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Page 2

by Ebony Olson

  When I continued staring at my knees, Bob sighed and dropped his eyes to his toes. "Is it only men?" My head snapped up to appraise his question. "That you fear? Is it only men?"

  Hesitating only a moment, I gave a small nod.

  "If I told you I was neutered and posed no threat to you, would you allow me to help you?"

  Keeping my wide eyes low, I wondered if he was honest about his condition.

  "Would you let me help you back inside? You can give me that list, and I'll see what I can organize for you?"

  Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. What other option did I have? When I held out my arm, Bob moved forward and wrapped my arm over his shoulder. My eyes went wide, and I squeaked when he pulled me into his arms like a groom would his bride.

  "It's okay, I've got you." Bob carried me inside with ease.

  Setting me on the lounge, he went to the freezer and put together an ice pack before coming back to me. Before I could protest, he lifted my trouser leg to wrap my ankle.

  Sitting there wide-eyed, I wasn't sure how I should feel about his touching me. Once he'd wrapped my ankle, Bob's eyes went to the cut across my shin. Brows furrowing as he studied it, Bob used his finger to test the scab was holding. "How did you hurt yourself?"

  "My first night here, I went for a walk. A large dog chased and attacked me. I tripped on the cable around the boundary."

  "A large black dog?"

  "Yes. How did you know? Is it from the manor house?"

  "Yes. How did it attack you?"

  My lip tremored as I recounted what happened. I didn't tell Bob about the dog's intelligence, or that when it saw my existing injuries, it backed away.

  Rubbing the back of his head, Bob spotted a notepad and pen and brought it over to me. "Write me that list."

  Taking the pad, I wrote out some generic food items I needed.

  Taking the list when I finished, Bob huffed at it. "This is a pretty basic list, the only specific thing is the coffee."

  "Good coffee is my only vice."

  Ripping the list from the pad, Bob dropped the pen and pad back to the table. "I'll take care of this for you. Rest that ankle up." Making his way back out, I heard him set the lock before shutting the door, locking himself out. Turning my head to gaze out the window at the backyard, I sighed. My eyes felt heavy, so I closed them and slept.

  A few hours later, I woke up and removed the now melted ice pack from my ankle. Limping over to the table and my computer, I had a few more clients waiting for their website packages. It would seem I needed the extra money sooner than later.

  It wasn't until the next morning that I heard from anyone. There was a quiet knock at the front door mid-morning. Expecting Bob, I opened the door. Another man in his mid-thirties, with dirty blond hair, and a nice suit was unloading bags from a black Mercedes.

  Glancing at the bags on the porch, I frowned. "This is more than on the list."

  "I know." Shutting the boot, the man brought the last bag forward. "I added a few extra staples to your shopping." Meeting my eyes with his dark brown ones, he lifted a brow. "I'm Jeremy." When I nodded, he frowned. "This is usually the part where you introduce yourself."


  Picking up the bags, Jeremy moved forward, making me shift back as he stepped into my home. Pressing myself against the wall, I held my breath as he passed. Jeremy's eyes turned fierce, his jaw tightened, but he said nothing else. Once he passed, I went to my room and collected my purse. Limping out to the kitchen, I saw Jeremy unpacking all the shopping.

  "I can do that. How much do I owe you?"

  "Was it your husband?"

  My mouth fell open. "I, I don't know what you mean?"

  "The man who beat you; who made you so afraid. Was it your husband?"

  Gaping like a fish at his brazenness, I blinked. "I've never married."


  "Never had one of those either. How much do I owe you?"

  "So it was your father?" Ignoring me, Jeremy kept unpacking.

  "No! Please stop asking questions and tell me how much I owe you!" Closing the fridge, Jeremy studied me for a long moment. With a huff, he picked up the shopping bags and strode to the front door. "Wait, how much...?"

  "Stop asking questions and get off that leg, Vera Cana." The door should have slammed with his tone of voice, but it closed with a quiet click.

  Unsure what just happened, I stared at the door for several minutes. Clearing my throat, I put my purse on the counter then moved to the fridge. Noting the new items, I added up the cost.

