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Frrar Page 19

by Layla Nash

  Her thighs shook with the effort of hovering over him, so she gave up – her body dropped and she sat on his cock outright. Even though she’d just climaxed and her body ached for his, his cock stretched her out in a deliciously tight fit.

  “Yes,” Frrar grunted. “Finally.”

  Maisy gripped his spikes in an echo of how her body clenched around him and started to ride her mate, sliding up and down along his thick length. She closed her eyes and basked in the ecstasy that rose in her chest, spilling toward all of her extremities in a delicious tingle.

  Frrar’s hand pressed between her legs, caressing her clit to the same rhythm as she fucked him. Maisy gave into the sensations, letting the pleasure spread like fire. She needed him so badly it terrified her. She’d finally found a place for herself in the universe – next to him – and all of that would disappear if she ever lost him. If he ever went away, she could lose everything.

  The hitch in her breathing turned his scales from a blue-violet swirl to a violet-red-tinged with worry. He held her waist and murmured, “Easy, babe.”

  Maisy shook her head and tried to find her rhythm again. Frrar growled and sat up, wrapping his arms around her to hold her close as they remained connected. Maisy released his spikes and rested her head on his shoulder as she also slid her arms around his neck. She pressed tight against him as his body replaced the devilish work of his hand on her clit.

  “I need you,” she whispered. “Don’t ever leave.”

  “Never,” Frrar said. “Never.”

  She moaned into his ear, softly at first, like she shared a secret. They moved slowly together as he plunged still deeper into her. It only seemed to make Frrar go crazier in his lust, because he leaned away from her for a second and placed his hands on her waist.

  It didn’t take long until the madness swirled up between them again and the moment of uncertainty faded from Maisy’s thoughts. It was right. They were right.

  Before she could finish any complex thoughts, though, Frrar caught her waist and lifted her up and drove her down onto his body. Maisy plunged down onto his cock with the force of his grip, groaning and leaning back, over and over. She savored his rough manhandling, the immediacy of the friction between their bodies, of the sweat trickling down his face and hers. Without taking her eyes off of him, she clamped down on him and dug her nails into his shoulders.

  Her legs started to spasm, closely followed by her pussy.

  “More. I need more of you,” she whispered.

  Frrar drilled into her, his thrusts growing faster with each heartbeat. Every time he was balls deep inside her, she rubbed her pussy on his abdomen, inching closer and closer to her release.

  “You’re mine,” he snarled.

  He clutched her and she clutched him, eyes tightly shut. “And you’re mine.”

  As her body collapsed in a universe-shattering orgasm, Maisy’s breathing turned shallow. Frrar groaned and spent himself deep into her. The entire room spun around them. She could only feel him; hear him; smell him. It was sensory overload, and it was all she wanted.

  She panted and let her eyes half-close as the last waves of ecstasy faded away. Frrar grumbled and drew her into the curve of his body, holding her close. Maisy dozed, content with the warmth of his scales and arm under her head, and smiled sleepily as he kept stroking her hip.

  Frrar kissed the back of her neck, moving her wet hair out of the way. “Out of this whole universe, I never dreamed I would find someone like you.”

  Maisy bit her lip and held onto the arm he draped over her side. “I never imagined someone like you.”

  “Be my mate. Forever. Stay with me. Travel the stars at my side. Bear my young.” His scales rattled and his mouth left a heated trail along her shoulder. “The first time I saw you hold my nephew, all I could think of was you carrying my young. Your stomach swelling, your breasts heavy with milk, that glow…”

  Maisy shivered in anticipation as his cock hardened once more and pressed against her ass. Frrar’s hand slid down between her thighs and he started to tease her once more. “That’s what you’ve been thinking about?”

  “I can’t stop.” Frrar shoved his knee between hers so he could lift her upper leg a bit and make more of her available for his fingers and cock. “I want to fuck you in every possible position until I know you’re filled with my seed.”

  Maisy laughed breathlessly and pressed her ass back against him, hoping he would slide into the right spot. “Oh really.”

  He growled and abruptly rolled her onto her hands and knees so he could hold her hips and rear up behind her. Maisy held onto the mattress and buried her moans in the pillows. She didn’t know about the whole “filled with his seed” bit, but she wouldn’t mind figuring out what positions were on his checklist, and adding some of her own favorites.

  They had time to figure out what worked and what really worked. He hadn’t said anything about going back to Xarav, but he damn well wanted her to be his mate, and that was enough for Maisy. They could figure out the rest of it once they got to the end of his checklist. And based on the enthusiasm as Frrar dragged her hips back against him and pounded into her so deep and rough he drove the air from her lungs, it was a long checklist to get through.

  She smiled and reached down so she could touch herself and his cock at the same time, and Frrar cursed as his thrusts grew erratic. Maisy relaxed and closed her eyes as she appreciated the benefits of being with someone who really focused on precision and practice. She was the luckiest girl in the universe.


