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by Christopher Isherwood

  Goode, Joseph (Joe): career xix, 153, 364; friendship and socializing with C.I. and Don Bachardy xix, 112, 135, 216, 233, 292, 302, 364, 381; and Mary Agnes Donoghue 135, 364, 427; advises Bachardy 358, 361; at Bachardy’s Municipal Art Gallery show 376; Nicholas Wilder Gallery show 427; 733

  Goodjohn, Ian 516

  Goodstein, David 241, 242, 495, 733

  Goodwill (charitable organization) 39, 45, 94–5, 108, 167, 733

  Gordon, Bob 527–8, 634, 733

  Gordon, Sandy 111

  Gosling, Nigel 76

  Gould, Elliott 194

  Gowland, Alice 113, 138, 411, 672, 733

  Gowland, Ann 411

  Gowland, Marylee 490

  Gowland, Peter 411, 465n, 672, 733

  Graham, David 133

  Graham, Robert (Bob) 302, 577

  Grant, Alexander 50

  Grant, Ian 43

  Grant, Phil 644

  Grauerholz, James 597, 598

  Graves, David 516

  Graves, Robert 252

  Gray, Hugh 95–6

  Gray, Simon, Otherwise Engaged 510

  Gray, William S. (Bill) 465, 466

  Gray Lib (senior citizens movement) 251

  Green, Dorothy 11n

  Green, Henry 607

  Green, Jaime 492

  Green, Taylor 128n

  Greene, Graham, Travels with My Aunt 157, 158; (film version) 305

  Gregory, Paul 502, 733–4

  Gretz (France), Vedanta Center 276, 343, 344, 470, 622

  Grey, Joel 346–7

  Griffin, Merv 147

  Griffith, Bob 111

  Griffith Park, Los Angeles 82–3

  Griggs, Joseph 4

  Griggs, Philip see Buddha Chaitanya

  Grimond, Grizelda 215n, 317

  Grimshaw, John Atkinson 24

  Grinnich, Jack 132–3

  Grinstein, Stanley and Elyse 498

  Groom, Sam 1–2

  Grose, Peter 330, 510, 610, 734

  Grosser, Maurice 166, 168, 171, 308, 650, 734

  Group Theatre (theater company) 9, 616n

  Guerriero, Henry 122, 734

  Guilaroff, Sidney 498

  Guinness, Alec 16, 24, 25, 326, 514, 542, 734

  Gunn, Thom 170, 647, 735

  Gurian, Peter 169

  Guttchen, Otto 375, 735

  Guys and Dolls (film) 178

  Haacke, Gilbert 500, 501, 502

  Hacker, Joseph 656

  Hadrian’s Wall 513

  Haeckel, E.H., Welträtsel 285

  Haig, Alexander 669

  Haley, Norm 499, 500, 503

  Hall, Donald 185

  Hall, Michael 595, 735

  Hall, Radclyffe 240, 253

  Halliwell, Kenneth 572

  Halpern, Daniel 170

  Hamilton, Gerald: death xxiii, 87; C.I.’s 1939 letter to xxxi, 677; portrayal in Mr. Norris Changes Trains xxxvii; television appearance 19; and C.I.’s attempts to acquire Mexican passport for Heinz Neddermeyer 54; supposed book on 646; 735–6

  Hamilton, Paul see Amohananda, Swami

  Hamilton, Richard 23, 24, 736

  Hamlet (Richardson film) 120

  Hammer, Bud 505

  Hammer Film Productions 265

  Hammett, Dashiell 447; Creeps by Night 296; The Dain Curse 447; The Maltese Falcon 447

  Hampstead Theatre Club, London 55

  Hampton Court Palace, England 516

  Hamsun, Knut, Mysteries 250, 310

  Handler, Ken 495

  Hands, Terence (Terry) 44

  Hansen, Erwin 464, 736

  Hansen, Jim 496

  Happy New Year Caper (film) 496

  Hardine, John (neighbor) 250

  Hardy, Thomas 229, 321; Collected Poems 358

  Harford, Betty 400–401, 692

  Hargrove, Marion 404, 736

  Haridas (earlier Bill Stevens) 166, 644, 736

  Harris, Bill 197, 736–7

  Harris, Donald 229

  Harris, Julie 90, 169, 230, 304, 307, 376, 467, 496, 737

  Harrison, Rex 134, 146, 659, 660, 737

  Harrold, Greg 501, 502, 504, 519, 737–8

  Hartley, Neil: relationship with Bob Regester ix, 35, 62–3, 72, 74, 319; ill-health 12, 57; in England 23, 39, 40, 57, 62–3, 67, 319, 510, 511, 512, 515; in South of France 33, 34; and Tony Richardson 62, 441; character 73–4; seeks film rights for A Passage to India 92; in California 441, 527, 561, 607, 683; former apartment in Chicago 463; and Larry Gonzales 535; 738