  Thirty minutes later, I heard a whipper sniper and looked up from my computer to see Bob working on the garden. Damn it! We still hadn't agreed on a price. Using the table to help me stand, I limped out onto the patio. "Bob!"

  Glancing up, Bob turned off the tool and strode towards me. "Morning, how's the ankle?"

  "Still sore. Can we talk about your costing?"

  "Sure. What did you work out?"

  "I can't afford anywhere near what you're asking. The most I could pay is half that, so if you could tend the lawns, I'll try and take care of the plants."

  Bob kept smiling. "I tell you what, let's make it three hundred a month cash, and I'll still do the lot."

  "That's very generous but unfair to you."

  "Well, if you feel that way, we can always come to another agreement. Exchange your services for mine?" Any gratitude I had for him vanished immediately. Seeing it, Bob backpeddled. "Not those sort of services, Vera. I was thinking more mending tears in my clothes or doing my laundry. That sort of thing." Bob rubbed the back of his head. "Jesus, I would never ask a woman to do that other than for love or pleasure."

  Shifting my stance, I stepped back inside and grabbed the money I'd put in an envelope. Limping back out, I placed the cash on the patio. Cringing at the tightness in my side, I held the still healing wound as I straightened. Bob's eyes narrowed in on my ribs.

  "I'm afraid I'm useless in any way you'd benefit. Here is the money I owe for the shopping. Thank you for your kindness, but I'll manage on my own." Not waiting for a reply, I turned and limped back inside.

  "Vera, wait?!"

  Locking the door, I limped to my room. Steadying myself on the door frame to my bathroom, I swiped at the tears running down my face. My hand moved down of its own accord, into the band of my pants and rubbed over the raised flesh on my hip. The brand of my ownership to a pack of men.

  Since I was a toddler, so young I couldn't even remember the face of my mother, I spent my childhood as their servant. Beautiful women would come and go from the estate. They always looked so lovely, got to wear pretty dresses, and treated like queens. I'd been invisible in the house until he came. Oh, how I wish I'd escaped the day he arrived.

  Jumping free of my memories when the whipper sniper started again, anger grated on me. Why couldn't Bob leave? My ankle hurt, and I was exhausted from worrying about this new development, I laid down on my bed. I'd not counted on this. When I'd seen the cottage for sale, all I'd seen was a small house I could afford. A place isolated and away from the world. A safe home where I could live out my days in peace.

  Now there were expenses I'd not accounted for in my budget. I wasn't meant to have money, so I'd never had bills to pay before. Homeschooled, at age ten the alpha had an outsider come in and train me up in graphics and web design.

  From then on, I'd handled the web design of several of the brother's businesses. The freedom they gave me to perform that task enabled me to learn what life was like for others.

  Not long after, I stumbled upon a site where you could offer your services for hire. Using a fake name and credentials that I traded from someone else on the site, I opened a bank account online. Using that same false name, I started developing web pages for other clients.

  Eighteen years I'd worked and earned my own income below the table. Initially, I thought it would be nice to have in case I ever wanted to buy myself something. When I was fourteen, and he took over
the pack, it became my escape plan.

  Chapter 3

  It took two months for bob to wear me down. He came every week to do the gardening, and Jeremy was still doing my shopping for me, even though I'd recovered. Even when I went into town to do my own shopping, he'd always turn up with what he thought I needed. After a fortnight, I gave up and let him.

  As summer came on, I felt sorry for Bob out there in the heat. Sighing in resignation, I poured him a large glass of water with ice and walked out onto the back porch. Glancing up from where he was clipping the hedge around the patio, Bob smiled. "Well, you finally came to say hello."

  Placing the glass of water on the step, I moved back. "I thought you might be thirsty." Hurrying back inside, I shut and locked the screen door watching Bob come up the stairs from the safety of my house.

  "You're like a puppy at a new place with bigger dogs."

  "Literally! Does that dog always wander the property unattended?"

  "You've seen him since?"

  "A few times a week. He comes down and sits on the other side of the boundary for a while and then takes off."

  Eyebrows lifting, Bob tilted his head a little. "Really? Just sits there, watching you?"

  Was that weird for a dog? "I guess."

  "Have you tried making friends with him?"

