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Sin Eater: Complete First Season

Page 14

by P. K. Tyler

Chapter Eight

  As they sat together, the demon within Adel pushed a bit of himself into Zeph’s body. Asmodeus stayed within Adel enough to keep her soul safely locked away in an unused corner of her mind. Occupying two people at once turned out to be exhilarating. Quite the experience. He couldn’t completely subdue either one of them, so both would remember everything that happened. No demon, not even Lucifer himself, had ever controlled two humans at once. They were content to feed on souls. Asmodeus didn't bother latching on. He avoided the detection of Sin Eaters and enjoyed the freedom of moving from one body to another, pulling their strings, consuming their souls in a very different way: leaving them corrupted past the point of saving. It was ingenious. Transcendent.


  The part of him inside the priest could feel Adel’s soft flesh beneath his hand. The part of him inside Adel could feel the priest’s hand on her thigh. He imagined what it might be like to feel the priest’s dick inside her cunt from both bodies at the same time. To his surprise, and great delight, the priest’s cock began to stiffen.

  He caught flashes of Zeph’s memories. Summer. A hot night. A lithe body lay on top of the priest. Most definitely not a priest at the time. The climax, a thundering release. When the vision tried to turn to fear and shame, Asmodeus pushed those things away. Those emotions could be useful under the right circumstances, but he was a demon of lust. His energy would be best focused on what he was good at.

  He pushed a bit more of himself into the priest, and a face came into view in Zeph’s vision.

  Sin Eater.

  Careful to maintain the balance between both bodies, the demon moved Adel’s hand atop Zeph’s. He sent flashes of the Sin Eater to the priest because that seemed sufficient to keep the man’s mind occupied. He snagged onto a brief memory of a shirtless young man, a cleaner and healthier version of the Sin Eater, and kept that image in the forefront of the priest’s mind.

  Slowly, the demon moved Zeph’s hand further down, inching closer and closer to the warm and fully wet pussy below. He wouldn’t be able to get her skirt off without breaking concentration. But if the priest got hot and bothered enough, he might not even have to. Zeph may do the work for him, and he could just sit back and enjoy.

  Every motion tortured Asmodeus, but he had to go slowly to make sure the priest remained distracted. When he finally got Zeph’s hand beneath Adel’s, resting over her crotch, he waited. He caught glimpses of Nik in the priest’s mind and used what little influence he had to corrupt Zeph’s thoughts until a powerful surge of lust hit the priest. Then the demon cupped Adel’s pussy with his hand.

  Both the priest and Adel moaned. Zeph closed his eyes and leaned his head back. There would be no better opportunity, so the demon, careful to maintain the balance, raised Adel’s skirt and rose, turning to straddle the priest. His hand slipped from her cunt.

  He couldn’t get Zeph’s fly open without risking jarring the man out of his vision, so he rubbed Adel’s crotch against the ever hardening length of him through his black slacks. Asmodeus wanted to feel his dick inside his pussy. The soft material of the priest’s pants teased at the nub of flesh between the woman’s folds. Slowly he raised the priest’s hands to Adel’s breasts.

  Zeph’s eyebrows twitched, bunching together in the middle. The demon froze, scrambling to figure out why the visions of the Sin Eater were fading. What had happened?

  The breasts.

  The priest raised his head and the demon flashed an image of him and the Sin Eater intertwined. The softening cock beneath him twitched briefly.

  He leaned forward and put Adel’s lips full against her brother’s.

  He wanted, more than anything, to fuck while being fucked. And if this man preferred other men, so be it. There were clubs in this city where some went for just such things. Asmodeus briefly considered leaving Adel’s body completely so he could fuck her with the priest’s body without controlling her. The thrill of forcing himself on her would be exhilarating, but he decided against it. This body would respond much better to what it naturally preferred.

  Before Zeph could react, the demon left Adel’s body completely and seeped into the priest. Once inside, he shoved Adel off his lap.

  She rolled off the sofa and onto the floor, moaning and trying to raise up on shaky arms. Adel collapsed, her breathing even, if shallow.

