Book Read Free

Lost Pirates

Page 12

by Jamie Hawke


  “But my question. Why us?”

  He glanced around at the thick, shadowy jungle that was slowly giving way to sandy beach, dunes ahead. “What do you mean?”

  “The Pirate King will hurt innocents to get what he wants, true. But he has a valid end state. Truthfully, I’ve never known if I’m on the right side of all this.”

  Frank turned to her now, slowing, and said, “Well, that’s an easy one. Maybe in another version of this world you would’ve been on the other side. Maybe you would’ve sailed with the worst of them, been found dead in some prison cell somewhere… but no, you’ve seen the devil. Someone who’s willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want, no matter the costs? That’s always the devil.”

  “And you think we’re different?”

  He nodded. “Maybe not every one of you. And like you, maybe they all could’ve gone that way, hell if I know. But as it is, I see the something in the eyes of Esmerelda and Teddy. They’re not just fighting for money or power. That makes all the difference.”

  “I suppose…” They walked on for a bit more, and finally she broke the silence with, “Well, I’m glad you’re on our side, angel or no.” Leaning in, she added in a whisper, “But I still say you are.”

  Picking up the pace, she left him to consider that.

  If so, angels could certainly be tempted by the flesh. This was proved even more true when he crested the last dune and saw Milly and Keisha in the last stages of undressing. The moon was full in the sky now, bathing the ladies in a silvery light and giving their nude silhouettes heavy shadows. He stood watching as they waded into the waters, lowering themselves in and washing. He then approached slowly and saw Mary watching him intently as she too undressed.

  When her shirt came off, the moonlight gleamed on the edges of her breasts, shadows on her nipples. Then her pants came off, and she was moving into the water, her ass tight and calling to him.

  Milly turned and motioned Frank in. “We aren’t going to bite.”

  He hesitated, standing at the point where dry sand met wet. Being covered with blood wasn’t optimal, and he doubted the ship had any sort of showers, so what the hell. He dropped his clothes on the dune, covering himself as he walked toward them. Unlike his view, they were at an angle where the moonlight would highlight his body for their viewing pleasure.

  “Come now,” Milly shouted, “I’ve been telling them such nice things about your cock. Move those hands and show the world.”

  He froze, cheeks flushed, and looked first at Keisha and then Mary. They were in the water up to their necks, looking his way with slight grins… waiting.

  What the fuck had he gotten himself into? Hey, at least the water was warm enough to not cause shrinkage, and he was still a bit turned on. So, throwing humility to the wall, he held out his hands and kept walking toward them.

  “There it is,” Milly said, clapping, and the other ladies laughed, but joined in the applause.

  “Seriously?” he said, lowering himself into the water, finally.

  “It’s a beautiful cock,” Milly said. “Nothing to be ashamed of. Right, ladies?”

  Keisha grinned and said, “You fight with that thing, they’ll be sure to run away.”

  “Oh, god.” Frank put his face in his hands, wondering what had gotten into him.

  Mary cleared her throat. “No need to be shy.” She swam over, standing and walking around him, giving him the full view now. Water clung to her nipples, dripping down her belly. Breasts that were large enough to hang just the right amount stared at him with dark nipples, and her curves made him want to reach out and trace them with his tongue. “We’re all grown-ups here, all merely cleaning ourselves after a nice kill.”

  At least his lower half was submerged now, so they couldn’t see that he was so aroused, he started to think when a hand grabbed his cock and made him jump.

  It was Milly, who now pressed her wet body against him from behind. “Mmm, he likes what he sees.”

  “Victory always makes them this way,” Keisha explained, turning so that only her dark back faced him, though he could still see the outline of her form through the clear water.

  “Although usually we have just each other,” Milly said. “Which is great and all, don’t get me wrong,” she added at a pout from Mary, “but a nice, hard cock thrown in for good measure never hurt anyone.”

  “It’d hurt me,” Mary said with a giggle.