  Harvard University 47, 132, 227, 259

  Harvey, Anthony (Tony) 2–3, 738

  Harvey, Frank, The Day After the Fair 321–2, 387, 391

  Hathaway, Briony 44

  Hathaway, Henry 281, 283, 738

  Hauser, Hilda 9

  Hawaii 95, 131, 189, 195, 228, 305, 580, 676; criminal code 239

  Hawes, Dee (Masselink) 98, 359

  Haworth, Yorkshire, England 513

  Hawthornden Prize 154

  Haxton, Gerald 389

  Hayden, Sterling 250

  Hayden, Tom 261–2, 266, 270, 275, 277, 738; The Love of Possession Is a Disease with Them 266

  Haydn, Richard 264–5

  Hayes, John 514, 516

  Hayim, George 47

  Hayward Gallery, London 329

  Hayworth, Rita 108, 375–6, 738–9

  Heard, Henry FitzGerald (Gerald): final illness and death xxiii, 84, 159, 163, 188–90, 192, 539; and Michael Barrie 84, 142, 248, 614; spiritual life and beliefs 84, 110, 183, 198, 246, 283–4, 354, 374, 446, 525; at La Verne seminar (1941) 106n, 283–4, 613; and Christopher Wood 121, 142, 149, 159, 198–9, 614; writings 151, 189–90, 194; C.I. given writing board 189–90, 462, 538; and Jack Jones 189, 192; homosexuality 194; proposed Advocate obituary 194; and Margaret Gage 198–9; lectures at Occidental College 234; and Trabuco 237, 284; Barrie’s book on 283–4; and Denny Fouts 284; wealth 284; recommended book on ancient Egypt 288; and C.I.’s My Guru and His Disciple 525; on old age 575; and C.I.’s proposed final volume of memoirs 614, 616, 677; and “face making” 646; 739

  Hecht, Ben 281

  Heckford, Henry (Harry) 29, 71, 276

  Heflin, Lee 83, 739

  Heftman, Rex 362–3

  Heilbrun, Carolyn 150, 466n, 508, 510, 739–40

  Hellman, Jerome (Jerry) 519

  Hellman, Monte 207

  Hemingway, Ernest 1, 321; Islands in the Stream 135, 137–8

  Hemingway, Margaux 503

  Henderson, Ray 3, 4, 132, 133, 187, 547, 740

  Hendrickson, Gene 523

  Hensler, Martin 59, 238, 244, 245, 514, 740

  Hepburn, Katharine 360, 362

  Herald Examiner 232

  Herbert, David 517, 740

  Herbert, Frank, Dune 583

  Herbold, Mary 276, 374, 740

  Herrmann, Christian (neighbor) 250

  Hershey, Barbara 2

  Hervé, Yves-Marie 425, 426

  Hesse, Pauline, Princess of (Margaret “Peg” Geddes) 512

  Heyman, Barton 293, 298, 300, 740

  Heywood Hill (London bookseller) 145

  High, Beth (Deepti) 152, 369, 437, 473, 483–4, 740

  Hill, Charles 293, 295, 326, 333, 370, 371, 377, 501, 740–41

  Hill, Susan 310

  Hill, Walter 557

  Hillbrand, David 495

  Hiller, Wendy 330

  Hindenburg, The (film) 492

  Hines, Carol 505

  hippies 5; see also “flower-children”

  Hirschfeld, Magnus 403, 404, 408, 741

  Hirschfeld, Peter 483–4

  Hitchcock, Alfred 265; Family Plot 503; Frenzy 492; Jamaica Inn 264; Rebecca 264

  Hitler, Adolf viii, xxv, 158, 265

  Hitler: The Last Ten Days (film) 326

  Hoban, Gordon 240, 575, 603, 741; in A Meeting by the River 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 238, 293, 298, 306, 307

