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Lord of Fire: #1 The Fire Chronicles

Page 26

by Susi Wright

  Casting Fralii an apologetic smile, Luminor took a fortifying breath as Runo opened the door to the clamouring crowd. At the forefront stood the rotund and smiling mayor of Splendo in official garb, flanked by ten ceremoniously uniformed guards, all breathless from their haste to meet the brave Lord Luminor. Behind them, some of the crowd carried flowers, some pouches of coin, others welcome banners and all manner of tokens of gratitude, laying them on the street outside, and craning their necks to catch a glimpse of their hero.

  As Luminor moved out onto the porch, a hush fell, each individual taking their first sight of his person. Then, in unison, a loud cheer went up, becoming more deafening as stragglers joined the assemblage in droves. There were hundreds gathered in the street, cheering and yelling. It was widely assumed by now that he had indeed extinguished the blaze, just as he had slain the flame adder, by magic.

  He stood there, incredulous as people began to chant his name, louder and louder as more joined in, the chorus almost adoring in its tone, ‘Lord Luminor! Lord Luminor! Lord of Fire!’ He sincerely hoped that having been gifted with control over Fire itself, the Ancestors would afford him equal control over the challenges that came with common human knowledge of that power. There was no denying the secret was out!

  The portly mayor, wearing his official chain of office and an even more official expression of importance, stepped forward signalling the crowd to silence. ‘Lord Luminor, welcome. I am Governor Spiro. We are honoured to meet you… again in your debt for saving the people of Splendo from fire. We would like to present you with the keys of the city!’ This was purely a symbolic gesture esteemed by the human population, so Luminor accepted gracefully, nodding his thanks.

  ‘We would also like you to accept this gift…’ He gestured to a man in the crowd who was pushing his way through the throng, leading a beautiful samblar, white as driven snow. The handler brought the stunning animal to the base of Runo’s steps, and even Luminor, who had seen and appreciated so many beautiful sights in Nature, could only marvel at the ethereal beauty of this creature. Its snowy, tufted neck arched from wide muscular shoulders and a graceful body. The extremely powerful rump contrasted with the fine flowing tail, the long legs prancing in the excitement gleaned from the crowd. Its large black eyes were kind as they regarded Luminor.

  The governor continued, pompously, ‘And would request that you ride, in honour, through the streets so the whole city may see you!’ He smiled expectantly.

  Luminor smiled mirthlessly, cleared his throat, raised his eyebrows affably, and asked the question he could easily predict the answer to: ‘And when would you like this?’

  ‘Now, Lord Luminor! Now!’ said the governor, beaming.

  ‘Now! Now! Now!’ demanded the crowd.

  Luminor threw a longing glance at Fralii, resolutely flicked back his cloak and leapt on the back of the beautiful white samblar, to embark on his duty once more.

  Chapter Fifty-two

  The sun rose over Splendo, hopefully peeping through a light mist and the vestiges of the blue-grey smoke haze from the previous night’s fire. The air was chill as people bustled around in the streets, beginning their activities for a day of trading, or cleaning up after the damage. Part of the poor quarter had been burned to the ground before Luminor had arrived, so the council here would have a major rebuilding project to attend to before winter truly set in.

  As Luminor gazed reflectively out of the chamber window, he went over the order of business for the day ahead. There would be a morning meeting with the full council. The mayor had told him they wanted to appoint a Gaian member to its ranks. There would be an extended tour of the city which would also take stock of the damage, and yet another feast of honour in the evening.

  The mounted parade through the main street the previous evening had been laboriously slow because of the pressing crowds. It seemed every man, woman, and child of Splendo had turned out to attend. Luminor had finally returned to the family villa last night, feeling quite drained. Runo had offered him a spare room for the night. The long journey, the extreme energy used to extinguish the fire, and a demanding late night had taken their toll with Luminor arriving home close to midnight, briefly embracing Fralii, and bidding the rest of the family goodnight, before flinging himself on his pallet, physically and mentally spent.

