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True Calling

Page 7

by Siobhan Davis

  “OK, see you after,” I blurt out, as I stumble into my room. Maybe he does want to be more than friends? I wish I were more experienced with boys so that I could understand his intentions more clearly. I grimace inwardly when I think of how much of an expert I’ll most likely be in a few months time.

  “Morning Ariana,” says Fenuka in greeting. “You ready to begin?” she asks.

  “Bring it on,” I say with measured enthusiasm.

  I follow her into the beauty room and see that she’s filled the tub to the brim; the water looks so inviting and the smell of jasmine-scented candles fill the room. She instructs me to get undressed and to stay in the water until the timer goes off. She then leaves the room and I quickly strip off and hop into the soothing water, letting it soak my body luxuriously. Fenuka quietly enters the room just as the timer goes off. She asks me to step out and towel dry myself, and then she starts rubbing thick cream all over my body. I squirm in embarrassment. “You have a lovely body Ariana, there’s nothing to feel embarrassed about.” It does nothing to stem my nervousness, but I appreciate her attempt to make me feel more comfortable.

  Fenuka asks me to lie motionless on the spa bed as she pulls an elaborate looking scanning machine down from the ceiling. The machine scans my whole body and I feel a weird sensation all over—it’s both massaging and tightening at the same time. She then presses a button on the side of the scanner and it begins scanning me again from head to toe. This time the sensation is totally different—I feel sharp zaps all over my body, not quite painful, but definitely borderline. When it’s done I automatically stretch my body, flexing and checking each part, to ensure it still functions as it should.

  I instantly notice the changes. My body is devoid of hair and in a panic I instinctively reach my hand to my head, relieved to find that I still have a full head of hair. My skin gleams and upon closer inspection I note that my freckles and imperfections are completely gone.

  “What just happened?” I ask her in amazement.

  “You’ve just had body polishing and laser hair removal,” she advises. I look in the mirror and note that a small scar I had on my back is nowhere to be seen. My body looks as smooth as a baby’s and feels as soft as silk. Next she moves on to my manicure and pedicure, and she paints my nails with permanent polish. Fenuka explains that we can easily alternate the color to coordinate with my various outfits. She shapes my eyebrows and advises me to go asleep while she applies mink eyelashes. When I wake, she tells me that she’s also conducted some facial resurfacing to even out my skin-tone.

  “Come and have a look at this,” she says and I follow her into the wardrobe room. She clicks a few buttons on the data panel and the commiboard activates. I see several images of myself with varying types of haircuts. “These are the styles I felt would suit you best, which one do you prefer?” she asks. I take a few moments to look through them all, and any one of them would be a good improvement. The last one catches my eye though, my hair is essentially the same length, but it’s layered and cut so that it appears more volumized. I indicate that one and Fenuka motions for me to sit in a chair at the dressing table.

  She instantly begins cutting my hair in a chopping motion before blasting it with a hair dryer. Lastly, she applies a light layer of make-up and then confirms that we’re finished. I look at my data-cuff and I’m shocked to discover that I’ve been here for four hours! “I decided not to go ahead with the tan, your natural coloring suits the overall look much better,” she says. I don’t disagree.

  Fenuka walks decisively into the wardrobe and comes out a few minutes later with a bundle of items over her arm. “Here, try these on,” she says as she hands them to me. I start with a gorgeous off-white set of lingerie made of delicate lace, and then pull on a pair of skintight denim jeans, fitted white vest top, black blazer-style jacket and red and black patterned scarf. Calf length, fur-lined biker boots complete the look. She slides a black and silver bangle on my arm and hands me a black leather satchel made of the finest leather. I have to take a double look in the mirror—to verify that the reflection is indeed mine. I’m delighted with my transformation and pleased that I still look like me. Well, a polished, sophisticated version of me.

  My hair is glossy and smooth and falls in soft curls to my shoulder. My skin gleams and looks near translucent, the make-up is subtle and natural. My lashes are even longer and thicker, something I thought was virtually impossible. The clothes fit me perfectly and accentuate all my curves, whilst looking effortless. “I love it,” I say passionately and I mean it, I haven’t felt or looked this good in ages.

