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Torrid Little Affair

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by Kendall Ryan

  Forbidden Desires, Book Three

  Torrid Little Affair

  Copyright © 2017 Kendall Ryan

  Copy Editing and Formatting by

  Pam Berehulke

  Cover Design by

  Okay Creations

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Table of Contents

  About the Book

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Up Next in the Forbidden Desires Series

  Also in This Series


  About the Author

  Other Books by Kendall Ryan

  About the Book

  The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. And I have the perfect candidate all picked out.

  My new assistant is tempting beyond belief with her curvy body and take-no-shit attitude. All those luscious curves, and a juicy ass I’m already in love with. God, the things that I would do to that ass . . .

  But it’s the haunted look in her eyes that speaks to me. Like she’s taken just as much shit in her past as I have—maybe more. We both deserve a little fun.

  Love can’t fix everything. Mind-blowing sex and a few killer orgasms, on the other hand?

  I have a feeling those might do the trick.

  Chapter One


  Six months.

  Six months was all it took for me to completely lose my shit. I gave it my best shot, but it turned out all the one-night stands and hangovers in the world couldn’t erase the sting of heartbreak and rejection. My brother Gavin had gotten the girl, while I’d retreated alone to the one place that had always felt like home.

  While my grandparents were still alive and in my life, they owned a condo in Florida in a development that was little more than a cheap apartment complex with a bunch of gray-haired retirees. But once a year when my mom dropped us off there during spring break, something about the salty ocean air and swaying palm trees felt like heaven. Like I could escape my lonely little world and all my problems while I was there.

  Which was why when I fled Boston, I’d gone to the beach house I now owned on Sanibel Island. The two-bedroom cottage felt more like home than my four-thousand-square-foot luxury apartment in the city. Mostly, though, I just wasn’t ready to see Gavin and Emma yet. Wasn’t ready to face seeing them as a couple and pretend to be happy for them. Fuck that.

  So I’d spent my time licking my wounds and hitting the gym. Dinner was at my favorite local beach bar, where there was usually a different tourist to take home each night. It wasn’t fulfilling, but it distracted me—at least somewhat—from the heartbreak that threatened to make an appearance every time I thought of my brother with Emma.

  What still killed me was that I’d let her see how much she meant to me. I’d been vulnerable with her, asked her to choose me, and yet she hadn’t. That was the most crushing blow.

  This mistake wouldn’t be solved by hate-fucking Emma out of my system. No, I was going to have to live with the festering wound of seeing her on my brother’s arm. Live with the knowledge that she’d chosen him and not me. It was the one mistake that couldn’t be fixed in my life—there was no easy solution, no forgetting it and moving on. And that stung like a motherfucker.

  Second place was first loser. And I knew that better than anyone.

  I was just about to jump in the shower after a day spent surfing when my phone rang. It was my oldest brother, Quinn. Shutting off the water, I grabbed my cell from the counter.


  “Wow. He picks up.”

  The surprise in Quinn’s voice was annoying. Accurate—because I rarely answered my phone anymore—but annoying.

  “What’s up, man?” I tried to keep the irritation out of my voice.

  “It’s time you came home.”

  I rolled my eyes. We’d had this conversation at least a dozen times. “And why would I do that?”

  “To be blunt? Because we’re going to remove you from the payroll and kick you out of the company if you don’t get your ass back to Boston.”

  That had my full attention. I could only imagine Gavin pushing for my termination. The prick.

  “I hired someone for you,” Quinn said. “It’ll be just what you need to throw yourself back into work, and I think you’ll find Corinne is a huge asset.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine. I’ll come back.”

  “Glad to hear it.” I could hear the smile in Quinn’s voice.

  “But I’m not flying commercial. Send the jet.”

  Quinn released a long sigh. “Christ. When did you become so demanding?”

  I ignored his question. Getting fucked over would do that to a guy. From here on out, I would call the shots. Things would be done according to my terms, or not at all. “See you soon, brother.”

  Stripping off my wet swim shorts, I cranked the shower faucet to hot and tried to pretend that things would be fine once I got back to Boston.

  They had to be, right?

  Chapter Two


  “Why aren’t you dating anyone yet?” Mauve asked, adjusting the oxygen tubes that rested just below her nostrils.

  We’d had this conversation too many times, and it always ended the same way—with me feeling angry at her for prying, and then later guilty about getting mad at a sick old woman who meant well. It was a ridiculous cycle I hoped to one day break.

  “You know I can’t do that.”

  She scoffed at me. “The hell you can’t.”

  I rolled my eyes and stood to help her adjust the knob on the side of her oxygen tank. Mauve was the closest thing I had to a mother, and while I loved her to pieces, when she pried into my personal life, part of me wanted to strangle her with those oxygen tubes.

