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by Mark Zuehlke

  Granatstein, J.L., and Desmond Morton. A Nation Forged in Fire: Canadians and the Second World War, 1939–1945. Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1989.

  Hamilton, Nigel. Master of the Battlefield. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1983.

  Hogg, Ian V., and John Weeks. Military Small Arms of the 20th Century. 6th ed. Northbrook, Ill.: DBI Books, n.d.

  Jackson, Lt.-Col. H.M. The Royal Regiment of Artillery, Ottawa, 1855–1952. n.p., 1952.

  Kerry, Col. A.J., and Maj. W.A. McDill. History of the Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers. Vol. 2. Ottawa: The Military Engineers Association of Canada, 1966.

  Kesselring, Albert. Lynton Hudson, trans. The Memoirs of Field Marshal Kesselring. London: William Kimber & Co., 1953.

  Kitching, George. Mud and Green Fields: The Memoirs of Major General George Kitching. Langley, B.C.: Batteline Books, 1985.

  McDougall, Robert L. A Narrative of War: From the Beaches of Sicily to the Hitler Line with the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, 1943–1944. Ottawa: The Golden Dog Press, 1996.

  Machum, Lt.-Col. George C., compiler. Canada’s V.C.’s: The story of Canadians who have been awarded the Victoria Cross, a Centenary Memorial. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1956.

  Madej, W. Victor, ed. German Army Order of Battle, 1939–1945. New York: Game Marketing Company, 1978.

  Malone, Richard S. A Portrait of War: 1939–1943. Don Mills, Ont.: Collins Publishers, 1983.

  Mitcham, Samuel W. Jr. Hitler’s Field Marshals and Their Battles. Chelsea, Mich.: Scarborough House Publishers, 1990.

  Mitchell, Major G.D. RCHA — Right of the Line: An Anecdotal History of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery from 1871. Ottawa: RCHA History Committee, 1986.

  Montgomery, Bernard Law. El Alamein to the River Sangro: Normandy to the Baltic. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1948.

  Morris, Eric. Circles of Hell: The War in Italy, 1943–1945. New York: Crown Publishers, 1993.

  Mowat, Farley. And No Birds Sang. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1979.

  ———. The Regiment. 2nd ed. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1973.

  Nicholson, G.W.L. The Canadians in Italy: 1939–1945. Vol. 2. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1956.

  ———. The Gunners of Canada. Vol. 2. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1972.

  Pickersgill, J.W. The Mackenzie King Record, Volume 1. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1960.

  Powley, A.E. Broadcast from the Front: Canadian Radio Overseas in the Second World War. Toronto: A.M. Hakkert Ltd., 1975.

  Quayle, J.T.B. In Action: A Personal Account of the Italian and Netherlands Campaigns of WW II. Abbotsford, B.C.: Blue Stone Publishers, 1997.

  Raddall, Thomas H. West Novas: A History of the West Nova Scotia Regiment. n.p., 1947.

  Roy, Reginald H. The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, 1919–1965. Vancouver: Evergreen Press, 1969.

  Schragg, Lex. History of the Ontario Regiment: 1866–1951. n.p., n.d.

  Smith, Waldo E.L. What Time the Tempest: An Army Chaplain’s Story. Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1953.

  Stevens, G.R. A City Goes to War. Brampton, Ont.: Charters Publishing Company Ltd., 1964.

  ———. Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, 1919–1957. Volume Three. Griesbach, Alta: Historical Committee of the Regiment, n.d.

  Stursberg, Peter. The Sound of War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.

  Tooley, Robert. Invicta: The Carleton and York Regiment in the Second World War. Fredericton, N. B.: New Ireland Press, 1989.

  The Tools of War: 1939/45 and a chronology of important events. Montreal: Reader’s Digest Association (Canada), 1969.

  Vokes, Chris. Vokes: My Story. Ottawa: Gallery, 1985.

  Wallace, John F. Dragons of Steel: Canadian Armour in Two World Wars. Burstown, Ont.: General Store Publishing House, 1995.

  Magazines and Newspapers

  Bradshaw, Mel. “The Legacy of Ortona: Street Fighting Experts.” 1983. Canadian Forum, December: 12–15.

  Greenhous, Brereton. “Would it not have been better to bypass Ortona completely. . . ? A Canadian Christmas, 1943.” 1989. Canadian Defence Quarterly, vol. 18, 5: 51–55.

