
Home > Paranormal > Frrar > Page 18
Frrar Page 18

by Layla Nash

  Before she could ask what he meant, he kissed her again and then carried her into the rather small bathroom with the even smaller shower. Maisy squealed as Frrar stripped down and then tore off her uniform to throw out the door. Hot water crashed down on her as he spun the dials, and Maisy sucked in a breath as they both grew slick and slippery.

  Frrar growled more and his scales turned brilliant purple as he poured soap on his hands and pulled her close to his chest. She closed her eyes and arched her back as he worked his fingers into her hair and then spread the soap down her shoulders and around to her breasts. Maisy sighed and braced her hands on his chest.

  His impressive cock rose between them and pressed into her stomach. Maisy reached down to touch him and let the suds sliding down his scales make it easier to stroke his length. Frrar’s hands grew bolder, his grip stronger, in response. He squeezed her ass and lifted her to press against the wall of the shower, holding the backs of her thighs to keep her out of the water, and the steam made it harder to breathe.

  Maisy stroked him again, rewarded with a slow thrust of his hips, and his mouth descended on her breasts. She moaned as his tongue teased her nipples and his teeth grazed the sensitive skin every time he sucked her breast into his mouth. His scales heated against her and flared, the spikes on his shoulders rising in response as she stroked him harder, faster. Frrar snarled and kept working her breasts, though one of his hands slid along her inner thigh and his rough thumb pressed against her clit.

  Maisy squeezed him harder in response and gasped, her head tilting back against the wall as need boiled low in her stomach. She wanted more of him. All of him.

  But he didn’t slide his fingers into her, despite how she moved her hips, and instead kept up the insistent massage against the bead of nerves that made her whole body shudder. She gasped and moaned and forgot about holding his cock entirely so she could grind her hips against his hand.

  Frrar chuckled and tested his teeth against her shoulder. “That’s right. Let me hear you.”

  Maisy moaned more and tried to wrap her legs around his waist so she could impale herself on his hard length. She needed more. “Please, Frrar. I need…more.”

  He growled and slid his long fingers deep into her, hard and fast, and Maisy jerked and held onto his spikes with the last piece of sanity she had. Which just spun Frrar into more of a frenzy. His hand moved faster and his mouth descended on hers, his tongue thrusting with the same demanding depth and pattern as his hand.

  Tension coiled through Maisy, increasing with each time she moved her hips to meet his fingers, and she panted his name over and over as dark spots filled her vision and the sound of the water disappeared. She tensed and dug her fingers into his shoulders, holding on for dear life, as waves of ecstasy rolled through her. Maisy’s head tilted back as she moaned and ground against the heel of his hand as Frrar growled in her ear and told her all the things he intended to do to her as soon as they were in bed together.

  It was too much. Way too much.

  Desire raced through her in waves as Maisy held his head close to her breasts and Frrar sucked on her tits as his fingers pressed through her spasming muscles. She whimpered and moved her hips, then panted. “Wait. Wait.”

  Frrar chuckled and sucked on the side of her neck. “One more.”

  “But—” Maisy groaned as he kept moving his hand in and out of her channel, curving his fingers up until he pressed deep inside her, and static shot through her.

  Everything else disappeared as she went rigid and her mouth opened in a silent scream. Frrar murmured, “That’s it. Come on my hand. I want to feel you come.”

  She couldn’t even move, pressing against the wall, though her thighs shook and she sank down onto his hand. Maisy shattered and drifted away in the warm afterglow, barely able to breathe with the strength of the tremors still running through her, and hardly noticed as Frrar turned the water off and started to towel them off.

  She managed to reach for his still-hard cock, though, and murmured, “It’s my turn.”

  He kissed her and growled, “You bet your ass it is, but I’m not going to fuck you in a shower.”

  Maisy let his cock slide between her thighs, clenching tight around him, and Frrar braced himself on the wall of the shower. “Are you sure?”