  Hochberg, Fred (orthopedist) 302, 308

  Hochhuth, Rolf, Soldiers 310

ockney, David: proposed trip on trans-Siberian railway 4; relationship with Peter Schlesinger 12, 17, 31, 32, 41, 58, 59, 74, 80, 81, 202–3, 206–7, 208, 209–210, 291, 311, 343, 351–2, 649; C.I. socializes with during London trips (1970) 18, 23, 29, 41, 43, 45–6, 49, 51, 55–6, 57, 59, 60, 65, 67, 73, 76, 77; (1976) 510, 511–12, 513–14, 515, 516; appearance and character 26, 31, 80, 84, 158, 209, 210; visits South of France with C.I. 26, 27, 28, 31–4, 36, 37–8, 39, 43, 56; description of C.I. drawing 34; proposed studio at Nid du Duc 37, 38; retrospective at Whitechapel Gallery (1970) 38–9, 41, 43; hypochondria 45–6; C.I. gives copy of Klimt book 56, 58; his glasses 69; views on Don Bachardy’s work 73, 157, 210; photographed by Cecil Beaton 74; Kitaj on 76; London flat (Powis Terrace) 76n, 312, 314–15, 317, 320, 352; C.I. socializes with in California (1970) 80–81, 81–2; (1973) 311, 313, 343, 346–7, 351–2; (1976) 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 505, 506, 508; (1978) 587, 593, 599; (1980) 626; (1981) 663; (1982) 685–6; attends Gay-in at Griffith Park 82; C.I.’s views on work 84; drawing and painting technique 84, 88; trip to Asia (1971) 149, 158, 188, 208, 209; in California to renew driver’s license (1971) 157–8; in Paul Wheeler’s journal 190; in Spain 195; break up with Schlesinger 202–3, 206–7, 208, 209–210, 291, 351–2; Bachardy’s second choice to spend Christmas with 302; and Ossie and Celia Clark 311, 324, 343, 346–347; on abstract art 313; and Peter Langan 320; Francis Bacon on 324; relationship with Gregory Evans 352, 362; in New York 425–6, 587; and Yves-Marie Hervé 425; draws with Bachardy 499, 501; trip to Catalina with C.I. 500; trip to Australia with Evans (1976) 502, 505; Nicholas Wilder Gallery show 507; London studio 510; trip around England and Scotland with C.I. (1976) 512–514; Bachardy’s work compared with 552, 580; and James Corcoran 621; recommends drive from Los Angeles to Denver 647; gives Fred Flintstone watch to C.I. 658–9; 741

  Drawings and paintings: of Wayne Sleep x; 72 Drawings 3n; of C.I. and Don Bachardy 29, 498, 505; Illustrations for Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm 51; at Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica 81; nudes 465; of Nicholas Wilder 499

  Hodges, Thomas 451

  Hodgkin, Howard 51

  Hodgson, Ralph 114

  Hoffman, Dustin 491

  Holbein, Hans 552

  Holbrook, Hal, Mark Twain Tonight 502

  Holland, Ron 169, 307–8, 509

  Hollywood Authors’ Club 234

  Hollywood Bowl 366, 379, 385–7, 548

  Hollywood Reporter, The (newspaper) 232

  Holness, Bob 7

  Holt, Hillary (Larry): and Vedanta Society 140, 219, 287, 343, 366, 469–70; birthday greeting to C.I. 276; cancer 458, 469, 470, 482, 486, 498, 567; records narrative of Maupiti love affair 472–3; death 507; 741

  Holt, Rinehart and Winston (publishers) 551, 556

  Holtz, Sandra (Sandy) 495

  Holy Mother see Sarada Devi

  homosexuality: of C.I. xi, xxiv–xxv, xxix, xxxi, xxxiv, 119, 127, 132, 178, 221, 254–5, 443, 489, 684; in C.I.’s writings xi, xvii, xxiv, xxv, xxix, xxxvii, 129, 132, 231, 296, 322, 530, 556; of Auden xxiv, xxxiv, 372; London gay scene xxxviii, 49, 67, 324; C.I.’s NBC interview on sexuality 17; of Forster 23; homosexual Community Church 45, 154, 183; Evelyn Hooker’s research on homosexuals 126, 128, 144, 148–9, 152, 154; and psychoanalysis 129; acceptance of gay bachelors 165; “curing” 175–6; of Gerald Heard 194; legislation on 239, 252, 478, 479, 493n, 531, 544, 569–70, 575, 576–7, 586, 587, 590, 594, 599, 600, 611, 693–4; and Leonardo da Vinci 267–8; sex films 303–4; S.N. Behrman on 389; anti-homosexual views 410, 480, 531, 546, 547, 549, 559, 570–71, 588; Modern Language Association Forum on Homosexuality and Literature 466; C.I. on “heterosexual dictatorship” 522; Gore Vidal on 531; see also gay liberation; lesbianism