  “I’ll be sending your weekly wardrobe to your home from next week. Obviously you still need to wear your uniform in the Academy, but outside of that you need to dress to impress sweetie. You never know when, or where, you’ll bump into a potential suitor,” she says gaily. I hug her goodbye and head out the door.

  He’s sitting in the same position as last time.

  “How long have you been waiting?” I ask.

  “A while,” he says as he looks me up and down appreciatively.


  “Don’t be, it was definitely worth the wait.” I thrill at his words.

  “Thanks,” I say, so he knows I can be gracious and not just sullen. It’s only then that I note the change in his appearance. “So give me a twirl,” I say and he stands and slowly turns a full 360, as if he was modelling the latest menswear collection on the catwalk.

  He’s wearing dark navy jeans, a white fitted T-shirt under an open red, blue and white plaid shirt. He wears thick heavy black lace-up boots. His hair has been cut slightly tighter at the sides and is teased back off his face in a more casual style, showcasing his flawless skin. He looks even more beautiful than usual. He tries to look provocative as he twirls, but fails miserably. “Well, don’t give up the day job,” I tease, as we both collapse in a fit of giggles. He takes my hand in his, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world, and I think my heart might actually fly out of my chest.

  “We have the rest of the day off, do you want to hang out?” he asks looking directly into my eyes. I struggle to breathe but finally manage to string a few words together.

  “Sure, what do you fancy doing?” I ask.

  He asks if I like swimming. I love swimming, and I haven’t gone in ages so I nod my head positively. We both agree to rummage around in our rooms, to see if there are any swimming clothes available, as it will save time. Fenuka obviously left while Cal and I were larking about outside, as there is no sign of her when I come back inside. It takes me a while to locate what I need, but eventually I find a row of bikinis and swimming costumes. I pick a nice white and gold suit that looks flattering. I grab a towel from the spa room and stuff both into my satchel.

  We take the Velo to Uisce, Region 5, which Team Reminiscence have created in the likeness of Hawaaii, with numerous beaches and coves dispersed all over the area. Cal is taking me to his favorite cove, where he says the water is so clear you can see your reflection perfectly mirrored in it. We walk for a few miles until we reach the spot.

  Wow, he wasn’t exaggerating, the cove is small but perfectly formed. It’s rocky borders are surrounded by palm trees and intermittent shrubbery. The sea is varying shades of blue and you can see a hint of the coral reef that lies underneath. The water is so serene, there’s barely a ripple. The sand is golden and very smooth to the touch. It’s completely empty, giving the illusion of our own idyllic, private hideaway.

  “This place is amazing, how did you find it?”

  “I stumbled on it by accident. Jaden had brought my sister and I to a larger beach about five hundred meters from here one day. I was trying to find it on my own, but I took a wrong turn and ended up here. I won’t swim anywhere else now, this is like my own little piece of heaven. I’ve never seen anyone else here. You’re the first girl I’ve brought here you know,” he says somewhat bashfully. I gulp, not really sure how to respond to that. So I stick to safer topic

  “I didn’t know you had a sister, do you have any other siblings?”

  “Jaden is my older brother, Melandra is my only sister, I’m pretty sure you’ve seen her around campus before. We sometimes travel in together although our schedules are different; she’s sixteen and in the year below us.” The blonde bombshell, I think, that’s why she looked so familiar.

  “She’s the blonde haired girl I see you with sometimes?”

  “Yep, that’s Mel,” he says before adding, “who did you think she was?” Yikes.

  “Um, your friend,” I reply with no conviction whatsoever. He laughs raucously.

  “Or maybe you thought she was my girlfriend and that’s why you’re so prickly,” he teases. I decide to come clean.

  “OK, maybe I did, not that it matters anyway,” I say.

  “Why not?” he asks with a puzzled expression.

  “You know why not, or have you forgotten about ‘The Calling’ already?”

