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Victorian ABDL Stories Mega Bundle: 10 Taboo Historical Age Play Forbidden Erotica

Page 18

by River Belle

  On the morning of his arrival, I sat in my room as I always did in the early part of the day. I opened once again the little box which contained the tiny, childish dress that the Baron had asked me to wear for his inspection. It was a quite ludicrous garment, more suitable for a child barely out of nappies than a proper lady’s attire. It was a short, frilly thing, with little straps over my shoulders (which would have been on complete display if the dress was the only thing I would be wearing). The skirt of the dress was so short that it barely reached my knees, and it was so puffy that it stuck out from my body almost at right angles.

  I’d come up with a bit of a trick. The Baron had of course requested that I wear the dress for his inspection, but he hadn’t stipulated that I was not to wear anything else as well. So, I decided that yes, I would wear the wretchedly ugly little thing, but that I’d wear an overcoat as well, so that my entire body wouldn’t be on display for him, and so that I felt more womanly. Of course, my father had been in to my room to make sure that I was wearing the dress, but he’d since gone out to collect the Baron, who apparently had since arrived. I looked at the opulent surroundings of my bedroom. If the Baron was happy with me, soon I’d be living a different life, somewhere else. I hoped that the rumours of his cruelty were overstated, that he wasn’t as much of a beast as everyone seemed to say.

  I pulled on my overcoat, and sat on the bed waiting. Finally, after what felt like hours, I heard a deep, rumbling voice outside my door, saying a few words. Then, the door handle turned and a figure stepped in.

  He was taller than, I think, a man had any right to be, and dark as well. He didn’t seem as old as I’d imagined a Baron to be, he can’t have been that much older than forty years or so. He had hard, dark eyes, which sat in a slim, hard face, and his lip, underneath a thick, shiny mustache, had a cruel curl to it. I noticed that he was scarred, just as the rumours would have had me believe; an ugly, ragged wound ran up from his chin to his forehead. Maybe it was for that reason that his mouth curled the way it did. Maybe he was trying to smile.

  ‘I see that you have a twisted sense of humour,’ he said. His voice was deep, and coarse, like the bark of a hunting dog which had just smelled a kill.

  ‘I…’ I started to say, but I felt a shiver of a blush start in me.

  ‘Would you kindly remove your coat, young lady, so that I may conduct my inspection of you? I’m a very busy man, and I must say that you have not made a particularly good first impression.’ He stood with such authority, such mastery of his surroundings that it almost felt as though I were in his room, not the other way round. How dare he call me a young lady? I was a fully grown woman! I felt a surge of blood pump around my body. He was certainly a commanding presence, that was for sure.

  ‘Of course…’

  He held up his hand. ‘For the time being, it would be proper for you to address me as your excellency,’ he said.

  ‘Very good, your excellency,’ I said. His expression, as I stood and started to remove my coat was totally unreadable. If he was impressed, he certainly wasn’t letting on. The coat dropped to the floor, and I twisted a little, left and right, letting him see the naked flesh of my legs, my shoulders, the start of my cleavage.

  ‘Excellent,’ he said, ‘the dress suits you fantastically.’ I felt a sudden, unexpected rush of happiness to hear him give me a compliment. I couldn’t believe that a man as stern as this might like me. ‘Of course, the way you have your hair is utterly inappropriate. I hope that you don’t think a haircut like that would be acceptable should I take you as my wife.’

  ‘No, your excellency, no,’ he again stopped me in mid-sentence.

  ‘You need to dress your age, Cecily. You are a young woman, barely out of girlhood, are you not? We need to preserve this youth for as long as possible, do we not?’

  I found the certainty and authority with which he spoke to be quite intoxicating. I’d never met a man like this. He made my father seem like a stupid child.

  ‘Yes, sir,’ I said, blushing bright under his gaze.

  He took a step closer to me, and looked straight at me, straight into my heart, straight into my soul.