  Honolulu 131, 189, 195

  Hooker, Edward 80

  Hooker, Evelyn: depression and nervous breakdown 16, 126, 194; on C.I.’s NBC interview on sexuality 17; C.I.’s stay at Brentwood house 37, 152; advises Jo Lathwood 80; C.I. socializes with 80; homosexual-marriage counseling practice 118; moves to Santa Monica 118; proposes collaboration with C.I. on popular book on homosexuality 126, 128, 144–5, 149, 152; research on homosexuals 126, 128, 144, 148–9, 152, 154; at opening of homosexual Community Church 154; and the Spenders 194; ill-health 257, 451; seeks instruction at Vedanta Center 257–8, 261, 451; ethnicity 264; recommends doctor for Don Bachardy 345; guest of honor at Institute for the Study of Human Resources event 439; gift for C.I.’s seventieth birthday 452; 741–2

  Hoopes, Ned 211, 742

  Hopcraft, Arthur 8n

  Hopkins, John (actor) 27, 28

  Hopkins, John (writer), Find Your Way Home 425, 445

  Hopper, Brooke 80–81, 87, 359, 742

  Horne, Collin see Wilcox, Collin Hoskins, Basil 44, 394

  Hotchkiss, Frank 500

  “House That Would Not Die, The” (television film) 115

  Houseman, Joan 494, 544, 742–3

  Houseman, John: directs Don Juan in Hell 262; and Elsa Lanchester 262; socializing with C.I. and Don Bachardy 271, 272, 329, 334, 415, 416, 544; Run-Through (book) 272; and Lorna Levant 305; at New York performance of A Meeting by the River 307; acts in The Paper Chase 308, 313, 391; in London 329, 334; 742–3

  Houston, Texas, Texas Gallery 545, 609

  Howard, Donald 197, 743

  Howards, Kenny 605

  Howarth, Donald, Three Months Gone 44

  Hoyningen-Huene, George 270, 743

  Hubble, Mother (Yogaprana’s mother) 345

  Hubrecht, Peggy 517, 594, 596, 743

  Hudson, Rock 441

  Hughes, Rupert 234

  Hull, Harold Stone 106

  Hundertmark, Gary 112, 635, 743

  Hunt, Marsha 657

  Hunter, Allan 198, 677

  Huntington Beach, California 406

  Hurt, John 557

  Hussein, Waris 324, 330, 516, 743

  Huston, Celeste (Cici) 395, 444, 480, 607

  Huston, John 376, 395, 444, 743–4; Fat City 311; The Kremlin Letter 311; The Man Who Would Be King 395, 491

  Huxley, Aldous: published letters 8; proposed television program on 94; views on meditation 106; and Swami Prabhavananda 110, 374; lectures at Occidental College 234; doctoral student’s researches on 244–5; and La Verne seminar and Trabuco 284; pessimism 596; in C.I.’s proposed final volume of memoirs 613, 614, 677; house in Hollywood 614; final illness 680; 744–5

  After Many a Summer 556, 557, 560; Point Counter Point 378

  Huxley, Laura (Aldous’s second wife) 94, 280, 352, 355, 613, 614, 745

  Huxley, Maria (Aldous’s first wife) 198, 745

  Hyde, H. Montgomery, Henry James at Home 177, 193

  “Hypothesis and Belief” (C.I.; article for Vedanta and the West) 560

  I and Albert (musical) 318

  I, Claudius (Graves): C.I.’s and Don Bachardy’s draft screenplay 3, 38; John Mortimer’s stage adaptation 215n

  I Never Sang for My Father (film) 139

  Ibsen, Henrik: Hedda Gabler 172; The Lady from the Sea 508

  Idaho, criminal code 239

  Idiot, The (film) 311

  Illinois, criminal code 239

  In Search of Gregory (film) 139

  In Unity (magazine) 45

  In the Year of the Pig (film) 83

  India, election (1971) 155

  Indochina see Cambodia; Vietnam

  inflation 345, 545, 630, 664

  Inge, William (Bill) 113, 745–6; suicide 368, 369

  Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique 157, 377, 378, 552

  Inserts (film) 506

  Institute for the Study of Human Resources 439

  Interview (magazine) 649

  Inverness, Scotland 512

  Iran 630n

  Ireland 10; Troubles 321n, 324, 435, 754

  Ireland, John 99

  Irene (musical) 259, 306

  Irvine, University of California at 364

  Isaacs, Judge 172

  Isabel (maid) 136

  Isherwood, Beverley (beau
ty queen) 571 Isherwood, Christopher:

