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Page 15

by Radclyffe

  They stood in the hallway, each quietly studying the other, each rendered speechless by the beauty before her.

  Grace Taylor had to hold her breath as she studied her longtime friend and only recent girlfriend. Hayden exuded both elegance and sex appeal in the tuxedo Grace had picked out, and it was all Grace could do not to swoon into a puddle at her feet. Her heart was beating nine to the dozen and her body felt warm all over. Hayden was looking at her with hunger and love in her eyes, which traveled the length of her body and back, feeling almost like a caress. She moved slowly, more from fear of falling than anything else, a nervous smile on her face.

  Endeared and provoked into action, Hayden slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, kissing her deeply when their lips met.

  “God, you’re so perfect,” she whispered huskily.

  Grace blushed and leaned forward, lightly running her tongue over Hayden’s earlobe. “There’ll be more of this,” she lightly nibbled the soft skin, “later.”

  It was Hayden’s turn to blush at the heavily seductive words that promised so much. She gazed into Grace’s expressive green eyes, looking hard for any uncertainty, but found only passion gazing back. Swallowing down the raw emotion welling up inside because of what Grace was willing to give her, Hayden glanced down the hallway.

  “Isn’t there some important meeting I have to get through first?” she asked, somewhat confused. Grace chuckled and shook her head.

  “Nope, it’s just us here. My parents have gone to our cabin in the mountains for the holidays,” she explained as she led Hayden down the hallway and into the dining room, where Hayden had to stop and gasp at the sight before her. The room was dark but for the light cast by the candles that littered almost every surface. The flames flickered and danced in the light breeze that came from the open patio door, casting a warm and shimmering glow upon the dining table. This itself was covered in beautiful silverware, dishes and plates that waited patiently to be uncovered. Deep red rose petals littered the table amongst the plates, adding even further beauty to the display before her.

  Hayden gazed around the room, dumbfounded. “You did all this just for me?” she whispered, looking at Grace with such love that it was hard for the other woman to focus on her words.

  “I’d do all this again and more just for you, Hays,” Grace replied. She gasped when Hayden pulled her close and kissed her again—deeply, lovingly. They broke apart moments later, each slightly breathless. Hayden glanced at the table. Watching her, Grace chuckled.

  “I know, I’m wanting to skip dinner too.” She adjusted Hayden’s bow tie as she talked and then leaned close for a quick kiss. Hayden smiled at her, desire clearly written all over her face. She ran her hands up and down Grace’s sides, the silky texture caressing her palms.

  “You look breathtaking, and you’ve been to so much trouble, so I’m going to patiently wait and thoroughly enjoy dinner with you tonight.” She led Grace over to the table and pulled out her seat before sitting herself and arranging her cutlery. She stopped when she saw Grace grinning at her.


  “I feel bad now because I didn’t actually cook any of this,” Grace replied, a mischievous glint in her eye, “It’s actually all junk food.” She started removing lids to expose an assortment of burgers, fries, and pizza. Hayden chuckled appreciatively.

  “You know me so well.”


  An hour later, after a pleasant meal and an even better conversation, they sat in companionable silence for a few minutes. Hayden sensed Grace’s hesitancy and shifted her chair closer, a small smile on her lips.

  “I’m nervous too. You know nothing has to happen tonight, don’t you?” She caressed Grace’s face as she talked, an action meant to soothe and reassure. Grace gazed at her with such love in her eyes that Hayden’s heart melted and she fell in love all over again. Nothing ever had to happen if Grace didn’t want it to; Hayden would never dream of taking something Grace wasn’t ready to give.

  “I want it to,” Grace whispered, turning her face into Hayden’s palm and kissing the soft skin there. Then she stopped suddenly and cast her gaze back to Hayden. “I mean, if you want to…”

  Hayden was having trouble thinking about anything other than Grace’s soft lips grazing her palm. When Grace’s words finally registered, she flustered and blushed profusely, “I-I do.”