  “Virgin,” Milly whispered in Frank’s ear, and chuckled when she felt his cock throb as it grew to its max. She started stroking it, taking his hand and guiding it to reach behind and finger her.

  “Is this the place?” Keisha said, watching. Judging by her look she was curious, but kept glancing over to the shore.

  Mary laughed, moving close and watching through the water, then pressed herself against Frank but, to his surprise, started kissing Milly as the latter kept massaging his cock so that it rubbed against Mary.

  “Ladies,” Esmerelda called out, at the shore, stripping down. “Starting without me?”

  Mary moved back slightly, only enough to finish bathing, rubbing the water across her breasts and then the back of her neck.

  “Getting him started,” Milly replied with a final tug on his cock before pushing him so that he went stumbling forward and fell fully submerged in the water. When he came up splashing they, laughed. He wasn’t sure if he should be annoyed, if they were teasing him, but then he saw Esmerelda walking into the water, nude in the moonlight, and all he could think of was that sight, the beauty of her curves, the water glistening around her—now that was an angel.

  But when she reached them, she simply ran a hand across his chest, then dipped into the water. As she came back up, she lifted her arms, running her hands through her hair so that her breasts were on full display. Standing there, sexy as hell, she said, “Let’s take it back to the ship.”

  “Why?” Frank blurted out, then laughed at his over eagerness.

  She shrugged, this time dipping just enough to wash her shoulders, then her arms and cheeks. “The men might be along soon, and they won’t want to see what I’m about to do to you.”

  “It’s… time?”

  “After our victory, you’d have a hard time keeping me away.”

  “Who would turn you down?” Mary said to her, and Esmerelda grinned, running a hand along the woman’s abdomen and underside of her breasts, taking one nipple in her mouth and nibbling gently, so that Mary closed her eyes and moaned.

  “Back at the ship,” Esmerelda said, motioning them all toward the shore. “And why? Because I’m a woman of the sea. I want to feel the rocking of the boat when I make you a man.”

  He almost protested, arguing that it wasn’t like he was a virgin. No, he’d had sex a few times with his girlfriend in high school. Lacy Robertson, a nice, nerdy girl who admittedly liked curling up with him and playing games more than fucking, but still.

  Looking at these women, he had a feeling this was going to be different.

  “And… the other men?” he asked as he took his clothes, following the ladies back without dressing.

  “Many have wives,” Keisha said. “Some are more interested in whorehouses than a woman who knows how to handle herself—”

  “And some would rather be with each other,” Esmerelda said with a shrug. “Hey, I can’t blame them. Everyone needs some cock from time to time.”

  “Everyone?” Milly said with a glance in Mary’s direction.

  “I’m not ruling it out,” Mary said, purposefully avoiding looking my way. “Just because it hasn’t enticed me in the past…” She stopped, turning to Frank finally. “And hey, I went down on you, right?”

  “That wasn’t your first… no…?”

  She bit her lip and looked away.

  “And the other guys? I mean, surely...” Frank started, stopping at a nervous glance from Esmerelda, who then looked at Milly.

  “It’s okay,” Milly said. “I’m not s


  “Let’s just say that if this were a cookout, Milly would be full,” Mary said with a laugh.

  Milly rolled her eyes and said, “Let’s just say that for all the cock Mary has probably craved but not acted on, I stepped up and did my duty.”

  “Ladies,” Keisha interrupted. “You’re going to make him think he’s not special.”

  Frank frowned. He hadn’t thought that at all, until she mentioned the idea. Then again, what did he expect from a woman who went down on him twice in such a short amount of time, once with another woman—after having just met him.

  “No complaints here,” he said, trying to ignore the thought.

  “You shouldn’t have any,” Milly said. “Because first, Mary. Enough said. Second, because know this—when I’m with a man, I’m with a man. Even when sharing him with my ladies,” she grinned at the others with us, “I’m not going around with any other men. It’s simply how we are.”

