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Captivating Melody

Page 19

by Katherine McIntyre

  “He’s been meeting with Jay Vandermere over in loans and consolidation,” she said, before looking up. Her eyes gleamed with hope, but unfortunately for her, he didn’t need an energy drink pick-me-up. Renn drew an audience at this point as the two other girls both focused on him and Trevor, their batting lashes and hair twirls the tip of the iceberg. If his boys went their normal route, in seconds, buttons would pop, pencils would drop, and they’d be making an excuse to head to the bathroom.

  “We’ll be in touch with you once we consolidate our files. However, that will take some time.” A loud male’s voice carried their way as several pairs of footsteps clacked in their direction.

  Kieran froze, his palm pressed to the desk, praying no one would recognize him. He needed to act fast. “Look, sweetheart, can you do me a huge personal favor?” He leaned in, stroking his fingers over her hand. Forget attraction, she became putty in the face of his incubus mojo. “If you can get your hands on those transactions, I’m going to print them up and show them to my folks so we can do something about my brother’s problem. Here…” He paused to pluck a pen and notepad from her desk before scribbling his email. “Just send them here.”

  She nodded, her gaze warm and devoted, like she’d jump off a cliff if he asked her to. Though with the extremes his touch inspired in people, it wasn’t a far shot. Most times, the complete control left him feeling like he needed to take a shower to scrub the filth away.

  The group stepped into view, walking in their direction. A strapping selkie who wore the hell out of a suit and tie led them, followed by three very familiar faces. When he locked gazes with the group, Liz’s mouth opened, Jett heaved a sigh, and Danica’s brows narrowed. They had to wait to yell at him, since right now they wouldn’t risk blowing their cover. Kieran took full advantage of it, nodding in their direction as they were escorted to the door. The selkie passed him a grimace when he walked by, and Kieran knew they’d run out of time.

  “Quit flirting with these lovely ladies, boys. We’ve got a show to get ready for,” he said, trying to get Trevor and Renn’s attention. Both of them picked up what he put down, wrapping up their conversations quick. “See you later.” He winked at the brunette before turning on his heel and slipping his hands into his pockets. Before he took another step forward, he bumped straight into the selkie who crossed his arms and fixed him with a glower.

  “What are you harassing my staff for?” the man rumbled.

  “Hoping they’d pass around a flyer for our show tonight, but no dice.” Kieran met his gaze with a challenge, not pausing for a heartbeat.

  “Unregistered visitors aren’t welcome in these buildings,” the selkie ground out, emphasizing visitors since they both knew he meant fae. Kieran’s hands balled into fists, ready for a fight with the way the man eyed him down. “You won’t mind sitting with our security officers so they can ensure your motives, would you?” The guy’s eyes flickered with a glint, since he had them pinned.

  Shit. Maybe this was why Danica hadn’t wanted them to tag along. He glanced to Trevor, who paled. Once those bastards questioned him, Trev’s name be up for sale to Alberich, and whoever tried to eliminate him would know he sniffed around, blowing any advantage they might have.

  The selkie crossed his arms over his chest, a smug look spreading over his face at their hesitation. They needed to make a call, and fast.

  Kieran glanced to Renn and Trev, nodding slowly. Based on the gleam in their eyes, they rolled on the exact page as him.

  “Run,” he said in the same instance he rocketed past the selkie, hurtling for the door. Footsteps followed him in the same mad scramble when he slammed into the glass door, sending it flying open. The selkie’s shouts sounded, but he paid the man no mind while he raced down the corridor. One glance back told him all he needed to know—Trevor and Renn raced behind him, keeping pace. A smile ripped across his face at the thrill of the chase.

  Three figures stood waiting, but Kieran waved upon approach, not coming to a stop.

  “May have stirred up a bit of a ruckus,” he called as he dashed by them, the other guys in tow. Jett shook his head and raced after them.

  “I should’ve known better.” Liz called out from behind as they ran for the elevator. “The moment we told you no, you had to rebel.”

  “Aww, it’s like you know me,” Kieran said as he skidded to the elevator.

  He slung an arm around her shoulders to bring her in close while they waited. His heart thudded faster from the sprint, and his nerves jangled to keep running, but the elevator decided to take a thousand years.