  His spikes rattled in warning and she smiled. He got himself together and dragged her out of the shower and bathroom, then tossed her onto the bed. Maisy squeaked as Frrar pounced, pinning her to the mattress so he could rub against her. She worked her hands into his hair and held on, though her carefully-laid plans slipped away. She needed to get control again.

  With his magic fingers and mouth, it was easier said than done.

  Chapter 38


  Frrar focused on spreading her thighs and seating himself inside her slick heat. He needed to lose himself in the perfection of her body. He gripped her ass and started to tilt her hips up so he could nudge his cock against her slit.

  Maisy laughed and wriggled free, which only made his spikes rattle and rise. She dodged his lazy attempt to catch her and instead stood back. “I have a surprise for you. Just wait a second.”

  His eyebrows arched and lust surged in his chest. A surprise. He enjoyed surprises from Maisy, particularly when she got that wicked look in her eyes, even though his cock ached with the need to be in her. “Quickly.”

  The rustle of fabric was his only answer after she slid into the small closet. Frrar made sure the door was locked and paced the inside of the quarters as he waited for Maisy to reappear. He wanted to pounce on her the moment she reappeared and lose himself in the long tangle of her hair and the smooth softness of her skin. He found every inch of her mesmerizing. Delicious. Intoxicating.

  He’d nearly worked himself into a frenzy as his imagination ran wild by the time Maisy peeked out of the closet. He froze, heart pounding.

  Maisy eased from around the closet door and stepped into the room, suddenly shy. He groaned in anticipation, not believing his eyes. She’d found Xaravian robes in a pale brown with delicate stitching and a beautiful blue and purple belt. The creamy underrobes just begged to be ripped off her. But he couldn’t speak for fear all that would come out would be a snarl of lust that might frighten her.

  She glanced down at herself and frowned. “They’re not fancy like the ones Trazzak got Jess, but they don’t look too bad, do they?”

  He growled and stalked toward her. “I’ll find you the most beautiful robes in the universe. But you will keep these, because they are the first robes I will take off you.”

  She laughed breathlessly and tried to gather the fabric so she could edge around him in a teasing sway. “So you like these?”

  “Like is not the word I would use. Come here.”

  Maisy retreated, biting at her lower lip, and toyed with the fabric that layered over her chest. “Are you sure you like them? They’re so plain.”

  He growled and lurched forward, furious when she giggled and scrambled out of the way. “They are beautiful because you are beautiful. Come here.”

  Maisy laughed more and almost escaped again. Frrar tackled her, though he moved so he landed first on the bed and she bounced on him. Maisy gasped in surprise and stared down at him, her hands braced on his chest. Frrar didn’t wait. He devoured her mouth, his hand clenched in her hair, and tried to rip away the belt so he could see all of her. She made one of those breathless noises that drove him mad. Frrar rolled so he could pin her to the bed, dragging his mouth down her throat and into the cleavage of the robes, and worked at the damn belt in desperation.

  Maisy reached up to stroke his spikes and Frrar shuddered, nearly spending himself from the sensation, and shoved his knee between hers to get the robes out of the way. She laughed and wiggled underneath him, turning her face so he couldn’t kiss her again, but Frrar nipped at her earlobe and sucked at the sensitive spot behind her ear. Maisy moaned and stilled, her arms linked around his neck. Her legs fell open, her knees ri
sing, until he settled into the cradle of her hips.

  He rocked his hardened sex against her, wanting to mark every inch of her, and growled in her ear. “I want you. All of you. Now.”

  Her head tilted back and she offered up the smooth column of her throat. “But I have one more surprise for you.”

  “It can wait,” he said. Frrar drew his dagger so he could cut away the damn belt, since someone had showed her how to tie the knot meant to protect a woman’s virtue.

  Maisy clapped her hand over his mouth and looked up at him with wide eyes. “Please.”

  He groaned, his head dropping to rest on her shoulder, and he struggled to find some kind of control. When his blood no longer boiled but simmered instead, he moved to the side so Maisy could scramble free. She bounced to her feet at the foot of the bed and put her hands on her hips. “You only get the surprise if you wait until the end.”

