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Blackwood Falls [Blackwood Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 20

by Sarah Blake

  “That’s fine mom. These two here love anything as long as it’s meat.” Once they were sat around the living room, Marie served them all drinks before heading back to the kitchen. Sarah took one hand off each of her mates that were sitting on either side of her. “I still can’t believe the change in her.” Conner leaned over and kissed her temple. When he was about to reply, Marie came back in, carrying a tray loaded with food.

  “Help yourselves,” she told them before sitting down on a well-used chair and smiling at Sarah. “So, tell me all about what you have been up to since you left.” Sarah thought for a few minutes. She wanted to tell her mom about her life, but didn’t want to bring the horrors of what she had been through to the present. She finally thought of something to say when Brax nudged her, before eating half a burger in one bite.

  “Well, when I left Michigan, I travelled around a few states before landing in Colorado. There’s a town there called Blackwood Falls and it’s pretty as a picture. I decided to stay there for a little while and that’s where I met these two. Brax here is”—he nudged her again, and she wanted to smack him, knowing he thought she would expose them as wolves—“the mayor of Blackwood, but he and Conner also own a ranch.”

  “The mayor? That’s wonderful dear. I’d love to see this town of yours.” As the evening went on, they talked almost nonstop and Sarah felt a surge of happiness flow through her at how her mother was acting toward her. She couldn’t completely forgive her mother for how she treated her at the moment, but if the change in her was real, Sarah wanted her in their lives.

  As her mother was telling them about her life, Sarah couldn’t help yawning. Conner noticed and pulled her into a hug. He turned back to Marie with a smile. “It’s getting late. I think we should get back to the hotel. We don’t want her overdoing it now that she’s pregnant.”

  “Yes of course. I remember when I was expecting her. I slept most of the first few months.”

  Sarah stood and stretched. “How about tomorrow we pick you up from work? We’ll bring you here for you to change and we can all go out for a meal, our treat.”

  Marie smiled and walked over to Sarah, placing her palm on her daughter’s cheek. “I would like that very much. I know I don’t deserve your kindness or forgiveness, so thank you for allowing me this time with you.” Marie kissed Sarah on the forehead before stepping away and allowing Brax to wrap his arm around her shoulder and walking her to the door. Sarah couldn’t think of anything to say to her mom’s words, so she simply smiled before leaving.

  On the way back to their hotel, Sarah thought about what she wanted. By the time they made it to their suite, she had made a decision. But first, she had to be sure of something. “Guys, I want to ask you something. Did either of you notice any lies coming off my mother, or if she was pretending to act the way she was?”

  Brax tilted his head to the side in thought and Sarah couldn’t help laughing as it reminded her of the way his wolf acted. “No, I didn’t pick up any deceit or anything like that coming off her.”

  She looked to Conner. “Neither did I. She was genuine in her feelings of happiness of seeing you and sorrow for how she treated you in the past. Why?”

  “Well, I know it’s very early days and I still hardly know her, but I want to ask her to come back to Colorado with us. I want her to be part of my life and our baby’s life.”

  “Angel, are you sure about that? Not that we mind, but it’s a big decision, especially seeing as it’s only been two days.”

  “I know it’s only been a short time, but when I picture her at home with us, it feels right. I don’t know why she has had such a huge change, but I want her in my life.”

  “Okay, I can understand that, but I want you to really think about this Angel. Me and Conner will be happy with whatever you decide.”

  The next day, Sarah was feeling nervous as they waited to pick her mother up from work. After making love to her men the night before, despite feeling tired, she had spent hours thinking about asking her mom to move to Colorado with them. When they got back to the apartment, she sat her mother down while Brax made them drinks. “Mom, I want to ask you something, and I want you to be completely honest with me, okay?”

  “Of course I will, darling. Ask whatever you want.”

