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G-Spot 2 Lust: The 5th Deadly Sin (G-Spot 2: The Seven Deadly Sins)

Page 15

by Noire

  The bag of donuts made a crinkling sound as the strange man picked them up and stomped out of the kitchen holding them in his hand.

  It seemed like forever that Chub waited in that hot, dusty closet, but she was far too terrified to move, even after the house grew eerily quiet in the early morning dawn.

  Chub fell asleep, and she had no idea how many hours had passed before she awakened to hear footsteps, and then voices again.

  “Rita!” a lady called out. It sounded like their next-door neighbor. “Marguerita! Why you go leaving your front door open for?” the Cuban lady yelled. “You want people should come in and rob you?”

  The footsteps faded and disappeared down the hall toward the bedrooms. And then suddenly there was a loud scream.

  “Oh my God! We need the police!”

  Chub opened her eyes. The voice sounded just like their next-door neighbor, but she couldn’t be sure. She closed her eyes again and drifted back into a fear-induced sleep.

  Time passed, and sometime later the frightened eight-year-old was awakened again.

  “I found another one!”

  Chub squinted. A man with a blue uniform was peering into the broom closet and shining a flashlight in her eyes.

  “She’s alive. We’ve got one who’s alive!”

  Chub yawned and clutched her stomach. She was so hungry.

  “Are you okay, little girl?” the officer asked. “Come on out, dear. You’re safe now. Nobody’s gonna hurt you.”

  Chub took the hand that was being offered. She stepped out of the broom closet and into the kitchen. It was morning time. The sun was shining. She glanced down at the floor and saw the dirty footprints and streaks of blood that had been left by the man who stole her powdered donuts.

  As the policeman led her from the room Chub saw scratch-marks on the wall, like a cat had been dragged out of the apartment. The police officer called out to someone in the back of the house.

  “That’s a total of four, McNair. The first ambulance already left with the three victims who were shot, and I’ve got one survivor right here with me. The second ambulance just pulled up outside.”

  Chub stood there silently. The policeman had just said there were a total of four people, but there had been five people sleeping in her apartment last night.

  And when Dutchy Gaines arrived on the scene minutes later to find crime tape stretched across his girlfriend’s apartment door, he broke down crying at the carnage that greeted him.

  “You okay, Chub?” he bent down and clutched the stone-faced little girl to his chest as they led her down the steps and outside to the ambulance. “Are you okay, baby girl?”

  Anguish filled his heart as Chub stared straight ahead without a hint of emotion or recognition in her eyes.

  Dutchy grimaced as they put Chub in the ambulance. What kind of fiends would pull a kick-door on a house full of women and shoot innocent little kids in the head?

  “At least that kid survived,” Rita’s building manager called out as Dutchy hurried back to his car so he could follow the ambulance to the hospital. “They said Rita and two other little kids got shot in their sleep, but Chub was hiding in the closet so they missed her.”

  Dutchy heard what the man said, but it took him a minute to realize that something was out of order about the whole damn scene. He was halfway to the hospital when he remembered the long conversation he’d had with Rita about why he couldn’t come by her crib last night.

  They said Rita and two other little kids got shot in their sleep, but Chub was hiding in the closet so they missed her.

  Rita has been babysitting for two little girls last night. Dutchy’s heart pounded in his chest when he did the math and realized that yeah, Rita’s baby sister Chub was damn lucky to still be alive, but once again, her other sister, Nooni, was gone.


  The brown-skinned beauty laying spread-eagle on the bed had Chiney straight-up pussy whipped. Dressed in a skimpy black thong and a sheer, front-snapping black bra that had come undone, her wrists were tied to the bedposts by silk scarves in soft shades of orange and yellow pastel. Her feet were tied as well, with similar scarves in pale pink and mint green.

  Both women were flying high on some real good Red Devil, and the beautiful girl looked anything but stressed as she lay vulnerable and exposed, her taut stomach quivering with anticipation.

  Chiney stared at the twin mounds of 38-D cup flesh that was being presented to her, and her mouth watered at the sight of the chocolate-chip sized suckable nipples.

  “You think you so cute, don’t you?” Chiney teased, crouched on her knees between the girl’s lean, shapely legs. She reached down and grasped the heel of the girl’s right foot and brought her manicured toes to her mouth.

  “I think you cute too,” Chiney whispered, parting her lips and inserting a perfectly polished big toe into her mouth. She sucked the girl’s digit greedily, swirling her hot tongue around its elegant base. Pulling back, Chiney went to work on the other toes, attacking them with greedy kisses, and darting her tongue in and out of the sweet crevices between each toe.

  She lifted the slim foot to her shoulder, and licked the girl’s ankles, and kissed up her tight calves.