  He narrowed his eyes and gripped double handfuls of the sheets. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”

  Her smile widened. “I know.”

  Frrar growled but nodded and prepared to restrain himself.

  Her fingers traced a lazy line between her breasts and down her stomach, and he groaned. Maisy toyed with the belt and slowly undid it, somehow unwinding the knots until the length of cloth fell away. The robes gapped slightly but not nearly enough. He wanted them off. He wanted them gone. A distant memory. The shower hadn’t been enough for him; he needed to see the smooth expanse of her skin.

  Maisy waited until Frrar managed to keep himself on the mattress instead of springing at her like an eagle on a sandsnake. Her smile turned lazy and her eyes half-closed, and she shrugged one shoulder out of the robes so he could see the delicate, bare skin from her neck down to her upper back. He ground his teeth and his hips rose in a smooth thrust as he imagined getting his hands on her and finally sinking himself into her heated depths.

  She turned away and let the robes fall from her other shoulder until they pooled at the small of her back, glancing over her shoulder at him. “Do you like it?”

  “I’d like it more if it was gone. Drop the robes and get over here.”

  Maisy smiled and swayed her hips, the robes creeping down until he could see a hint of the swell of her ass. When she turned back, he expected to finally see her breasts, but she still held the robes up to cover them. Frrar growled. “More. Now.”

  “Like what?” she murmured.

  He leaned back and wrapped his fist around his cock. It was a sad substitute for her hands and mouth and pussy, but it would keep him from flying apart as he watched her. “Drop the outer robe. All of it.”

  Her eyes sparked with excitement and her face flushed, the red traveling up her bare chest and throat to fill her cheeks again. She maneuvered out of the dark outer robe until only the cream underrobe remained, giving him glorious hints of the shape of her body and the treasures waiting for him to plunder. Somehow she was even sexier half-dressed than wet and soapy in the shower. He stroked himself slowly as he watched her breasts rise and fall as her breathing sped up in excitement. Maybe she enjoyed being told what to do. Frrar would enjoy even more exploring that with her.

  “Show me your breasts.”

  Her lips rolled in and she looked down, as if overcome with shyness, and he groaned with need. She drove him wild. His fist moved faster as the robe inched down, exposing a fraction of her creamy white flesh in agonizing slowness. He’d never imagined a female could be so soft and giving, delicate and vulnerable. Frrar’s hips rose in anticipation. “Now. Touch your breasts.”

  The redness across her chest and throat deepened as she released the robes and they settled around her hips. Her full breasts, tipped with rosy nipples, tempted him beyond his control. He’d already tasted them but it wasn’t nearly enough. He started to move toward her, to taste again, but Maisy gave him a sideways look that reminded him of the game. He didn’t know what her surprise was, but he wanted to find out.

  So Frrar lay back again, growling until his entire skull vibrated, and stroked himself faster. “Touch your breasts.”

  Maisy’s head tilted back as her hands slid up her bare stomach to her breasts, and she sighed as she squeezed them. Her fingers circled and then pinched her nipples, and she moaned. Frrar clenched his jaw. He needed her. He wanted to suck on her breasts until they grew red and tender and she moaned his name to ask for more. He wanted to feel her under him, feel her taking him one long thrust at a time.

  “More,” he said, voice gone raspy with need. “Harder.”

  She did as he told her, drawing on her nipples until the pink flesh stood out, and shivers ran through her entire body. Maisy’s long hair cascaded down her back, brushing against the swell of her ass, and her legs parted slightly as her hips rolled. Frrar couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t look away from what her hands did, tugging on her nipples, but her hips and the sweet prize between them beckoned him. Maisy murmured and massaged her breasts in gentle circles, then toyed with the robes that still hung from her hips.

  Tension gathered low in Frrar’s back. “Drop the robes.”

  She shifted her hips again and pushed the robes down so they pooled on the floor around her ankles. He clenched his jaw, grinding the words out. “Touch yourself.”

  Her feet shifted farther apart and her hands slid down her stomach until she parted her folds and pressed a finger into her pink flesh. Frrar roared as she sent him over the edge and ecstasy overtook him, and his climax shot into the air as he kept stroking himself and watching Maisy rock her hips against her hands.