  Huffing at the idea, I rolled my eyes. "The dog attacked me."

  A glimmer in Bob's eyes made them an even brighter blue, then his lips lifted in the most swoon-worthy smirk. "You were a stranger then. Now, he's gotten used to you. Try making friends."

  "How would I do that?"

  Finishing his drink, Bob considered me. "Have you never had a pet?" Dropping my gaze to my feet, I shook my head. Bob frowned in my peripheral. Raising the empty glass as he put it back on the patio, Bob cocked a brow in my direction. "Try offering him a drink, and something to eat, but don't stay standing by the bowl. Put it out for him, then come sit on the steps. Let him approach you when he's ready."

  "The last time he approached me, I ended up injured, remember?"

  Eyes grazing over my ankle, Bob grimaced. "You were the trespasser then." He gave me a wicked grin. "Be careful though, he's not neutered."

  My eyes went wide, and my mouth dropped open as Bob turned to walk down the stairs. "Wait, what's the dog's name?"

  "Alpha." Bob turned to smirk.

  That name brought back the memory of a cruel voice whispering in my ear. 'I'm the Alpha now, sweet thing. You're mine.' Blood suddenly cold in my veins, I trembled with the memory of his hand, fisting my hair as he held my face down on the table. A sob choked out of my throat before I could stop it.

  Frowning, all humor vanished from Bob's face as he stepped towards me. "Vera, what is it?" Shaking my head, I stumbled back to my room as the tears cascaded down my cheeks. "Vera?" The screen rattled as Bob tried to open the door, cursing when he found it locked. "Vera, was the man who hurt you called Alpha?"

  Blubbering a quiet yes to my chest, Bob cursed again, then the place grew silent. Crying out the memories of the past fourteen years, I hugged myself, rocking back and forth. After a long time, I lay down exhausted and fell asleep.

  Two nights later, I was sitting on my hammock reading when I heard a noise. Turning my head, I noticed the large dog sitting on the other side of the boundary. Easing myself out of the hammock, I went inside and filled a bowl with ice cold water, then a second bowl with the remainder of the stew I'd made for dinner.

  During the week, the dog's appearance was sporadic but guaranteed every weekend. Taking it easy down the steps, I placed both bowls on the ground. Moving backwards up the steps, I lowered down to sit at the top stoop.

  "I'm sorry I trespassed that first night I was here. I'd never been free to wander outside before, and it was too much to resist. Do you think we can be friends now?"

  Tilting its head, the dog observed me. When it stayed where it was, I clasped my hands together and looked over the back yard. "It's beautiful here. I grew up in a house like the one up the hill. It was so big, a child should have been free to run and play, but my father yelled at me if I got underfoot." Taking a deep breath, I moved my eyes back to the dog. He'd come forward and was sitting by the bottom of the steps watching me as I talked.

  "Bob told me your name. I'm trying not to hold it against you. My father held that title." Top of his nose scrunching as if he smelled something wrong, the dog stepped back. "No, he was a good man. He wasn't a great father, but he never hurt me. While he ruled the house, everyone ignored me. The chef basically raised me, and a teacher living in the house home-schooled me."

  While I spoke, the dog came forward and sniffed my ankle. On instinct, I moved my leg away, and he sat back down to watch me.

  "It was the man who held the title after my father that I hated. He didn't ignore me." Swiping at a stray tear running down my cheek, I hugged myself with my arms and shivered. Meeting the dog's eyes, he was intent on my tears. "Sorry, I'm rambling, aren't I? I'm not good at making friends. Freedom is still very new to me."

  Rising up, I started back inside. As I shut the screen door, I looked back at the dog. "Try the stew. It was one of the chef's best recipes." Locking the door, I turned off the inside lights and moved to my bedroom.

  The next night, I cooked up the steaks Jeremy purchased me, insisting I needed the protein. Right on time, Alpha appeared in the yard. Serving up dinner on the plates, I walked out onto the patio.

  When I'd collected the bowls later yesterday evening, all the stew was gone. The dog didn't stay by the boundary tonight. Last night I'd invited him to cross the boundary line, and he was taking that as an open invitation. Setting the plate on the bottom step, I went back to the porch and sat down with my meal. "Bon appetite."