  ‘Has any man ever touched you, down there?’ he looked down at my groin and then back up at my eyes. ‘Has anyone deflowered you? It is important that I know. If you lie to me, I will find out.’

  ‘No, your excellency, no-one. I am a maiden still.’

  He bowed deeply, took my hand and kissed it. I felt suddenly like a little princess, being admired by a suitor.

  ‘Thank you, and I apologize for the coarseness of my questions.’ Then, he turned and left my room. I didn’t hear anything from the Baron for a month.

  Chapter 66

  When the letter finally came that I had been accepted as the new Baroness of Halifax, my father’s reaction was a little more positive than mine.

  ‘Fantastic!’ my father cried, holding the letter above his head like a trophy, ‘Finally, you’ve done something good, girl. Well done!’ I didn’t know whether I should feel good about the way my father spoke to me, but I decided to take what little praise I could get.

  With a little help from the house servants I was packed and ready to go in next to no time. I couldn’t believe how quickly my life was changing. All I had to look forward to now was the Baron’s odd way of talking and a strange, loveless marriage. I of course thought a lot of having to lie with the Baron. He was older than me, and I had almost no experience of being with the opposite sex whatsoever. From time to time I found myself thinking of his…organ. What would it be like? Would he expect me to open up to him straight away? I found the thought of fitting something so big into my tender little opening to be quite terrifying. Of course I had touched myself there on several occasions, despite the teachings of our chaplain, who was adamant that onanism was a direct route to fire and brimstone.

  I’d never gotten much from it, to be quite truthful, and any time I’d ever felt the stirrings of arousal in myself, I’d felt so guilty that I’d had to stop my hand, and think of something to take my mind off matters.

  The trip by carriage to Halifax was a long one, with plenty of time for me to become anxious, wring my hands together in fear, fall asleep, worry again about my fate and sleep once more. Because of my bladder problem, I must confess I had to request comfort breaks on a regular basis. Crouching in the bushes by a road is not particularly ladylike, and to make the process a little easier, I had decided on that morning that I would not wear any undergarments for my trip. I had so many skirts that to take them all off and on each time I needed to relieve myself, it would have been quite inconvenient. Finally, after what seemed like days, we arrived at the grounds of the Baron’s estate. The carriage man helped me out from the back of the cab, and I stepped my first footstep onto the grounds of my new home.

  It was grand. Grander than anywhere I’d ever been before. The house itself, quite some walk from the front drive, was positively palatial, and must have had individual wings, as well as guest accommodation and banqueting halls. It was built from gleaming white sandstone, and had huge, gold rimmed windows, the glazing of which must have cost a fortune. As I was looking at the house, a figure emerged from the front door. It wasn’t the Baron, no this was definitely a woman, a short, rather plump-looking creature, who bustled her way down the front path.

  ‘Come on, young Cecily, you’re awfully late, and the Baron has been waiting eagerly for your arrival!’ She had a rather rough sounding voice. ‘I’m Verity, the housekeeper. I’ll be looking after you from now on. Come on, we have to get you in to the hall, where the Baron’s waiting for you, come now, come,’ she said, and she took hold of my arm with an iron-like strength, before virtually dragging me up the entrance path, all the way into the house.

  She pulled me to the right, after we got in, and I barely had time to take in the opulence and wealth of the surroundings. I knew that the Baron was wealthy, of course, but I hadn’t expected this level of splendour.
There were huge portraits of the Baron everywhere, with intricate, gold-plated frames. Priceless vases and other valuable trinkets adorned every surface. This was truly the most exquisite house I’d ever set foot in. And now it was mine, I suppose. Verity dragged me through a doorway into a massive space. And there, sitting across the room from me, was the Baron.

  This room almost felt like a kind of throne room. The Baron sat, up a few steps on a small stage at the far end of the room. There was a red carpet which ran all the way up the middle of the room and ended underneath his seat. The Baron was dressed in his full regalia, with high, broad golden shoulder-pads crowning each side of his smart navy jacket, and a pair of the most polished brogues I’d ever seen adorning his feet.