  A few days later, Maisy followed Frrar into the rebel base and a large building that could have been some kind of administration center or prison or Feynman only knew what. He’d been busy dealing with the Sraibur crew and ship, figuring out what they were going to do, while also negotiating with the rebels over how much responsibility the crew bore for Faros’s actions. Violet, the judge advocate formerly of the Argo and currently serving on the Galaxos, had been helping them with the finer points of intergalactic law.

  Not that the rebels seemed particularly impressed with her Alliance credentials and calm appraisal of legal statutes. Maisy spent most of her time in sick bay with Faryl and Mrax, learning different ways of treating Xaravian maladies, and helped with Faryl’s slow but steady recovery. She’d been amazed at how quickly the little boy regained his balance and mobility.

  And his appetite. They couldn’t give him enough food, much as Maisy tried. He devoured everything in sight and asked for more. Mrax took it in stride and laughed about it, but Maisy worried that the little boy would starve. They had to send the Galaxos out to resupply for the Sraibur, since the pirate ship was not allowed to leave the rebel base.

  The pirate crew seemed resigned to their fate for the time being, and most remained content to work on the ship, go to the small gym near the engineering bay, and visit with Faryl to keep his spirits up. Maisy tried not to be surprised at the gentleness and care the giant Xaravians took with the little boy, even when he wanted to wrestle with them; the pirates all acted like doting uncles.

  Their behavior made her feel a little better even as she struggled with the thought that Faryl lost his father; they’d heard nothing of the captain’s condition since the rebels dragged him away. At least the boy would have uncles to look after him, those by blood as well as by friendship. Maisy held Frrar’s hand as they walked into the rebel building and met a grim-looking security officer, another Xaravian named Harzt. He shook arms with Frrar, nodded to Maisy, and led the way through a maze of halls deep into the building. “We have reached something of an impasse.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Frrar said under his breath. “My brother was a difficult man; his crew is also reluctant to help anyone with anything.”

  “It’s not the crew giving us trouble.” Harzt paused next to a heavily-guarded door, unlocked it, and leaned inside, gesturing for them to follow.

  Maisy hesitated, eyeing the guards, and reconsidered whether she wante
d to walk into a room with a reinforced door and armed guards in the heart of a rebel headquarters. It seemed like a poor choice, even without her recent history serving on a pirate ship. But Frrar chuckled and tugged her hand to drag her inside, and she found herself in what looked like a makeshift hospital room.

  And resting on a bare bones cot in the center, chained to rails, was Faros.

  Her jaw dropped as she stared at him. “You’re alive.”

  “Everyone is so surprised by that,” the pirate captain said. He managed half a smile, though it was clear he remained weak. “It is mostly due to your efforts, Doc.”

  Harzt remained near the door, irritation turning his scales red and orange. “It would have been more convenient for all of us if you’d let him die.”

  “Maybe not convenient for everyone,” Faros managed to wheeze.

  Maisy gave the security officer a dirty look. “He’s not that bad.”

  “He wanted to destroy the rebellion.”

  “No,” Maisy said. “He wanted to save his son.”

  Frrar looped his arm around her waist and squeezed her gently, murmuring something about not arguing with the security personnel or giving them more reasons to prosecute Faros. She clenched her jaw against another retort and instead edged closer to Faros’s bedside. “How do you feel? Are you recovering?”

  “Slowly,” Faros said. “Painfully. I rather prefer your ministrations than the... butchers they have on staff here.”

  Frrar snorted but didn’t release Maisy. “You’ll be fine. Toughen up, warrior.”

  His brother winced slightly as he moved in the bed, attempting to adjust how the chains pulled at his arms, and didn’t bother responding to his brother. “How’s my son doing?”

  “Getting stronger,” Maisy said. She smiled with relief; at least she had good news to share. “He’s eating everything in sight and his balance is coming back. He’s running circles around Mrax and most of your crew.”

  The pirate captain exhaled in relief and relaxed. “Good. That’s all I need to know.”

  Harzt cleared his throat and tilted his head at the door, wanting them to leave, but Maisy remained by the bed. “Are you sure there’s nothing you need? We’re waiting for news on the trial and after that we can come up with a plan to make sure you’re exonerated.”

  Faros started to smile, even with his eyes closed. “Except we all know that won’t happen.”

  “It will,” she said firmly. She had to retain that hope. She loved looking after Faryl, but the boy deserved to be with his father. And she wasn’t entirely certain she could mother a Xaravian boy, not just yet. The thought of mothering Frrar’s child brought heat to her cheeks, though she searched for a distraction. He still insisted on filling her with his seed at every possible moment and in every possible way, until Maisy started to think she’d end up pregnant before anyone else on the ship. “It must.”

  “Then I’ll need a hell of a lawyer,” Faros said. One silver eye cracked open to study her, a hint of amusement in the lines at the corner. “Know any?”

  Maisy opened her mouth to say something about hiring the best legal team in the galaxy, then hesitated. Another thought occurred to her, and she started to smile. Violet had always loved a challenge. Seeing the straitlaced and precise lawyer try to deal with Faros’s freewheeling piratical ways would make the trial into some serious entertainment. “Actually, I do. I’ll leave her name with the guards and have her check in as soon as we get the dates for the first trial.”