  Chiney was strung out. And not just on all the crack, ice, and pills that she had been steadily ingesting since her release from Rikers Island. She was high on the sweet smell of pussy that seeped from the slit between Venus Kendrick’s thighs. Of all the girls that Chiney had partied with over the years, out of all the seemingly straight chicks who were either bi-curious or straight up lesbians in disguise, none had ever rocked her the way Venus did.

  And it wasn’t just a sex thang, either, Chiney knew. It was a love thing. They had been together for the last three years, and even though Chiney fucked around and hit some outside pussy every now and then, no woman had ever gotten close to stealing her heart the way Venus had.

  But being Venus’s stud came with certain problems, Chiney had to admit. As a drug addict who was always trying to kick the shit and get her life straight, she struggled like crazy with her sobriety. But Venus never seemed to worry about hers. The only thing the girl wouldn’t touch was crack, but she would fuck up some roofies, X, zanies, and ice seven days a week.

  It was no secret that Trey couldn’t stand the sight of the girl, and he damn sure didn’t want her coming around the crib. He blamed Venus for causing most of Chiney’s relapses, and he was all the time barking about how dumb chicks like her kept dope dealers in business.

  But as much as Chiney loved her brother there wasn’t a damn thing he could say to keep her away from Venus. It was more than her dimpled smile, her bowlegs, and that sexy sway in her back when she strutted her bold ass that had Chiney turned out on her chick.

  She dipped her head lower and left a trail of kisses from the inside of the girl’s knee and across the tender meat of her thigh. Inhaling deeply, Chiney pressed her nose to Venus’s curly triangle and took a deep breath.

  Chiney shuddered at the erotic scent, and her groin throbbed with need as she felt her clit swell between her legs and harden just like a dick. Using her forefinger and her thumb, she parted the glossy, cocoa-colored lips of her lover, and prepared to dive in.

  “Hold up,” Venus piped up, wriggling her hips seductively on the bed. “Femmes before studs,” she declared with a giggle. “Before you eat, you have to feed me first.”

  Chiney grinned. She knew what time it was.

  “A’ight,” she said, and slapped Venus playfully on her hip, enjoying the way the flesh on her flank jiggled. Crawling across the bed on her knees, she reached up onto her dresser and grabbed a small vial that was filled with the stuff that made good sex even better.

  Chiney opened the vial and shook two tablets into her palm, then crawled back over to Venus and placed one on the girl’s pouty lip. Venus opened wide, dry swallowing the pill greedily, and Chiney crouched down and slid the second pill deep inside the mouth of the girl’s wet pussy.

  Moments later, she went to work. Her tongue was like a snake as she probed into that warm, dark cavity searching for her treat. The excitement of it all had both ladies moaning and dripping, and in her enthusiasm Chiney reached up to cup one of Venus’s firm melons, and the empty vial fell from her hand.

  Tiny sparks of pleasure were radiating through every nerve in Venus’s body. She arched her back, urging Chiney’s tongue deeper, as her hips rocked and shook with need.

  Chiney met the challenge, penetrating that hole until the root of her tongue was sore, then whipping it back and forth in a fuck-frenzy against the girl’s clit.

  Venus bucked, and Chiney rocked.

  Neither girl noticed when the small vial tumbled from the bed and fell to the floor. It rolled twice, and then landed on its side, the words DIVINE NINE facing straight up and standing boldly for all the world to see.

  But moments later, what Chiney did notice was the sound of the breaking news report that blared through the television speakers. She had turned the volume up real loud so her brother wouldn’t hear her and Venus fucking, and now the broadcast was all she heard.

  “This is Channel Two News coming to you live from Harlem, New York. There was a home invasion and mass shooting in a Harlem apartment building during the night, and this morning several people are reported dead…”

  Those few words were more than enough to spark Chiney’s curiosity, but when she peeked up from her moist feast and glanced at the television screen, the sight of her parole officer Dutchy Gaines as he rushed through the hospital doors with tears streaming down his face was more than enough to make Chiney come up outta that good pussy she was licking and pay some real close attention.


  I was writing another erotic story in my Juicy Journal when Chiney busted up in my room with a look on her face that I had never seen before. Trey came through the door right behind her, and his normally dark eyes looked deep and sad, and real, real intense.

  “What’s wrong?” I looked at Chiney and frowned. When she didn’t answer me I glanced at Trey. “What? Did something happen down at the center?”

  He shook his head.

  Chiney whimpered, “Nah, Juicy. It’s, um…I can’t…!” she pressed her face into her brother’s chest. “I can’t!”

  “Juicy,” Trey said, fixing me in his strong gaze as he grabbed both of Chiney’s wrists in one hand and gently moved her out of the way. He stepped toward me with something so burdensome on his heart that I could see him struggling to get the words out of his mouth.

  “What?” I demanded. I was doing like Chiney now. Whimpering. “What happened? Just fuckin’ tell me! I wanna know!”

