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Amber- Shadow Witch

Page 15

by D. R. Rosier

  It was close to quitting time when I started to wonder what I should do tonight. Neither Lia nor Terry would be around since they’d be together on their date. I’d just about decided to hit a club when Dawn sent a message. The dragons had attacked three villages on magic world, only two of which were protected. They attacked with twenty dragons at all three locations, only the lightly protected one had been razed to the ground. The other two managed to fight them back, but not without taking losses.

  I wondered for a minute why so few villages, but then realized it made perfect sense. The dragons didn’t want to kill them all, they wanted to enslave them to provide resources and labor. She also wanted to meet in her apartment in a couple of hours to discuss it.

  I blew out a breath and knew it was time, the dragons had made their choice of who to attack first and all the scouts here were dead, so I packaged up everything that we’d been keeping from Dawn and sent it. I figured it would take her the whole two hours, in real time, to digest and process it all. I left the office then and went home, got a bite to eat, and on a whim cleaned my apartment to kill time before it was time to meet…

  Her living room was packed with people. All the witches in the family plus Cat. Dawn’s lover was here, the cat shifter Danielle, and although Rafe wasn’t here physically I was sure he was here in mind. My father Harmon was here as well.

  Dawn started, “I could probably get the rest of the towns done in forty eight hours, if I don’t sleep or waste time on pleasantries, but since I sent my memories two other places were raided. They didn’t destroy the town, merely took supplies. It’s like their split, they have dragons set up just to steal for their herds, and dragons with the mission to terrorize and kill until they get their servants back. Anyway, I could use some help to get it done faster.”

  My mother made a regretful face, “Sorry Dawn, but count me out. We have some commitments on demon world to deal with.”

  I could understand that, I knew it wasn’t easy for Harmon and my mother to stay in power there, they had to constantly deal with challenges and underhanded trickery. Not much had changed on demon world since my mother started ruling it jointly with Harmon, and no one was really holding their breath in expectation of change.

  I also knew Cat wouldn’t volunteer; she had her fingers in everything and couldn’t afford to go haring off on adventures. My grandmother might have had the time, but I could see her looking at Cassie pointedly.

  Cassie looked… well it was impossible for a succubus to look bad, but she came as close as I’d ever seen. It seemed my grandmother thought giving her something to do would somehow fix that.

  Cassie sighed and sounded sullen, “Fine, I’ll go help. I’m curious about their history anyway and why they’re so dysfunctional magically.”

  It hurt to see my sister so down, she was still taking the death hard. It also made me feel guilty, no matter how busy I was I should have checked up on her.

  Dawn frowned, “Embrace your magic and meditate Cassie, it’s what I did.”

  That stunned me for a moment, now I understood why she seemed to get over her first kill so quickly, and that bitch Lily, but she hadn’t, not really, not subjectively anyway.

  Now that Cassie had volunteered, or rather been volunteered, Sandy said, “I’ll go too, with twenty split between us we can be done in under ten hours. As far as staying to help, fighting, I’m still considering it. It would lessen the loss of life and keep them from ever coming here, on the other hand it would be the last sign the dragons needed to make us forever their enemies outside of Rafe’s clan.”

  Dawn spoke up, “No, it’s not like that. They don’t think like that. Rafe assures me it’s an honor thing, if they lose the war and we conclude to peace, they will not hold a grudge. In fact, they would respect us. They’re more predatory and don’t see death the same way as we do. Life isn’t cheap to them exactly, but if a warrior falls in battle it was his time, he was too weak to survive, and his death actually strengthens the clan since only the living will pass on their genes.”

  “Very Darwin,” I said softly.

  Dawn nodded at me, “It actually concerns me a little.”

  Cassie asked, “Why, outside of the whole killing us thing I mean.”

  Dawn’s hands fidgeted, “I’m pregnant.”

  It didn’t take long to figure out the worry, but even the pessimist in me disagreed with it. She was afraid of having a half dragon with might is right instincts, with the power of a witch. I tried to imagine a dragon that could be even faster by slowing down time, and how powerful their control of nature would be with their almost limitless ability to hold magical power, and it boggled the mind.

  “I wouldn’t worry.”

  Everyone turned and stared at me in shock. What? I guess my reputation as a paranoid worrier preceded me in this company.

  I snickered, “Really, I mean, look at us. It’s not as if demons, angels, or even normal humans are all warm and fuzzy. I’d guess the part of us that makes us witches, that reveres life, and fights to protect is very dominant. I’m sure it will be fine.”

