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Essence: Book 1 - Septima

Page 6

by Nick Braker

  “Alta, this is Tohmas. Tohmas, this is Alta,” Cienna said.

  Alta stood, still typing. She was about six inches shorter than Troy. Her strawberry red hair with auburn highlights accentuated a petite, coquettish face. Her emerald eyes were remarkable. He’d never seen someone with eyes that color. Alta was every much as beautiful as Septima, simply in a different way. The three of them were very young looking and Troy guessed they were perhaps in their early twenties.

  Alta didn’t take her eyes off her screens and instead held up one hand motioning them to wait. With her other hand, she continued to type away at the computer terminal, deeply engrossed in something important to her. They waited almost a full minute before she looked up, examining him.

  “I see the resemblance but is he smart enough to pull it off?”

  Wow, that was brutal.

  “Yes,” Cienna answered. “Well, he is somewhat astute though his ignorance is overwhelming. We’ll have to teach him things, give--”

  “No,” Alta said. “We’ll explain that he lost some of his memories. Keep him away from direct contact with the others. Did you ensure the lab technicians got to see him?”

  “Yes. They all stopped to stare. It worked perfectly,” Cienna continued.

  “Good. The rumors will start and that will begin the process,” Alta said.

  “What process?” he asked.

  “He sounds like him,” Alta said.

  “What process?” he repeated, stepping toward her, irritated.

  “The process of rebuilding the spirit of our people,” she answered. “You are a symbol of hope and the fact that you have returned from the dead will strengthen it further. If even Borit’un can’t kill the great Tohmas...”

  Troy sat down, taking a chair near her desk. Alta’s head tilted to the side slightly, surprised.

  “It’s time for answers to my questions,” he said, “and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  Alta motioned the other two to leave.

  “Fine,” Alta replied. “I’ve got a few increments--”

  “It’s going to take longer than that,” he said. “First, how long before I can go back to Earth if I choose to go back?”

  “It will take 3.28 of your Earth weeks.”

  “My earth weeks? Wait, that’s right. How do you measure-- wait, how do you know English?”

  “We planned to escape to Earth. My decision was to start over in the United States and since English is the national language... well, you understand now.”

  Alta sat down in her desk chair and rolled it around to face him squarely. She was jockeying with him, a power play on her part. Troy could feel his anger rising but her little play was an annoyance for the moment.

  “Do all Pirans speak English?” Troy asked.

  “Yes, we were certain Earth would be our new home after the Reptaurans invaded.”

  Troy felt he was wasting time asking questions about their language, but he still wasn’t entirely convinced this was real. He needed information about their veracity but he wanted to know about his friends first.

  “Where are my friends?”

  “Stored in essence vials, completely intact. We’re working on our cloning process. I’m monitoring a scientist named Joliza who is close to perfecting it. We are trying to build an army.”

  “What the hell?” Troy yelled. “They’re dead then?”

  “No,” she said. Her tone sounded as if she were talking to a child. “Everything about them is stored intact, capable of being loaded into another body, even one exactly like the original.”

  Troy wanted to shake some sense into this woman. They were dead and she was trying to convince him they could be restored in new, identical bodies and the part of them that he knew could be restored completely intact. She was crazy but he had to figure a way to get more detail. He blurted out the first question that came to his mind.

  “What is an essence then?”

  “That portion of a person that makes them who they are. Some refer to it as a soul, others, their consciousness.”

  “Their bodies are dead then?”

  “Yes, but why would that matter to you if they can be brought back exactly as they were the moment we extracted them?”

  He shook his head. There was no point in arguing with her.

  She is always right... What the hell? Why did I think that?

  He rubbed his temples, trying to ease the pain in his head.

  “Where am I?”

  “My technical answer would be meaningless to you but, as a general reference, Pira is 62.3 light years from Earth in a star system as yet undiscovered by your species since it is completely obscured by a massive nebulae sitting between them.”

  “What is projection?” he asked.

  “A method of transmitting matter, intact, between two points. Sentient beings can be sent and then returned but the effect on them is disorienting, though temporary.”

  “Why can’t you start systematically sending your people to Earth then or some other planet?” he asked.

  Troy knew what Cienna had said but he wanted to hear it from Alta, too. Alta paused.

  “Are you sure you want to hear this?” she asked.

  “I fucking asked the question, didn’t I?” he snapped.

  Talking to him like a child and questioning him had gone beyond annoying. Troy willed himself to relax.

  “We learned recently the Reptaurans are planning to invade Earth next,” she said, ignoring his outburst.

  What the hell? His home world was in danger, too?

  “We need to warn them,” he said.

  “They won’t believe you or any of us but, most importantly, there is absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing, we can do to stop it from happening. Our technology is more advanced than Earth’s and they conquered us. You’re lucky to be here and not on your home world. You stand a fighting chance here.”

  Holy hell.

  “How long before they reach Earth?” he asked.

  “They have a fleet deep in space, moving from world to world. I have no way of knowing when they will move. They use Pira for its resources, which they transport to their fleet.”