  From the end of the corridor, the selkie’s shouts echoed, but he wouldn’t chase after them without his guards.

  Liz rolled her eyes but to his satisfaction leaned into him. The way she curved against him was a sure sign her surroundings made her uncomfortable, though the woman would never admit it. Pride bubbled in him at being any safety line for her.

  “What the hell do you guys think you were doing?” Danica hissed out, even though she kept her voice under control.

  “Sorry darling, all the sitting around back in the RV, and we got bored,” Trevor said, jumping in before Kieran. He felt the steam emanating from the leannan sidhe as she tried to keep her temper under wraps.

  The elevator door dinged open, and Liz peeled herself off him, jumping in first.

  “I was waiting for you guys to show.” Jett cast him a sideways glance. They stood next to each other in the elevator as it let off a ding at each floor. “You’re the last person to listen to orders.”

  The elevator door clicked open again after they settled onto the ground floor. Sunbeams cast alluring patterns on the slate flooring in front of them. Liz burst out and quickened her pace to the exit. The rest of them followed suit, bolting past the doors before anyone from the Rembrandt company could find and question them.

  “At least tell me you found out something,” Danica grumbled, her arms crossed in front of her chest and those plum lips pursed.

  “You guys first,” Kieran said. “Let’s hear how the professionals got it done.”

  “Food first. I’m starving,” Liz said, undoing the top buttons of the oversized button-down she wore. In seconds, she’d shrugged it off to reveal a luscious amount of her tanned skin with the maroon tank top she sported.

  “I know a spot,” Renn said to everyone’s surprise as he took the lead. This close to Fisherman’s Wharf, restaurants littered the streetsides, offering a buffet of options from Mexican to sushi. After a couple of turns, Renn pointed to the end of the street where a neon lit sign marked Fred’s Diner out on the landscape. “They’ve got good shakes and a place to sit quiet.” Renn shrugged.

  Jett lifted a brow. “The epitome of epicurean taste. I can see it on the Zagat reviews list: good shakes, now shut up and eat your meal.” That elicited a snort out of Liz.

  Renn gave Jett a lazy shove. “No one gives a fuck about your fancy ratings.”

  Danica’s heels clacked against the sidewalk as she took the lead, the woman walking as if her skirt lit on fire. She flung the door open and plunged into the dim entrance, not waiting for the rest of them. Kieran sauntered beside Liz, her clean citrus scent floating his way and reminding him of memories he’d be happy to relive. Hell to hunting down people and hell to an audience, he wanted to slam her against the wall and explore her mouth all over again. He wanted to spend hours teasing her, watching the gorgeous expression on her face as she rode those blissful waves.

  Her eyes met his, the molten desire there mirroring the heat burning inside him. “Down, boy,” she whispered in his ear, the brush of her lips against his skin igniting his veins.

  Trevor glanced their way, suspicion in his gaze as they strode into the diner. Not like anything between them remained much of a secret with all the busybodies on the RV. Living in such close quarters made privacy a near impossibility. The door thudded behind them as they entered the bright restaurant, neon blue lighting underneath the mirror paneling along
the walls. The vibrant red leather booths and black and white checkerboard flooring bordered on obnoxious, but Kieran didn’t give a damn about the décor if the food was good.

  With the six of them, they didn’t fit in any of the booths lining the side, so instead, Danica claimed the nearest corner booth and scooted in. The guys piled in right after, followed by Liz, and then Kieran. A waitress sauntered over, black polo on and a bored expression on her face as she click-clicked a pen against a pad of paper.

  Until she stopped in front of the table. Her eyes widened with interest, and her hands made a beeline to smoothing out her hair. “What can I get for you?”

  “We can all agree on coffee, yes?” Kieran piped up, casting a glance to the table.

  “Fuck off, you’re not ordering for us,” Liz said, her palms flattening on the chrome surface of the table. “I want a milkshake. Can you do peanut butter?”

  “Sure thing.” The woman nodded, jotting it down. “Coffee for the rest of you?”