  Now refreshed, bathed, and dressed after a solid sleep, he eagerly sought out Fralii, who had risen early before the rest of the family and was waiting for him in the breakfast room. She smiled radiantly, seeing him in the doorway. He met her gaze, thinking she looked more beautiful every day, if that was possible, closing the space between them in two strides and taking her in his arms to kiss her tenderly. ‘Good morning, love,’ he whispered against her mouth. ‘You look well rested!’ He smiled into her eyes and held her close.

  ‘Good morning, Lumi. Sala made some oatcakes and honey before she left for the market. Let us sit and eat, together.’ She led him to the table, pitching her voice conspiratorially low, ‘Before everyone else comes downstairs!’ They sat close, cherishing this small window of privacy. ‘Let’s pretend, just for a few minutes, this is our house!’ she smiled, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

  ‘Soon, love. We will be together every day… and night!’ he whispered, passionately.

  They ate, companionably relaxing, almost finished when Rihann bounced energetically into the room, Ana clinging to her hand, chattering like a magpie. Ana had been fast asleep when they had arrived the previous evening, waking just now to the news of the surprise return of all her idols at once, and unable to contain her questions and giggling excitement.

  ‘Hey, Brother! And good day, Fralii!’ Rihann greeted the cosy couple in heavily accented Baramese. She was secretly excited that Simban would be returning this evening from a short trip out of town to deliver a consignment for Runo. He would be surprised to see them all, as the message of their coming had arrived after he had left Splendo.

  Luminor saw it instantly. ‘You are looking forward to something!’ he stated rather than asked, smiling fondly at his sister and looking into her eyes intently. She dropped her gaze, trying unsuccessfully to shutter her emotions. ‘Perhaps…’ she said evasively, knowing she could not fool her elder brother.

  ‘Hmm…’ said Luminor, with a laugh, kindly leaving the subject for now.

  The breakfast room started to fill as Runo entered, chuckling jovially as he greeted everyone, then Chadren hobbled in, his mood uplifted to feel love and young laughter around him once more.

  ‘Good morning, all!’ said Luminor, ‘I am sorry, but I must go, again.’ He rolled his eyes. ‘I have duties!’ The family made various noises of sympathy in reply, and he left the house to begin his appointments.

  Rihann turned to Fralii, trying in halting human dialect, ‘You… me… Ana. Today, shopping!’ She winked at Fralii. This activity was a complete novelty for the Gaian girl, who now had human coin to spend. ‘And… we plan… wedding!’ She finished by clapping her hands gleefully. Fralii replied, feeling a lightness long overdue, ‘I would love it! New clothes… There is a feast tonight. Dancing!’ The three girls chatted happily in mixed dialect, watched indulgently by a pensive Chadren, and a buoyant Runo, who commented aside to his son-in-law with a deep chuckle, ‘The girls seem so excited. I wonder if there is anything we mere men can do in all of this, except watch their antics!’ Chadren shrugged, just happy everyone was home safe.

  * * *

  The meeting with the council proved to be concise, productive, and not overlong. Luminor had agreed to appoint to the Splendo assembly a Gaian elder of his choosing. He had Aleana in mind, but he would have to wait to consult with her when she and the rest of his people arrived in the city for the wedding, which, with any luck, would be soon.

  Governor Spiro, on hearing about the marriage, had been overjoyed that it would be held in Splendo. Of course, as prestigious as it was, the event would be very publicly held in the city feasting hall, and a real boost to the morale of the
citizens. Everyone loved a good wedding!

  He was adamant the honeymooning couple would stay at his beachside holiday villa, a little further south, near where the Southern Desert and the estuary of the Baram River met the ocean. It would be pleasant and warm there for some weeks yet. Luminor did not resist; frankly, he personally cared not where it was, as long as it was soon! But for Fralii’s sake, he was duly grateful for such a luxurious gift. They would have the blissful privacy of a very beautiful and remote location, for a short while before taking up residence in the Capital, where Luminor would resume the duties of his position.

