The Captain and the Broken Girl (New Hampshire Bears Book 6)

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The Captain and the Broken Girl (New Hampshire Bears Book 6) Page 16

by Mary Smith

  When they get ready to leave, Daddy pulls me to the side.

  “Have you talked to Hamilton?”

  I shake my head.

  “Caryn told you you should. Are you planning on it anytime soon?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well.” He takes a deep breath. “When you’re ready I know he’ll be ready as well.”

  I hope he’s right.

  I RECEIVE AN email from Uncle Oliver’s lawyer stating Alex’s family ensures he won’t bother me ever again. Apparently, Alex’s parents came up from Boston and took him out of Manchester and back down to their home. We were reassured Alex will receive the treatment he needs, and I’m happy for it. I don’t want anything bad to happen to him. He’s just misguided.

  After class, I stroll down to The Latte Bean. I’m living off little food and a lot of caffeine. I miss Hamilton. I scroll through my phone looking at his text messages. He’s still sending them and the ones today are just like all the other ones. He loves me and misses me. He was forced to dinner with Alden, Nathan, and Teo again. He’s concerned for Nova because she’s not answering his texts either. But most of them are he loves me.

  And I love him.

  Caryn and I have been talking a lot more about my childhood. My fear of becoming Sharon has overtaken me more than I thought it had. I’ve been keeping my true feelings buried deep down and never faced them. The words “I’m fine” and “It’s okay” were what I lived by and never faced the true heartache of having a mother who never loved, cared, or wanted to be with me. I have no memories of good times with her. Only bad ones.

  When I stroll into The Latte Bean I’m surprised not to see it filled. I guess it’s a slow day. With my vanilla cappuccino in my hand I head back toward campus where my car is parked. Suddenly, I stop almost dropping my drink. I see Hamilton with a stunning, tiny blonde female. She’s in a pair of skinny jeans and an off the shoulder sweater. She touches his bicep and tosses her head back laughing. Hamilton doesn’t look uncomfortable, in fact... he’s smiling.

  What the fuck?

  He texts me and says he loves me but he’s out flirting and slutting it around with some blonde. All right, I shouldn’t be this way. We’re not together. He’s free to do whomever he wants and she’s probably a sweet girl. He deserves someone sweet. Not someone like me, who is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and hits him. Tears burn my eyes, and I rush away from him and the beautiful blonde.

  I can’t think of anything else but Hamilton as I park my car by my apartment building. There’s enough jealousy pulsing through me I could start a fire. He has the audacity to text me all day, every day, hour on hour about this, that and the other and yet is seeing someone else on the side. Okay, I know Hamilton is normally a good guy, but this is insane. I turn the car back on and floor it out of the parking space and toward his house. He’s going to talk to me and tell me to my face he has someone else.

  I ring his doorbell several times until he answers with a shocked expression.

  “Sweetheart, what are you doing here?”

  I barge into the foyer. With my hands on my hips, I pin him with a glare. “You’re an asshole.”

  His eyes go wide. “Why?”

  “First off you are constantly texting me telling me all this mushy, lovey bullshit. Second, you send me a beautiful, thoughtful gift. And while you’re doing all this you have someone else in your bed.” I try not to study his large arms and gorgeous eyes. I so badly want to have him hold me even with all the anger in me.

  “What?” He seems surprised. “You think I’m sleeping with someone else all the while begging for you to come back to me? Do you not remember me on my knees begging you to marry me? Do you truly think I’d be groveling on my hands and knees when there’s a stranger in my bed? Seriously, Janan.”

  “Then who is she?”

  “Who?” He throws his hands up. “Who are you talking about?”

  “The drop dead gorgeous blonde I saw you with near The Latte Bean today.”

  Hamilton stops and furrows his brow. He crosses his arms and glares at me. “You want to meet her.”

  I gasp. “You do have someone here.”

  He grabs my wrist, not roughly but leads me to the kitchen. There leaning against the counter is the blonde. She’s a little older than Hamilton but still looks as beautiful as I saw her earlier.

  “Mindy, this is my girlfriend Janan. Janan, this is Henry’s girlfriend Mindy.” Hamilton introduces us.

  My mouth drops a bit as he shows me his smug face of being right.

  “Janan.” Henry comes around the corner. “Oh I’m so glad you’re here.” He hugs me. “He’s going bat shit crazy without you,” he whispers in my ear.

  I hug him back and when he lets go he goes over to Mindy.

  “Hamilton has talked about you all day. I am so glad I was able to put a face with the name.” Mindy beams clinging to Henry.

  “Um... yes. It’s nice to meet you.” I shake her hand. “I was just stopping by for a moment.” I smile at Henry. “Great to see you again. Bye.” I rush toward the door, but before I can escape Hamilton tosses me over his shoulders and carries me upstairs. “Put me down.” I pound on his back.

  “No.” He growls, continuing until he reaches his room and tosses me on the bed. “We’re going to talk.” He goes and locks the bedroom door. “I love you and would never, ever cheat on you.”

  “I hit you.” I scramble off the bed. “Don’t you remember?”