  Faros grunted and seemed to pass out, and as Frrar tugged her out of the room, Maisy started grinning. Maybe Violet needed a little adventure, too.

  Frrar didn’t know what Maisy was thinking, suggesting Violet as Faros’s lawyer, since he’d never imagined the Alliance-trained judge advocate would have anything to do with defending a pirate. But he just shook his head and guided her back to the Sraibur. It wasn’t any of his business what Maisy had planned for her friend and Faros, though he made a mental note to figure it out so there wouldn’t be any repercussions for her. He didn’t want Maisy at the trial, for fear too many others would take note of her presence and maybe take an interest. She was his to protect, and he took that obligation seriously.

  Although every time they started to talk about going back to Xarav and having the mating ceremony, they descended into furious lovemaking. He couldn’t control himself around her; a single look over her shoulder or a flick of her hair and his cock took over his brain. He didn’t even care that the rest of the Galaxos crew found it hilarious that he was so taken with Maisy. As long as they stayed out of his way when he wanted to drag her back to his room, he didn’t give a shit.

  Maisy checked in on Faryl, who slept soundly after a morning of tormenting Mrax, and the giant Xaravian warrior had passed out on one of the hospital beds, snoring loudly enough to drown out Faryl’s little wheezes. Frrar shook his head as Maisy murmured, “I’ll just check one thing—”

  “He’s fine.” Frrar knew that if she went into sick bay, she’d never leave. They needed to talk—and maybe more, since the ship was quiet and no one else stirred. “What did you mean about the lawyer and staying for the trial? We should get back to the Galaxos and get on with our lives. I want to take you back to Xarav to show you the triple suns at dawn. We can have the mating ceremony and…”

  She leaned against his side as they walked down the narrow corridor. “Violet is the best lawyer I’ve ever met. If anyone can free your brother—or at least keep the rebels from executing him—she can. And I thought we would stay with the Sraibur for a while, to make sure Faryl is well. The sick bay on the Galaxos isn’t advanced enough to treat him if he takes ill again.”

  Frrar grumbled as he opened the door to the larger quarters they shared. He’d taken the captain’s quarters after packing up Faros’s things and putting them in storage. Even though Frrar didn’t intend to remain captain, he wanted enough room for Maisy and him to stay in the same place—and share the same bed. He could hardly control himself the moment they were alone and the door closed behind them. He reached for her waist and the fasteners on her uniform, trying to pull her into bed.

  She laughed and twisted away, sitting across the room. “Slow down or we won’t actually talk. We should stay on the Sraibur, at least until we know when the trial is. Since the crew can’t leave, you can’t leave them without a captain.”

  He grumbled and stripped off his uniform so he was ready to take her the moment she was done talking. “Fine, we can stay on the Sraibur. Come over here.”

  “And after your brother is free and can take his ship back, we can go wherever you want. Back to Xarav for a bit, maybe.” Maisy fiddled with the fasteners on her uniform and his attention snapped to her fingers.

  “Back to Xarav,” he repeated. “The mating ceremony, of course.”

  “And then we’ll travel,” she murmured. Another fastener slipped free.

  Frrar growled and sat forward, ready to tackle her. “Anywhere you want.”

  “I want to be on a rebel ship,” Maisy said. “I want to see the universe and make it better, make up for what I did helping the Alliance.”

  “Anywhere and everywhere you want,” Frrar said. He gestured at her to get closer. “Come here.”

  Still Maisy held back, wandering just out of his reach. “And you’ll go with me.”

  “Of course.”

  She smiled and sauntered closer. “Maybe we can stop at one of the markets so we can get some fancy robes. Then you can practice taking them off and—”

  She squeaked as he grabbed her and hauled her into bed, then Maisy giggled and wrestled with him just enough that his scales rattled with lust and his hunting instinct took over. He growled and pinned her down, lost in her eyes as Maisy gazed up at him. He was well and truly caught.

  After a sweaty eternity of exploring more of each other, Frrar dozed in bed as Maisy curled into his side and rested her head on his chest. She loved listening to his hearts beat, the strange thump-thum
p so different from hers. She traced the edges of some of his scales, and a smile drifted over his face as he caught her hand and laced their fingers together.

  She meant what she said. Even if she didn’t really want adventure, she needed to make up for having supported the Alliance for so long. Maisy could support the rebel cause with her knowledge, just like Frrar could with his. Maybe that meant serving on the Galaxos, and maybe it meant staying on the Sraibur for a while. Or maybe it meant something else entirely—another ship or a rebel base or a spaceport somewhere. Who knew?

  But she wanted to find out with Frrar. She wanted all of it together, with him by her side. She wouldn’t be nearly as afraid with Frrar next to her, and not because he could be terrifying when angered—because he made her feel strong and confident and brave. For the first time in a long time, she felt ready to take on the universe and any surprises it threw her way.

  Maisy smiled and nuzzled against Frrar’s neck as she wrapped her arm around him and he held her closer. The universe could wait until the next morning, at least.

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  Juno and Layla

  Also by Layla Nash

  Science Fiction Romance

  Vaant (The Galaxos Crew Book One)


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