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Embracing Carly

Page 21

by Tianna Xander

  The sound of gunfire greeted them when the door opened. Tranquilizer darts flew into the elevator and hit against the wall, sounding like little pebbles raining against the metal sides.

  Apparently, they had just assumed the men were standing in the center of the elevator and they shot right past them all except one. One man went down, landing on Bastien.

  Bastien grunted and shoved the man off him, aiming his rifle at the nervous guards who were now attempting to reload their tranquilizer guns.

  “Drop them or die,” Bastien snarled at them.

  The men dropped the guns and the darts immediately. Raising their hands, they all begged for their lives.

  Randy pulled some long zip ties from a bag and handed them to Merrick. “Secure these assholes.” He glared at the men who stood trembling before them. “Where’s the woman?”

  “Which one?” one of the men blurted.

  “All of them,” Bastien said, pointing his rifle at the man’s head. “One is about five-nine, auburn hair and blue eyes. The other is five-eleven, black hair and brown eyes. Then there is the woman called Cassandra. She used to be a part of this madness.”

  “Until she came to her senses,” Dimitri said under his breath.

  “The—the next level down, sir,” one of the men stammered. “That’s where you’ll find the Doctor and the auburn-haired girl.” He looked down the hall. “The other woman and the wolf are down that way.”

  Bastien turned to Merrick. “Secure the area and get my sister and father out of those cells and release anyone else you find in there as well. No one deserves this hell.”

  “Bastien!” Natalia’s voice rang out in the hallway. “You came for us.” She turned to Malcolm. “You see, Father, I told you he would come for us.”

  She made a face and winced. It was obvious her bruises caused her pain. Someone had beaten her, badly. Bastien clenched his teeth. That someone would die tonight.

  “That animal has kept us drugged for most of the time we’ve been here. I think I heard Carly calling to me this morning. My brain was so fuzzy I couldn’t answer her back. I hope she’s okay,” she said as she hugged Bastien.

  He gave her a quick squeeze, being careful not to hurt her, then turned toward Merrick and his men. “You four stay here and guard my sister and father. We’re going to head down to the next level and find Carly.” He turned to Randy, Cameron and Dimitri. “Well, that just leaves the four of us. Are you up for it?”

  Cameron nodded, staring at Natalia. “Oh, yeah, man. After seeing what they’ve done to your sister, I want myself a high-value target.”

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Carly woke from her nap and watched through the glass as everyone bustled about, grabbing personal items and doing something to the computers.

  What the hell?

  Soon, the people scurried from view, filing out of the area like rats from a sinking ship. She slipped from the bed and trotted up to the glass.

  Where did they all go?

  Hope dawned. Maybe Bastien was here with his people to rescue her. That’s why everyone is scurrying out of here like roaches when someone turned on the light.

  Carly pressed her nose against the glass, waiting for him to appear. Seeing a movement from the corner of her eye, she turned and stared at the ten men who came in through the same door the others had just scurried through.

  The men were dressed in dark green uniforms. Were they Army? Would the government really sanction an operation such as this? The soldiers turned the desks over, hiding behind them as they pointed their guns toward the elevator.

  Carly closed her eyes and prayed for a miracle. If those men opened fire as soon as the elevator doors opened, the soldiers would riddle whoever was inside with bullets. As much as she wanted to leave this place, she wanted to keep Bastien unharmed more.

  She watched for the light above the doors to indicate it was about to open and held her breath. He was in there. She could feel it. Bastien, it’s a trap! She screamed through their mental link, hoping he would hear her.

  It is good to hear you, baby. I was afraid I would never find you again.

  Tears filled her eyes. I’ve missed you so much, Bastien.

  A few months ago, she never would have believed she could feel this way about any man. Yet Bastien had wormed his way into her heart somehow. Was it his easy smile, his gentle touch or the way he looked at her with such hunger? Sometimes, when he didn’t realize she was looking, she caught him staring at her as if no one else would ever do for him.

  No one else will ever do, baby.

  Carly savored the sound of Bastien’s voice as it traveled through her mind, feeling as if he was in the room with her, as if she could actually hear it. She cringed as the sound of the elevator chime rang through the lab when it reached the bottom floor. The double doors slid open and the men unloaded their weapons on the empty elevator.

  “What the hell?” The muffled voices carried through the heavy steel door. Thanks to her new gifts, she could hear what they said. “Where the hell are they?

  Get down on the floor, baby.

  Not stopping to ask why, Carly dove under the coffee table, stood up underneath it and tipped it over onto its side, hiding behind it as a barrage of gunfire came from the elevator.

  Cries of surprise and pain carried through the door as it opened a crack. The gunfire had destroyed the electronic lock. She could escape if those men weren’t out there, waiting for a target, or a bargaining chip. Carly refused to be either.

  The door to my...cell is open. I’m afraid to budge. It sounds like they’re hankering for a target.

  Stay where you are. I’ll come to you.

  I don’t know how you’re going to do that with all of these men in here just itching to shoot anything that moves.

  Bastien chuckled into her mind and Carly was amazed at how much that helped to calm her. He must have a great plan if he could laugh at a time like this.