  “I do and I deserved it. I called you a cunt. Any reasonable woman would have done the same damn thing. But I know you wouldn’t do it again.”

  I cover myself with my arms, almost hiding myself. “I hurt you.” I sniff as the tears burn.

  “Sweetheart.” He comes close to me but doesn’t touch me. “You have a mean, badass slap, but what hurt the most is you not talking to me. I can’t be without you, Janan.” He drops to one knee. “Marry me. Let me show you what a great team we make. It’ll be us against the world.”

  “Get up.” I wipe the tears from my eyes. “You’ve lost your mind.”

  “Nope. Not until you agree to marry me today. I’m going to stay right here.”

  I can’t help the laughter bubbling up from deep in my belly. This time I’m holding my side. “Are you nuts?”

  Hamilton’s still staring at me with his serious face and I stop.

  “Oh shit, you are serious.” My hands fly to my mouth. “Hamilton, we can’t marry. I’m still dealing with a lot. I don’t want to turn into Sharon.”

  He takes my hand in his. “You won’t and with me by your side as your husband, we can get through every obstacle in our way. I want to be your husband. I want to be your one and only. I want to wake up every morning with you wrapped around me.”

  I bend down to him. “I hurt you.” I repeat. “I can’t forgive myself.”

  “I’m not mad at you. If you want me to say I forgive you. Fine, I forgive you for something I deserved.” He cups his hands around my face. “Marry me today. Make me the happiest man alive.”

  I giggle. “If... and I mean if... we did this today we don’t even have a pre-nup.”

  “Not needed. If you ever left me, nothing would matter, especially material possessions.”

  “I love you. I’m sorry.” I lean into him and our lips connect.

  A soft moan escapes us both. This is where my home is. With him. I know I hurt him, but he’s right with him by my side we can accomplish a lot together than apart. These past couple weeks without him have done nothing but cause me pain. Deeper pain I could ever imagine. However, marriage is a whole different level. A level I never thought would be something I want.

  But I want it.

  “Let’s get married.”

  SURE SAYING THOSE three words seems like a simple statement but not when it comes to Hamilton Baer. He rushes around calling my dad, Uncle Oliver, and Nova. He’s yelling for Henry to get ready and googling a place to get married. Remington Rosin texts him th
e name, address, and phone number of the place where he and Maxima eloped up.

  It’s a whirlwind.

  I barely remember Hamilton putting me in the car with Henry and Mindy in the back. Everyone is talking, but I’m still trying to process this all. We’re all heading to Bradford. I remember Hamilton saying my family will meet us there. I think I should be elated or joyful, but I’m in shock. Not a horrified type of shock. The good shock.

  I remember pulling into the chapel. I remember signing all the paperwork, but I shook myself out of the shock. I told Hamilton I needed a moment and I grab Daddy, Uncle Oliver, and Nova pulling them all over to a corner.

  “Tell me I’m making a mistake.” I push my hands through my hair.

  “Do you think you’re making a mistake?” Daddy asks.

  “I’m nineteen.” I remind him.

  “I know how old you are. I told Hamilton a long time ago you’re not just nineteen. You are and always have been extremely mature. You don’t make rash decisions. Is this fast? Yes. Nonetheless, you and Hamilton are meant to be. I truly feel it.” Daddy hugs me.

  I look at Uncle Oliver. “Ditto.” He winks and pulls me to him.

  “Nova?” I turn to her.

  “Oh there’s no arguments from me.” She smiles. It’s the first time I’ve seen her happy since finding out she was pregnant.

  “I need to talk to Hamilton for a moment,” I tell them. Taking a deep breath as they each hug me again, I then go get him. My focus is becoming clearer, and we need to talk. A real talk before I even say, “I do.”

  “Sweetheart.” Hamilton’s voice is softer than normal, but his southern accent is deep. It brings me comfort. “Taden said you want to talk.”

  When I look up at him, he’s nervous. I’m certain he thinks I’m backing out. “I need to tell you a few things and we need to clear the air.”

  “Okay.” He stands straighter, keeping eye contact with me.

  “I love you. I know, deep down, there’s going to be no one else in my life but you. Yet, Hamilton you have to understand something about me. A secret I’ve kept for a while now. I’m not as strong as I appear to be. I’ve been hiding my true self from everyone. My biggest fear is becoming Sharon. When I hit you, my horrible nightmare came true. Hurting you is the last thing I ever wanted to do. I vow to you right here, I will never let it happen again.” I take his large hands in mine.

  “I know, sweetheart.” He gives them a gentle squeeze.

  “I also don’t want to quit my job at the shelter. I love working there and helping those in need. Plus, I want to finish school and become a teacher. I truly feel passionate about this and I want to complete it. And I can’t stop going to Caryn’s. She’s really helping me now.”

  “Janan, I would never ask you to quit your job or school. I know how you love both of them. I love your passion about it as well. I want to help you succeed in your goals, not hinder them. Also, if you need to go to Caryn’s every single day, then you will. I’ll be there for you.”

  My heart swells with elation and love.

