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Werewolf Me

Page 2

by Amarinda Jones

  That was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to Truro. She started to cry. His mouth and tongue lapped up the tears as he cradled her in his arms.

  “Give in to need, petal. You will never feel stupid or ugly again.”

  Truro stiffened at his words. “How do you know that?” She desperately wanted to believe him but how could a stranger really understand her when there were times she no longer believed in herself?

  “I just do.” He picked her up in his arms.

  Whoa. This was different. Truro grabbed his shoulders as she was hoisted into the air. “Um…that bed’s no more than a step or two away.”

  He smiled. “I know but I like holding you.”

  This man must be immediately cloned and given to every woman. “I’m heavy. I don’t want you breaking anything useful.” The most useful aspect of him was rigid and pressing into her side. What will that feel like inside?

  “You’re a featherweight.”

  Truro looked at him in cynical disbelief. “Were you drinking at the diner?” He dropped her down on the bed making her bounce twice. “That’s not very romantic.” It was fun though. Truro leaned back on her elbows and looked at him. The only thing she wore was her slip that covered her to mid-thigh. She rarely if ever wore knickers. That was just a quirk of hers. She opened her legs, knowing he could see all.

  “Remove your slip.” His voice was low and husky and indicated a man trying to keep control. He had her pinned to the bed, his legs apart straddling her hips.

  “Take it from me.” The minute she said it Truro did a double-take. Good grief did I say that? Truro was never one to ask for sexual favors. But right at that moment she felt more daring and free than she ever had. “Rip it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Her lover’s hands made short work of the delicate lace. His eyes went to her breasts.

  This was the moment that always made Truro nervous. She was naked. On display. Every flaw could be seen and like all real women she had a few. “I know they’re not exactly perky and—”

  “Shut up,” he said as he leaned down and his mouth covered one of her nipples.

  Truro closed her eyes and moaned. The tug of his lips and the swirl of his tongue on her breast were the most fantastic feelings. “Oh boy, don’t do that.” Anything so good had to have a price. Fuck it, I’ll pay it.

  “Why not?” he lifted his mouth momentarily to ask the question. He licked his lips as he ran the pad of his thumb across her wet, pink nipple.

  “Because I’ll scream.” Probably beg. Possibly cry. She was so wet with need she could do almost anything at that moment.

  “You’ll be screaming a lot by the time I’m finished with loving your body.” His mouth was once more at her breast sucking one then the other nipple as his hands held Truro close.

  I could love this man. Head slap. Where did that come from? “Um…” Was there a politically correct way to ask him to place all that lovely, length of cock inside her?

  “Yes?” His tongue moved from her breasts to her stomach.

  “I really need—”

  “What?” His hands caressed her hips as his mouth moved across her skin. skin.

  “I’m empty.”

  “As am I.”

  Truro rolled her eyes. “I don’t mean it in the transcendental, emotional sense of the word.” She wanted cock. She wanted it now. “Besides you look pretty full to me, wolf man.”

  He lifted his head and smiled at her words. “Wolf man?”

  I want him. I want him. Any thoughts she had of this being just one-sided sex were gone. “Well, you have that hot tatt and all.”

  “You think it’s sexy?”

  “You are—er, I mean it is.” Truro ran her hands down the inked image to emphasize her words. She could feel his heart beating madly. That he wanted her made Truro totally lose all control. “Please fuck me.” Her eyes locked on his letting him know whatever he wanted she was ready to permit. The hard cock resting against her inner thigh needed a home. Come home to me.


  Soon? What sort of a response was that from a man with an erection that would probably kill her? Damn it would be worth dying for though. “How soon is soon? I ask because I really need you inside me now.” Truro had never liked the whole needy side of life. Needs made her weak and whiny. Please don’t let me whine.

  “I need other things,” he murmured against her skin.

  Truro squirmed under the reverberation. It tickled. “This is not about you.”

