a Mommy," she explained. "And for a long, long time, I've been desperate to have an ABDL girl of my own to love and look after."

  Amber's heart felt like it stopped for a moment. Had she really heard Evelyn right? Not only was she okay with the diaper thing... she liked it? She wanted it? Wanted her? That seemed to be what she was saying... Was it?

  "M-me?" Amber managed to whisper, her voice full of disbelief.

  Wordlessly, eyes tearful, Evelyn nodded.

  The mood in Evelyn's living room changed in an instant. Amber's face instantly lit up in a smile of disbelief, and she trembled for a moment before throwing her arms around Evelyn's neck, feeling the older woman hugging her tightly back.

  They both cried as they embraced, half-laughing, the release, the catharsis spreading through them both. It felt so good that everything was good again. Both of them treasured the other's touch, hugging and then kissing, wet, tear-y kisses all over one another's face.

  "S-so, you don't hate me for lying?" Amber finally asked, voice squeaky.

  "Of course not," Evelyn chuckled. "You were in a difficult position. And it's not like I was entirely honest, either..."

  Amber sighed, nuzzling against Evelyn's hand happily. "Do you really think we can make this work?"

  Evelyn paused, thinking. She considered the age gap...

  ...And then considered everything else. With a chuckle, she nodded.

  "I do. I really do," she said. "If you'll have me."

  "Of course I will!" Amber sniffled, and then pushed on, boldly. "M...Mommy?"

  Half-laughing, half-crying, Evelyn slid her hand underneath Amber's chin, and tilted it upwards so she could gently kiss her new babygirl's lips, softly but passionately.

  Everything was going to be okay.

  Chapter 19 - Evelyn

  They moved to the couch soon after, both of them exhausted from crying, but still wanting to hug and kiss, enjoying the new relationship they'd found.

  As they snuggled on the seat, Evelyn got to hear all about Amber's ABDL experiences, her friends, her fantasies. She told Evelyn about her 'big sister' online, and Evelyn found herself wanting to meet that person as soon as possible, glad Amber had had another person to share her little side with all this time...

  Well, almost as soon as pos
sible... For now, she just wanted to snuggle her babygirl.

  "What are you doing?" Amber asked, giggling as Evelyn shifted around awkwardly trying to find something, her arm still trapped underneath Amber herself.

  "I'm looking for my phone, honey," Evelyn explained. "I'm going to message your mother and let her know... Well, about us. And that you're staying over tonight."

  "I am?" Amber giggled.

  "Yes," Evelyn said, with mock-sternness, not looking up from her phone. "Mommy said so."

  "Ooooo," Amber shivered with happiness, waiting for Evelyn to finish texting before she snuggled up close once more. "I really love hearing you call yourself that."

  "Well you had better get used to it," Evelyn chuckled. "Because I love being your Mommy. And I love you, too, kiddo."

  She kissed the top of Amber's head, stroking her hair, gently. Another few moments together of silence, enjoying each other's warmth. Evelyn didn't know when she'd ever been this happy. Things felt perfect, and right, again.

  ...Except for one thing...

  "Eek! Mommy!" Amber squeaked and giggled as Evelyn's hand suddenly slid down to her bottom and gave it a gentle, loving smack. "What's that for?"

  "Where's your diaper, honey?" Evelyn teased, and Amber blushed and looked away.

  "...Y'didn't put me in one..." she mumbled, her face flushed, knowing where this was going.

  Evelyn smirked, enjoying Amber's embarrassment unashamedly now. It felt good to think she looked cute when she was shy about her diapers, and not have to immediately hate herself for the thought.

  "Oh dear," Evelyn said, tutting. "I guess I'd better take care of that then, hm?"

  "Y-yeah," Amber replied, unable to stop grinning. "I guess you'd better..."

  A pause. A tension... And then...

  "Race you to the bedroom!" Amber yelled, as she jumped off of the couch, tearing off in the direction of the stairs, laughing as she went.

