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Torrid Little Affair

Page 7

by Kendall Ryan

  The place was exactly as I’d left it, but it felt different somehow. Like something had changed in the hours I’d been gone.

  I settled into my chair and turned on my computer before making a pot of coffee, staring at the clock as the sounds of boiling water and rising steam filled the air around me.

  It wouldn’t take long for Corinne to get her things in order. I knew that much. The real question was whether she’d have the courage to come in here at all.

  When the coffee had finished percolating, I poured myself a mug and returned to my desk, opening a blank document to stare at, if only to pretend I was doing actual work. Instead, I contemplated writing down everything that had happened between Corinne and me—as if the factual recounting might show me something I couldn’t see from my own subjective place in the story.

  God, please don’t let her quit.

  The thought surfaced out of nowhere and was so strong that I nearly typed it out, but I restrained myself. It was just that she was fitting in so well here and catching on so fast. After everything that had happened with Sonja, we hadn’t been sure we’d be able to find anyone who would meet the needs of the position, but with Corinne? It felt like we finally had the full package again. And with some training, I could see her moving into the still-vacant office manager role.

  Sighing heavily, I gripped my fresh cup of coffee tighter and lifted it to my lips for a sip as I heard a gentle knock on my office door. A timid, familiar knock.

  My pulse stuttered, and I straightened as I called out, “Come in.”

  Corinne stepped inside, entrancing me with her wavy hair, creamy skin, and lethal curves.

  Gently, she closed the door behind her, and I took a moment to admire the way her sweater dress clung to her before she took a few more steps toward my desk and seated herself opposite me in one of my leather office chairs.

  “Good morning again,” I said, wishing I could lean in and taste that pretty mouth. Fighting the need to lift her onto my desk and test those petal-soft folds to see how quickly I could get her wet and panting for me.

  No, Cooper. Bad Cooper.

  I was like a child who needed my hand slapped.

  “Good morning.” She laced her fingers together and placed them primly on her knee before staring at her folded hands. “Y-you asked me earlier what I did last night.” She lifted her chin and met my gaze. “Other than the time we spent together, I mostly just did a lot of thinking.”

  “Oh?” I said, trying not to jump out of my skin with impatience.

  “Yes.” She nodded. “I think I need to apologize to you, Cooper. I thought that I could do this . . . arrangement, you know, with professional workdays and sexual encounters in our personal time, but I just can’t.”

  Her words hit me like a fist to the solar plexus, and the room seemed to close in around me.

  “So, you want to have the sex at work?” I tried for the feeble joke just to regain some sort of equilibrium, but her cool expression let me know instantly that I had blundered.

  Seemed like it was getting to be a habit with her.

  “I want to continue working together amicably and platonically. I’m sorry, but my decision is made. I don’t want to do this.”

  Even as she spoke, though, she was shaking her head. Despite her strong words, her eyes were filled with doubt, which, in turn, filled me with confidence.

  Slowly, I shook my head, encouraging her to maintain eye contact with me by sheer force of will. “No. I don’t think that’s true.”

  “Ex-excuse me?” she stuttered, the pulse in her neck throbbing like a butterfly trapped beneath the surface of that silky flesh.

  I pushed myself to my feet, my sadness and insecurity fizzling away, leaving behind only confidence and thick, hot need. I rounded the corner of my desk until I was only inches away, towering over her.

  “I think you’re lying, Corinne. To me, but more importantly, to yourself. I think this is exactly what you want. In fact, I think you want it so much, it scared you.”

  Her cheeks went crimson as she shot to her feet, meeting me toe-to-toe. It didn’t seem to matter to her that she was a good ten inches shorter than me, she straightened her shoulders, her posture stiff, ready to square off.

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Is it?” I cocked an eyebrow. “I felt how responsive you were in my arms, how much you wanted me. I can see your breath quickening right now as I get closer to you. Your nipples getting hard beneath that dress.”