  “Are you happy here? Living alone in this crappy apartment?” Her mother’s silence and refusal to meet her eyes told Sarah all she needed to know. “I know how it feels, to be where you are now. I know you didn’t offer me any help, and over time, I’ll try and forget about it. But, I want to offer you something. Our home has three spare bedrooms, and with Brax and Conner working all day, I’ll need all the help I can get when the baby comes. I want to ask if you’d like to come with us back to Colorado. I’m not saying things will be easy at first, but I want my child to have a gran, the gran that I can see you being from how I’ve seen you over the last day or so. We leave in two days. I’ll give you time to think about it. I’m leaving all our numbers, so you can contact us with your answer, and if you decide you don’t want to come, you’ll be able to call us whenever you want.” Sarah stood to leave, giving her mother time to think about what she had offered.

  “Sarah, are you sure about this? After the way I treated you, I don’t deserve a thing of you, let alone what you have just offered.”

  “I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it. Take some time, think about it. I’ll come back about the same time tomorrow, okay?”

  “I don’t need to think, sweetheart. I would love to come with you. But I want you to know. I’m not saying yes to get out of this apartment, or away from my job, I want you to know that. I’ll get a job when we get there and earn my keep. I’m saying yes because I want to be with you, get to know you. Make up for all the years I didn’t treat you how I should have. I can never tell you how sorry I am.”

  “We’ll talk about it tomorrow okay? Like I said, take tonight and think about it.”

  “Thank you, Sarah. I can’t believe you’re willing to give me this chance.” The tears filling her mother’s eyes were genuine and Sarah felt herself own tears beginning to form. When they left, they headed back to the hotel. Sarah wasn’t in the mood for any fun, but more than willing to watch.

  She loved watching her men together. She loved seeing Conner swallow Brax’s cock. She still couldn’t take him as deep as Conner, but she was trying. Before he could come, Brax pulled Conner from his knees and laid him on the bed on his back. Lifting his legs, Conner bent them at the knee and pulled, exposing himself to Brax. As Brax eased into Conner, Sarah couldn’t help herself. She rose over Conner’s face and lowered her pussy to his mouth as Brax picked up the pace. Conner grabbed hold of her legs when she started riding his face, holding her down onto him as his tongue flicked over her clit again and again. It didn’t take her long. Soon she was on the edge of the cliff her men never failed to take her to. She screamed when her orgasm hit, bucking her hips and pussy against Conner’s face. When she started coming down, she went to roll off him, but Conner wasn’t finished with her. He pulled her back down, taking her sensitive clit, hood and all, into his mouth and sucking hard. It was heaven and hell for Sarah. Pain and pleasure, all rolled into one, all focused in the one little spot in Conner’s mouth. She begged him to stop and prayed he wouldn’t. All too soon, she was back at the edge of the cliff. She was there far too quickly from her last visit and tried to stop herself from falling, but Conner had other ideas. Pushing her forward, he used the juice seeping from her pussy entrance to lube up a finger and slid it home into her ass. Stars exploded in her eyes as she fell off the cliff. When she came back to earth, it was just in time to see Brax’s face, eyes squeezed closed in pleasure as he came in Conner’s ass. That triggered Conner’s release which Sarah caught in her mouth as it exploded from his cock.

  The next day, before going to see her mother, the men went to see the leopard pack near Michigan whose Alpha was an old friend of Brax, and Sarah went to meet Mia at the mall. After enjoyi
ng a second breakfast, she and Mia sat talking for an hour. After Anthony was killed, Sarah had rang her friend and told her everything apart from the whole werewolf thing. Mia had hailed her two men heroes for getting rid of the man. She also went on to say she wished Sarah’s father was still alive so she could kill him for putting Sarah through that. They decided to go shopping a little while later. Mia insisted that she buy something for the baby already. An hour later, they were waiting in a queue to pay for their items, laughing at old memories. Sarah wasn’t paying attention to the woman behind the till, looking at the small items on the checkout stand, until she heard her name.

  “Sarah?” asked the checkout assistant.

  “Amanda? What are you doing here?”

  Amanda looked down, redness spreading over her face. She didn’t answer for a few moments, and when she did, Sarah had to use her new hearing to make the words out. “Simon and I are going through a little financial difficulty.”