  Trevor lifted a hand. “Coke for me.” As she finished writing the order, she dipped extra low to drop the menus on the table, giving a full flash of her cleavage. Renn and Jett leaned forward with a familiar spark in their eyes.

  The second the waitress sashayed away, Danica jumped in. “Is it always like this with you guys?”

  “Always,” Liz muttered in a deadpan. “I’ve gotten every shade of nasty glare on the planet.”

  “Not like you’ve got anything to worry about, gorgeous,” Kieran said, the flirting compulsory. He waited for the push back, the eye roll, or whatever witty comment perched on her barbed tongue. Instead, she surprised him by tilting her head to the side and sinking into thoughtfulness. His brows rose in response, not daring to embrace the fragile hope she might be coming around to what they’d discussed last night.

  “He’s right, Obiwan, you’ve got the looks and attitude to back it up,” Danica said, passing her a wink.

  “If my looks reflected my attitude, I’d be some big, surly linebacker,” Liz joked, the moment passing. The service on the coffees was lightning fast and the Coke soon followed, so they quick flipped their plastic menus open, making a decision on meals. Kieran settled on a burger smothered in mushrooms and Jack cheese, planning on polishing the whole thing off.

  To no one’s surprise, Liz went for a plate of nachos.

  “Continuing your quest?” he asked, elbowing her in the side to get her attention.

  “Someone needs to find the perfect nachos. Might as well be me.” She gave him a wan smile, which made her hazel eyes glow. Whether she realized it or not, the girl had softened her ice exterior, and the longer she stayed with them, the more she’d let him in. He didn’t blame her survival instincts—she’d needed them after the life she’d lived. However, he’d made it his mission to break the defenses of Liz O’Brien. To prove she didn’t need to remain so alone.

  “Alright, so dish.” Danica interrupted the conversation, demanding everyone’s attention. “What did you guys discover while there? We got them to send over their financials involving transactions paid to Lotus Garden. If Larsen isn’t feeling a fire up his ass, he will be soon.”

  “Yeah, the guy we talked to had a sour frown on his puss the second we brought that up,” Jett said.

  “Aren’t you happy I worked my mojo then,” Kieran said, a smug grin playing on his face. He couldn’t help it—after all the hubbub about staying back, he’d gotten further than all of them. “Because I got the name of the guy lending money to Larsen. Meaning we can pay Jay Vandermere a personal visit.”

  Jett’s brows tightened together as he scratched his chin. “The name sounds familiar, but I can’t quite place it. Definitely fae.”

  “Lucky for you guys, we’ve got the magic of the internet.” Danica whipped out her smartphone, plugging away the information at once. “One Jay Vandermere at your service, and he’s a suburbs boy.”

  Trevor shook his head. “The speed you found that is downright disturbing.”

  “Entertainment is my business,” Danica said with a shrug. “Means I have to keep up with the pop culture trends and stay with the times, electronics and all. My clients trust me for my expertise, and the subtle nudge my powers give their abilities—all while their energy keeps me looking this lush and youthful.” She batted her eyes, those long lashes a quick flicker.

  “You can have your fancy trends. I want my milkshake.” Liz made a face as she glanced over to the waitress who left the cup on the counter and sat chatting with another server. One of the curses of being viewed as competition. Kieran hadn’t missed the dirty glance the waitress passed her. He tapped his fingers on the countertop.

  “Looks like tonight we’ve got a dinner date with Jay Vandermere. Hope he’s ready for company.” Because Kieran had put up with his brother’s torture for too long. It was high time he nailed the bastard in the eyes of the very Court he worshipped so much.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The afternoon was agonizing.

  Between the long, lingering glances between them, the constant brushes against each other, and the dirty whispers, Liz was ready to drag Kieran by the belt over to her bed. Every time she tried to remind herself she needed to keep her distance because reasons, her libido stomped in and frazzled her brain. Hell, being in the same space as him short circuited her wiring. All those well-built, logical defenses crumbled when even her nipples perked to attention the moment his fingers brushed by her arm accidentally on purpose.

  And of course, everyone decided the best way to spend their time before sunset was loitering around the RV. The crowded space grew so stifling she prepared to hang out the window for a breath alone. They drove out to the suburbs and camped out in a nearby parking lot about a mile away from Vandermere’s digs. Sweat beaded her temple, and she plucked her shirt off her chest to let some air in.