  Johnson, Alon. n.d. “The Last Patrol in Ortona.” The Forty-Niner: Official Publication of the Fortyninth Battalion, The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Association, 35–38.

  Mallett, Fred. “Carols and Bullets.” n.p., n.d.

  “Ortona.” 1982. Infantry, vol. 10, 15–16.

  Thomson, S.W. “Christmas in Ortona, Italy 1943.” 1993. Canadian Military History, vol. 2, 2: 25–28.

  ———. “Wounded in Sicily, 12 July 1943.” 1993. Canadian Military History, vol. 2, 2: 109–10.

  Vokes, Chris. “Major-General Chris Vokes Christmas Message.” Dec. 1943. The Red Patch: Canada’s Front Line Newspaper (First Canadian Division — Central Mediterranean Force), vol. 2, 8: n.p.


  Fighting in Built Up Areas, Part Two:Ortona. Britain: Ministry of Defence. 1990.

  Unpublished Materials

  “Battle of the Moro, The Royal Canadian Regiment.” 145.2R13013 (D1A), Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  “Battle of the Moro River, Hastings & Prince Edward Regiment.” 145.2H1013(D1), Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  “Biographies Regarding Medals Won at Ortona,” Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Brown, Shaun R.G., The Loyal Edmonton Regiment at War: 1939–1945. MA thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1984, Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Canadian 1st Division. War Diary and Intelligence Summary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Carleton and York Regiment War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  CBC Radio Correspondent Report, broadcast December 28, 1943. CBC Radio Archives, Toronto.

  Cockburn, Robert Edward. Canadian Gunner Battle School 1943–1945: The Italian Campaign and the Employment of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division’s Artillery. MA thesis, University of New Brunswick, Sept. 1981, Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Cunningham, D.H. (Major). “The Press in the Ortona Battle.” National Archives of Canada.

  Durnford, Roy C.H. (Major). Diary of Major Roy Durnford, Chaplain (Padre), the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, June 1943–June 1945. National Archives of Canada.

  “Employment of Snipers in Sicily and Italian Campaign.” RG24, Vol. 10883, National Archives of Canada.

  1st Canadian Armoured Brigade War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  1st Canadian Infantry Brigade (Headquarters) War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  1st Canadian Infantry Division Intelligence Summaries Nos. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. File RG 24. National Archives of Canada.

  1st Canadian Infantry Division Quartermaster Branch War Diary, December 1943, National Archives of Canada.

  1st Canadian Infantry Division (Headquarters) War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Forin, J.D. (Lt.-Col.). “Baranello to San Leonardo: The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, December 1943.” 145.2S5013(D4), Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  48th Highlanders of Canada War Diary. December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  14th Canadian Armoured Regiment War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Halton, Matthew. Broadcasts from December 7, 1943, to January 11, 1943. CBC Radio Archives, Toronto.

  Harley, D.S. (Captain). Report of the Action Fought by ‘C’ Company on 20 Dec 43 before Ortona. 22 December 1943. 145.2S5013(D3), Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Harris, A.K. “Account at Ortona.’ Dr. Reginald Roy Papers. University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Heggie, R.H. (Captain). “Three Rivers Regiment History of WW II.” Unpublished manuscript. Michael Boire Collection.

nbsp; “History 1 Anti-Tank Regiment (RCA) 5 Sept. 39–31 July 45, World War II.” 142.7A1013(01), Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  “Italian Campaign — Sicily and Southern Italy, July 1943–April 1945.” Condensed from an Official Historical Sketch prepared by the Canadian Army Historical Section. n.a., n.d., n.p., Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Loyal Edmonton Regiment War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Martin, H.R. (Gunner), Press Release Regarding Major Paul Triquet Winning Victoria Cross. 000.9 Miscellaneous Biographies Army Personnel 1939/45. Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Major N.L.C. Mathers. “Lessons learned and experience gained during HQ1 Canadian Division fighting for Ortona, 1st Canadian Division Intelligence Summary No. 29.” RG24, Vol. 10883. National Archives of Canada.

  Notes on GOC Conference 0900 hrs., 28 December 1943. RG24, Vol. 10884, National Archives of Canada.