  “What resources?” Troy asked.

  “It’s called Imagium and it is the- just know that it makes Pira a very desirable target. Their attack on Earth could be weeks or years away.”

  “It only takes weeks to travel light years?”

  “Yes, they have ships that can travel faster than light, that and the jump gates.”

  Troy had to find a way to save Earth. All of his friends and family were in danger, but how?

  “Why can’t you project to another planet then?” he asked.

  “Every planet close enough to project to is either populated with species incompatible with ours or the planets themselves are uninhabitable. Earth would have been ideal because we could fit in but the Reptauran’s plans of invasion took that away from us.”

  Troy knew his questions were jumbled. He asked whatever popped into his head.

  “You want me to lead, to fix the morale in your people. What if it works? What would we do then?”

  She continued in her irritating tone.

  “I have a plan. Some new technology that will give us a huge advantage over the Reptaurans but we’ll talk about that if you do your part,” she said.

  “I look like and they claim I act like Tohmas. Is there more here than a coincidence?” he asked.

  “I’m looking into that. In fact, I want to get a heat map of you and since I know you’re going to ask me what that is, I’ll simply tell you. I have a machine, like your medical imaging systems on Earth. It can show me a map of your essence, the part of you that makes you truly unique. I have a theory that you two are more similar than genetics alone.”

  “Why not call it an essence map?” he asked, irritated.

  “English was an easy language to learn but it is filled with strange nuances. Why do you use a driveway to park a car and a parkway to drive a car
? It’s just a label.”

  Troy rolled his eyes and stood, moving away from her. He began pacing.

  “This is so messed up. Okay, why didn’t Brice know I came back through the projection?”

  “The projection process always leaves the person temporarily disoriented. It lasts anywhere from a several minutes to an hour but it was long enough for me to get you out of there without him noticing. It was just another S&G to him. I simply had to fix the logs to keep him from seeing the difference between you and Yenthar. I helped Septima and Cienna recover faster in order to take you to her quarters. The rest you know.”

  “So you saved me because I look like this other guy?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she answered. “You are going to help us save my people.”

  “Why can’t we tell your people about Brice and Yenthar?”

  “Once the cloning is complete, I will secretly clone their bodies and have them found dead in some drunken accident in the lower levels. It will be real and very convincing. Yenthar was a moron and mad with power. He was Brice’s third in command. Brice used his loyalty, tolerating his stupidity and erratic behavior. There was a time when our people respected Brice. His actions over the last few months have troubled me. More recently, he maintained his command out of fear and intimidation. Neither of them were well liked. Pirans do not tolerate original violence.”

  “What’s that?” Troy asked.

  “Behavior that starts-”

  “Never mind, I get it,” he said.

  Troy felt light-headed.

  “As I was saying, regardless, Septima cannot be connected with his death. Any connection would foster thoughts that she murdered him regardless of any proof we could manufacture of self-defense. We need Septima in charge of our forces. I trust her. You will find her highly intelligent and more than capable, once you get to know her.”

  “Honestly, she doesn’t come across to me as a military leader,” he said.

  “You have only seen the side she shows you. The side she shows the Pirans and her subordinates is quite a different version. Septima briefed me on the last S&G. Do you remember how she initially handled Yenthar?” Alta asked.

  “Yes, she got in his face, threatening him... wait, I see your point.”

  “She is quite adept at playing whatever role is needed of her. It’s time,” Alta said, changing the subject.

  “Time for what?”

  “Follow me,” she ordered.

  Chapter 6


  Alta stood, motioning him to follow. Troy toyed with the idea of ignoring her. He didn’t like being ordered around like a dog and besides, he had more questions. She had no tact but he conceded and returned to the octagonal room with her. Someone had moved an examination table into the center area. The table was connected to and surrounded by computer equipment on server racks, including monitors and a keyboard. Above the table, suspended from the ceiling through a hole in the latticework was a device resembling a laser. It had a glossy white surface with a clear glass rod sticking out one end... the end pointed directly at the exam table. The glass rod was surrounded by several metallic white rings stacked from large to small as they ended with the tip.

  “Lay down. It doesn’t hurt,” Alta ordered.

  “Why?” he asked.

  Alta shook her head, clearly frustrated with him.

  “We talked about this an increment ago. I need to get a heat map. This device will record yours.”

  Septima stood near the exam table, motioning him over to it.

  Fine. Time to put on a front.

  They wanted him to be a leader and to him that meant fearlessness, confidence, and determination. Troy squared his shoulders and walked purposefully to the exam table. He laid down on it like he had done this a hundred times and apparently Alta noticed.

  “I like your spirit there but I ordered everyone to leave the lab. There’s no one here to see your little macho display. To tell you the truth, I was afraid you’d run like a little girl from the schoolyard bully when you saw this device.”

  Troy looked around to find that only Septima, Cienna and Alta were in the lab. He sighed.

  “Tohmas didn’t sigh, neither will you,” Cienna said, glaring at him.

  “Nicely done, though,” Septima said, giggling playfully at him. She punched him lightly. “You move like him.”