  ‘Finally,’ he said. His voice was as rough and deep as I’d remembered from his inspection, and he seemed even more confident now that we were in his domain. ‘Come!’ He commanded me forward, and I started the way up towards his seat. I felt terrified in his presence, and as I slowly took the long walk up to him, he started to talk to me.

  ‘Before I can welcome you into my house, I’m afraid that we have the small matter of your punishment to discuss. Do you really think that the way you acted when I came to meet with you was appropriate? I gave you direct instructions to wear the dress that I graciously bought for you, out of my own pocket, so that you’d feel comfortable in my presence. However, you disobeyed me, your new husband. Is that the way that little girls are meant to act?’

  I was so close to him now that I could almost smell him, his regal, masculine scent.

  ‘No, your excellency,’ I said, my voice trembling with fear.

  ‘That’s quite right. Now, I would say, personally, that the way you acted when I first met you was so petulant and childish that you in fact acted quite like a little baby. Would you agree?’

  I didn’t know what to say. I felt so intimidated by the Duke, so terrified of what might happen to me that I just nodded a little and looked up to him.

  ‘I’m glad you agree.’ He looked to the side of the room and bellowed, ‘Verity, bring in the trolley, please!’ I heard the squeaking wheel of a trolley being pushed into the room, and in a few moments, Verity emerged from a side door. On the cart she pushed in front of her were what looked to be large, white towels.

  ‘Now Cecily, my little baby, if you don’t mind, would you mind coming up here and satting across daddy’s lap. He has to put your nappy on so that you don’t have a little accident when I smack your bottom.’

  Was this really happening? Was he really going to make me lie across his lap and then, put a nappy on me before smacking me? A horrible thought ran through my mind - I hadn’t worn any undergarments for the trip! I was quite nude beneath my large dress - when he lifted my skirts to put a nappy on me, he’d be able to see everything! My bottom, my pubis, my little quim. The thought made me panic and when I didn’t move for a few moments he locked his grim eyes on mine.

  ‘Come here, right now, and lie across my lap young lady, before I lose all of my not inconsiderable patience!’

  I could try to run, but the door might be locked and that frightful maid might stop me. Maybe it was for the best that I just take my punishment like a good girl. I knew that I had been defying him by wearing a coat over my dress, and he was taking me in and looking after me, as well as providing for my family. Maybe it was right that I let him discipline me as he pleased. But making me wear a nappy? I had been forced to wear a horrible nappy until I was five years old because of my bladder problem. I felt like I could almost remember the feeling of it, the towelly dry sensation and the horrible sagging wetness of it when it was full.

  Shaking with nerves, I walked up to the brute. As I was about to lay down on him, he took an elegant-looking, freshly-pressed white silken handkerchief from his top packet, and carefully laid it across his lap. ‘We don’t want any of Madame’s juices to stain my trousers, do we?’ he asked. I’d never been asked such a vulgar question as this before, and I felt my cheeks start to burn red with embarrassment. I didn’t know what to say, so I carefully laid myself across his lap. I felt almost immediately dizzy, as I’d arranged myself so that my head was quite low down and my behind was sticking straight up in the air. I couldn’t see the Baron’s face, but I could have sworn that I heard the revolting sound of him licking his lips.

  With a squeaking sound, Verity pushed the trolley full of nappies all the way over to us. I looked at her and saw her looking through the garments, before choosing one that looked thick and fresh. She handed it to the Baron, as well as a little glass bottle that had a metal lid on top. The bottle was full of what looked to be a white powder.

  ‘Now,’ he said, ‘it’s very important that you understand the reason that this is happening. It’s not because I’m cruel, or that I hate you, nothing could be further from the truth. I have,’ he said, as he started to lift my skirts and petticoat up my legs, ‘only your best interests at heart. Your father told me about your, ahem, little problem, and that’s part of the reason that I chose you to be my bride. I know that I will be able to help you to overcome your weak bladder, because I have the the strength of character that your father doesn’t. I know that your father is a rather worm-like man, with no backbone whatsoever,’ he continued, revealing the backs of my gartered legs, and surely the merest hint of my bottom, ‘and in order to make a young woman strong and good, she must be taught that she can’t act in whatever way she likes, whenever she…’ He stopped short. He had seen that I was wearing no underwear.