  She quickly folded her arms over her chest, but it was too late. Like a shark scenting blood in the water, I knew the truth.

  “You want me, Corinne, but you’re afraid. That’s why you ran. That’s why you’re trying to run now.”

  She shook her head, but I caught her chin and held her so her gaze met mine.

  “Tell me you don’t want to know what else we could do to together. Tell me you don’t wonder what it would feel like.”

  She looked at me for a long moment, studying me, and then finally said, “I can’t. I can’t do that.”

  “You know I’m right.”

  “I do.”

  I released her and she took a step back.

  “But,” she said, “it’s more complicated than it should be. There are things you don’t know. Things that I need to work through. I’m trying to save you from yourself here,” she said with a short, humorless laugh. “Cooper, I’m a mess. I’m high-maintenance and I’m not an idiot. I know you could have any woman you want.”

  I took another step toward her, closing the space between us as I wrapped my hand around her waist. “The only woman I want is you, dove.”

  Gently, I pulled her toward me, breathing in her perfume as she came closer, and then, finally, savoring the sweet heat of her lips on mine. The kiss started so slowly, it wasn’t even a kiss—just two people standing inches apart, our lips touching as soft breaths passed between us.

  But then her lips parted, and I could have groaned at her invitation, but I didn’t. Instead, I pressed forward, licking her lower lip. When her tongue swept out to greet me, I groaned with both relief and desire. I stepped forward, pressing her back until she was flush against the door as I matched her tongue stroke for stroke. We sank into each other, fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle. It was perfection.

  The hammer of desire came down hard, and all the pent-up need and frustration of the past few days hit me at once. The blood rushed from my head downward as I ground against her, letting her low, throaty moans fill my senses.

  Yes. This was what I wanted more than I’d wanted anything I could remember.

  Her hand slid up between us to grip the cotton of my shirt, anchoring me closer even as her hips pulsed restlessly against me.

  This was good. So good that I wasn’t about to fuck it all up by having us get caught screwing around at work and sending her running again.

  Regretfully, I pulled away. It took every ounce of strength I had not to lock the door, drag her over to my desk, and—

  “Right.” She gasped, her hand fluttering to her heaving chest. “We’re at work. Good call.”

  We stared at each other for a long moment, and I leaned in to press my forehead against hers. Something about this woman—the feel of her, the taste of her, just her general presence—made me want to know her. To have her completely as my own.

  I pressed one last gentle kiss to her lips and dropped my voice to a whisper. “Someday, when I’ve earned it, will you tell me what happened? Why you’re still single? Why you’re so timid?”

  She searched my gaze, though she didn’t cower or look away. Instead, she gave me the briefest of nods. “Not now, Cooper. Not yet.”

  “I know about the orphanage,” I said softly. “Does it have something to do with that?”

  She nodded, the sadness in her eyes making me want to snatch the question back. “Yes, but that’s not all of it. There’s . . . more.”

  I nodded.
“Okay, then I won’t push you. Just know that I’m a great listener and I care, Corinne. More than you know.”

  She wet her lips and smoothed a hand over her dress as I stepped back. She closed her fingers over the doorknob, but before she twisted it open, she turned and met my gaze again.

  Unwavering, she nodded once. “I care too, Cooper. Just so you know.”

  She flung the door open, and just like that, she was gone, leaving me staring after her.

  Today hadn’t been without its bumps, but damn it, she wanted me as much as I wanted her. And more than that?

  She cared.

  A slow grin spread over my face as I made my way to my desk, suddenly full of energy.

  Chapter Ten


  This was a bad idea.

  Though, of course, it hadn’t seemed that way when I’d agreed to do it.

  Leaving Cooper’s office with my head swimming from that mouth of his, I wandered back to my desk and stared blankly at my computer screen for a long time, still savoring the heat of his touch on my skin. He was maddeningly sexy—a great kisser—and so freaking intuitive, he seemed to know exactly what I was thinking and feeling before I did.