  Of course. I have a great plan. All of my plans are exemplary.

  Carly felt like sticking her tongue out at him. He may be her hero, but that didn’t mean she had to put up with his massive ego.

  I’m reading your mind, Carly.

  Then stop it. It’s rude. I don’t recall giving you Carte Blanche to roam around inside my head. She jumped when she heard a sound in the bathroom. Bastien, there’s someone in my bathroom. What if it’s one of those men?

  “It’s okay, baby. None of those men are going to touch you.”

  Carly turned slowly, not knowing if she should believe her ears. She started to go to him. He held his hand out as if to stop her.

  Bastien, how did you get in here?

  “Ancient werewolf secret,” he said with a grin.

  Ancient werewolf secret, my ass, she said, punctuating her comment with a snarl.

  He chuckled. “That’s my girl.” Still standing in the bathroom, he peeked around the corner of the door. “They can’t see me in here. If you get up, they’ll see you and you could become their next target.”

  She settled back down behind the table.

  “How did you manage to overturn the table while in that form?”

  It wasn’t easy. I can tell you that. I had to lift it from one side, while I stood under it.

  He grinned at her, his expression filled with pride. “That was a good idea.” He ducked as the sound of more rapid gunfire came from the other room. “The others are attempting to get those men to empty their clips to keep our guys from getting injured.”

  Are you killing them all? Carly looked away from his face when she saw the expression in his eyes. Never mind. I think I know. The last thing she needed to hear was that all of those men were going to die. She didn’t want to think of Bastien as a coldhearted killer.

  “I’m not a coldhearted killer, Carly. Those men asked for this. They invited me to come here when they took my family from me. Would you have me stand by and do nothing while they torture and kill you?”

’T KNOW how to explain to her that he wasn’t the killer she thought him. How could he get her to believe he wasn’t violent when all she’d seen of him the last few days they’d been together was the ruthless werewolf who would do anything to protect his mate?

  He wished she would just search his mind. He took a deep breath, stuck his hands in his pockets and leaned against the doorjamb, careful not to let the gun strapped to his back hit the wood and make any noise.

  His mate was forever seeing the worst in him. Something in her blinded her to the good part of him—the part of him that loved her more than his own life. She only saw the part of him that would kill to protect her. It was that violence, usually buried deep within him, that frightened her.

  When this was all over, he was going to hunt down her ex-husband and beat the shit out of him. The man needed to know what it was like to have someone stronger than he was abuse him. Perhaps then the animal would understand what he’d been doing to Carly all of these years, though Bastien doubted it.

  Carly began to pant. She groaned, trying to keep her thoughts to herself.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” He watched, certain he knew what the problem was. Still, he waited for confirmation. He shook his head. This couldn’t have come at a worse time. The coffee table wouldn’t hide her completely when she was shifting from one form to the other. She would stretch out, needing to lengthen her muscles, and she would be visible, vulnerable—and naked. He put his head down and cursed under his breath. Looking up he met Carly’s beseeching stare.

  I’m sorry, Bastien. I can’t stop it.

  I know, baby. He used the more intimate form of communication so she would know that he wasn’t angry with her. When a were goes through puberty they cannot control when they change, or how often. It is an unpleasant fact of life for us. While I know you are not going through puberty, your were powers are actually at that formative stage.

  He wanted to go to her, to hold her. How could he comfort her from across the room? Bastien fought the urge to ball up his fist and punch the wall. That would only serve to frighten her more along with give away their position.

  Taking a deep breath, he counted to ten, hoping he would be able to release the urge to tear something or someone apart. The beast within him was riding him hard and he wanted a fight more than ever.

  Carly moaned softly, drawing him from his inner torment, helping him to bring the wolf in him under control. What had come over him? Never in his life had he ever lost control. Now tonight, when it was most important to comfort his mate and keep her safe, he was having a difficult time controlling the beast. Why?

  Release the animal, baby. He deliberately used the endearment, hoping she would grasp the memories of the gentler side of him. Remember it only lasts longer and hurts more if you fight it. Picture your human self. Reach for the change. Embrace it.

  Bastien watched as her body lengthened. The hair on her arms, legs and torso disappeared before her paws became hands again. He wondered at the miracle of science that had made her his mate in every way, even as he abhorred the way these lunatics had forced it upon her. Would she ever be able to come to terms with what had happened? He prayed she would find a way.

  Carly brought her legs up to her chest and curled up into a ball.

  Bastien fisted his hands, frustrated at not being able to hold her and comfort her now. He hid his hands behind his back, knowing if she turned and saw them clenched she would fear him. He didn’t want that. She was already frightened enough.

  The sound of gunshots died down and the tremulous scent of fear began to circulate among the men in the lab.

  “I’m out. That was my last clip. You?”

  “I’ve been out for a while. I’ve just been going through the motions, trying to make it look good.”

  “Jesus!” the first man said. “They’ll be on us like rabid dogs as soon as they find out we’re out of ammo.”

  They’re out. At least a few of them are. Fire a few more shots into the room and see how many shoot back.

