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G-Spot 2 Lust: The 5th Deadly Sin (G-Spot 2: The Seven Deadly Sins)

Page 12

by Noire

  I told Trey I was willing to type or file papers, or do whatever he needed me to do to help out around The Crossover, and he put my ass right to work.

  But as cool and nice as Trey was when we were around each other, I got the feeling that he was trying to keep a whole lot of distance between us on purpose. I knew he had a lot of women because they were always blowing up his phone, but I hadn’t actually seen him with anybody yet.

  It was real late on a Friday night when Mister Trey kicked up a hot spark in me that damn near blew me out of the water. The Talented Ten crew had hosted a talent show for some of the younger kids at The Crossover, and a lot of people had turned out to support it. Local businesses had donated prizes to be raffled off, and some of the parents had volunteered to make some chicken wing and French fry plates and sell them out of The Crossover’s kitchen. It was a pretty big event, and most of the money that was collected was going straight to the scholarship fund that Trey had established in memory of the teenager, Princess’, who had overdosed on drugs and killed herself and her unborn baby.

  My job for the night was to keep track of the raffle money and all the cash that came in at the door, and to make sure the kitchen register was straight and they had enough change on hand to keep the food sales going. I counted stacks of money and stayed outta sight in the small room behind Trey’s office all night long, scared that I might see somebody I knew, and scared that somebody I knew might see me too.

  Besides Trey and Chiney, the only person who knew I was even in the building was Rita. I had called her from Trey’s office and her and her man Dutchy swung by to see me. I was too damned glad to see my girl, and so happy to meet Dutchy too. Rita had told me he was a good guy, and I could tell by talking to him that everything she’d said about him was true.

  I was happy for Rita. I really was. As kids, both of us had survived some fucked up situations. My junkie mother had offered up my life in an attempt to save hers, and Rita had been forced to take her child-raping father’s life in order to save her own. But at least things had gotten better for her over the years.

  It was kinda late when me and Trey finally got back to his brownstone. He punched in the security code and unlocked the door and let me walk inside first, but before I could get to my room he called my name and said, “Juicy. Um, check it out. Thanks for helping me out with the money and all that tonight. That was real cool.”

  I wanted to say something back, but instead I just nodded and went inside my room and closed the door. Thirty minutes later I had taken my shower and climbed in the big, fluffy bed, and I was knocked out before my head hit the pillow.

  But I didn’t stay out for long.

  A strange noise woke me up. It was coming from Trey’s room right next door, and it only took me a second to realize what was up.

  “Oh yeah, baby. Dig it out. Fuck this pussy. Ummm…yeah. Just like that, Trey. Oh, baby….this your pussy, Trey.”

  I opened my eyes in the darkness. Trey’s headboard was tearing up the damn wall, and by the way some chick was screaming and moaning, Trey must have been tearing up her stuff too.

  I started to go down to Chiney’s room and see if she was up, but my girl had been sneaking chicks in the crib almost every night and getting her wild thang on too. And what was worse, as hard as Trey and his manz were working to keep kids off drugs, Chiney was still out there getting high, and I didn’t like being around her when she was zooted and flying.

  There was nothing I could do except lay there in the blackness and listen to Trey and his girl get their freak on. I tried not to, but I couldn’t stop myself from imagining what Trey looked like naked, and how good girlfriend must have been feeling as he blew her back out.

  Whoever the chick was, she talked mad shit as she was getting hers. She screeched and moaned and gave Trey big props as the bed squeaked and banged up against my wall.

  Biting my lip, I flipped over on my stomach and flung the pillow over my head. I could still hear them loud and clear, and to my horror my clit was starting to throb and I felt myself getting slick down there.

  I rose up on my knees and scooted my butt back the way a baby likes to sit. I stuck my fingers in my ears, and rocked back and forth a little bit and tried to sing a song to block them out, but my body had a mind of its own and pretty soon I realized I was rocking my bed to the same fuck-rhythm that Trey was rocking his to.