  “Thanks,” he nodded, smiling back at her.

  Before Troy could react, the device powered on and a beam of light hit him square in the chest. He cringed and almost jumped off the table but the only sensation it gave him was a gentle warmth near the center of the ray. The machine was strangely quiet, too. The only sound came from Alta’s typing on its keyboard. The laser moved quickly over his body, touching every part of him. Inside 30 seconds, it powered down. It was over, painless, exactly like she said.

  Movement from the upper deck caught his eye. It was the blue-eyed technician he’d noticed earlier. She stood inside a partially open door peeking out at him below. When their eyes made contact, she backed up slightly, into the darkness and closed it.


  Troy returned his attention back to Alta.

  “Am I going to make it, Doc?” he asked, trying to be funny.

  “What’s wrong? Are you feeling okay?” Alta asked.

  “Never mind,” he sighed, motioning Cienna to let it go before she glared at him again.

  Note to self. They do not understand Earth humor though they seem to know everything else about us.

  Septima held his hand. Troy looked up at her, staring into her eyes. The feeling returned again, stronger this time. It was more than being comfortable around her. He wanted to be near her... hold her. His breathing increased and the room felt hotter. Troy knew this feeling and he would soon be a public spectacle if he didn’t think of something else. He wanted her and the look she returned told him she felt the same. Did he know her well enough to read her intentions or was it wishful thinking on his part? Her face flushed, turning red. She released his hand, looking down. He glanced over at the other two trying to divert his attention from Septima. Apparently, they hadn’t noticed the exchange since both of them were looking at the results on the monitor. He cleared his throat.

  “Yes, dear,” Alta said, holding up her hand again. “I know you want answers. Give me an increment.”

  Her rude hand gesture irritated him the first time and now she did it again. Troy had forced himself to suppress the desire to grab the tips of her fingers with one hand, allowing him to snap her wrist with his other. The thought did please him. She was irritating beyond belief and breaking her wrist would deliver the message clearly.

  What? Break her wrist?

  His headache resurged.

  “Well, this is interesting. The results indicate, well, I have to say they are amazingly identical. It’s more than genetic. Your essences... you remember what I told you about essences, dear?” she asked, talking down to him again.

  Was she trying to irritate him? Perhaps provoke a response? It had to be a test. She was trying to get him to react in a way that Tohmas would. Troy certainly liked the idea of breaking her wrist and it didn’t feel out of character. Maybe they were alike simply because they were already similar. Having the same looks and mannerisms could be a good argument that they were alike in many other ways.

  Bullshit. Tohmas was a military leader and I am just a human from Earth.

  “Spit it out,” he said, barely controlling his anger.

  “The two heat maps, the one from Tohmas roughly two years ago and this one from... uh, what was your name again?” she asked.

  Was the bitch testing him? Yes, she was deliberately trying to piss him off and he’d had enough.

  “Listen,” he said, jumping smoothly off the table.

  Troy walked up behind her and spun her around, getting in her face. He could feel his own face flush. He continued.

  “Drop your attitude with me before I give you a reason to drop it. A painful re

  Cienna stepped up, positioning herself at Alta’s left side, facing him, as if she were ready to protect Alta.

  “Cienna,” Septima said. “Let’s all calm down. We’re friends here.”

  “Back down, little human,” Cienna ordered.

  That insult pisses me off. She’s next after I deal with Brainiac.

  “Calm down, Tohmas,” Alta said, raising her hand again at him.

  Alta started to say more but Troy snapped his left hand up, grabbing her fingers. His movement was fast. He marveled at how quickly he had her fingers in his control. His right hand was already moving, as well. He was an instant away from breaking her wrist. That would put her in her place. She’d never do that to him again, the stupid bitch. Who did she think she was messing with anyway?

  His right hand stopped less than an inch from Alta’s wrist.


  Cienna had grabbed Troy’s wrist. She twisted it and the pain forced him to arch backwards away from Alta. The next thing he saw was an axe kick coming down. Her right heel was going to hit him square in the face. By instinct, he turned his head. Troy tried to bring his left hand up for defense. He managed to turn his face but his block was too slow. She connected.


  Troy opened his eyes, blinking. Why was he lying on his back looking up at the floor above him? Septima was kneeling beside him but wasn’t she on the other side of the exam table moments ago?

  “Tohmas, are you okay?” Septima asked.

  “My name is Troy, not Tohmas,” he said, still trying to clear his thoughts.

  “Do I need to hit him again?” Cienna asked. “Remind him what his name is?”

  “You’ve done enough,” Septima exclaimed. “Back off.”

  Alta motioned for Cienna to step back. The look on Alta’s face bothered him but Troy didn’t know why. His head hurt and he was still confused. He wasn’t sure now what look she had displayed.

  “It was all a misunderstanding,” Alta said. “We are friends here. We have to work together. I didn’t mean to upset you, Tohmas.”

  Troy rolled over on his side, getting up. Septima tried to help him but he swatted her hand away. He touched the left side of his head. It hurt like hell and it was swollen but Troy was at least mobile.


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