  Porter, A.J. (Captain). “Report No. 165 Historical Section Canadian Military Headquarters: Operations of 1 Canadian Infantry Division and 1 Canadian Armoured Brigade in Italy, 25 November 1943–4 January 1944.” Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  ———. “Report No. 166 Historical Section Canadian Military Headquarters: Administrative Aspects of the Operations of 1 Canadian Infantry Division in Italy, December 1943.” 29 November 1946, Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Prieur, Charlie. “Chronicles of the Three Rivers Regiment (Tank) at War.” Unpublished manuscript. Michael Boire Private Collection.

  Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Royal Canadian Regiment War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Royal 22e Regiment War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Saskatoon Light Infantry Headquarters War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Seaforth Highlanders of Canada War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade (Headquarters) War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Simons, S.J. (Major). “2nd Canadian Field Park Company RCE Unit History, Italian Campaign, Campobasso to Ortona, Dec. 43/Jan. 44.” February 10, 1944. 143.2F2013(02), Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Smith, Basil. “Memoirs of a Quarterbloke: Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment Canadian Army Overseas.” n.p., n.d., Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Sprung, G.M.C. (Capt.). Account Regarding German Tactics at Ortona. January 3, 1944. National Archives of Canada.

  Spry, D.C. (Lt.-Col.). Account regarding lateral move of RCR, 8 Dec. 43 from coast bridgehead to San Leonardo bridgehead. 145.2R13011(D3)RCR, Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  Stacey, C.P. (Colonel). Report No. 129 Historical Officer Canadian Military Headquarters. Canadian Operations in Italy September–December 1943: Preliminary Report. Reginald Roy Papers, University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Steiger, A.G. (Captain). Report #18: Historical Section Army Headquarters: “The Campaign in Southern Italy (Sept.–Dec. 1943), Information from German Military Documents regarding Allied operations in general and Canadian operations in particular.” Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade (Headquarters) War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  3rd Field Company, RCE War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  12th Canadian Armoured Regiment (Three Rivers Regiment) War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Vokes, Major-General C., CB, CBE, DSO, biography. Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  ———. “Crossing of The Moro and Capture of Ortona.” March 16, 1944. National Archives of Canada.

  West Nova Scotia Regiment War Diary, December 1943. National Archives of Canada.

  Interviews and Correspondence

  Bayerlein, Carl. 1999. Interview by Michael Boire. Heilbronn, Germany. January 12.

  Boyd, Ed. 1998. Correspondence with author. December.

  Bulger, Victor. 1998. Correspondence with author. September 22.

  Casanova, Americo. 1998. Interview by author. Ortona, Italy. December 8.

  Currie-Smith, Eileen. 1999. Interview by author. Coquitlam, B.C. June 16.

  Currie-Smith, Gordon. 1998. Interview by author. Vancouver, B.C. October 15.

  de Faye, Thomas. 1998. Interview by author. Victoria, B.C. November 3.

  Dell’Osa, Fabio. Interview by author. Ortona, Italy. December 9.

  Di Cesare, Antonio. 1998. Interview by author. Ortona, Italy. December 9.

  D’Intino, Antonio. 1998. Interview by author. Ortona, Italy. December 9.

  ———. 1998. Interview by author. Victoria, B.C. October 23.

  ———. Interview by Ken MacLeod. Victoria, B.C. n.d.

  Dougan, John Alpine. 1987. Interview by Tom Torrie. Victoria, B.C. July 27. University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Fairweather, Dave. 1967. Correspondence with Reginald Roy. September 10. Reginald Roy Papers, University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Forin, J. Douglas. 1968. Correspondence with Reginald Roy. January 19. Reginald Roy Papers, University of Victoria Special Collections.

  ———. Memo to Dr. Reginald Roy. n.d. Reginald Roy Papers, University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Fretz, Willi. 1999. Interview by Michael Boire. Sinsheim, Germany. February 19.

  Garbutt, George. 1998. Correspondence with author. November 30.

  Gibson, Jock. 1998. Interview by author. Vancouver, B.C. November 23.

  Gildersleeve, Wilf. 1998. Interview by author. West Vancouver, B.C. October 14.

  Haley, John. 1998. Interview by author. Victoria, B.C. October 30.

  Hoffmeister, Bert. M. n.d. Interview by B. Greenhous and W. McAndrew. Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.

  ———. 1998. Interview by author. West Vancouver, B.C. November 23.

  Illi, Fritz. 1999. Interview by Michael Boire. Zuffenhausen, Germany. February 20.