  And it was true. She’d wanted to make love to Grace for so long. She’d thought about it since the day she had fallen in love with the blond beauty, albeit guiltily most of the time. Her daydreams were never about her own satisfaction, but rather about sharing the ultimate intimacy with the girl she loved and about making Grace feel as if she was the most precious and treasured thing in Hayden’s life.

  She pulled Grace toward her and kissed her deeply, threading her fingers through blond tresses and pouring as much love and desire as she could into the kiss. She paused for breath and leaned her forehead against Grace’s.

  “You have no idea what you do to me,” she whispered before Grace captured her lips again.

  “Does it feel like your chest is going to explode with something that seems even bigger and more amazing than happiness?” At Hayden’s shaky nod, Grace continued, “You do that to me too. Let’s go upstairs.”

  Hayden chuckled quietly as Grace stood. “You make me crazy, you know.”

  Grace pulled Hayden to her feet. “I like making you crazy.” When she nuzzled Hayden’s cheek and kissed her sweetly, Hayden blushed.

  Grace led Hayden upstairs by the hand, her heart beating faster with each step. Neither spoke as they moved quietly through the house. A flight of stairs at the end of the upper floor led them to the attic.

  “Welcome to the Taylor getaway room.”

  The converted loft was the biggest bedroom Hayden had ever seen. It spanned the whole width and length of the house and was decorated modestly in deep dark blue tones. The king-sized bed at the far end seemed to beckon them forward, but for the moment, she contented herself with slipping her arms around Grace’s waist.

  “This place is amazing. You are amazing.” She brushed her lips lightly over Grace’s neck. Grace turned in Hayden’s arms and kissed her, letting her tongue caress the soft lips before dipping inside to explore more.

  “You’re better than amazing,” she replied, moving her kisses along Hayden’s jaw while tugging her bow-tie loose with fumbling hands. Once she removed it, she pushed the jacket from Hayden’s shoulders and pulled the shirt from her trousers, letting her hands trail underneath and up over Hayden’s heated skin. She lightly grasped Hayden’s sides and pulled until she felt her legs hit the bed. Hayden stopped her from falling backward with an arm around her waist.

  “Wait,” she murmured, running her hands in a caress over Grace’s back and fiddling with the zipper until she had it pulled all the way down. Hesitantly, she peeled the dress over Grace’s breasts and pushed the material down to gather at her waist, all the while watching Grace closely for any discomfort. Finding none, she slowly feasted her eyes on her lover’s newly exposed body, sucking in a breath at the beauty that greeted her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she whispered before lowering Grace onto the bed.

  Grace pulled her down and kissed her. Her own passion was rising with every second that passed. “You’re beautiful, Hays,” she replied, unbuttoning Hayden’s shirt and kissing the newly exposed skin.

  Hayden blushed, but the moment was short-lived as Grace’s mouth closed over a rapidly hardening nipple. She gasped as she felt Grace’s tongue circle and flick, and arched closer when she sucked lightly, as if testing how much and how little was good.

  Hayden moaned her approval before pulling back to remove her shirt and grant Grace better access. She straddled Grace’s thighs, sliding her hands up and over her hips and caressing her stomach before tentatively moving over her breasts. She felt the nipples in her palms harden like pebbles and had to fight not to hurry. She didn’t want to frighten Grac
e with her rampant desires. She wanted to take this slowly. She felt Grace’s heartbeat pick up speed as she flicked the nipples gently with her thumbs, and then Grace’s hands were upon hers and urging her to press and roll more firmly.

  “That feels so good, Hays.”

  She smiled and Hayden had to lean down and kiss her deeply, to show her how much she appreciated this gift she had been granted. “I could touch you forever and never get bored, Gracie.”

  Grace moaned at the words and quickly shed both her dress and underwear. Needing to feel Hayden’s skin, she kissed her as she unbuttoned the tuxedo pants and slowly slipped her hand inside. When Grace’s fingers met silk wetness, Hayden’s hips jerked. Suddenly afraid, Grace halted.

  “Did I hurt you? God, Hayden, I’m so sorry.” She began to pull her hand away, but Hayden gripped her wrist.