  Giving in, I pressed my titties into the bed, and then brought my hands up to find my nipples. They were stiff and aching, and it felt strange to touch them in this way after so many months of feeling dead inside. I pinched them through the fabric of my t-shirt and I moaned as a thin trail of slobber pooled in my mouth.

  I flipped back over on my back and shuddered as the girl in Trey’s bed hollered, “Ayyy. Ayyy! AYYY Yeah! Throw that big dick, Trey baby! Throw it!”

  My shit was a wrap after hearing all that. I kicked off my pajama pants and slid my hand down in my panties. I mashed my clit and plunged my finger deep into my own wetness. I moaned real loud as I arched my back in the darkness and fucked myself with pleasure. I pictured myself in the girl’s place with Trey moving on top of me and driving his pelvis into my hips. Gripping my left breast, I swirled my finger around my clit each time I dipped it deep on the down-stroke, and my hips fucked up to meet my hands like Trey was on top of me banging me out for real.

  It didn’t take me long to come, and when I did, I clamped my thighs on my hand and continued playing in my own pussy as I squeezed and crushed my clit until the sweet feelings began to fade.

  But once it was over I felt like shit. I used to be a professional masturbator back in the day, and I had explored every nook and cranny of my own body so I knew what I needed and I knew what I liked. It was kinda creepy, though, to be listening while somebody else fucked and to get off so deliciously on that shit. I knew I probably wasn’t the type of woman that could attract a man like Trey, and I felt like I had disrespected him a little bit by listening in on his intimate night with his lady, and especially by fantasizing about him doing to me all the things that I could hear him doing with her.

  But something about what Trey was doing next door had changed. The bed had stopped hitting the wall and the chick had stopped moaning. Instead she was yelling now. Bitching. It sounded like they were arguing, but I couldn’t tell what it was about. All I could hear was her hollering, “No! What’s my name? What’s my name, Trey? Call me by my fuckin’ name!”

  I got up out the bed and crept over to the door. I had to pee and I wanted to go clean myself up a little bit, so I eased outta my room and ran down the hall to Chiney’s bathroom.

  I wasn’t in there very long, and I was halfway back to my room when the door to Trey’s room was flung open.

  A cute sistah in high heels and a pair of tight jeans barged out into the hallway with Trey right behind her. He was naked except for the towel that was wrapped around his waist.

  “Debbie,” he pleaded. He reached for her shoulders and she jerked away. “It ain’t even like that,” he told her. “C’mon, baby. I’m sorry. I fucked up. It was a mistake. I don’t know what I was thinking. It was a mistake.”

  She turned around to face him and I could see that she was beautiful.

  “Nah, Trey. It wasn’t no mistake! You said what you meant, that’s all. Just admit that shit!”

  “Deb,” he said, but then girlfriend looked past him and saw me coming down the hall toward them drying my hands on a paper-towel.

  “Excuse me,” I said softly as I got near my door. I yawned and ducked my head a little bit as I reached for the knob. I already felt like a slut for getting me a nut while they were fucking, and I sure didn’t want Trey to know I had been wide-awake and listening to him bang her all that time.

  But his friend caught me in her glare and barked on me.

  “Who’s you?” she demanded.

  I paused with my hand on the doorknob and looked up slowly. “I’m Chiney’s friend Juicy,” I said, and suddenly I was re
al conscious of the fact that all I had on was a thin t-shirt and a pair of boy-shorts drawers.

  “Ohhhh,” girlfriend drawled and glanced up at Trey, who sighed and shook his head like, damn!

  “Okay, now I get it,” she said nodding her head and narrowing her eyes like a light bulb had just gone off in her brain.

  “So you’re Juicy, huh?” She smirked and looked me up and down. “Well, since you’re the bitch whose name this niggah be moaning out when he’s fucking, I guess you’re the bitch he really wants to be with then.”