  He could take his time in the club with Zeph’s body. The woman would be too weak to alert the Sin Eater for at least a couple of hours.

  The demon shook with pleasure, images of wet mouths, hard dicks, and tight asses making him erect already. And until the omens aligned so that he could bring Lucifer, his dark father, forth into the human world, he would have as much fucking fun with this body as he pleased.

  Inside Zeph, Asmodeus flexed control. Oh, it felt so delicious to be within the host of one so full of self-hate and regret. The demon flashed images of the Sin Eater into the priest’s mind, a constant loop of cherished memories and missed opportunities. He filled in with the priest’s fantasies of what could have been until his mind was lost in the dream.

  The desire pulsing through the host body drove Asmodeus to his own high. He would bring shame and contempt upon this soul. Even if he didn’t consume it himself or ever really own the host, he would destroy the priest and the Sin Eater in one deft stroke. With that thought in mind, he left the church to seek out some trouble.

  As Asmodeus approached a bar the priest seemed familiar with, and which filled him with both longing and contempt, he removed the distractions he’d been feeding him. Asmodeus wanted the priest to remember exactly what he’d done. He wanted the man to experience every betrayal against his beloved Sin Eater as it happened.

  Still dressed in the morning’s vestments, Zeph appeared to be either the epitome of religious mockery or a deviant dressed to fulfill his deepest perversions. In many ways, he was both. When he stepped into the club, the music shot through his system, all that unspent desire swirling in the priest’s veins rose up, responding to even the slightest opportunity.

  Bodies pressed together in a surge of sexuality. Hands reached for the body, pulling him deeper into the throng. His host was attractive, well built, and the outfit inspired lusty deviance in the men around him. Asmodeus closed the priest’s eyes and raised his hands in exaltation as hands and chests and cocks surrounded him. The body he’d inhabited was fit, a prime meal for any of the sinners surrounding him.

  It felt like a homecoming, a celebration of all his work, his self-denial. He hadn’t feasted on a soul in so long, the hunger within churned in constant pain. But this moment, this bacchanal of lust, was his reward. He relished each body that pressed against his own. Soon the priest’s shirt was open, the man before him running his hard thick fingers over the planes of his chest.

  No! the soul cried out, but the demon forced him down under the weight of his own desire. He allowed the priest to feel the man’s tongue as it entered his mouth. He tasted the regret that coincided with desperation and feasted on the pain.

  He kissed and rubbed, unblocking the priest’s stoic control over his body. The further he fell from his ideals, the more the soul within screamed. Asmodeus superimposed the Sin Eater’s face over the man before him and the priest’s hidden desire flared. He let the soul feel the throbbing in his cock, the painful pleasure as his dance partner grabbed at him, grinding his own desire against the body.

  He would desecrate this body in every way. He’d use it and allow it to be used, pulling the purity of the priest down with him as he let the sensations wash over the soul he tormented. He savored the stranger’s kiss, his scintillating touch. Asmodeus reached out and tugged his body tight against his dance partner’s, grinding the pleasure out of it. Sex and regret, there’s nothing so sweet.

  He turned the man around in his arms and bent him over, rubbing the priest’s throbbing dick against his soft backside. He stopped just long enough to throw off the long robe, too hot to carry it any longer.

Chapter Nine

  Nik hopped on the subway north, toward Vai. He sat in the cool, empty car and closed his eyes. Zeph’s attitude was seriously pissing him off. One minute he was supportive and right there with him, the next he was kicking him out. And then today, Zeph called him frantic about Adel disappearing, making him slog back into the city. Then Adel showed up again and Zeph... Fuck! It was like getting stabbed in the heart the way he kept changing his mind. One day Nik was in the way, the next, Zeph didn't want him out of his sight.

  Nik couldn’t help but feel like he’d betrayed Zeph by getting help from the Old Order, but if they knew things he didn’t, he had to work with them. He’d been on his own long enough. All these years he’s resisted working with them, resisted letting anyone help him or get close to him. Except for Zeph, who he only wished he could get closer to, but that was officially off limits.