  “No, it’s about us.” His mouth moved down her lower abdomen to the curls of her pussy.

  Oh good Lord. No man had ever put his mouth there. “Don’t.” Truro pushed at his shoulders. While she wanted sex, what he wanted to do was a level of intimacy she had never wanted to venture into. In the past, sex was a function, a need, not something that crossed any forbidden barriers.

  He stopped and looked up at her. “You say that a lot. Besides, you had your mouth on my cock.”

  It was weird having a conversation with a man whose head was in line with her vagina. “Yeah but I had no idea what I was doing.”

  “Really?” He smiled as if pleased. “You’ve done that with no other man?”

  Truro knew she was turning twelve shades of red but it was hard to look sophisticated when you were naked and trembling with need. “Yeah, well, it’s embarrassing but—”

  He caught one of his hands in hers. “No, I think you’re beautiful and funny and sweet.” He kissed her hand and then pushed Truro back on the bed. “Now lie back and don’t think.” He moved his hands under her ass and lifted her pussy toward his mouth.

  Thinking would have been impossible for Truro as her brain went all fuzzy when his tongue touched her clit. His hot breath on her skin and his questing lips on the pink inner folds between her legs made her tremble with need. Never had she felt so alive under another’s touch. Truro clutched at his shoulders trying to pull him closer. His mouth was insatiable in its quest to make her come. “Bloody hell,” she moaned through clenched teeth as she tried to keep her body still but it shook so much under his ardent attentions.

  Her lover looked up from what he was doing. “You like?”

  “This is better than chocolate.” Truro held him tight to keep control. “I love chocolate.”

  He smiled. “I’m humbled by the comparison.”

  Truro blushed. Who knew I could still do that? She was sure her amateur attempts to suck and give him such pleasure did not even come close to what she was feeling now. “If I had time with you I could have been better. Not, that I’m asking for more…or your cock—oh crap that sounded weird…what I mean is—”

  He moved up her body, smiling at the way her legs wrapped around his waist. He caressed her thighs in light, sensual strokes. “Petal, I’ll teach you anything you need to learn about sex.” He leaned in and kissed her slowly and deeply.

  The taste of her own body on his lips was frightening yet strangely exciting to share with him. His voice sounded so sure and possessive. Truro wanted to believe in him and her and the whole thing. If only for the moment. And as moments went this was pretty damn perfect. ”Wolf man?” Truro’s lips left his. She was on fire with need for the stranger.

  “Yes, petal?”

  “Please.” No other words were necessary. Truro could see in his eyes he understood.

  “I thank you and I am honored.”

  His words were so sweet and old fashioned that Truro blinked in wonder. No one had ever spoken to her like this before. Crazy future visions of her and him together played in her mind. It was all madness. But I like it. “What now?” Sure, she was the woman who had taken a strange man’s cock in her mouth. That had been an unusual move for her to make. It had taken courage. Now Truro needed him to lead the way. I do not want to mess this up. While it was only one night in her life, Truro knew in her heart it was special. And I may never do special again.

  “This.” In one move he flipped her over onto her stomach and pulled her
to her knees. “Now you become mine as I am yours.”

  It was then the wolves howled loudly in unison at his words. Spooky. “This is not forever.” Truro’s body jumped as she felt his cock prodding in between the cleft of her ass. “And you sure as hell need a condom with me, wolf man.” While Truro may have had her mouth on his cock, she was never going to let him freely come inside her body without protection.

  He leaned in and ran soft, wet kisses down her spine. “You are adorable and you have a great ass.”

  Truro felt him move from behind her. “I have a fat ass but it’s comfortable to sit on.”

  “And be cushioned against,” he added as he retrieved his discarded trousers and found a condom. “I can hardly wait.”

  Truro had to love a man who made a woman feel good about her cellulite. She turned her head and watched. It always fascinated her how so little rubber could cover an expansive cock. She licked her lips in thought. All that just for me. It had been so long since she had felt this excited. Have I ever felt this way before?