  “Is there a problem here Amanda?” Sarah turned to the speaker and saw a woman in her fifties glaring at her sister before turning to her. Sarah spoke before the woman could speak again.

  “No, there’s no problem. I was just asking some advice.” The woman smiled and walked off. When Sarah turned back to her sister, she didn’t know how to feel. She was torn between the memories of her past and how Amanda had treated her and how much her mother had changed and wondering if Amanda had as well. As she was placing her purchases onto the counter for Amanda to scan, she spoke. “What time do you finish work? Maybe we could go for a drink or something?” Amanda looked up at her, and Sarah saw a flash of anger before sister covered it with a smile.

  “I’m busy after work. I’m due a break in half an hour. I’ll meet you at the café next door.” Sarah was shocked at the abruptness in Amanda’s voice, but guessed her sister was embarrassed.

  “Great, I’ll see you then.” Amanda had packed all of Sarah’s items while they were talking. After she paid, she and Mia left the store and Sarah couldn’t help but feel that Amanda hadn’t changed as her mother did. They headed to the café after looking in another shop. When they sat down after ordering drinks, Mia took Sarah’s hand.

  “You okay?”

  “I guess so. I just have a feeling things with Amanda are going to go different than with my mom.” When their drinks arrived, Sarah stirred her hot chocolate. She thought about how she wanted the nursery decorated for the baby to take her mind off what might happen when her sister arrived. Ten minutes later, Sarah spotted Amanda walking into the café. She waved her hand and smiled at her, but Amanda ignored her and walked to the counter. Sarah jumped up, heading to her sister. “I’ve got you a coffee at the table.”

  Amanda turned to look at her. The expression on her face was one of hatred. “Why did you come back here Sarah? Don’t you think you did enough damage when you left?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play the innocent with me. Because of you my life is over and you come here, wanting to be friends, buying me coffee. None of it would have happened if you had just gone with Anthony. But no, you had to act like the selfish little bitch you are.” Sarah couldn’t move. As her sister went on and on about how Sarah had messed everything up, all she could do was stand there and stare.

  The next thing she knew, Mia was standing by her side, and grabbing hold of the hand Amanda had risen in the air to slap Sarah. “I do not think so. You call Sarah selfish? Did you not hear what you just said? All about how “‘your”‘ life is over. You need to take a long hard look at yourself. What happened to you has nothing to with Sarah. Nothing at all. Now, you have ten seconds to get out of here before I kick your ass.” Mia let go of Amanda’s arm before pulling Sarah into a hug. She walked them back to their table as Amanda stormed out of the café. Before her tears fell, Sarah ran to the ladies’ room of the café, locking the stall door behind her. She knew there was a chance the relationship between Amanda and herself wouldn’t work out, and that Amanda was always mean to her, but the words the woman had said cut deep. When she came out of her stall, Mia was standing by the sink. “I’m sorry Sarah. I know you wanted things to work out.” The two women hugged and after a few minutes, Sarah blew out a deep breath.

  “I’m okay. I knew this could happen but I didn’t expect it to hurt so hard.”

  “Come on, let’s get you back to your men. I’ll have a nice big vodka for you.” Sarah laughed at her friend’s little joke as they collected their bags from the floor where Mia had put them.

  * * * *

  Brax sighed as he watched Sarah repacking the suitcases. “Angel, do you really need to change clothes? We’re flying home, not visiting the White House. You look fine as you are.” She looked mighty fine in Brax’s opinion. But she could wear a trash bag and she would be the most beautiful woman in the world to him. Today she wore a gray pair of linen trousers that molded her ass like a second skin, with a loose three-quarter sleeve white top. He still couldn’t believe what had happened with her sister the day before. He would keep an eye on his mate for signs she was dwelling on the hurtful words the bitch had said to her.

  “I know, but I don’t want to look like a slob. Mom’s gonna be all dressed up and I don’t want to—”

  “Sarah, enough.” Brax interrupted. “That’s not the person you are. You’re gonna be stuck in an airport then on a plane for hours, do you really want to be all dressed up and uncomfortable?” he asked, tugging her into a hug and away from the case. She sighed into his chest.