  I could feel Alyssa watching me from the corner of her eye, could tell that she was wondering what had happened while I was in Cooper’s office. But being the consummate professional she was, she’d never ask me about that during work hours.

  Instead, she invited me to lunch, holding in her curiosity as we grabbed our purses and headed to the food court on the bottom floor of the building.

  The second we stepped into the elevator, though? The inquisition began.

  “Have you gotten a single thing done since you talked to Cooper this morning?” she asked, a knowing smile painted on her lips.

  “What? No. I mean, yes. Of course I have.”

  “Ooh, you’re all frazzled. That’s a good sign. Something happened,” Alyssa cooed with glee.

  I rolled my eyes and tried to make a poker face, which I was pretty sure I didn’t have in my repertoire. “Don’t be silly.”

  The elevator chimed as the doors slid open, and Alyssa switched the subject to ask which of the food stalls we should hit. When we’d finally decided on sandwiches and had gotten our food, I sighed with relief. It was only once we were seated that I realized the lull had just been a ruse to lure me into a false sense of security until she could strike again.

  She held her tuna sandwich and stared at me expectantly.

  “What?” I asked.

  “So.” She wrinkled her nose. “Cooper.”

  “God, that again?”

  “Yes, that again. Is he a good kisser?”

  “What?” I practically gasped. Was I really that obvious?

  “You walk out of his office all flushed and dazed, and I’m supposed to think—what? That he gave you a glowing performance review?” She chomped on her sandwich, then flicked me a sassy look. “Spill.”

  “You’re being silly. I barely know Cooper.”

  “That doesn’t mean that you can’t bone down.” Alyssa shrugged.

  “Ew, God. Is that what people call it nowadays?”

  “So, you’re saying you think it would be gross to have sex with him?” Alyssa cocked an eyebrow.

  “I never said that. I’m objecting to the phrase ‘bone down.’ It’s just so wrong, Alyssa.”

  “Right. Prude.” She sighed. “So, you’re really not going to tell me anything?”

  “There’s nothing to tell.” I pursed my lips, then thinking hard, added, “Though, it might be nice to know a little more about him.”

  “You don’t want to tell me what’s up between the two of you, but want intel from me?” she said with a snort. “Like what?”

  “I don’t know. Just stuff about him, I guess. General sort of stuff.” I shrugged, toying with my food.

  Alyssa shook her head. “You’re barking up the wrong tree there. I don’t know a whole lot about any of them except for Gavin, and even he’s a mystery to me sometimes. The person to talk to is Emma.”

  “Emma?” The memory of everything Cooper had told me flooded back, and my stomach roiled with the thought of seeing the other woman, let alone talking to her.

  God, did he still think about her? Want her? He’d said he didn’t, but maybe that was just a line.

  I set my sandwich down, suddenly no longer hungry.

  “She knows everything about all of them, and I hear through the grapevine that she’s a lightweight. Get a couple drinks in her, and I bet she’ll spill everything she knows.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “That seems sort of wicked and conniving, don’t you think?”

  Alyssa quirked her mouth to the side. “I don’t know. As wicked as not telling your best work friend why you suddenly want to know all about Cooper?”

  “Alyssa,” I pleaded. “Look, I promise I’ll tell you if and when there’s something to tell. I swear, we haven’t,” I looked around and dropped my voice to a whisper, “boned down yet or anything, okay?”

  “Fine, fine,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “I’ll set it up. We’ll have a girls’ night, and you can ask Emma everything you want in any state of soberness you choose. But if you guys do it, I’m the first to know. Deal?”

  “I . . . I guess it would be good to get out for a while and hang with some girls,” I said, though I couldn’t deny the rush of excitement surging through my veins. Jeez, first a happy hour and now a girls’ night. My social calendar was suddenly exploding.

  “Sure, that’s why you want to go.” Alyssa laughed and took another bite of her sandwich. After securing my promise to share if and when Cooper and I ever did the deed, she moved on to telling me about a to-die-for pair of pumps she’d picked up at Macy’s for a steal, and the matter seemed closed.