  He winked and moved back behind Truro. “Better?” He nudged her legs apart with his knee.

  “Perfect. Fill me.” That’s all Truro wanted. Hot, hard possessive heat filling her and making her feel something once more.


  The wolves howled once more. “It’s like they do that on cue.” Truro felt the head of his cock at the entrance of her vagina. “As for forever? For now is just as good too.”

  “Forever.” he repeated once more as his cock slid into the wet, tight, heat of her body.

  Truro gasped at the hard yet welcome intrusion. His cock slowly filled her to the hilt as he held her body close against his. It was the most amazing feeling. This was not random sex. This was a joining in the true sense of the word. For one crazy moment Truro felt like crying. The whole idea of being complete with someone had always struck her as pop psychology. But this, with this man, made her catch her breath in wonder. As he started to move back and forward, Truro moaned at the intense, hot pressure of his cock. “Oh, wolf man…” It was hard to find the right words to describe what she was feeling.

  He stopped momentarily. “Are you okay?” he whispered against her ear.

  The tenderness of his voice made her tremble. “Don’t stop.” I want this forever. Once more the wolves howled. “Please move.” Truro liked the possessive growl of amusement he gave.

  “Anything you wish I will do.”

  “I need deep and fast.” If the wolves still cried in the distance, Truro no longer heard them. There was no one but her and this man and the wild need to take and be taken. I am his. They were enfolded in their own little world where no one could intrude. It was about driving need and the passion to give of herself to one person alone. “Oh, wolf man,” she panted as his balls slapped hard against her ass, his cock pumping harder and faster at her request. Truro was so close to coming. She rammed her butt back against his thighs taking all he could offer. As the orgasm hit, she arched her back up and pushed against him for more. Truro was hungry for whatever he could give her. The feeling was so intense and exciting then she felt like the tattoo on his chest was burning into the skin on her back. It was hot and delicious and she had a mad urge to be marked for life by this man.

  “Hold on, petal,” he growled low against her ear, his mouth brushing the skin of her neck.

  It would have impossible to stop the shuddering that shot tearing into her body sending off spirals of delight through her. Truro had only ever come under her own fingers. This primitive, male-induced orgasm beat her own hand. Truro tried to keep pace with his thrusts, but her legs were shaking. She screamed out as she gave in to all she was feeling. The man behind her howled in loud satisfaction. It was a sound of pure primal need and possession. I am his.

  Her lover collapsed against her body and shook as he was overcome by his own release. “You are mine.” The wolves howled almost as if in agreement.

  “Yes.” It was madness to say but at that moment it was what Truro believed.

  Ten minutes later, Truro was still too limp and relaxed to do anything but lie within the cradle of her lover’s arms. It would have been sensible to get up and leave, yet she couldn’t. She felt the need to stay with this man as long as she could. A man whose name I do not know. But this was more than just pleasantries and names. It was—what? She had experienced fantastic sex that Truro knew she was going to remember forever. Maybe it was crazy to think that way but she knew in her heart, this was an unforgettable gift that had been given to her.

  “Feel better, petal?” His hands stroked from her back to her ass in a soft, sensual motion.

  Oh, the voice. It was as smooth as Irish whiskey and as velvety as chocolate. “Yes.” Her eyes locked with his. There was such sweet understanding in those golden depths. “Thank you.” Truro would never forget this man who had made her feel so beautiful and desired.

  “My pleasure.”

  Once more Truro heard the lonely sound of wolves howling. What is it with wolves at the moment? They weren’t even native to Australia. Legend had it that a pack had been brought over from America more than a century ago. They were often heard and seen in the hills around Ludlum. But this year they seemed closer than ever. Truro shivered. There was something about the lonesome wolf’s cry that made her tremble with a strange feeling of anticipation. But of what? She touched the tattoo on his chest and shivered once more. For one second Truro saw a flash of this man and a wolf standing side by side. No wait, they became one. Huh?