  The train conductor announced each stop in an indecipherable blare over the intercom and soon he arrived close enough to walk. The cold outside would do him good, wake up his brain and distract him from his own life long enough to sort through everything that had been happening. Right now, all he knew was that shit had hit the proverbial fan.

  Outside, it drizzled, because of course it had to fucking rain anytime he had somewhere to go. Nik hurried along the street, ducking under awnings when he could. He wished he had a hoodie on under his coat. Cold and wet was about the worst combination he could imagine. By the time he reached the morgue he shivered like a wet dog.

  He opened the door to fluorescent lights that burned his eyes and a wave of warm air that sent his body into another uncontrollable fit of shaking. With his luck, he’d catch pneumonia and die right here in the morgue. Wouldn’t that be convenient? Hi, my name’s Nik, could I just get that body bag now?

  Behind the plastic window a surly looking man sat at the desk.

  “Hey!” Nik knocked on the window, “Is Vai here?”

  “Personal life on personal time,” the guy shot back, eyes still on his book.

  “I’m not here to fucking date her.”

  The man looked up, and, taking in Nik’s appearance, rolled his eyes. He stood with a wince and limped over to the window. “What do you want?”

  “Just tell her Nik is here.”

  “This isn’t social hour.”

  “I’m pretty sure he knows that,” Vai said as she walked into the room, pulling off a pair of plastic gloves and throwing them in the trash. She pressed a button on the wall to unlock the door and let Nik inside the overly protected back rooms.

  “Is that a bulletproof window in a morgue?” Nik asked. “Ridiculous, but I can kind of understand it considering the stellar customer relations team.”

  The man with the limp sneered and returned to the desk, picking up whatever crap paperback he was reading.

  “Follow me.” Vai walked through the swinging door to the back room, Nik close behind. The hallway smelled like antiseptic and something older and more horrid he decided not to consider too closely. Vai wore a doctor’s lab coat and her hair stuck out in all directions.

  She led him further into the back than he’d been in the last time he was here and entered a room where a dead body lay with its chest cracked open.

  Nik gagged, the smell of blood so overwhelming it reached into his throat and tried to pull what little he’d eaten up and out. He covered his mouth with his sleeve and stared at Vai. “Seriously?”

  “Man up,” Vai laughed as Nik turned a pale shade of green. She sat on a stool against a counter and picked up a half-eaten bagel. As she took a bite, Nik’s stomach clenched.

  “Why did you bring me in here?”

  “I’m taking a break and then I have to get back to Mrs. Hernandez,” Vai gestured to the body laying exposed on the table. “I didn’t figure you were here to gossip so I might as well multi-task.”

  “Do you actually enjoy being a bitch or does it just come easily?”

  “Nik,” her face softened as she spoke, “considering what both of us see on a daily basis, being a little hard on the outside is to be expected, don’t you think? Back here, no one bothers me, no one tries to kill me, and I don’t see anything other than what I expect. The dead are surprisingly predictable and they usually only have one face. Well, except for lately.”

  Nik nodded. It was true, it was one of the reasons he loved living at the house and working with the delinquents he watched over. They may be susceptible to the evil out there, but he felt like he gave them a fighting chance at staying away from it.

  “So why are you here? Not that I’m not glad to see you, even if you do look like a drowned cat.”

  Nik ran a hand through his drenched hair and smirked. “That thing we fought, you killed it, but you never told me how. I think I’ve seen others and the Holy Warriors...”

  Vai snorted at the mention of the Old Order.

  “I don’t like them either,” Nik continued, “but they know things, about why the demons are here, how to kill them. But you actually did kill one and I need to know how. What was that red stuff you used?”

  “I was wondering when curiosity would get the best of you.”

  “It’s not just curiosity. I need some of it.”

  Vai narrowed her eyes and studied him for a moment. “I don’t have any to give.”

  “Well then, tell me where to get it, or how to make it, because this demon thing is getting seriously freaky. And for me, that takes a lot.”

  Vai put down her bagel and wiped her hands on her jeans. “Tell me what happened.”