  • • •

  And that’s how I’d ended up here that same evening, waiting on my doorstep for Alyssa’s car and thinking over every last detail of what Cooper had told me about Emma.

  The idea that he had had feelings for her in the past? It shouldn’t have bothered me, especially when we had no expectations in our own relationship, but I couldn’t help feeling . . . jealous. It was so stupid, but it was there—deep in my gut and impossible to ignore.

  When Emma and Alyssa finally did arrive, I felt even more so. I was a whole foot down on the attractiveness totem pole. Emma was slim with perfect plum-sized breasts, and her formfitting dress did nothing to hide the fact that her body was one worth showing off. There wasn’t an ounce of fat anywhere on her. I tugged on my silk blouse, hyper-aware of how these skinny jeans showed off every curve and the thickness of my thighs. As I climbed into the backseat, I forced a smile I very much didn’t feel.

  I’d never been so aware of my ample curves in my life, and as I glanced at her again, I wondered how it was possible Cooper had ever looked at me twice compared to her.

  “Hey!” Emma said, her smile appearing genuine. “This was a fun idea. I was so glad when Alyssa called me. So, we’re going to this place Gavin took me a couple of months ago. It’s a little loud, but the bands are always good.”

  “Sounds great,” I said.

  “I hope you don’t want any quality time with me then, because I will be dancing,” Alyssa said from the driver’s seat.

  Emma and I grinned at her, and together we chatted casually about work and how I was adjusting to my new job. Emma was really nice, and by the time we got to the bar, I was feeling like a royal brat for this plan to use her to get information on Cooper.

  As Alyssa handed over her keys to a valet, I vowed to reassess my reasons for being here. I needed to let go of the idea that I was vetting the competition or using her to get information. This was going to be a fun girls’ night, and that was that. But if Cooper came up in conversation . . .

  Jeez, Corinne. Play nice. She’s not the competition. Emma chose his brother—and she’s happily married now.

>   Shutting those thoughts down, I followed Alyssa and Emma to a table near the back of the club.

  “We need something strong to get us started,” Alyssa announced, thumbing the drink menu. “A round of cosmopolitans and some shots of tequila too, please,” Alyssa called to the waitress before offering me a not-so-sly wink. Emma made no motion to protest, and when the waitress returned, we all downed our shots with a toast to Forbidden Desires.

  Then, drink in hand, Alyssa flitted off onto the dance floor, bobbing her head along with the music as she moved. I laughed as she nearly tripped, but then Emma’s voice caught my attention.

  “Alyssa tells me you’re curious about Coop,” she said, a tiny smile curving her perfect lips.

  I froze with my martini glass halfway to my mouth and winced. “Alyssa has a big mouth.”

  Emma laughed. “Not when it matters, usually. Is there something going on between you and Cooper?”

  She didn’t seem angry or annoyed in the least. Just curious, and my nerves settled some. As irritated as I was at Alyssa for blowing my cover, I had to admit this felt better. Less sneaky.

  I shook my head. I had no idea how much to tell Emma. The truth seemed like too much. I’d just met her. “Alyssa thinks there is. She’s just trying to help.”

  Emma shot me an affectionate glance. “It’s okay, Corinne. You can trust me. I won’t try to cause any trouble for you. At work or otherwise, with Cooper.”

  “Thank you.”

  My gaze wandered to Alyssa, who had now found someone to bob alongside her to the beat.

  “So, what do you want to know about Coop?” Emma asked, sipping her drink tentatively.

  I shrugged. “I’m not really sure,” I said honestly. Everything hardly seemed like a good response. “What should I know?”

  “Well, if you’re asking because he’s your boss, I would say you need to know that he loves his company. And for as awful as the woman was who did your job before, she was very good at it. They’ll likely be watching you closely to make sure you stack up.”

  I considered this, then took a sip of my drink for courage. “And what if I was asking about him not as my boss? More like . . . as a man?”


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