  “I know, I know, I’m sorry, guess I’m just nervous about her coming with us. I keep expecting her to turn into the evil woman I grew up with.” Brax could understand her concern, but he knew her mother wouldn’t go back to that person. He had smelled the truth in the woman’s words and feelings.

  Conner came into the hotel room, carrying two large suitcases with Marie behind him holding the door open. Brax left Sarah and helped Conner. “All sorted?” he asked Marie when she closed the door. He noticed she had dressed the same as Sarah and sent her a smug look which she replied to by sticking out her tongue.

  “Yes, Conner ran the items I didn’t want to the charity shop while I finished checking the apartment. We stopped by the post office and I had all my mail redirected to the house in Blackwood Falls. When I get settled, I’ll start calling around and change my address.” She smiled then looked at all of their luggage. “Good lord.” She laughed. “You sure did bring enough stuff for the few days you were here.”

  “Actually, we only came with two suitcases, your daughter did some retail therapy yesterday and we had to go out this morning and buy two more cases,” Brax said, looking over all their things. “I’ve got a feeling the closet will have to be extended at this rate.” He finished with a wink at Sarah. He loved how she now felt comfortable buying herself whatever she wanted. And he especially loved the kinky outfits she bought for himself and Conner. Role-playing was quickly becoming one of his favorite games.

  “Well, if you two let me do something except sitting around getting fat, maybe I wouldn’t shop so much,” Sarah said with a tone that had Brax raising his eyebrow. He had a feeling she wouldn’t be sitting comfortable for a week if she kept this attitude up.

  “We just want to make sure you don’t overdo it in the first few weeks of the pregnancy,” Conner said, pulling her into a hug. They had both agreed to make her rest as much as possible in the first few months of being pregnant. Sarah disagreed.

  Sarah relaxed when they finally arrived back in Denver, getting more and more excited the closer to home they got. Brax was glad too. Merging the new pack with Blackwood had been rough, but things had started to settle down. Even though the sentinels had managed while he had been away, he wanted to get back and start arranging things, tightening the boarders around pack lands and introducing the new members to the old ones. He had put off introducing all the sentinels to each other, but now was the time. Having so many dominant wolves together could b
e deadly when they didn’t know each other. But having Brax there would keep the peace.

  While Sarah and the twins helped Marie unpack and sort her room out, he and Conner headed to the office with Josh and Lux. Everything had been quiet while he was away, and he was more than happy to hear it. Hopefully, things would continue to stay calm. With Sarah here and the baby on the way, he was the happiest man in the world.

  “Excuse me? Say that again please, darling?” Marie asked her daughter.

  “We’re werewolves, Mom. The whole town is. Brax changed me when he claimed me,” Sarah explained. Her mother didn’t seem to believe her, so she nodded to Kirstie who was sitting with her on the large sofa in the den while her mother sat on one of the chairs. Kirstie stood, quickly removing her dress before. Before her mother had a chance to say anything else, Sarah interrupted. “Just watch, Mom, trust me.” With that, Kirstie shifted into her brown furred wolf.

  “Like mother like daughter,” Sarah said to Kirstie. When the woman shifted back, she quickly put her dress back on and the two went to help a passed-out Marie. Her men came into the den as Sarah and Kirstie were picking her mother up. They quickly took her off them and carried her to her new bedroom, laying her on the bed. When they left the room to let her mother rest, Sarah placed one of her hands in Conner’s and her other in Brax’s. They both looked down at her and kissed her forehead as they walked to their bedroom. She still couldn’t believe how her life had changed. She loved her two mates and they loved her. She finally felt like she was where she was meant to be in life. Home, I’m finally home.



  I live in the northeast with my fiancé and our German Shepherd Jerry who I love to spoil. Although I have been passionate about reading since I was a teenager, it has only been the last year I started writing. Reading and writing are two of my favourite things to do. I also love movies. I love going out with the girls, shopping or for drinks, but I also love snuggling on the sofa with my other half, especially in winter with a glass of wine and a good film. I have worked in the care industry for many years now and although I still love the job, I would love to get into cooking.


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