  Kieran’s grin widened, and he shot her a wink.

  To make it worse, Jett and Renn had begun arguing again, and Danica joined into the fray.

  “Just because you can fit five clementines into your mouth doesn’t mean you should.” Jett slammed his hands on the table, getting way too heated over such an idiotic argument.

  “It’s not going to score you any points with the ladies,” Danica said, jumping in. “Cramming balls into your mouth seems to be a cred you’d pull out with the other team.”

  “Devil be damned, the lot of you’re all enough to give me a migraine.” Trevor stalked to the back, shaking his head.

  Liz tapped her finger against the countertop, staring out the window at the streaks of crimson coming to claim the horizon. Sunset meant go-time, and it couldn’t come soon enough.

  “Who’s ready to forget we ever devolved to talking about Renn’s lack of a gag reflex and head the fuck out?” Kieran rose from his seat and clapped his hands on the tabletop, the sound drawing everyone’s attention.

  “Yes, please,” Liz muttered, rising as well.

  Trevor glanced between them before one of his molasses sweet smiles rolled to his lips. Not like they hadn’t gone toe to toe on the subject of what existed between her and Kieran. Ever since the conversation last night with him in the wake of the powerful emotions he’d unlocked, her justifications came across flimsier and flimsier.

  “Couldn’t get me out soon enough.” Jett gave a lazy salute on his way to the front of the RV and strolled out the door. Liz quick-stepped it behind him, and without waiting for the others, they headed in the designated direction. She shifted her hips, adjusting her Beretta into place, because she sure as hell wouldn’t go to this guy’s house unprepared. After the number of times she’d fired her baby in the past week alone, she didn’t feel comfortable going anywhere without it.

  “Caught all those longing looks, Juliet.” Jett hooked his thumbs into the belt loops of his slacks. “You and Romeo going to invite me to the wedding?”

  Liz shot him a look so hard her eyeballs threatened to abandon ship. “You know better than to mention the ‘W’ wor
d in my presence.”

  “Sorry, sorry,” he said, lifting his hands, unable to hide his cheeky grin. “It’s not a one-nighter for you though is it?”

  “Damnit, Jett. Not you too with the heavy hitting questions.” She rifled a hand through her hair, which had grown sticky with sweat from being holed in the RV for too long. Her stomach squeezed with discomfort at sailing into this emotional territory again so soon after the last time. Jett was the one she relied on to skate the superficial with her, not get mired in all this feelings bullshit.

  “Come on, Lizzie. You’re vacillating between sexually frustrated and pissed off due to the chaos in your head, and everyone’s terrified. Trevor was clutching a teddy bear in the back and crying,” Jett teased.

  Liz shook her head, amusement welling up inside her. “Ky’s so intense, and I don’t do that. I don’t stake claims on forever, because hell, I’ve never stayed with a group of people for this long. Cut and run’s bred into my bones, and I won’t put him through that.” She didn’t glance up, expecting Jett to argue with her the way Kieran did.

  However, he remained silent instead as they cut through a strip mall, making their way to the green street signs ahead in the residential areas. Behind her, the guys and Danica caused enough of a racket that any covert operation would be busted in a heartbeat.

  Jett broke the silence between them. “Let Ky be him. He’s always going to launch himself into anything a hundred and ten percent, and that’s never going to change. You try to keep up with him, and you’ll make yourself crazy. Be yourself, Lizzie. If you care about him in a big way, don’t sit there harping on the future and what might happen, because fuck, you never know. You’re both adults. Even if shit goes foul in the end, you sure as hell aren’t getting ousted. We hired you as a booking manager before Kieran set his sights on you.”

  Her heart ached in response to Jett voicing the exact worries she’d buried. She’d traveled all across the states, lived in random apartments, and worked odd jobs her entire life, but not until she joined with the guys of Discord’s Desire did she first feel like she had a home. And the one thing keeping her from jumping off the precipice with Kieran was the fear that burrowed deep inside her. Because for the first time, she didn’t want to run.


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