  The static had barely faded from his brain before he moved. He jumped off the bed and landed on his knees in front of her. Maisy blinked and looked down, her mouth open in surprise, but Frrar seized her ass and pressed her against the wall. He lifted her legs onto his shoulders so her thighs spread in front of him, and he inhaled the intoxicating scent of her desire. Her fingers threaded into his hair and she moaned as he dragged his tongue the full length of her slit.

  Frrar growled and licked deeper, teasing her slippery opening, until her thighs tightened around his head. She held onto his spikes and ground her sex against his mouth. He supported her with one arm so he could plunge his fingers into her, driving them into her channel until she gasped and cried out and jerked against him again. He sucked on the bundle of nerves that made her tense. It was even better than the shower, since he could taste her desire instead of feeling it against his fingers.

  Maisy tensed. “Frrar. Just like that.”

  He snarled and squeezed her ass, plunging into her as he sucked hard, driving her clit against his teeth, until Maisy’s breathing went high and desperate. Her cries turned into a long whine and her nails dug into his scalp. She jerked against him and wrenched his mouth closer against her, then she froze and a strangled cry filled his ears like the most beautiful music.

  Frrar kept moving his fingers through the spasms in her muscles, watching her face as her expression froze in ecstasy, and tasted more of her sweetness as she came hard against his mouth.

  Chapter 39


  There was nothing more sinfully delicious than Frrar’s mouth on her clit, his tongue fucking her hard, or the sheer madness that overpowered her when she came for him. Tension thickened the air, but Maisy didn’t allow herself any downtime to recover from the unbelievable orgasm she’d had. She didn’t wait to climb onto him, to straddle his muscular body her slit perfectly positioned over his bulging cock. She wanted to drown him with her wetness, to rile him up so that all he could think about was her. Maisy ground down against him as the aftershocks of her pleasure continued in delicious torment.

  Unlike the last time they’d done this, Maisy wasn’t starting out from a position of burgeoning shyness. She was fierce and she was ready to make him hers — and to give herself over to him, too.

  In the best way possible.

  “Maisy,” Frrar said, his hands digging into her ass as he tried to take over again.

sp; Maisy shook her head and smiled, enjoying the view from the top — as well as the upper hand. After all, she’d already had her release. If they were going to play a game of chicken to see who would hold off the longest in the quest for control, well, she was confident she was in the lead.

  “I’m going to have my way with you,” she teased as she pressed her slit against his shaft and rocked back and forth slowly, deliberately.

  “You’re impossible,” Frrar said but he didn’t try to flip them over so he could take the lead. His shoulders bulged and the spikes rattled, tearing into the sheets of the bed. “Move faster, Maisy. Now.”

  Nothing made Maisy feel more powerful than having him under her, holding off what he wanted so she could take what she needed. He needed her desperately. He planned to take her, and yet… he was willing to wait. She saw it in his calculating gaze, saw the assessment in his eyes. Frrar waited under her spell.

  Maisy lifted her body, her hips hovering just over his cock. The mere suggestion of their touch sent Frrar’s body as rigid as a board under her, from his cock all the way up to his spikes. Maisy didn’t think and grabbed the spikes to steady herself, but a low, tormented groan clued her in to the spikes’ other purpose.

  She smiled and stroked the long spikes. Frrar grabbed her hips as he thrust up, trying to enter her, as he cursed and groaned and the spikes seemed to elongate and thicken in her hands.

  Maisy kept stroking his spikes and taking her own pleasure despite Frrar’s desperate efforts to plunge deep into her. She was so close… Her head fell back as she rode him and the hard line of his cock. Frrar gripped her waist and squeezed her breasts.

  Once again, their eyes locked. Maisy’s breathing turned shallow; she couldn’t handle the craving another second. She needed him. The closer her sex got to his, the more she wanted to throw away any pretense of building up to a hot fuck and simply keep grinding down on him until another earth-shattering climax.


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