  A short barrage sounded from the elevator, followed by a few sporadic shots in the lab.

  They still have a few rounds left, but not many. I would say it’s safe to come in and take them out. Try to do it with the least amount of bloodshed. My mate is squeamish about such things.

  We’ll do our best, however you know Cameron is out for blood, for some reason. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so upset, Dimitri said.

  He must have relayed the message to the two humans. He peered through the crack in the bathroom door just in time to see Randy take one down with a punch to the face. Dimitri was next, walking right up to a man who had taken on a fighting stance and snapped his neck like a twig.

  Bastien nodded his approval. Good, they were doing as he asked. When you’re done, please move the bodies to another location. This is hard enough on Carly without her thinking that we all kill indiscriminately.


  Soon, the assault team had taken care of the lab’s guard force and had the main area of the level secured. Bastien walked over to where Carly lay behind the small table. She jumped when he touched her, though she didn’t pull away. He hoped it was a good sign. “It’s okay, baby,” he said, pulling her into his arms.

  He buried his face in the crook of her neck when she laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m going to pick you up and carry you to the bed so I can cover you up while I look for your clothes.”

  “Not my clothes. They took my clothes,” she said through her chattering teeth.

  “It doesn’t matter, baby. I just want something to cover you up so you don’t catch cold.”

  “You just don’t want your friends to see me naked.” It sounded like she tried to laugh, although it came out more like a strangled sob. “But that’s okay. I don’t want them to see me like this either.”

  “Did they give you anything to wear this time or just the gowns again?”

  “Just—just the gowns.” She pointed to a dresser. “They’re in there.”

  He covered her with the blanket on the bed, then walked over to the dresser and pulled out two gowns. “Let’s get these on you, baby,” he said, shaking one out as he walked back to the bed. “I’ve got one here all ready for you. All you have to do is sit up and put your arms through it.”

  “I hate these things,” she said, crying. “My butt shows through the back.”

  “Not this time, darlin’.” He held up the second gown. “I’ve got two of them. We’ll put one on with the opening in the back and the other on like a robe, with the opening in the front.” He tried to smile, yet knew he failed miserably. “I don’t like the idea of letting others see your beautiful behind either.”

  Carly sniffed. “Stop being nice to me or I’ll turn this lab into a lake,” she said as she slipped her arms into the gown. She turned and Bastien tied the gown together, then shook out the second one, holding it out so she could put it on over the first.

  He held out his hand, “Shall we go?”

  She looked at his hand for a minute, then reached out. “I think we should get out of here. I hate this place. I hate everything about it. The way it smells, looks, feels...but I especially hate the way it smells.” She wrinkled her nose. “It smells like Robert in here.”

  Bastien made a face. “Is that what that stink is? I thought maybe one of their other captives had an accident while in animal form.”

  She slapped him on the arm. “You’re just trying to make me laugh.” She looked up at him, fear in her eyes when she realized what she had done.

  He just grinned at her. “Is it working?”

  SHE SHOOK HER HEAD and bit her lip. What had come over her to act like that? Robert would have beaten her senseless for doing the same thing. Then again, they were in a public place...

  “Then I’ll have to try harder,” he said, then swung her up in his arms. “I’ll tell you a secret,” he whispered in her ear, causing little butterflies of desire to wing through her blood. “I’m not R
obert.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

  Looking down at her feet, he shook his head and said, “You don’t have any shoes again. You’re going to be expensive when it comes to shoes. I can see that already.”

  She crossed her arms. “Stop picking on me, you goon. It’s not fair to pick on me after I’ve been kidnapped and held against my will.” Her eyes widened. “Did you find Natalia and your father? I hope so. I’ve been trying to contact them on and off, although I haven’t been able to reach them.”

  He nodded. “We’ve already found them. They were on the second floor we visited in our search for you. Natalia said they’d been keeping them drugged.”

  “Oh, then maybe they were unconscious when I tried to contact them. Cassandra is here, too. You know that scientist who tried to help me. We can’t leave her here either.”

  He carried her to the door, kicked it open with his foot and took her out into the lab. “We aren’t leaving anyone here.” Not alive anyway. He turned to Cameron. “Get any and every piece of equipment you can out of this place. I want to know what the hell these people have planned.”

  Cameron rubbed his hands together and smiled. “I love collecting intelligence. It’s so...enlightening.” He shifted his attention to Carly. “It’s nice to finally meet you, ma’am,” he said as he held out his hand.

  Carly paused before reaching out to accept it. “It’s nice to meet you. Thank you for the rescue. I was running out of bargaining chips to keep them from letting Robert have me.”

  Bastien stiffened. “Robert is here?”

  “Yes he is and he’s injured. I bit him,” she said. Immediately her eyes took on a look of terror. “Oh, my goodness.” She turned to Bastien. “I bit him. Does that mean he’ll become a—”

  “No, baby,” Bastien interrupted. “All it means is that he’ll get a nasty infection if he isn’t treated.”

  “Oh, well that’s a relief.” She grinned. “I really bit him hard. He was bleeding. The coward ran away screaming when I started eyeing his groin.”


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