  “No, God, please, don’t stop.”

  Her voice was husky with need, her eyes hazy with lust and love. Grace saw it, and her own need rose within her. She pushed at Hayden’s trousers and boxers, urging them off until she too was naked. She paused to look at her, to take in this moment she was experiencing for the first time. Hayden gazed back at her, the love and want so obvious in her eyes that Grace’s heart gave a jolt and she pressed her lips to Hayden’s, trying to communicate all her feelings through that one action alone.

  “I love you, Hays. So much.” More confidently this time, she slid her hand between Hayden’s thighs and sucked in a breath at the molten heat she found there. Hayden moaned into her shoulder as she circled and dipped her fingers experimentally, feeling her grow harder and wetter as she moved. Grace felt Hayden’s lips move haltingly on her neck, as if her ministrations were affecting Hayden’s ability to make the simplest movements.

  “So good, Gracie. I need more, please,” she rasped, and Grace was powerless to decline. Slowly, she pushed her middle fingers inside, feeling Hayden’s velvety walls surround her. She gasped at the sensation. Hayden rocked against her involuntarily, setting a steady rhythm for Grace to match.

  Hayden felt her orgasm approaching fast as Grace slid in and out of her. She clamped her mouth down on Grace’s shoulder, sucking and licking the skin there as she tried desperately to hold off the tide of pleasure. When Grace’s thumb began to pull her hood back and forth, she knew it was impossible. Her thighs trembled and her breathing quickened as the first wave crashed over her. Shuddering, she cried out and rode Grace’s fingers deeper, jerking as another wave surfaced. She could feel herself squeezing Grace’s fingers, and the sensation drove her over once again. Moments later, she collapsed on top of Grace and panted into her shoulder, the last remnants of her orgasm slowly leaving her body in small spasms.

  Smiling, Grace caressed her back and kissed her temple, loving the sense of satisfaction that had washed over her as Hayden came.

  “Was that…good?” she whispered a few minutes later, wondering if Hayden had fallen asleep in her arms. She felt her shudder and was confused until she realized she was laughing quietly.

  “This was supposed to be about you,” Hayden murmured into her shoulder, “and yet I’m the one in pieces here.”

  Grace smiled as she laced her fingers through Hayden’s short hair and gently pulled her up for a long and languid kiss. It seemed like forever before they finally broke apart.

  “It doesn’t matter about that, Hays, just that we’re together like this.”

  “But I wanted to show you how much I love you,” Hayden murmured.

  “And you did, Hays, by trusting me enough to touch you like that,” Grace replied softly. And then she grinned. “Besides, we still have the rest of the week.”

  Hella Nervous

  Rebekah Weatherspoon

  I’d wanted to hook up with Oksana Gorinkov for a long time. Our junior year I decided to do something about it. We’d been in the same homeroom since sixth grade. After our teacher had her introduce herself on her first day—wait, let me fix that. The minute she came into the room, I was caught in her snare. I know, right? It sounds a little desperate, but she’s that hot. Our little piece of Los Angeles was diverse on the color scale, but my school was pretty split between Latino, white, black, and Asian. There were, of course, a few mixed kids here and there, and the random kid from some country we’d heard about but were never able to locate on a map. Oksana was the most exotic of the exotic.

  When she walked into homeroom that day, time stopped for everyone. Even our teacher regarded her like some precious prize. Her skin was the shade of iced coffee, liberal on the milk, but her eyes were green, and her long, curly hair was brown with natural streaks of blond. It was braided in pigtails that first day. She looked so sweet and innocent. I knew instantly every boy in our class would swallow his playground pride to be nice to her. And even though I’d been crushing on various girls here and there for as long as I could remember, she was the first girl who made my palms sweat. After that first day, most teachers didn’t make her talk. She was still getting a hang of her English, but over time I picked up a few bits about her.