  Mauve pursed her lips, waiting for me to continue the same conversation we’d had a thousand times. But nothing would ever change my mind, could ever, so I flipped open her book to the dog-eared page and took a deep breath.

  “Where were we? Gideon was just about to propose, right?” I would never experience the kind of romantic love I read about in these pages, and that was fine by me. It was best left for fiction, and I did love a good romance.

  “Wait.” Mauve motioned for me to stop. “Aren’t you going to give me anything at all?”

  Since I couldn’t deny an old lady her only source of weekly gossip, I lowered the book to my lap. “I started a new job this week.”

  Mauve smiled, her blue eyes crinkling in the corners. “Thank goodness. Tell me all about it.”

; Ever since the state lost funding for the inner-city orphanage where I was working, I’d spent the last two months unemployed and barely scraping by. This new job had been a huge blessing. But there was no way in hell I could tell Mauve that I now worked at an escort agency, even if I was just hired to coordinate schedules and maintain the website.

  “I’m a coordinator and sit behind a computer all day, nothing too exciting, but it will pay the bills nicely. And better yet, it came with excellent benefits and health insurance.” That last part was critical to me, and why I’d been so picky when job-hunting.

  “I’m proud of you, kiddo.”

  I smiled at her and the silly nickname she’d given me when I came to live under her care at the age of thirteen. Even if she was a pain in my rear end sometimes, she was one of the few people I cared about on this earth.

  “Thanks, Mauve. This week was just getting acquainted and overviews. Monday, I’ll start shadowing one of the women who’s worked there a while, but my new boss will be back in town, so I’m sure things will get more exciting then.”

  I had no idea how very true that statement was about to become.

  My life was simple, and simple was good. But Mauve was right—it wasn’t great. And sometimes, even I had to admit there was something missing.

  Chapter Three


  After spending one last weekend on the sunny Florida coast, I’d arrived back in Boston last night and spent a restful night in my old bed. Even though I really hadn’t been ready to come home yet, it seemed that at least so far, it was going okay. I was surprised to discover that I’d missed the smallest things—like my espresso machine and my steam shower and my cleaning lady. My penthouse has been kept immaculate, and for that I was grateful.

  Strolling into the office on Monday morning, I waved a greeting at the receptionist and found my brothers standing inside the open area as if they were waiting for my arrival.

  Quinn, my oldest brother, pulled me into a hug, clapping me loudly on the back. “He lives and breathes.”

  I shoved him away playfully. “I’m here.”

  “You’re fucking tanned. Look at you.” Quinn grinned at me.

  I rolled my eyes, my gaze finally setting on my other brother, Gavin. He was six years older than me, closer in age to me than Quinn, but we felt a million years apart. Ever since Emma, his new wife, had strolled into these offices last year—our worlds had been turned upside down.

  I knew they’d be perfect together, and so like the good younger brother I was, I’d pushed them together. Gavin had been reluctant, not wanting to get into another relationship after his last girlfriend died tragically. So I’d done the only thing I could think of to spur him into action—I’d taken her out myself and pretended I was interested in the pretty little librarian.

  But after a while, I wasn’t pretending. Emma won me over, and I fell hard and fast. And in the end? She’d chosen the man standing before me.

  “We missed you around here,” Gavin said, surprising me. His embrace was quick, really just a half hug and a thump on the back, but it was a warm and unexpected surprise.

  “There’s a peace offering waiting for you in your office.” Quinn shot me a lopsided grin.

  “Thanks, man.” I shook Quinn’s hand again and wandered to the coffee machine where a fresh pot was already brewing. A waited a moment for it to stop, then poured myself a mugful.

  It felt good to be back, better than I would have thought. The familiar scent of coffee hung in the air, and in the background, I could hear the tapping of fingers against keyboards. It was structured and orderly, and I decided that might be a good thing. My nights spent chasing a bottle of bourbon, the marathons of meaningless sex, and days spent nursing a hangover couldn’t go on forever. Not that my cock minded much, but my liver? That was another story. I wasn’t even thirty yet, but I often felt sluggish and tired.

  Pushing those thoughts away, I rounded the corner to my office with its wall of floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the downtown skyline. It was comforting, familiar, but the view wasn’t what captured my attention.

  True to his word, it appeared that Quinn had gotten me a welcome gift.

  A young woman sat perched in the chair in front of my sleek glass-and-chrome desk, her hands neatly folded in her lap. Honey-blond hair fell to just below her shoulders. Her breasts were full and round, and she was dressed in a black pencil skirt and a pale pink silk blouse.