  The other ladies were nodding along, as if this was all agreed upon beforehand. For some reason, it hadn’t struck Frank until then that maybe it had been. Had they all gotten together at some point after he arrived and discussed this? It blew his mind. But surely Keisha hadn’t been in on it, or if so, maybe joined the conversation later? He glanced her way, still not totally sure she was even part of it, what with her past and having lost someone. Was it recently? He couldn’t remember if she’d said so.

  As if reading his mind on the topic, when they reached their ship Keisha said, “I’ll keep guard.”

  She signaled for the guard on deck to turn around and went to find dry, clean clothes. Frank grinned, having almost forgotten he was still nude with just the pile of clothes held in front of him. The ladies did likewise, as none of them wanted to put those bloody clothes on after bathing. Not until they’d had their fun, anyway, but even then he imagined the ship was stocked with plenty of clothes.

  “There’s always next time,” Esmerelda called after her, taking Frank’s hand and guiding him up the gangplank and then toward the captain’s quarters. Milly and Mary followed, strutting as if they were about to conquer the world.


  Esmerelda pinned Frank to the wall of the captain’s quarters, her hands on his, lips brushing teasingly against his. Keisha stood guard outside while Mary and Milly sat at the window, both nude, watching, hands moving across one another’s legs in a way that turned Frank on even more.

  “You sure you’re ready for this?” she asked, moving her lips to his ear and breathing hot and heavy, her breasts pressed against his chest, her warm body pressed against his hard cock.

  “I’m ready.” The words came out with way more confidence than he felt.

  Her hand moved down, her breath catching as she gripped his cock, and then she was licking her lips, staring at him with passion and lust as she lifted a leg and moved his cock to slide into her. She angled her hips and he felt first her hair, then the soft, moist insides of her as his tip felt its way toward entering. She was just starting to move down on it when—

  “Set sail!” a voice shouted, just as Frank’s hands squeezed Esmerelda’s ass in anticipation.

  “For fuck’s sake,” Esmerelda said, sliding the tip back out and glancing around in confusion.

  Milly had turned, looking out the window. “Get your clothes on.”

  “She’s coming in hot, off the starboard bow!” a pirate was yelling, and the sound of pirates running about and shouting on deck carried down, loudly.

  “An incoming ship,” Mary said. “Quite literally caught us with our pants down, it’d seem.”

  “Are you kidding right now?” Frank asked, knowing this was going to be the worst case of blue balls ever. Esmerelda moved aside, grabbed his cock, and said, “Because you won’t be able to fight all distracted,” and then jerked him off into a handkerchief faster than he’d ever cum in his life.

  He stood there panting, blinking, confused and in bliss, while they were all putting on their clothes. Someone threw him a pair of clean trousers and boots, then a shirt and jerkin. As he changed, he made sure to take the compass out of his blood-stained cargoes and find a secure hiding spot in his new getup.

  Finally it clicked, what they’d been calling out about. “Wait, a ship?”

  “We’re going to need all hands on this one, I’d imagine,” Esmerelda said, tossing the handkerchief out the window then grabbing her sword and pistol and leading the way. The others all scrambled after her, finding that, once they were on deck, they could see not just one ship, but three sloops incoming.

  On the other side, more pirates were rowing from the island, but several of their ships were already setting sail, going about to meet the enemy. When Teddy took the helm, as his was the ship with the majority of the stolen weapons, he gave the command to move immediately.

  Frank was directed to a hand cannon, mounted toward the rear, and told to fire if the attacking ships got too close. From where he stood, though, he already thought this close was too close.

  “Must’ve been nearby, maybe even noticed us and hoped t’ cut us off,” Ox said. “Didn’t anticipate we’d win so fast.”

  They were making good headway, he noticed, when the rebel ships in the rear opened fire. The enemy ships returned their fire, and when theirs hit it resulted in an explosion that caused all the pirates nearby to cringe and curse, some muttering about magic. Apparently, the Pirate King had found some weapon upgrade that worked for the cannon too, instead of using simple cannon balls or chain shot.