  Evelyn laughed too, taking off as fast as she could, but Amber obviously had the lead. The older woman managed to catch up to her, nearly, as she ran excitedly up the stairs, but then Amber zipped ahead once more, through the bedroom door.

  As Eve crossed the threshold, breathing heavy, Amber dove for the bed.

  "Wheee!" she squealed as she sailed through the air, landing on her back in the middle of the mattress, making it squeak in protest. "I'm the winner!"

  "Hmmmm," Evelyn said, breathlessly, as she walked over towards Amber on the bed. "You sure are..."

  Amber had just enough time to look up suspiciously, before Evelyn pounced on her, grinning like a fiend.

  "And here's your prize!"

  Evelyn's fingers lunged for Amber's armpits, tickling her relentlessly. Instantly, Amber burst into laughter, squirming and kicking as she was mercilessly tickled into the mattress. Evelyn's smile was wicked as she watched her new babygirl exploding with laughter, nearly wetting herself from how violently her whole body spasmed with acute giggles.

  "And here's your other prize," Evelyn quipped, as she stopped ticking, and leaned down to pepper kisses all over Amber's face. "Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah!"

  "Eeeheeehee, Mommmyyy," Amber giggled back, face still red from laughing so hard. "You're so silly!"

  "Mmmhmm," Evelyn agreed, rolling off of Amber onto the mattress. "And you're so cute..."

  Amber blushed, looking at Evelyn adoringly as they lay together for a moment, before the older woman got back up again. Amber watched with interest as she slid a large box out from inside her closet, already opened and hidden by the dangling clothes inside.

  "Oh, wow," Amber gasped, as Evelyn lifted a nearly-full pack of adult diapers out of the box. "...Did you really order so many of those, just for me?"

  "Yes," Evelyn admitted, blushing herself. "And you thought you were the one being weird about this, hm?"

  "I guess you really do want me to be in diapers," Amber said, squirming as she sat up. "Wow."

  "Is that surprising?" Evelyn asked, as she slid out one thick, crinkly diaper from the pack. "I mean, you look so cute in them..."

  "I'm just used to thinking people would be really weirded out," Amber muttered. "I mean, it's kind of a shock, you know? Hard to believe you could think I'm more attractive wearing a big, poofy diaper..."

  Evelyn's eyes glinted, and Amber giggled, covering her mouth as she blushed again.

  "Okay, okay, so maybe not that hard to believe," she said. "It's just a lot to get used to. This day has been kind of a whirlwind."

  Evelyn paused for a moment, turning the diaper over in her hands. She didn't want to wait to put Amber in one... but if she needed more time...

  "Don't worry, I definitely want you to, um... diaper me," Amber said shyly, as if reading Evelyn's mind. "I just... whoa. It's a lot, you know?"

  "It is," Evelyn agreed. "If you ever need to slow down, I'll understand..."

  "I don't," Amber said firmly, as she reached down to her pajama pants and hooked her thumbs into the waistband. "I really want to do this..."

  Before when Amber had undressed in front of her, Evelyn had kept her eyes politely averted, making sure to look away or at Amber's face. At first, she instinctively turned her head as Amber began to pull down her underwear - but the younger woman shook her head, inviting Evelyn to look at her. Her face red, Evelyn's nostrils flared slightly as she watched her new girlfriend's trimmed slit come into view, longing to taste her wetness for real now...

  "What's Mommy lookin' at?" Amber teased, as she wriggled her hips from side to side, legs spread. "Is it my kitty?"

  Evelyn had planned to ask at some point if Amber was ever sexual in littlespace, but that had answered it for her. That was good. She didn't want it to always be sexual, but sometimes there was nothing Evelyn enjoyed more as a Mommy than bringing her little girl to a moaning, gasping orgasm through their diapers.

  "Maybe it's your naughty bottom," Evelyn said in a teasing voice. "That I'm thinking about smacking."