  I felt the a cold lick of a breeze on my bare bottom, I felt my tender, virginal quim totally open to the air.

  ‘My goodness, Cecily, it seems that you’ve come quite prepared for our little encounter here today,’ said the Baron, and then I felt his rough, coarse hand on my backside.

  He began to stroke my flesh, pushing my buttocks away from the centre of my behind. He felt so strong, as though he could tear my flesh away from my bone should he so wish, but, for the moment at least, his movements were careful and considered.

  ‘You have quite an exceptional form, my dear. Quite exceptional. You’ve almost distracted me from my task.’ I felt my little pussy being pushed down into the silk of the handkerchief beneath me, my lips squashing into the fine fabric as he rested a heavy hand on me. Then, I felt the soft sprinkle of talcum powder on my behind. Truly, the sensation of the powder was not unpleasant. It had a light, cooling effect, and it made me feel a little pampered.

  ‘Sissy, you’ll be pleased to hear that the nappys I use are made from only the very finest Turkish towelling cloth, lined with muslin and as soft and tender as the young lady’s bottom.’ I felt him hold the sides of my body and lift me up slightly, as Verity slid the nappy underneath my crotch. The Baron had not been lying. The quality of the fabric was immediately apparent to me, and the sensation of it against my skin was oddly stimulating. It felt like I was being wrapped in a protective layer, as though I was being very carefully looked after. I even rubbed myself lightly into the fabric as it was wrapped up around my body. I was lifted a few more times as the nappy was looped round me, and then I saw a large safety pin which pieced the cloth and tied it tightly around me, fastening in place.

  ‘Does that feel good, baby?’ said the Baron.

  I nodded, not wanting further admonishment.

  ‘Now, I’ve got the unhappy task of administering corporal punishment to your backside, my dear. I’m going to smack your bottom so hard that it turns red and is marked by my signet ring. That way you’ll know that in future, you must not disobey your baron.’

  ‘Oh,’ I said, not thinking, ‘please sir, not that.’

  ‘Yes,’ he said, and I’m sure I heard cruel relish in his voice, ‘I’m afraid it’s my only recourse. Now, it’s imperative that you thank me after each and every slap, you hear? The punishment is ten slaps, but if you don’t thank me, they won’t count. And please, try not to soil your new nappy, if you can help it.’ He
lifted the soft fabric of the nappy to the side, revealing a large section of my bottom. I felt the Baron lift his hand away from my flesh, and then, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, I felt his heavy hand come smacking down onto me.

  My mouth opened soundlessly and my eyes widened with the pain of the strike. Little needles of red hot sensation spread out from his fingers across my flesh. I had not expected him to hit me so hard. Shocked, I remained silent.

  ‘Pardon me?’ said the Baron, ‘I didn’t quite hear that. We’ll have to start all over again, I’m afraid. What a dreadful shame.’ Then, without any warning, he lifted his hand again and brought it down with a hard, snapping thwack sound on my bottom, even harder than before. I felt my flesh pucker underneath him, as my body struggled to react to the pain it was experiencing. I felt one part of my bottom sting even harder than the other - it must be from his signet ring. Quick, Cecily, say something, I thought to myself.

  ‘Tha- thank you, Baron,’ I panted, trying hard to concentrate through the shock.

  ‘Oh, well done, dear. What a good girl. Well, it was my pleasure.’ As he said pleasure, I’m sure I felt something poking me from his crotch. Was it his… My thoughts were broken by another slap. The pain of this one caused my bladder to loosen slightly. I knew that if this went on much longer, I wasn’t going to be able to hold my water in.


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