  “Forget about that,” he says, “do you like me or not?”

  “Cal, this type of conversation could get us in trouble,” I say as I look around for signs of the notorious big brother in the sky. No camera is visible to the naked eye, but I’m sure they’re around somewhere, buried in the palm trees or maybe in the rock-face. “Besides we came here to swim and the water looks so inviting, I’m not wasting another minute,” I say determinedly.

  “I wouldn’t call it wasteful,” he says as he gently pulls me to him, “you’re not going anywhere until you answer my question.” I stare at him blankly, momentarily fazed by his closeness and I can’t actually remember what he asked me. “Do you like me or not?” he asks impatiently.

  “Yes, I like you. Now can we go swimming,” I mutter.

  I daren’t look up. He tilts my chin up with his finger until I’m looking squarely into his eyes. “Yes,” he says as he continues to hold my gaze before slowly moving his head down towards mine. I feel panic rising, and unsure what to do, I firmly push him away. He laughs as I head into the palm trees to find a private space to pull on my swimsuit, and I vaguely hear him mumble something about innocence and purity. It’s only then it occurs to me; he never said if he liked me. I wonder why I broke away when I was sure he was going to kiss me. I wish I were more adept at this boy stuff because I’m totally out of my comfort zone. It’s disconcerting to be this unconfident around members of the opposite sex, I wish I knew if I was always like this.

  I take a quick look at myself in admiration. The swimsuit displays my curves perfectly, it’s the right hint of sensuousness without giving too much away.

  Cal is already in the water, diving and rising in sleek, graceful moves, looking like a natural water baby. I’m a good swimmer but definitely not in his league. I stride into the water and feel the soft warm waves as they caress and lap at my body. Cal has surfaced and beckons for me to come join him, his eyes rake me over from head to toe as I approach, and I can’t stop myself from blushing furiously. “You look totally gorgeous,” he says, and I actually think he means it sincerely.

  We spend hours in the water, swimming and diving and messing about. Cal lifts me onto his shoulders and I allow the warm sun to dry my back as he walks effortlessly through the sea, as if I weigh nothing. We lie floating on our backs and talk endlessly, trying to get to know each other better. The conversation flows easily and this is the most comfortable I have ever felt in his company. All too soon nightfall creeps up on us and we reluctantly get out; the temperature has dropped significantly and the water is bordering on cold. Changing back into my clothes is no easy feat. It’s too dark to get changed under the shade of the trees, so I strictly instruct Cal to turn his back while I try to pull my clothes on, over still too wet skin. I end up falling several times in the sand, much to his amusement. Finally, I succeed and we’re ready to go. Cal takes my hand as we navigate our way out, and he never lets go. I raise no objection, relishing the warmth radiating between us.

  I realize I’m totally starving at about the same time my stomach does, making a loud rumbling sound. “I really need to eat.”

  “Me too, let’s see what our options are in the square,” he says. Our options, it seems, are rather limited at this late hour, so we settle for takeaway burgers, which we eat sitting on a bench in the square.

  “Thanks for sharing your cove with me, I had a great time.”

  “You’re welcome,” he says as he moves in closer beside me. My heart accelerates wildly. This time I don’t move away when he lowers his lips to mine and gently kisses me. I only break away when I feel the kiss grow in intensity, my father’s caution all too fresh in my mind. “What’s wrong?” he asks in confusion.

  “No good can come of this Cal,” I whisper. “You remember what your father said—we have no choice but to comply with the rules of ‘The Calling’, we can’t have these feelings,” I say sadly.

  “Nothing that feels this right can be so wrong,” he says in dismay, but he doesn’t make any other move on me. We head back to Aqua in silence.


  It takes me ages to fall asleep, I can’t stop thinking about Cal. I touch my lips as I remember our tender kiss. In my dream, he’s kissing me passionately as we lie entwined on the golden sandy beach of the cove. But it’s not Cal’s arms that embrace me—it’s Zane’s.