  Dawn wasn’t exactly jumping up and down, but I could tell my words had an impact as she thought them through. Especially considering the source.

  Cassie sighed bringing us back on point, “Okay, I’ll help, and then I’ll do that meditation and get my head straight. I’ll let you all know if I decide to help with the actual fighting after that.”

  No one argued with that, it was a personal choice every witch had to make, when it was right to fight back or simply stand aside.

  Dawn nodded and stood, “I know there’s more we should go over, but I want to finish protecting the villages as quickly as possible. As far as fighting, I don’t think I can. I feel pulled in two different directions being mated to a dragon even if he isn’t fighting, and I don’t want to put my baby in danger.”

  Grams, Dawn, and Cassie took off through a world gate and the meeting broke up. I went back to my apartment and put on my little black dress, sandals, and some diamond earrings. The hair in my locket was awful tempting, I was curious to gage their date, but mentally called myself a crazy stalker bitch and didn’t do it.

  I went to one of the local clubs and danced. I danced and lightly fed, not only was it what I did, but it was a nice distraction from both my worries and curiosities. Occasionally I’d take a break and have a drink, I hadn’t met the lucky guy or gal yet, but I’d know them when I saw them, when I felt them. Until then, I’d continue to dance with anyone who asked and just generally enjoy myself.

  Chapter 19

  My phone buzzed, I took a look at the screen and felt my stomach drop.

  “Can you come to my house? In the bedroom. –Terry”

  What happened? I wondered if the date had bombed. I made my way through the crowd and out the door, after walking a short distance away I opened a portal right inside his bedroom door and walked through.

  With my pessimism kicked in and expecting the worst, I was in for quite a surprise. My eyes widened as I stared at his bed. Lia was straddling Terry, her back arched, her head back. I watched almost mesmerized as the tip of her curly red hair swayed back and forth brushing her lower back as she swayed passionately in small circles. I could see her perfect ass and stretched wet labia as she slowly raised and lowered herself on Terry’s thick and long cock.

  The lust and pleasure from my lovers was intense as it washed over me, and the sensual way she was riding him made me very wet. When my brain finally caught up I wondered what I was doing here, and why the page, but I couldn’t speak, I only stared at them as she continued to ride him. I felt my finger teasing my swollen silken folds, almost as if it had a mind of its own.

  Terry’s voice was deep and breathy, “Well, don’t just stand there, come join us love.”

  Lia’s sexy accent came out breathless as well, “We decided to invite you to join us after the second round, but you took so long so we started the third without you.”

  I gi
ggled, it had taken me like two minutes. I pulled my dress over my head and slipped off the sandals. I crawled into bed naked then got on my knees and kissed Lia while squeezing and rubbing her ass as she continued to ride Terry.

  “Oh hell, that is so hot,” Terry said softly.

  I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes, then said faux archly, “Maybe you shouldn’t watch,” and I straddled his face, bringing my hot ready core down to his talented tongue as I resumed kissing Lia.

  Terry didn’t object.

  I gasped in pleasure as Lia started to play roughly with my breasts, not too hard, but just how I liked it, her kiss grew hungrier and I knew she was going to burst and bathe Terry’s hard length in her juice in just moments. I knew I wasn’t far behind her as Terry started to flick my clit with the tip of his tongue, while stuffing my passage with two fingers.

  I pinched Lia’s nipples hard in return, sending her over the edge. Terry surprised me when he took out his fingers, switched hands to fill me again, then pushed his finger that was lubricated with my own liquid pleasure deep into my ass.

  I joined Lia in ecstasy, grinding down on Terry’s face and pushing against his hands, trying to get his fingers as deep as I could in both my holes. Apparently two women cumming on Terry at once was too much for him, my pleasure increased as he gasped and thrust up into Lia, his own pleasure rolling over mine. The rush of life energy, lust, love, and the intense blissful pleasure of all three of us at once almost overloaded my senses. It was so intense I couldn’t manage the kiss anymore so broke it. Lia and I intensely connected in that moment and merely stared into one another’s eyes as the rapturous bliss went on.

  It reminded me I wasn’t the only empath in the room, although I felt it through the succubus side as well, she looked as dazed and lost in pleasure as I did, her eyes were a little glazed.

  When we finally came down we collapsed on the bed on either side of Terry, the aftershocks of pleasure shot through us both and we just rode it out.

  I said still breathing hard, “Thanks for the call.”

  Lia giggled but Terry said a little out of breath, “We both love you, we enjoyed each other a lot before you arrived, but we wanted to share it with you.”