  It was now or never, and Nooni knew she had to act fast. Once again Truth had shaken her awake from a drugged-induced stupor, and she had staggered into the bathroom sick, but stone-cold sober and plagued with feelings of deep shame and disgust

  Last night had been crazy. Monique and Bilal had pushed her into the XXX cinema room, then put her in a sandwich and used her poor body every which way they could. They’d fucked her up against a wall, and Bilal had penetrated her anally while Monique had gotten down on her knees and stuck her face in Nooni’s pussy. Bilal had lost his nut after just a few minutes, but Monique and Nooni had switched positions several times, licking each other out until they both screamed with orgasms. Nooni had hated every moment of it even as she was doing it, but between the drugs and her emotional frailty she’d been unable to fight or resist.

  Just minutes earlier Truth had found her sprawled out naked on the XXX cinema room floor, and when he woke her up the sensation of Bilal’s joint was still throbbing up her ass, and the scent of Monique’s pussy was riding all up her nose.

  Truth had hugged her and told her everything was gonna be okay. He told her he was about to get her the fuck outta the G-Spot, and after making sure she understood his instructions he dipped outta sight just as Monique walked in the room and said Salida wanted to see her in G’s office.

  The office was empty when Nooni walked in, so she sat down across from G’s old desk and waited. It wasn’t even lunchtime yet and she could hear Salida and Ace next door in the stripper’s dressing room trying to sweet-talk the building inspector outta giving them a violation, as they explained that a plumber had come out and fixed all their sewage problems.

  Nooni sat there chewing on the collar of her wrinkled blouse and praying for good luck as she watched the ticking clock. Truth was waiting for her outside in the car and she knew she was almost out of time. As soon as she heard the flushing of multiple toilets in the stripper’s dressing room she made her daring move.

  Jumping up from the chair, Nooni peeked out of G’s office and saw Ace and Salida leading the tall white man over to the bathroom near the bar. She waited until they disappeared from view and the coast was clear, and then like lightening she darted down the short hall and pushed through the back door.

  Daylight hit her as she sped across the pavement like a monster was dead on her ass.

  But instead of being pursued by a beast, her man Truth was waiting in the car with the passenger-side door open, just like he’d said he would be.

  Nooni dove head-first into the whip, yanking the door shut behind her and shaking like a leaf as Truth came up off the gas and peeled out of the narrow alley.

  “Stay down!” he warned her, his eyes glued to the rear-view mirror as he stomped on the gas and she cowered on the passenger-side floor.

  The coast was real clear as Truth turned onto the one-way street coming out of the alley, and then hit the brakes hard as the traffic light at the corner turned red. The squeal of the tires cut through the air, and several heads turned in his direction.

  “Just stay down,” he repeated, trying to keep his voice calm for Nooni. “We out, baby. I got you out. Now you just gotta stay outta sight as we ride past the front of the Spot, okay?”

  Hugging the floorboard, Nooni trembled in fear.

  “Can’t you just run the damn light?” she asked. Her terrified eyes searched Truth’s face, scared like hell that somebody might run outta the G-Spot and drag her back inside.

  “Nah,” Truth said. “It’s too much traffic out here.” He was scared and counting the seconds until the light changed too. It finally did, but Truth knew the most dangerous part was about to pop off. If anybody had noticed Nooni missing or seen her sneak out the back door, then more than likely they would be looking for her by now.

  Truth eased up off the brake and flowed slowly through the intersection with the rest of the vehicular traffic. Approaching the front of the G-Spot, he glanced toward the entrance and was relieved to see the door closed and the outside area deserted.

  He took a real deep breath, and was just about to let it out when the first round hit him in the neck.


  The passenger-side window shattered, sending thousands of pieces of tempered glass raining down on Nooni’s head. She rose up and glanced outside and saw her ex-boyfriend Maleek aiming his gat dead at her. A terrified scream burst from her lips and she ducked back down again.


  The second bullet sank into Truth’s right shoulder.


  The third slug whizzed in from the shattered window. It penetrated Truth’s right temple, exited his eye socket, and blew out the driver’s window as it continued on its path.

  The chaos of tires screeching, horns honking, and the terrified screams of pedestrians filled the air. People ran like hell on the streets. Some squatted behind parked cars, while drivers ducked down and put the petal to the metal, doing their best to get out of the line of fire.