  “Zeph’s sister came to see me.”

  “The priest’s sister?”

  “Right, well, a possessed person, a demon, found her and followed her.”

  “Is she all right?”

  “For now, she’s at the church with Zeph. But the thing is, the demon found her because of me. It knew my name.”

  “Holy shit.”


  “So legions of demons know your name. Great. That means they have power over you.”

  “Is this a crappy horror movie on cable? The Legions Of Demons!”

  Vai shrugged, “May as well be.”

  “So what do you think is going on? What do we do?”

  “We have to go see Ma.” Vai announced, pulling her cell phone from her lab coat pocket.


  Vai ignored him, searching for a contact and making the call. She spoke quickly into the phone, slipping between English and some other language he couldn’t identify. It wasn’t Latin or French or anything he could try to decipher and the accent felt alien, like he was listening to someone talking to the mothership.

  For a moment, Nik entertained the fantasy that all this was an alien invasion and that’s why he felt so completely out of control. It didn’t really have anything to do with him or sin or this curse he’d borne his entire life. Eventually, men in black suits would wander in and mind zap him and it’d all be gone and he could go back to his life. He never thought he’d long for the chaos which was his normalcy, but here it was.

  Vai hung up the phone and stared at Nik. “This isn’t going to be easy.”

  “Right, because it’s been a church cake walk up till now.”

  “At least you have long hair.”

  “Vai? What the fuck?”

  “The Phuri Dai wants to meet with you. She’s the leader of the group of people I grew up with, she’s like us.”

  “Another gypsy Sin Eater?”

  “First, don’t call her that. Call her Romani if you have to label her as anything, but really, just call her Ma. We have to get you cleaned up so she’ll accept you, but if you want to know what I know, she’s the one to tell you.”

  “Vai, we don’t have time for this. Can’t you just give me some of that red shit and help me?”

  “No, don’t you get it? This isn’t about one failed exorcism or your friend’s sister. This is bigger. The things we’re seeing, it’s not a good sign. It’s a Prikasa, an ome
n of evil. We’re going to need help. My people have laws about these things like who can know what. I don’t always agree with their rules, but shit, all this is bigger than you and me and we need help.”

  “And ‘Ma’ can help us.”

  Vai nodded, “We leave tomorrow night. Make sure you take a shower, not a bath, file your nails as short as you can and pull your hair back into a low ponytail. You can’t eat anything while we’re there so make sure you have plenty before we go. I’ll pick you up at six tomorrow evening. Go home, it’s getting late and I need to finish Mrs. Hernandez before my shifts over.”

  Nik scribbled his address on a piece of paper and left the morgue. On the subway ride home, everything seemed higher contrast. Fluorescent lights flickered brilliantly. The grime on seats and floors appeared to have thickened. Lack of sleep and inadequate meals left him feeling like he was moving through a grainy film.

  Random faces on the subway train looked dirtier than usual, like they’d all been drawn into the dark comic his life had become. The subway rocked him gently, and he gave in to exhaustion. Leaning over onto his side in the mostly empty subway, Nik drifted off.

  He dreamed in white squares with black borders and vibrant characters and settings. In the first panel, grittily-drawn demons, the red kind with horns and tails, lounged at the end of the subway car. An angel stood by Nik's side, wings spread wide. Beyond the demons, a wicked-looking Adel held an unconscious Zeph in her arms.

  In the next panel, the angel’s hand was on Nik’s shoulder. The angel had Vai’s face. “You must leave them now, and come with me.” Her entire body gave off a soft white glow.

  A dark chuckle from the end of the car drew his gaze away from the Vai angel. The demons parted and Adel’s grin turned insidious. “You can have him, Nik. All you have to do is come get him.”

  Nik felt a rush of love and lust for his friend and an overpowering need to save him. He knew he shouldn’t, knew he was walking into a trap and knew he was dreaming. He could do whatever he wanted in the safety of this absurd vision.

  So he walked right past the demons and took Zeph from Adel’s arms. Not one of them made a move to stop him. When he turned around, the angelic version of Vai was gone.


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