  “And one last thing, and this is important as well, we can’t leave Nova alone right now. She’s going to have to move in with us. She’s… she’s pregnant and doesn’t want Teo to know. Apparently, she overheard something he said about her and it was super bad. She’s going to need us.”

  His mouth drops. “What?” He shakes his head. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “No, were aren’t killing Teo. We need to be there for Nova.”

  “You’re right.” He sighs. “I’m here for you and her.” He cups my face with his strong hands. “Janan, I’m twenty-nine and I’ve never been in love before you. I’ve always thought of my career and nothing else. But right here, right now, in front of the people who care about us the most, I want nothing more than to vow my love to you and be by your side for the rest of my life.”

  My eyesight becomes blurry from the tears forming from all the love I feel. “Let’s do this.” I grin and kiss my future husband.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “YOU MAY KISS your bride.” The words are still ringing in my head, and I can’t stop smiling.

  Oliver took us all out to dinner to the steakhouse and tells us to order whatever we want. All I want is to take my bride home. I never ate food so fast. I try to not be rude, but I’m almost dragging her to the car. Henry and Mindy are with us, but Henry says they’ll head to the mall for a while.

  I carry Janan over the threshold, up the stairs, and to our bedroom. I’ve not been inside her since before the road trip prior to our fight. I can’t hold out too long.

  “I love you, Mr. Baer.” She strokes my cheek.

  “I love you, Mrs. Baer, and this isn’t going to last long.” I warn her.

  “Hard and fast. Just how I like it.”

  “I want fast and long, but I have a game tonight.” I joke.

  Together we both are naked in record time and I’m buried deep in her—without a condom. I don’t need it now. Janan’s my wife. My everything. My world. When she yells my name, digging her nails into my shoulder, I can’t hold back slamming into her harder and faster. I’m going to fuck her raw when I finish the game tonight.

  She’s all mine.

  “YOU WHAT?” ALDEN exclaims. “You? You got married?” His face is pale.

  “Yes. Janan and I were married a few hours ago.” I strap on my pads.

  “Holy shit. Congrats, Captain.” Nathan slaps my back on his way to his stall.

  I glance at Teo and he seems sad as I had been when Janan wasn’t talking to me. I wish I could kill him. Well, not really. Teo is a good guy and I can’t imagine him talking about Nova in a negative manner, but I can’t betray the trust of Nova and Janan. Hopefully, it all works out soon for them both. I love my Novabear and I love Teo too.

  The guys continue to pepper me with questions and I answer them to sooth their curiosity. Now, I’m ready for the game.

  I HAD THE best game of this season. One, I didn’t end up in the penalty box. Two, I scored two goals and an assist. When the final buzzer sounded, I skated over to the team to celebrate.

  The second I reach the locker room, I quickly shower, change, and race out to my wife.

  My wife.

  She’s standing by my car with my twin and his girlfriend. When our eyes connect she runs over and jumps in my arms.

  “I love you, sweetheart. I love you, wife.” I have to repeat it twice because it sounds so good.

  “I love you, husband.” She beams, kissing me hard.

  Our lives are just beginning, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us.

  More to Come!

  Want to know what happens with Nova and Teo?

  Be on the look out for The Backup and the Baby Spring 2017.

  About the Author

  Best Selling Author, Mary Smith, has been coming up with stories her whole life. She has written A HOCKEY TUTOR and THE NEW HAMPSHIRE BEARS SERIES along with numerous other titles, as well as co-authored THE PENALTY KILL TRILOGY, OH CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN SERIES, and THE NINTH INNINGS SERIES with Lindsay Paige. When not busy writing or rooting for the Chicago Blackhawks you can find her with her nose stuck in her Kindle.

  You can visit her website at:

  Follow her on Twitter: @maryms1980

  Or Faceook:

  Books By Author:

  The Ice Series (Adult Sports Romance trilogy):

  Melting Away the Ice

  Breaking the Ice

  Shattering the Ice

  Thawing the Ice (A Novella)

  A Hockey Tutor (New Adult Sports Romance)

  Dart and Dash (New Adult Sports Romance)

  Always Forever (New Adult Rocker Romance)

  DREAM (Adult Romance Suspense)

  The Matched Trilogy (Paranormal Romance Trilogy):

  A Royal’s Love

  A Protector’s Second Chance

  A Contro
ller’s Destiny

  New Hampshire Bears Series (Adult Sports Romance)

  The Muse and the Fairy Tale

  The Workaholic and the Realist

  The Hero and the Fat Girl

  The Arrangement

  The Coach and the Secret

  The Captain and the Broken Girl

  The Backup and the Baby (Coming Spring 2017)

  The Player and the Tattoo Artist (Coming Summer 2017)

  The Goalie and the Rich Girl (Coming Fall 2017)

  Books with author Lindsay Paige:

  A Penalty Kill Trilogy (New Adult Sports Romance):


  Off the Ice

  Game Over

  Our First Christmas (A Novella)

  Oh Captain, My Captain Series (Adult Sports Romance)

  Looking for You

  A Hockey Player’s Proposal

  Finding Carson Lee

  Let’s Be Crazy

  Their New Beginning

  You and Me, Forever


  The Ninth Inning Series (Adult Sports Romance)













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