  “They’ll never hurt you, petal,” her tawny-haired lover said, his lips almost on hers. “They’re searching for their mates. Every time soul mates meet the wolves cry out in recognition and satisfaction.”

  Before Truro could ask how he knew, his mouth was on hers and the sound of the wolves could not complete with the man in her arms.


  “It has begun.”

  Bess Calvert nodded. “Yes. It has been a long time coming.” She ran her hand through her long gray curls. No one but William ever saw her with her hair down. “Where have the last fifty years gone?” Bess said it more to herself then to her lover. She was worried yet she knew some things could never be changed. The sound of the wolves howling told her that.

  William smiled “Ah, Bessie, my love, time as we both know is irrelevant.” His pushed back the hair from her face and tweaked her nose. “We’ve had a good life.”

  “Oh yes, the best.” Bess’ eyes were soft on his. She had made hard choices in her life but they had been the only ones she could have made. To be anywhere but with William would have been denying a part of her soul. Many years ago there had been those who had not understood the decisions she made. They were long gone now and what others thought of her no longer bothered Bess. William was the only person she had truly ever loved.

  “No regrets?”

  He was as handsome as the first day he had loped into her world. Like her he was older, grayer and not as spry but he was still the most beautiful man she had ever seen. His smile still made her heart skip a beat. “None at all, William.” Regrets were for those too scared to take a chance. Bess had never been afraid with William by her side. Others never understood that, but she didn’t care. Bess thought about those who would soon follow her path. “Do you think they will handle it as well?”

  William smiled. “Miss Simpson will struggle.”

  Bess nodded. She loved Truro Simpson. That girl was an old soul in a young body. She had seen much and endured more. Bess had known the minute she came to Ludlum that Truro had walked into her fate with no knowledge at all of how her life would change. “She has been hurt a lot in her life.” While Bess had those who had disapproved of her choices, no one had physically hurt her. Truro Simpson had been beaten within an inch of her young life and wounded emotionally by her last lover. Maybe that was why Bess had immediately identified with her. Both of them had been hurt, in different ways. Both of them had come to Ludlum to hide and to
lick their wounds. Bess smiled faintly. For a town that had not much to offer on a tourist level, it was a sanctuary to those who really needed it.

  “It is exactly the reason she needs to embrace what is to come.”

  Bess knew that. Everyone had choices in life. Not everyone made the right ones. She had. Would Truro? “I worry about her. She is so tense and terribly alone.” It was a loneliness that made Bess want to cry.

  William’s arm wrapped around her. “You were very much like her.”

  “Yes, in some ways.” But unlike Truro she hadn’t built walls around her. William had still been able to reach her, to make her understand the truth and what she needed to do in order to be happy. In the two years she had known Truro she had seen those walls thicken and harden. Will she give in to what is to come? Will she love the one who loves her?

  “You changed.”

  “Because of you, William.” If not for him she would have been a lonely old woman wondering what she had done with her life. Bess looked at the man she loved. “I adored you then and I adore you now.”

  “As I have loved you.” William lifted her hand to lips. “I must go soon.”

  “I know.” It was almost midnight. It was his time to act as his nature intended. Bess would no more stop that than she would ask the sun not to shine. That was when her beloved came back to her and the peace and solitude of the old homestead set far up in the hills where no one but the animals chose to roam. Most of the townsfolk thought her odd. That didn’t worry Bess at all for they were together. “I must go and talk to Truro tomorrow.”

  “It’s her destiny.”

  They both stood silent as the wolves howled in the cool night air. It always sounded like a lonely lament to Bess but William assured her it wasn’t. She leaned in and kissed her lover with a passion that had not waned in fifty years. “Go, they are calling.” She knew better than to hold back William from his clan.


  Two men stood outside the motel room and listened to the sighs and moans of the lovers inside.


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