  The grand tour of Splendo in the afternoon was a rather lengthier affair, the samblar-ride taking them through other areas of the city and the damaged quarter, to discuss new plans and the many ways Gaian skills would help. Luminor had a confirming thought that his self-assured and assertive mother would be a wise choice as a representative on the council, to ensure there was no exploitation of their people in the process. So it turned out as somewhat of a relief that Governor Spiro’s main interest was simply a better water supply to the city. Although the large Baram River bisected the city, and the labourers had constructed an aqueduct at one point, this was proving insufficient for the growing population; more were needed and they would be built in time. Recently, many criss-crossing underground streams had been divined, deep beneath the granite bedrock. With hand tools and simple labour, it had been impossible to access this water source. Spiro’s plan was to have Gaian assistance to set up readily available springs on every street, which, with the majority of the houses still standing built of timber, would ensure that last night’s catastrophe was not repeated.

  Luminor had already explained that too many demands should not be made on so few, that his people only numbered less than two hundred, that even Gaians had a limit to their energies, and Spiro had understood, humbly requesting this one project and only when they could manage it.

  The evening arrived quickly, with winter now drawing in, even in Splendo. Dusk brought the timely arrival of Simban, who was overjoyed to see his friends again, in particular, Rihann. No one could miss the instant attraction when the two met, so everyone gave up attempting to talk to either of them, while they were absorbed trying to talk to each other.

  The girls had returned after a day’s shopping with a ridiculous amount of clothing, in Luminor’s opinion, but he supposed that must be the way of human women. He hoped Rihann was not becoming spoilt by the new wealth. He could not deny their fun however; a new wardrobe was probably due, and he had even enjoyed arranging for several Gaian gowns to be made for Fralii as a wedding gift. He smiled affectionately at his bride-to-be, envisioning having to buy a house with a large closet.

  All three were excitedly getting ready for the evening’s celebrations, hidden away in their dressing room, and he had only briefly seen Fralii before that. He felt impatient, bathed and dressed in his Gaian clothing for more than an hour, taking some refreshment with Runo and Chadren while they waited for the women. Simban had joined them, proudly wearing his best clothes, invited by Luminor to escort Rihann to the feast. The governor was sending a carriage to collect them shortly. They hoped the women would make a timely entrance.

  The first to appear was Ana, scrubbed clean, her brown hair braided, and wearing a pretty pink dress in which she twirled and paraded for the captive audience. Rihann followed, also a picture in a blue silk Baramese gown, her choice surprising Luminor and delighting Simban. Her bright blonde ringlets were fastened with a blue gemstone ornament. Simban thought she looked like a princess.

  Fralii descended last, not a minute too soon for Luminor. He saw a vision in violet silk, reflecting the colour of her eyes, her raven hair in a long braid down her back, almost to her waist; he was at a loss as to how she could seem more beautiful every time he saw her. When their eyes met, his heart skipped a beat, then raced as it always did, one thing he had no power over. He could think of no words, a commonplace affliction, just stared, besotted.

  The ornately painted carriage arrived, pulled by four proud black samblars, reminding Fralii of their plans to go riding together the following day. She looked forward to it, as she did everything now. The family all climbed aboard and set off for the city hall. After the short drive, they disembarked and were announced as guests of honour. A finely uniformed steward showed them to their table to begin an evening of eating splendid fare, whirling around the ballroom, and engaging in lively conversation with the many who wished to make Luminor’s acquaintance. And there were many, every person present, in fact.

  They were all pleasantly exhausted at the end of it all, looking forward to sleep. So bidding each other goodnight, with promises to meet up the next day, they all retired to their private quarters, Luminor and Fralii lingering in each other’s embrace for a little longer. Luminor kissed Fralii longingly and sighed. ‘The wedding must be soon! How quickly can you and Rihann plan it?’

  Fralii smiled, ‘I think only a few more days! Can your people get here quickly, from wherever they are?’ She turned towards her chamber door, still holding his hand.