  Finances: savings xi, 140, 258–9, 670; income from Cabaret xii, 312, 420; taxes 26, 133, 234, 237, 239, 431, 567, 670; accommodation expenses in London 70; concerns about economy 81, 181, 196, 345, 630, 664; Hilldale Avenue apartments 140, 271, 463, 493, 503, 522, 540, 543, 544–5, 567; seeks financial advice from Robin French 195, 633; unemployment payments 203, 502, 505, 507, 519; draws up will 220; transfer of money between accounts 238–9, 420, 646; joint tenancy grant deed 239; New York trip costs 309; brother’s will and estate 610, 616, 670; Trevor Will Trust 616

  Health: hypochondria viii, 46; weight viii, 3, 24, 27, 43, 62, 65, 67, 68, 73, 103, 114, 116, 128, 136, 143, 144, 145, 149, 159, 177, 178, 180, 183, 186, 187, 188, 194, 197, 208, 211, 221, 240, 241, 255, 262, 275, 280, 281, 291, 296, 299, 302, 309, 343, 350, 359, 385, 402, 415, 423, 490n, 605, 671, 674, 676; thoughts on aging and mortality ix, xi, xxii–xxiv, xl, 81, 115, 159–60, 161, 213, 278, 286–7, 445, 446, 457, 480–81, 522, 527, 539, 561, 564, 565, 568, 574–5, 578, 604, 611, 641, 643, 658, 665–6, 667–8, 678, 681, 685, 686–7; Dupuytren’s Contracture (disease of hand) xix, 86, 113, 545, 546, 551, 723–4; sore throats and coughs xxiii, xxiv, 212, 213, 214, 220, 223, 345, 350, 393, 446, 492, 509, 510, 596; fear of cancer xxxix, 48, 131, 317, 447, 458, 567; colds 3, 95, 96, 233, 345, 509; gas 3, 140, 141, 181, 182, 624; nosebleeds 13, 19; hangovers 17, 35, 570, 573, 579, 583, 600, 601, 622; depressions 18, 38, 81, 137, 196, 287, 558, 561, 563, 564, 573, 594, 615, 624, 629, 630, 631, 662, 663, 670, 674, 680, 687; stomach aches and intestinal complaints 37, 63, 134, 135, 136, 137, 140, 154, 155, 156, 158, 178, 181, 183, 278, 359, 587, 592, 593, 630, 631, 671, 678; arthritic thumb 79, 203, 403, 536; back problems 81, 216, 217, 220, 221, 355, 356, 478, 479, 494, 626, 674, 676, 678; cholesterol count 86, 491; diets 101, 134, 182; piles 102, 145; rectal bleeding 102, 442; vitamin supplements 128, 142, 177, 601; lump in gut 134, 136, 137, 141, 142, 143, 164; dental work 169, 211, 261, 283, 284, 287, 288, 403, 405, 421, 429, 499, 523; operation on hand 177, 197, 199, 200–202, 203, 204, 205, 212, 214–15, 236; takes antidepressants 177, 458, 564, 568, 662, 663, 721; psychosomatic bouts 203; varicose vein in mouth 211, 214; tries acupuncture 220, 564; leg inflammation and pain 221, 223, 299, 444, 491, 669, 670, 672, 675; rashes 221, 403, 405, 611, 612; swelling on foot 288, 289, 310, 312, 356, 366, 384, 403, 405, 434, 445, 455, 457; torn ligament in ankle 296, 299, 300, 301, 302–3, 308, 310; lump on thumb 299, 310, 312, 356, 384; small growths removed from nose 353, 582, 600; shortness of breath 384; failing memory 385, 535; sore toe 403, 405; failing eyesight 445, 457, 481, 518, 551, 565, 567, 568, 611, 643, 646, 667–8; hip pains 460, 624, 667; cataracts 481, 667–8; knee problems 527, 528–9, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562–3, 564, 565, 567, 568, 573, 596, 603, 667; raised iodine count 528; takes Butazolidin 528, 590, 676, 709; takes K.H.3 anti-aging preparation 530, 752; hair loss 565, 671; sore tongue 568, 569, 584; tries Wittenberg’s isometric exercise program 573, 592, 607–8, 611; sprains wrist 589, 590, 591; blood in urine 603; dizzy spells 624; hernia 631, 663, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 676; hurts neck and head in fall 632, 633, 634; wears surgical collar 634; vaccinated for hepatitis 648; injured by burglars 654, 655; loss of sense of taste 658, 671; removal of cyst in mouth 663, 664, 665, 666; nausea 678, 681; prostate cancer 680


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