  I might still be bitter about how the last several months had played out, but I wasn’t too far gone not to take a bite of this apple. I was still a man, after all.

  I cleared my throat, causing her head to snap in my direction.

  “Hello, Mr. Kingsley.”

  She had wide blue eyes and a full, pouty mouth, and she was staring at me, waiting for a response.

  “It’s Cooper. And you are?”

  A distraction.

  My new little fuck-toy.

  She rose to her feet, standing before me in a pair of four-inch heels that did nothing to even out our massive height difference. “I’m Corinne O’Neil. Your brothers hired me. They thought—”

  “I know what they thought. They thought I needed a good, hard fuck, and they sent you in to do the job. Is that it?”

  I ran my thumb along the side of her cheek as Corinne shuddered and let out a gasp. She staggered back a step, bracing her hands against the desk behind her.


  I cocked my head, studying her in amusement. “You are the new girl, correct? The one they hired just for me?”

  “Yes, but . . .”

  “But what?” I closed the distance between us, stroking her cheek again, appreciating how soft it felt, and how warm and pink it grew under my appraisal. “Instead of dropping to your knees to take my cock in your mouth, you’re going to act all shy and embarrassed? Save it. There’s no need for games. Not with the amount we’re paying you.”

  Twin blotches of color appeared high in her cheeks.

  “Get on with it,” I barked, tugging open my belt.

  Corinne burst into tears and fled from my office.

  What the fuck?

  After quickly latching my belt, I gave chase. But when she disappeared into the ladies’ room, I stopped, breathing hard and with my fists clenched at my sides.

  I waited a few moments but Corinne didn’t emerge, so I stalked over toward Alyssa’s desk. She was Gavin’s executive assistant, and was someone who could be relied upon. Even for something delicate like this.

  “Did you need something?” she asked when I stopped in front of her desk.

  “Actually, yeah.” I paused, rubbing the back of my neck. “I think I fucked up. The new girl, Corinne? I’m pretty sure she’s in the bathroom crying because of me right now.”

  Alyssa frowned.

  “Don’t let her leave, okay? Not until I apologize.”

  “Okay.” She rose from her chair, grabbing a box of tissues from the edge of her desk, and headed toward the restroom.

  As thankful as I was that she hadn’t asked what I’d done to make Corinne cry, I knew I needed to out myself to at least one person.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Quinn asked as I stopped in front of his desk.

  I dropped into the seat in front of him, feeling like my workday had gone on a lot longer than fifteen minutes. Jesus, was that all it had been since I’d arrived in the lobby, feeling so hopeful about my future?

  I was a hot fucking mess.

  “So . . . about the gift you left in my office?”

  He stopped typing and looked up at me. “Yes?”

  I swallowed a heavy lump in my throat. “She was for?”

  His heavy brows drew together. “She’s meant to be your new assistant. She’s more than qualified. And if she does well, my hope is that she can take over the office manager position. She’s been training for this week with Alyssa, and has caught on very quickly.”

.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling the stirrings of a headache.

  “What does that mean? Did something happen?”

  Blowing out a frustrated sigh, I lifted my gaze to his. “Yeah. Sort of.”

  And by sort of, I mean I nearly pulled out my cock and forced it into her pretty mouth. Jesus.

  “Talk, man. I’ve got a conference call starting in three minutes.”

  “When you said gift . . .” I waggled my eyebrows. “And I saw a pretty young thing sitting in my office . . .”

  He wasn’t catching on. I was going to have to spell it out for him.

  “I thought she was there for sex—to help me blow off some steam.”

  “Jesus, Cooper,” Quinn growled. “Tell me you didn’t proposition her?”

  I looked down at my newly shined shoes.

  “Fuck,” he roared.

  “It was a mistake. But honestly, dude, you never said you’d hired me an assistant. You said you’d gotten me a gift. Think about it.” I raised my eyebrows again.

  But Quinn was shaking his head. “You’re here to work, not to blow off steam or whatever you call it. I assume that’s what you spent the last six months doing on the beach.”

  “Again, my mistake.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “Well . . .”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Cooper. What happened exactly.” He annunciated each word as though it was its own sentence.

  “I propositioned her for sex, and she ran from my office crying.”

  “Goddamn it.” Quinn rose to his feet and stalked toward the windows where he gazed down on the traffic below, his hands in his hair.

  “I’m going to fix it. I just wanted you to know.”

  “Good. Then what are you still doing in my office?” he asked, turning to face me again.

  I nodded and rose to my feet, heading to the door and wondering if Alyssa had coaxed Corinne from the bathroom yet. And if she had, exactly what I was going to say.

  The deep rumble of Quinn’s voice made me pause at the doorway.

  “And, Cooper? You can find women to fuck on your own time.”


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