  The stricken rebel ship was already ablaze, pirates jumping for it into the sea, and Teddy cursed as he gave the signal for the ship behind them to circle back and help.

  “Only one of them,” he shouted above the noise of the battle. “We can take that son of a bitch!”

  “You think the Pirate King’s aboard?” Frank asked Ox.

  The large man shook his head. “Rarely leaves ‘is base, th’ chicken shit.”

  Another round of shots rang out, this time from the burning ship. People were still aboard, fighting!

  Esmerelda had seen this too, because she ran up to Teddy’s side and, in a voice hushed enough that most of the others wouldn’t hear, said, “We can’t leave them.”

  “If we sink too, none of this will matter,” Teddy countered.

  “Tell that to their children.” Esmerelda motioned back to Frank, her voice still hushed but vehement as she continued, “Tell that to our newest fighter, who’ll see us leaving behind good men. What sort of message does that send?”

  Teddy glanced his way, cursed, and then said, “Frank, where you come from, what’s the word on leaving others behind?”

  Frank’s mind raced back to stories of his grandpa, of what he’d always said when watching movies with Marines in them. How on the battlefield, you never leave anyone behind.

  “Doesn’t happen.”

  “I was afraid you’d say that,” Teddy muttered, and then began the turn.

  It was a much slower process than many films had prepared Frank for. Another sloop was already in trouble before they were able to join the fight, but only one of the enemy ships seemed to have the enhanced cannon. Teddy, therefore, directed all attacks toward that one.

  A blast went off and Frank froze, knowing the shot was coming right for them. He blinked, aimed, and knew he was fucking insane. But there was that green guiding line again, even a reticle showing where the incoming shot was, and it all seemed to go in slow motion as he aimed his hand cannon, accounted for trajectory and fired.

  KA-BOOM! The enemy shot exploded over the water, and everyone turned to Frank in surprise. Ox strode over and clapped him on the shoulder, laughing with gusto, and said, “Fuck th’ cannon, just point this man at their captain and be done with it!”

  Others cheered as Teddy gave the command to ready the cannon, but what Ox had said actually made sense.

  “I need the best muskets we have,” Frank said. “Someone… Ox?”

nbsp; “On it!” Ox said, grinning and charging over to the rail to shout commands down about finding the best rifles, ASAP.

  The first volley went off, tearing into the enemy ship but not crippling it, and by the time the enemy was about to return fire, Frank had a long, old-style rifle in his hands. It was almost as long as he was tall. Ox had said it was a top-of-the-line Catalan musket, complete with two barrel bands, all brass hardware, a trigger guard and—at that point Frank had shut him up and said, “Pull the trigger?”

  “That’ll do it.”

  Frank grinned and, using the rail for stability, prepared the shot. He wished the thing had a sniper scope. Not that he was a sniper by a long shot, but his aim ability sure helped a lot. His mind was already running with excitement over what upgrades might do—maybe a built-in scope function, enhancing his vision somehow?

  For now, though, he’d have to make do.

  “Everyone pray,” he said and aimed. The first shot went wild as the boat rocked. The next, though, Frank timed with the motion of the waves, and this time when his green line connected with the man at the enhanced cannon, the shot connected. They were too far to see the results, but the man clearly collapsed.

  A cheer arose, but Frank reached back with the empty rifle and said, “Next.”

  He needed freshly-loaded weapons to make his impromptu plan work. The next shot found the man behind the wheel—dropping him, though when the man appeared a moment later, trying to grip the wheel with one hand, it was clear the shot hadn’t been lethal. More ran up to join him, but it had been enough.

  As the enemy ship veered off course, Teddy’s cannon fired again and a good chain shot took down the enemy’s main mast. Other ships were firing too, and it became clear the enemy ship was done for. They tried to get off another shot with the enhanced cannon, but it went wide.

  “We still have th’ other ships t’ deal with,” Ox said, another rifle ready for Frank.


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