  From the floor of the car, Nooni could only scream. Truth’s dead hands had fallen away from the steering wheel, and the driverless car had turned left into oncoming traffic, barely missing a passing garbage truck.

  The car continued, out of control, until it jumped the curb and the front bumper collided with a Johnny pump, bringing it to a halt not more than three steps from the front entrance of the G-Spot.

  The safety inspector was the first one out the door. He was followed closely by Greco, Ace, Pluto, and Monique. They stared into the glass-shattered windows, eyeing Truth’s lifeless body and listening to Nooni scream for help.

  “Oh, no,” Pluto moaned, rushing over to his nephew and snatching the car door open. Truth’s body fell over and Pluto caught him in his arms. “Ah, shit man!” Pluto cried out, his face contorted in grief and horror. “What the fuck?” he hollered at the sight of his sister’s son. “Ah, nah, man!”

  Salida was one of the last people to push her way out the G-Spot door, but she was the first one who saw shit for what it was.

  “The girl!” she pinched Ace’s fat arm and hissed under her breath as Nooni screamed her head off from the front seat. “Get her outta that damn car and bring her back inside!”

  Ace rushed over to the passenger-side of the car and flung the door open. In one movement he scooped Nooni’s ass up off the floor and cradled her in his massive arms. He positioned her head so that it was in the crook of his left arm, and then he squeezed her in a bear-hug that almost took her breath away.

  “Say one word, bitch,” he warned her in a deep growl. “One word, and I’ll break ya fuckin’ neck.”

  Nooni went limp with fear. Her desperate screams turned into soft hiccups as Ace carried her toward the G-Spot.

  “I don’t think you should be moving that child.” An old bag lady standing next to a shopping cart filled with junk chastised Ace as he walked past. “How you know she ain’t broke her back?”

  “Damn Miss Bag Lady!” Ace barked, as he carried Nooni over the threshold of the G-Spot with Salida quickly following them. “What? You’s a fuckin’ bag doctor too? Ain’t nothing broken on this broad. I got her ass.”


  When Ace told that old bag lady that he had Nooni’s ass, he really meant that shit. She was a prisoner for real now. With Truth dead—cold slumped for no apparent reason—Ace and Salida were about to play her ass closer than close.

  “Where the hell did you think you
were going?” Salida grilled her as Ace smacked the hysterical young girl upside her head. They were sitting in Salida’s small office upstairs in the cut room, and Nooni was hysterical and feening for a hit. Bits of blood and gore from Truth’s blasted dome stuck to her face and arms.

  “Please, Mizz Salida…I need it…” Nooni cried, ducking Ace’s next blow as she begged and shivered and reached her trembling arms out toward Salida.

  “You need your fuckin’ ass kicked!” Ace bellowed. “You just got a good niggah killed, you dumb bitch!”

  Nooni’s head swirled in a vacuum of fear and grief. She couldn’t stop hearing the sound those bullets had made as they sank into Truth’s flesh. Or the gurgling noise he made deep in his throat, and especially the sight of his mangled eyeball after the bullet tore through his brain and continued wreaking destruction on its exit path.

  “Please…she begged. Her mouth was dusty and her bowels were going loose. “Mizz Salida, help me. Gimme just a little bit. I’ll do whatever you want me to do. I swear I will!”

  “What I wanted you to do,” Salida said sternly, “was meet me in the goddamn office like you were told to do! We could have avoided all of this,” she took Nooni’s hand gently and lowered her voice. “None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me and trusted me!”

  “I do trust you!” Nooni shrieked. Her raw need was gnawing at her. That monkey on her back was demanding to be fed. She dry-heaved from her empty stomach and her entire body convulsed in agony. “I swear I trust you, Mizz Salida. You’re the only person I’ll ever trust!”

  “It sure doesn’t seem like it,” Salida disputed. “You don’t run away from the people you trust, child.”

  “He made me run!” Nooni blurted out. The young girl wanted what Salida had so bad that she lied like a mutha on her dead man. “Truth made me go outside and get in the car! He said if I didn’t….” she searched for something to say that would get her what she needed, “if I didn’t run then something bad was gonna happen to me!”


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