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The Stipulation (Volume Two)

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by M. L. Young

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  Volume Three Excerpt Below!

  The Stipulation Volume Three

  Chapter One

  As the day for my trip arrived, I was beaming from ear to ear with a grin that could probably be seen from space. It felt as though I had waited months for this trip, when in reality it had only been a few days. I hadn’t done much during that time. Jillian was home and only stopped by once to pick up a few outfits she had left behind due to the amount of clothes she’d already packed. Tara came by once, to see how things went, and I floored her when I said I was going on a trip to Aspen with Roman. By the way she acted, I thought I had set some new world record for sugar babies everywhere to aim to beat. I really didn’t think it was that big of a deal, though, and was sure somebody out there got a trip faster than I had.

  I hadn’t used the toy Roman gave me yet. I wanted to save myself for him and our Aspen trip. I had a hard time thinking that I was still saving myself for him, considering how far we had already gone together. I admit I did hold it and look at it many times, too many to count, but I never actually sealed the deal. I loved knowing I could have it at any time, but with something as big as Aspen coming up I didn’t want to jinx anything or deplete my lust and passion for him. I wanted to save everything I had for Roman, and even though this toy was a part of him, it wasn’t the same as his warm fleshy rod.


  A few hours passed before it was time for me to leave for our trip. Roman had texted me, his preferred form of contact, and told me to be outside at two. I had all of my bags packed the night before, and even pulled out my old winter jacket that I used one time when I went snowboarding. The jacket didn’t fit as well anymore, and I wasn’t even sure why I brought it with me to my dorm, but I guess it was suiting me well and I did end up needing it.

  I decided to wear pants for our trip—I felt wearing a dress or skirt would be against the rules. I had looked up Aspen online and saw that it would be very cold with a lot of snow this time of year, and I didn’t want to look out of place. I already felt out of place with this whole situation, and who knew what kind of parties or social situations Roman and I would be put into. I was sure he had friends up there, and the last thing I needed was for them to talk behind my back and think of me as the village slut.

  I grabbed my things as the clock struck closer to two, and was barely able to fit through my door let alone walk down the hallway with all of my bags.

  “Hey Natalie!” Trevor said as he came out of his room, likely sitting in front of it all day until I came out.

  “Oh, hey, Trevor,” I said annoyingly as I struggled down the hallway.

  “Where ya going? Can I help you with those?” he asked as he leaned in to grab a bag.

  “No!” I shouted. “My dad is waiting outside and hates boys being around me. Yeah, he wouldn’t like to see you with me, especially carrying my bags. He’s protective.” I continued to the elevator, hoping he would let me get on and leave in peace.

  “Your dad seemed nice the last time I met him,” Trevor said confusedly.

  “Yeah he was just being nice because you live here and everything. He told me later that you should feel lucky you didn’t try anything or else he would’ve kicked your ass,” I said convincingly as the elevator hit our floor.

  “Oh, well, I wouldn’t want to cause a scuffle. Tell him I said hi anyways, and have a good trip.” The elevator opened and a girl—whose name I couldn’t remember—walked out and Trevor ran off to bug her instead.

  I sighed; completely relieved he left me alone as I rode the elevator downstairs to the very empty building lobby. I walked outside, seeing not Roman in his sports car waiting, but rather him leaning against a black car, which I didn’t recognize.

  “What’s this?” I asked in confusion as I walked up.

  “Well, I thought we would take the town car to the airport. After all, we don’t want to leave my car sitting outside in the harsh weather for a few days,” he said as he kissed me and grabbed my bags.

  I wanted to think that Roman really sprung for the fancy transportation, but renting a town car was likely spending pocket change for somebody like him. He was a millionaire many times over, and this rental, even at a couple hundred dollars, was like us common folk dropping a few pennies into the jar at the gas station.

  I slid into the car and saw a split opening with a man in a little hat sitting in the driver’s seat. He greeted and acknowledged me before Roman got in the car and instructed the man to the airport.

  Roman cuddled up to me during the drive, giving me a display of affection I had waited for since our last encounter. He smelled of musk, and his cologne tickled the tiny hairs inside of my nose. His strong hands rappelled down my arm like rock climbers as my stomach flipped around in complete circles. I wanted to take him now. I wanted to close the little divider and mount him like a horse before riding him all the way to the airport. I didn’t want to wait until we arrived in Aspen, and I wasn’t sure I could actually wait that long to feel him once again. After holding that toy all week, I knew the real thing was sitting there just waiting for me to unwrap it like a gift on Christmas morning.