  Johnson, Alon. 1998. Interview by author. Victoria, B.C. September 29.

  ———. Interview by Ken MacLeod. Victoria, B.C. n.d.

  Lochead, Tod. 1998. Correspondence with author. November.

  McBride, Joe. 1998. Correspondence with author. December.

  McGuire, Frank, via author’s correspondence with Fred Gaffen.

  McPhee, Melville. 1998. Correspondence with author. October 21.

  Matheson, John. 1999. Correspondence with author. September 24.

  Mitchell, G.D. 1998. Correspondence with author. August 30.

  ———. 1998. Interview with author. Ottawa, Ont. September 5.

  Quayle, Jimmy. Interview by Ken MacLeod. Vancouver. n.d.

  Rankin, Harry. 1998. Interview by author. Vancouver, B.C. October 15.

  Richards, Jerry. 1998. Interview by author. Victoria, B.C. November 6.

  Smith, Don. 1998. Correspondence with author. December 12.

  Smith, E. “Smoky.” 1998. Interview by author. Vancouver, B.C. November 23.

  Smith, Herschell. 1981. Interview by Reginald Roy. Victoria, B.C. July 7.

  Springsteel, Elwyn R. 1998. Correspondence with author. November.

  Stone, James Riley. 1980. Interview by William S. Thackray. Victoria, B.C. May 13, 20; June 3, 10, 17. University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Strickland, Bill. 1989. Interview by author. Kelowna, B.C., August.

  Thomas, E.W. (June). 1998. Interview by author. Victoria, B.C. October 23.

  Tucci, Anna. 1998. Interview by author. Ortona, Italy. December 9.

  Turnbull, Peggy. 1998–1999. Correspondence with author. December 1998; January 4, 1999; February 8, 1999; February 10, 1999.

  Ware, Cameron. 1979. Interview by Reginald Roy. Vict
oria, B.C. June 23, 25; July 10. University of Victoria Special Collections.


  Ranks given for individuals are highest attained as of Dec. 31, 1943.

  Abruzzo province, 43, 51, 373

  Adriatic coast, 36, 166, 241

  Canadian move to, 9, 21

  Adriatic Sea, 121, 150, 157, 179, 188, 304, 360, 363, 377

  effect on weather, 374, 381

  Agnone, 28

  Alexander, Field Marshal Harold, 15

  Allan, Lt. E.D., 342, 351

  Allard, Lt. Col. Jean V., 204, 208, 219–20, 355

  Allfrey, Lt. Gen. Charles, 15–16, 30, 32

  Amy, Maj. Ned, 137–41

  Anderson, Dr., 307–8

  Anderson, Rod, 181–82

  Andrew, Capt. D.H., 358

  Andros, Cpl. Ralph, 80

  Angelone, Pascuale, 45

  Annechini, Nicolo, 111

  antitank guns, use of in Ortona, 278–80

  Anzio, 366

  Apennine Mountains, 4, 9, 15–16, 20, 166, 377

  Archibald, Lt. G.F., 225

  Arielli River, 31, 155, 166, 223, 238, 269, 352, 369, 373

  Armstrong, Lt. Tim, 342

  Arnoldi, Capt. Andre, 211

  Arrell, Lt. Ken, 338

  atabrine, 56

  Avezzano, 15, 31, 36, 42

  Baade, Generalleutnant Ernst-Günther, 212, 270

  Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, 41–42, 44

  aionetta, 42

  Baldwin, Lt. J.W., 73–74

  Barss, Cpl. Gordon James, 142

  Bates, Sgt., 69

  battle exhaustion, 53–54

  proportion of casualties, 365

  Battle of the Atlantic, 13

  Bayerlein, Obergefreiter Carl, 200, 239–40, 267–68, 343, 366

  appraisal of Canadian strength, 338

  and boobytraps, 258–59

  Christmas Day of, 326

  and Dead Horse Square bomb, 310–11

  response to Hitler’s orders, 334

  service up to Ortona, 161–62,

  withdrawal from Ortona, 348

  Beal, Capt. George, 325–26

  Beaton, Pte. F.B., 170

  Bennett, Lt. Bill, 298

  Bernatchez, Lt. Col. Paul, 203–4, 211, 220

  Bernhard/Gustav Line, 10. See also Winter Line

  Bindman, Lt. Dave, 132, 144

  Black, Lt. D.A.S., 358


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