  Licking his steak for taste, Alpha rumbled then scoffed it down. Eating my half-portion, I smiled at Alpha, licking his chomps and eyeing my meal. Placing my plate aside as he came up the stairs, slowing as he approached me, I held my breath. Sniffing my ankle first, the one I twisted, Alpha made a weird noise, and I tensed. When he licked my ankle, I jumped a little then giggled. "It's okay, no long-term damage done."

  Lifting his snout, Alpha licked where I'd cut my shin. Lowering my hand with caution, I slid my fingers into the silky hair on his head. Tremors passed through him from head to tail when I combed my fingers down the fur of his neck. My fingers sparked with static electricity, relaxing me. Exhaling hard at the sensation that passed up my arm, I bit my lip and moaned. The tingling vibrated through my chest, making me aware of my heart. Butterflies took flight in my stomach, my belly hollowed, and things tightened below.

  Opening my eyes wide, I blinked at my body's reaction to his soft fur. Sniffing up my leg and along my bare thigh, Alpha shoved his nose between my legs where he took a deep whiff. Jumping up, I pushed his head away as I stepped back. "Oh my god! When Bob warned you weren't desexed, he wasn't joking."

  Raising his head, I swear his eyes were laughing at me. When I went to collect my plate, Alpha shoved his nose into the crook of my neck and made a sound of appreciation. Confused, I tilted my head to look at him, and as I did, Alpha licked straight up the side of my face.

  "Yuk! That's gross. It's bad enough when a man does it. Why do males always think it's okay to leak their bodily secretions all over a girl?" As I backed away, I swear Alpha raised a brow at me and laughed. Rolling my eyes, I walked back inside. "Now I need a second shower."

  After showering and redressing in my pajamas, I came back out to collect the plates. A man was standing at the bottom of the steps. Halting my actions when I realized it wasn't Bob or Jeremy, I stepped back inside, locking the screen door.

  Turning at the sound of the lock sliding into place, the man's deep indigo eyes watched me tremble. He was tall, with an athletic build, pale bronzed skin, dark hair, and the most luscious lips I'd ever seen on a man. He wore suit pants and a long-sleeved black business shirt, despite the summer heat outside.

  It wasn't his looks I feared, bu
t the air of authority he gave off. He held the composure of someone who got his way all the time. Not cockiness or ego, but the confidence you couldn't deny him whatever he wanted. Much the same as my father, and much the same as Malcolm. That's what made me shrink back from the door as he took the first step.

  Collecting Alphas plate as he came up onto the patio, he held up a placating hand. "I'm not here to hurt you, Vera," his caramel voice assured.

  Instantly, I felt at ease, but that set of its own set of alarms. Tears sprang to my eyes, my teeth gnawing on my lower lip.

  "My name is Dale Hearn, I own the manor house."

  Recognizing the name of the man who hadn't wanted me to own the cottage, I found it difficult to swallow. Was this about Bob and Jeremy?

  Lifting the plate up before setting it down outside the back door, Dale cocked a brow. "You like dogs?"

  Hugging my arms around me, stepping from foot to foot, wanting to run, hard and fast, and yet, I wanted to run to him.

  His eye's assessing every movement I made. "It's about time we get to know each other, as neighbors, don't you think?"

  "No." I nodded. Frowning, I forced my head to shake instead.

  Jaw clenched, Dale slipped his hands in his pockets and watched me. "Bob told me someone hurt you before, that you're scared of our kind." With him watching me like a hawk, something about his eyes seemed familiar. "I give you every assurance, Vera, neither I or any of my staff will ever hurt you."

  My heart warmed wanting to believe him, but my past etched distrust deep into my bones.

  "I'd like you to come to my house for a dinner party tomorrow night. Bob and Jeremy and some friends will also attend, so you don't need to worry about being alone with a strange man."

  The invitation sounded sincere, but I hesitated. Socializing and meeting new people and making friends appealed. Was I ready to risk this? "Will Alpha be there?"

  Dale's eyebrows rose. "The dog?" When I nodded, Dale blinked a few times. "He'll be around, but I don't let him in the house."

  "I'll come if Alpha will walk me home afterward."


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