  ‘Absolutely!’ said Luminor, reining in his passion, kissing her fingers, and reluctantly retiring to his own room.

  Chapter Fifty-three

  The next two days passed in a flurry of planning, appointments, and a rehearsal, the wedding date set for the afternoon on the third day. Messages were sent to all who could attend. Aleana had been summoned from Camp One to bring the majority of the Gaian women, now almost all patients were removed to the cities or recovering well. It would only be a few days until both camps were disassembled. The women were to bring the wedding gown and two others for Fralii, from the small group of dedicated Gaian weavers in a rural encampment who had been happily set to the task. Luckily, some fabrics were kept in readiness for unexpected occasions but it was still a challenge to produce such artwork in such a short time. The extreme excitement of the moment was a driving force; the wedding was historic and their handiwork would be on public display for the first time to the human population. It brought forth their most creative energy, and of course they could be relied upon to rise to the occasion.

  Accommodations were organised for all these visitors in various inns throughout Splendo. The city streets hummed with excitement, the topic in every tavern and street corner the same. Market traders stocked up with extra commodities, expecting an increase in sales as visitors would flock to Splendo from far and wide for the wedding. Even the folk who had lost their houses in the fire and were given temporary dwellings set up by the council were caught up in the happy anticipation which stoked the embers of their hope for the future. There was a rosy glow on their faces, knowing the Gaian clan were on their way, and would stay to help rebuild after the wedding. The governor had even announced a public holiday on the special day, adding to the festive spirit. Sparing no expense, there would be feasting in the streets for the poorer people. Every citizen, high or low, was planning to wear their best clothes; some of the wealthy had donated food, gowns, and tunics to those who had lost everything in the fire. Such was the bright spirit that raised itself from the ashes of the recent calamity.

  Aleana and her troop of women flew in from the north around midday, joined simultaneously by Altor and the warriors from various places. It was quite a sight to see, for the ordinary people. Seventy Gaians were cloak-flying in formation to the open portals of the city, visible from furlongs away, all touching down together in front of the large crowd that had gathered to watch them arrive. They were met with cheering and applause; everyone in the country was now aware of the part they had all played. These were heroes and heroines coming home!

  Governor Spiro was there to welcome the honoured guests and escort them to their respective lodgings. Luminor stepped forward to embrace his mother, smiling widely. Her happiness was evident as she spoke. ‘Good times, my son!’

  Slapping Altor on the shoulder, he was greeted by the same from him, and a ribald comment. ‘So, B
rother, you waste no time! You lucky devil! Soon to be a proper married man, with a woman all yours, for all time!’ Luminor chose not to comment, just smiled widely.

  Aleana and two ladies accompanied Luminor back to Runo’s to finish fitting the wedding gown, and after due introductions and reunion, all the women disappeared for the afternoon to dote on Fralii. The wedding rehearsal had gone without a hitch in the early morning, and thanks to the governor’s working party, the preparations for the feast were well underway. He had insisted it would all be paid for out of Splendo’s healthy coffers, as the city was a very profitable trading centre with no shortage of funds. At this point, there seemed to be no end to human gratitude.

  After the full day’s activities, the consensus in Runo’s house was to have a quiet simple evening meal, just family and close friends getting to know each other and relaxing. So they gathered around the table, this expanding cross-culture family symbolising, in its existence, all the promise of the Alliance. Runo sat at the head, as host and elder, then Chadren, Aleana, and Altor, Luminor and Fralii, then Ana and lastly Rihann. Seated next to her was their dear friend Simban, happy to spend as much time as he could getting to know the Gaian beauty beside him.

  After the pleasant meal and conversation, the company retired early. Ana was put to bed directly after supper, Fralii ushered to her room by Rihann, who had bid Simban a hasty but coy farewell, and Altor left for the barracks. Luminor parted from Fralii with a kiss, leaving to escort Aleana to her room at the nearby inn. And so concluded the day’s events, some individuals fast asleep in minutes, others tossing and turning, far too excited to get more than a scant few hours’ repose.


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