  She was half-Russian and half-black. Now, after puberty had started in on all of us, she was tall, at least five-nine. She lived with her grandmother and she was shy as shit. She reminded me of one of those little animals. Like if I offered her a treat she’d check me out for a few minutes, cautious as hell until she decided to snatch it from me before she bolted to a safe corner. I had no interest in hurting her, of course. I didn’t believe in cruelty to animals or smoking-hot chicks. I just wanted to break that shell a little.

  Once we hit high school, she started modeling. I thought it was a rumor, but—thank God for the Internet—it was true. At first I wondered how someone so sheepish could be such a natural in front of the camera, but I realized it was the perfect job for her. She didn’t have to say a word. Around that time, some older guy started picking her up after school. He seemed pretty good-looking from a distance, but something told me there wasn’t anything going on between them. I’d find out at some point.

  By the time I got up the nuts to talk to her, I’d settled well into my butchness. It was just Mom and me, and she had finally come to terms with the fact that soccer meant more to me than any amount of shopping on Melrose. I ran with a couple of the other “guys” on the soccer team and we did all right. Plenty of girls were curious enough to let us have at them, but it was Oksana who had officially grown roots up under my skin as the season came to a close. I don’t know, maybe I was high off all of our wins, but when spring hit, I was feeling extra horny and brave. I needed a challenge.

  Oksana had taken up with this clique of Russian-Jewish chicks led by this girl named Marni, but it seemed like that was only so Oksana didn’t have to sit alone at lunch. And even at lunch she sat at the end of the table and only really spoke when spoken to. They didn’t treat her like crap or anything, but she was just so damn shy. Getting her to talk seemed like it would take a shitload of effort, even for someone like Marni who always seemed to be flapping her lips.

  I decided the direct approach was the best way to go—to shock her into a response. That morning, I sent Mom off to work and got to school early. I was the first one in homeroom, chatting up Mrs. Porter while I helped her staple some stuff for her first-period class. Oksana always sat in the row closest to the door, but in the seat all the way near the back. My assigned seat was right next to her. She came into the room, head down, bag over her shoulder, her history book pressed tightly against her chest. Her hair was in a braid and she wore loose cargo pants that hung off her hips centimeters away from being against the dress code. When she put down her book, her tight T-shirt revealed hard nipples. She didn’t seem to notice how good she looked. I waited until she was comfortable in her seat and then I leaned over.

  “You have a boyfriend?” I said quietly, letting a smile play across my lips. She froze, head still down. Brad Grover looked over his shoulder at us. He was just as shocked as Oksana.

  “Me?” she squeaked.

; “Yeah.” I nodded like it was the only suitable way to start a conversation.

  She swallowed and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Cute straight girl move, number 408. “No.”

  “Who’s that guy who picks you up sometimes?”

  She thought for a moment, picking at the corner of her book. “He’s just my friend.” Something in her tone said she was telling the truth, but this guy was special somehow.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah.” She nodded, biting her lip. “Scooter’s more like a brother to me. Plus he’s twenty-one. That’s too old for me.”

  “You drive?” I asked after Mrs. Porter took attendance.

  The bell rang, saving Oksana from answering. She grabbed her books and bolted for the door.

  Brad Grover picked up his bag and turned to me with a chuckle. “Good luck.”

  I punched him playfully in the arm. “Thanks.”

  Oksana and I didn’t have any classes together. Your language elective set your schedule, and even though we were in the same level math class, I took Spanish and Oksana took the one period of Portuguese being offered. But I saw her again at lunch. I watched her, half listening to what the guys were saying. Cara jabbed me in the arm.

  “What?” I yelped.

  “I asked you a question, dickhead. What are you staring at?” She followed my line of vision as she asked. “Oh. Really?”

  “Nah. I’m just looking.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Cara didn’t buy it. It didn’t help that Oksana chose that moment to look in my direction. A delicate pink hit her cheeks and she quickly looked away.

  “Just don’t break her.” Cara laughed. “I heard that one’s fragile.”

  “From who?” I said with a hint of irrational anger. Just like her modeling career was common knowledge, everyone was under the impression that no one but that guy who picked Oksana up had come even close to getting with her.


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