  “I just got off the phone with my boy Dutchy,” Trey said, pulling me deep into his arms. We had never been this close before. He hugged me, and I felt my titties pressed up against his rock-hard chest. His scent went all up in my nose and I started trembling in fear from head to toe.

  “What’s wrong?” I moaned. “What the hell is wrong?”

  “It’s your girl,” Trey said quietly. He leaned down and softly kissed my ear. “It’s Rita. Somebody pulled a kick-door on her crib and they shot Rita in her sleep.” I felt him clutch me tighter as my head swooned and my legs went out from under me.

  “They shot her little sisters too.”




  Find out how the saga got started!

  G-Spot: An Urban Erotic Tale by Noire

  In the beginning…

  Have you ever rolled over in the middle of the night and realized you were doing shit you swore you’d never do? Sexing brother you vowed you’d never touch? Bending backward and stooping lower than you ever thought you’d stoop? Well, if you can feel me even a little bit, then let me hit you with a story that might just blow your mind. And I swear, as crazy as it sounds, every word of it is true. Let me take you to the G-Spot. A gentlemen’s club in the heart of Harlem. A place where playa-hating and disrespect can cost you your life, and betrayal guarantees you a fate worse than death. My name is Juicy Monique Stanfield. I lost my soul in the G-Spot and this is my story….

  Pride: The 1st Deadly Sin


  This here ain’t no romance

  It’s an urban erotic tale

  When things got hot in Harlem

  Gino and Juicy had to bail

  They headed west to Cali

  Where the sun shines everyday

  But back at home a plot was brewing

  To send their plans astray

  They dipped real quick, but they weren’t slick

  They could run, but they couldn’t hide

  Check your ego at the door

  ’Cause the 1st Deadly Sin is PRIDE

  Betrayal: The 2nd Deadly Sin


  This here ain’t no romance

  It’s an urban erotic tale

  A hater’s on the loose

  And the situation’s frail

  From out of town

  They gunned them down

  The lovers took a fall

  A gwap is on the line and G’s homeboyz want it all!

  So if the script gets flipped, down-side-up

  And you can’t tell foe from friend

  Watch your back and trust no man

  ’Cause BETRAYAL is this Sin!

  Greed: The 3rd Deadly Sin


  This here ain’t no romance

  It’s an urban erotic tale,

  Paper chasers gettin’ doe

  While Juicy’s stuck in jail!

  Don’t let ’em catch you sleepin’

  Cause they’re schemin’ for ya stash

  Sticky fingers reachin’

  In ya pockets for your cash!

  Even when they’re fat and full

  They want more than they need

  They’re plottin’ on your paper too

  This Deadly Sin is GREED!

  Envy: The 4th Deadly Sin


  This here ain't no romance,

  It's an urban erotic tale

  Juicy's back in Harlem

  And she’s bout to catch some hell

  She’s creepin’ in the basement

  And that shit is smellin’ foul

  Drugs are flowing in the streets

  And thugs are on the prowl

  They’re racin’ for that paper,

  Ain’t no tellin’ who’s gone win

  Betta check ya jealous heart

  ’Cause ENVY is a SIN!

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  Read more about JUICY and MONIQUE in

  From The Streets to the Sheets: “That Bitch Juicy”

  Monique never could stand Juicy’s ass. She’d known her from 136th Street, and used to tease her retarded brother Jimmy in school all the time. Juicy’s grandmother was sanctified, and used to look down her nose on Monique’s mother because she had ten kids by ten different daddies and couldn’t control none of them…

  Have You Read G-Spot: An Urban Erotic Tale?

  Have you ever rolled over in the middle of the night and realized you were doing shit you swore you’d never do? Sexing brothers you vowed you’d ne
ver touch? Bending backward and stooping lower than you ever thought you’d stoop?

  From Candy Licker: An Urban Erotic Tale

  Have you ever laid down with a man and wasn’t sure if you’d ever get back up? Tossed the sheets with a bone-knocking fear that only a cold-blooded hustler could produce? Sexed him like your life depended on it, because in reality, it did?

  From Thong on Fire: An Urban Erotic Tale

  Have you ever scratched and schemed your way into somebody’s heart? Laid some ill na-na on a gangsta and then hustled him straight outta the game? Traded your goodies for even more goodies? Committed acts so grimy that even God looked down on you and cried?

  From Thug-A-Licious: An Urban Erotic Tale

  Have you ever wanted something so bad you was willing to crawl over bodies to get it? I mean, feened for it so hard it didn’t matter who you hurt, how low you had to scrape, it was gonna be yours? That’s what music and balling did for me. They were the fundamentals behind my rise…and the perpetrators of my fall…

  From Hood: An Urban Erotic Tale

  Have you ever been shitted on? Nah, not no regular everyday street shit. I’m talking that low-down grimy diarrhea shit. That kinda shit that no matter how much you try to make it right, it still stinks?


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