  I smiled brightly, and it had nothing to do with the physical pleasure I’d just endured. I was simply… happy. My life had its share of complications and hardships, but I knew that the two people in bed with me were the best part of my life not counting family. Who knew, maybe we would be family someday, but I’d take lovers until that happened.

  Speaking of my lovers, that was only round one for me. I was also terribly curious what they would taste like together, so I crawled over Terry and put my head between Lia’s legs. I’d barely gotten started on tasting their mixed juices, and taking Lia toward another orgasm, when I felt Terry move to take me from behind.

  I moaned softly into Lia’s honey pot in anticipation…

  Several three way positions later we were cuddled up together on the bed. I was happy, and wondered how my sisters were doing, and my grandmother too. I sighed though, and let it go. They would tell me when there was something to know. Otherwise I had my hands full here on Earth. I had two dedicated lovers, a first for me, and I found I liked it, a lot. I also had my work for Cat, keeping the witch population safe against the dangers inherent to this world. Perhaps most surprising was how I felt about working for the CIA, I really enjoyed it, even if it could get… murky at times.

  Either way, unless the dragons came here again, I would leave the other world to my sisters. I relaxed and burrowed into Terry’s side, my arm thrown across his body, my hand rested gently against Lia’s soft skin. I fell asleep that way, after all, there was nowhere else I’d rather be.


  I hope you enjoyed this book, the middle book of the trilogy. The next book will be about Cassandra, unlike the first two, there is no large timeline overlap in the final book of the trilogy, as Cassandra’s story will start after the meeting at the end of this book, when she goes to human magic world. I plan to have that out as soon as I can.

  About the Author: If you have any comments or suggestions you can send me an email at I started out posting short stories online and at readers’ requests started to publish them. If you like my work, or even if you don’t, please consider leaving a review of this book.

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Cirenthian Chronicles – Book one is Out of Darkness.

  Marcus, an ancient vampire, finds himself moved to another world where suddenly he is alive again, and magic is a known and powerful danger. No longer a vampire and dealing with emotions he hasn’t felt in over a millennium, will he be able to start a new life? This series is now complete.

  Necromancer Chronicles – Book one is The Necromancer.

  Vincent is a necromancer and has an even darker secret. Feared by the rest of the supernatural community he lives on his own, often struggling with his powers, and how to use them. But change is coming, and he will soon find himself dragged into the middle of a suspicious and untrusting community.

  Anise is a sorceress, but she has secrets of her own. She is an ancient being, who has walked the earth for time immemorial. She lives in a never ending cycle of life, forever watching those she dares to care about age and die. But she is about to find something new that will offer her hope, if she can live long enough to find it.

  Cytherean Chronicles – Book one is Flame of Cytherea.

  This two book series follows the chosen champion of a goddess, brought to her world and healed after he was mortally wounded on Earth. At first Justin is a little lost, not knowing anything about the world he finds himself in or even why he is there.

  Ashley’s Tale – This two book series follows the tale of a woman with unique parentage in a world greatly different from our own Earth. It is twenty five years in the future, and the supernatural have long since been exposed. Ashley must struggle with her conflicting nature to find a balance, and her hidden power, as she is taken unwillingly into an extraordinary destiny.

  Sentient – This is the standalone book following an artificial intelligence from an advanced race, a man who comes back from war a little broken, and diverse others as the Earth itself is put into danger as they are dragged into an interstellar war against their will.

  More books can be found on my author’s page at

  Non-erotic Fantasy title:

  The Formerly Dark Mage, by D. L. Harrison – This stand alone fantasy book follows the life of Silvia and takes place in a world unique and separate to our own.

  Silvia is a dark mage. Unfortunately she finds herself about to be sacrificed. Someone must have told her evil master about her plans to kill him and take over. After that, things just seem to go downhill. She has no choice but to escape the kingdom of Zual, something that to her knowledge has never been done before. She will need to deal with many issues she never had to face before.

  Among those issues, the white mages, and her conscience.

  Book Description

  Amber works for the CIA, she also on occasion does work for the oldest witch alive. She’s a lot more pessimistic than her sister, some might even say paranoid, but that doesn’t stop her from taking chances.

  Of course, her life just got a lot more complicated. Apparently dragons are real, and they had to go and pick her world out of an almost infinite number of others to visit. Of course, the dragons aren’t peaceful, not that she expected any less. Her complicated life just got more complicated, on top of that a man she works with seems determined to get closer to her, as if she needed more to deal with.

  WARNING: This book is an erotic novel. If you are offended by explicit sex, do not buy this book. There are MF, FF, and MFF scenes of a sexually explicit nature.

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