  Zane is in his bedroom, lying on his right side, on his bed. He’s crying softly into his pillow. He clutches something tightly in his hand. It looks like a photo, the type you used to get in a photo booth back home on Earth. The image becomes less and less blurry until I can see it clearly. No, no, it can’t be...

  I wake gasping for air and it takes several minutes for my breathing to stabilize. I pull the covers up snugly under my neck to ward off the severe shivering that has enveloped my body. I force myself to confront the apparent reality of the dream.

  I recall it sharply—clasped in his hand, Zane was holding a picture of the two of us.


  I sleep soundlessly the rest of the night thanks to the Medicet, its presence in my life is becoming quite a regular fixture. I wonder if I’m destined to spend the rest of my nights in a drug induced slumber.

  My emotions are completely all over the place today, I really think I’m losing it. Well, it’s either that, or I face the fact that Zane is real, and he formed some part of my life back on Earth. If that’s true, then what’s happening to my brain? If Dr. Victus is correct, and these aren’t memory recollections, then what the hell am I seeing? And if he’s real, what did he mean to me? From what I remember of the photo, I was sitting casually on his lap and we were both pulling funny faces at the camera. I can’t remember anything about the circumstances, and I have absolutely no recollection of that picture.

  I desperately need to talk to Eve, to see if she can help me make sense of it, but there’s only one place where we can talk safely, and I don’t know if I want to reveal my father’s hiding place yet. He didn’t tell me to keep it confidential, but I’m sure it’s implied. My head hurts from all this mental anguish and I rub my left temple vigorously. I silently will the Medicet to arrive—it would be nice to blank out today—to dull the pain and ache in my head and my heart. Typically though, when I decide I need it, it doesn’t make an appearance.

  I don’t have time to go out for a run because I overslept again. I get myself dressed, fed and out the door as if on auto-pilot. Lily walks with me to the Velo station, but I’m in no mood for talking; she doesn’t notice though as she babbles away about her recent trip to the Research lab. I make the required sounds in all the right places, but I’m not really paying attention.

  Eve catches up with me just outside the Academy, she looks worried. “Ari, is everything OK? You look troubled. I didn’t see you at all yesterday, what’s going on?” she asks with trepidation.

  “I have tons to tell you,” I say conspiratorially.

  “Come over to my house tonight and let’s have a catch up. We can also go over our lists toge
ther and see whom we’re matched up with,” she says excitedly.

  Drat, I’d totally forgotten that today was the day when our Top Ten list was publicized; this day just keeps getting better and better. I wonder if it’s safe to talk at Eve’s. Her parents aren’t in the military, and I can’t think of any reason why the government would need to monitor the Zousa’s, they’re one of the most law-abiding families I know. I think it should be safe to talk provided I choose my words carefully. “Great, I’ll definitely call over later,” I tell her as we make our way into the campus.

  I only see Cal once today, during Military Engineering class. We say a polite hello as we enter the lecture hall, and then intentionally avoid each other. I don’t know why I feel so distraught when it was my decision not to spend time together. It’s official, I am an emotional wreck.


  “I’m going over to Eve’s,” I call out after dinner, as I pull on my new gray military style coat. My first weekly wardrobe delivery arrived, and it was the only thing to bring a smile to my face all day. I’m wearing a short, smock dress in paisley print with sheer pantyhose and red ballet pumps. My mood has instantly lifted. My mother gives me a huge hug and wishes me good luck. Of course, they will know my Top Ten at the same time I will because the information will be publicly streamed on an on-going basis from now on, throughout every home in Aqua.

  Eve’s parents greet me warmly as I arrive and we chat briefly before Eve appears to rescue me. “So, what’s going on?” she asks as soon as we reach her bedroom. I fill her in on my day with Cal and she swoons when I tell her about the kiss. I then update her on the latest Zane dreams, she gasps audibly when I tell her about the photo. “Okay, first things first, how do you feel about Cal?”

  “You were right Eve: I like him, really like him, but unless he’s on my list there’s no point in dreaming about what could be,” I say despairingly.

  “He’ll be on your list,” she says confidently.


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