  Amber just giggled some more, lifting her perky backside so Evelyn could slide the diaper underneath it. Evelyn bit her lip as she bent down... and then planted a kiss on the top of Amber's mound, making her gasp softly.

  "O-ohh... Mommy?" Amber gasped, parting her legs a little more. "What was that?"

  Amber sounded so genuinely innocent, the juxtaposition of her cute little voice and her spread, slickening pussy so hot and wet. It made Evelyn's heart pound, unreasonably aroused by the horny 'little girl' in front of her.

  "I'm just giving you some little kisses, sweetie," Evelyn purred, as she smooched gently down Amber's inner thigh. "Is that okay?"

  "Y-yuh huh," Amber panted, her hips rolling as her fingers grasped the comforter on the bed. "...Please Mommy... Kiss me more, down there..."

  Evelyn had worried this might be too fast for Amber, but the younger woman seemed just as eager for it as she did, if not more so. So Evelyn's kisses went lower, until she was planting them right on Amber's slightly parted, sticky slit, hearing her gasp and feeling her tense below her attentions.

  While the eager adult babygirl squirmed around on top of her diaper, crinkling noises filling the air, Evelyn let one hand slide down her belly and into her jeans, undoing the fly so she'd have more room. She found her own pussy slick and needy, and soon she had her finger resting against her clit, the other sliding between her folds.

  Slowly teasing herself with one hand, Evelyn took a deep breath, inhaling Amber's delicate, feminine scent. Slowly, she slid her tongue out, and gently slipped it between the petals of Amber's peach, dragging it slowly upwards towards her clit. Lowering herself to her knees, she parted her own legs, the position much more comfortable when she was pleasuring Amber.

  "AHhh! M-mommy! Oh Mommy, that feels so good!" Amber moaned, genuinely.

  Evelyn felt herself flush with pride, while between her legs, pleasure throbbed and grew. Hearing Amber call her 'Mommy' in real life was almost too exciting, but she carried on, focusing on bringing her adorable princess the greatest pl
easure of her life.

  ...so far.

  "Nmmg! Nghh!"

  Amber's body was tense, her knees locked as she pushed up towards Evelyn's constant, teasing licks between her folds. Evelyn could tell she was trying not to hump or grind against her, but every so often the poor girl couldn't help but push needily towards her Mommy's face.

  Evelyn herself could feel the tension rising in her own body, breathing in hot puffs across Amber's spread pussy as she lapped more quickly now, swirling her tongue around Amber's excited nub. The excitement of first times always got to her, the taboo nature of licking out somebody who called her 'Mommy' while laying on a diaper driving her wild with arousal.

  "Mmmm," she moaned, sending the vibrations right to Amber's tender clit, hearing her shriek with pleasure, unable to stop her hips gyrating as Evelyn's licking grew faster and faster, more intense.

  "Oh Mommy, oh, Mommy, God, Evelyn, Mommy, I, I, I'm g-gunna..." Amber panted almost incoherently, so desperate for release, the diaper rustling constantly under her grinding, humping bottom.

  Evelyn could tell how close Amber was, could tell how close she was, so close, feeling like a firework was about to go off inside her. In those last few moments, she pushed onwards, a burst of frantic, erotic energy that she unleashed on Amber's pussy with frantic, forceful lapping, her tongue firm and stiff as it ran over Amber's stiff clit over and over and over and...

  "EEEEE! MOMMY!" Amber squealed as she came, shoving her crotch hard against Evelyn's mouth.

  Evelyn felt Amber's nub throb against her tongue, and groaned herself, slammed by a climax at the same time as her younger girlfriend. She moaned, continuing to lick and tease Amber's swollen pink lump, hips rolling against her own hand as she brought Amber through the blissful sea of orgasm.

  She tasted so sweet as she came, her breath catching in her throat as she moaned in delight. Evelyn shuddered as she felt her own climax finally coming to an end, and a moment later, she pulled her mouth from Amber's still throbbing pussy, watching with a grin as her bottom dropped onto the diaper, legs trembling.


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