  As the minutes went on, I noticed we weren’t heading in the direction of the airport at all. Actually, I wasn’t too sure where we were, seeing that I hadn’t been paying attention and we were seemingly in the country. I didn’t say anything, though, for Roman even looked out the window and acted as if everything was completely normal, making me believe we were fine.


  We finally arrived at our destination, a private airport on the outskirts of town. The town car pulled onto the runway and right up to the small plane—our plane!—which was waiting patiently before we could leave. The plane was white with brown accents, and had a very streamlined and fresh look, as though it was brand new.

  The driver helped us out of the car and took our bags from the trunk as Roman guided me to the steps, and then into the plane, with a flight attendant waiting outside with a smile.

  “Good afternoon and welcome, Mr. Parker,” she said with a happy smile.

  Roman and I both shook hands with her as we all exchanged pleasantries…I wanted to make sure she liked me. I didn’t think either of us wanted to be stuck on a plane with an irritated flight attendant.

  The woman came in behind us and closed the doors before telling the pilots we were on board and waiting for departure. I looked around at the interior of the plane, which was draped in light tan leather and marble finishes. I wasn’t even sure Air Force One was this nice inside.


  The flight was rough, with a lot of turbulence as we passed over the white plains of the Midwest. Roman held my hand as we hit the rough patches, with him not so much concerned as he likely flies almost every single week. The last flight I was on was to Cleveland to visit my Aunt Matilda, and that was two years ago. The pilot announced that we had twenty minutes until landing and I thought I had heard the most precious thing I would ever hear in my life. We were almost to Aspen, but more importantly, we were almost on the precious ground.

  We landed at another private airport, but this one was much busier. I guess everybody was coming for the holidays, and the wealth was leaking out of all of the private jets and limos. There were even a few exotic supercars on the pavement waiting, but none of them were for us. That’s probably for the best though, considering it was winter and mixing those engines with a slick patch of ice in the road seemed like a bad idea.

  Roman had an SUV waiting for us, which was built like a tank to handle the rough snow and terrains that Aspen had to offer.

  “Are you ready to go to the cabin?” he asked as we got in the car.

  “I’m more than ready,” I said as he started the car.

  Roman smiled and shifted the SUV into drive before we drove away, with an onboard GPS system guiding us to our desti

  Aspen was beautiful with an old-town charm that didn’t seem all that old. It didn’t feel like this big commercial place, and instead felt like a small yet powerful community that was filled with small restaurants, stores, and boutiques. The only difference, however, was that a dinner in some of these places could cost the equivalent of a minimum wage-worker’s bi-weekly paycheck.


  Roman and I pulled into a small community that had many cabins, all big of course, and even a huge lodge of some sort that we passed on our way to his cabin. I was under the impression that he had some cabin in the middle of the woods, but this was probably better because not only was it was a private community, but there was also a lodge. It had a lot of signs for shops and services, and I even saw a sign for a spa, which I thought sounded like a great place to go to.

  “Here we are,” Roman said as we pulled into a clean black driveway.

  The cabin, which should be called a lodge, was huge and situated in a corner lot probably to keep as much privacy and seclusion as possible in this small development. There were huge wooden logs forming the house with a massive set of windows at the front of the house, which provided a lot of light and added a certain architectural element to the house, which took your breath away. He didn’t have a garage, so we had to park in the driveway and haul our bags from the car to the house, which wasn’t that horrible when you knew you were about to walk into this place to stay for a few days.

  Roman unlocked the front door, and we walked in to find a roaring fire going and a massive basket of goodies for us to enjoy on our visit. I guess there were some big perks to staying in a private development.


  As the night went on, Roman and I decided to stay in, opting to order “room service” and sit in front of the roaring and powerful fire. His fireplace was a large stone one, and must’ve been ten feet high at its highest point. The piece overpowered the room, but at the same time, it felt like the room wouldn’t have been complete without this feature.

  “So how do you like Aspen?” he asked as he ran his fingers through my golden locks.

  “I think I am really going to like it here. I don’t see how anything could possibly go wrong in this place,” I replied with a smile.

  “Here’s to us,” he said as he held up his glass of champagne.

  “To us.” We clinked our glasses together.

  I was starting to appreciate the taste of champagne, and I was now able to chug down a whole third of my glass before refusing to drink any more. At this rate, I should be able to down one glass in a little over a year.

  “Shall we go to the bedroom?” he asked as the fire was now down to a small smolder.

  “We shall,” I replied, my stomach tingling as I knew what was likely coming.

  Roman grabbed my hand and picked me up in his arms before whisking me upstairs to get under the huge white blankets. I was beginning to think this would be the best vacation I would ever have.

  Volume Three now available!

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