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Mine (Falling For A Rose Book 7)

Page 7

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Are you staying over?”

  “Yeah, I thought you wanted me to.”

  “That’s fine, just making sure.”

  Cindy nodded and prepared their food.

  “So, what’s up with you and Phoebe?” she asked casually.

  “What do you mean?”

  “She seemed a little apprehensive about me coming over today.”

  “You think so?”

  “Yeah. It was all in the way she said, forget all about what he said, I’ll be over to help him out,” Cindy mimicked. “There was definitely something there.”

  “Does that bother you?” Quentin asked.

  Cindy strolled across the room with two plates in hand. She sat one in front of Quentin and shrugged.

  “I just don’t want to be the butt of an unknown joke.”

  Quentin gave her a straightforward gaze. “Elaborate, please.”

  “I just want to ask. Are we doing anything here? I mean, we’ve been mixing business with pleasure for some time now. Is this just our thing, should I be looking for more, or?”

  Quentin was slightly taken aback, especially after his previous thoughts.

  “Do you want more, Cindy?”

  He was testing her of course, wanting to know if she was expecting more out of their friendship.

  Cindy shrugged. “I want whatever you want.”

  Quentin wasn’t sure if that was a proper answer.

  “I like the way things are between us,” she added, “and when people decide to turn a friendship into a relationship, it never ends well.”

  “You speak as if you’ve experienced this before.”

  “Haven’t we all? You think because you get along with someone well for months or years that you could possibly make a perfect couple. Then when things go wrong, trust me, nothing is always good. Things will go wrong, and when they do, your friendship is ruined. Just like that.” She snapped her fingers.

  “So all of that history you have with a person no longer matters if things don’t work out between the two?”

  Cindy shook her head as she chewed and swallowed her jambalaya.

  “It won’t make a difference how long you’ve known each other because the hurt or disagreement will be all that matters. It would ruin everything.”

  The kitchen became quiet with only the soft clinging of utensils meeting the plate. Quentin stood across from Cindy eating his food and pondering her words. Pushing thoughts of him and Phoebe to the side, he refocused his attention and asked another question.

  “So you’re cool with our arrangement then?”

  “Yeah. Are you?”

  Quentin exhaled a breath and took a sip of his water.

  “Phoebe and I are dating,” he said frankly.

  Cindy glanced up from her food.

  “Phoebe Alexandria Rose?”

  “That’s the one.”


  “Is it that surprising?”

  “She just seems a little reserved, not really your type.”

  Quentin raised a brow. “What’s my type, you?”

  Cindy stared at him for a moment. “I just mean, she seems a little innocent and sweet. Not like the daring, long legged women you chase after.”


  “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I think I do.”

  “What will you do with a sweet girl like her, huh?”

  Quentin had a round of wicked things he wanted to do with Phoebe. But he wouldn’t share those thoughts with Cindy.

  “Maybe you should tell me since you know it all.” He took a swig from another bottled water.

  “Be nice,” she said.

  Quentin choked on the liquid and limped to the sink to grab a paper towel. He cleared his throat hard and patted his chest.

  “Are you all right?”

  “You trying to kill me with your jokes,” he said gruffly.

  “Who’s joking?”

  “Am I mean, Cindy?” He turned back to her, and Cindy’s eyes covered his full physique from head to toe.

  “Depends on the situation,” she said.

  The kitchen grew quiet as Quentin could feel Cindy’s flirtation seeping out of her.

  “You know, I think I’m a pretty standup guy. Everyone seems to think I’ll ruin her. What about all of my assets?”

  Cindy smirked. “Awe, were your feeling hurt by that truth, Mr. Davidson?”

  “So that’s how it is?”

  Cindy shrugged. “All I know is whenever you’re feeling the need to loosen up; I’ll be around.” Cindy glided from the table, sauntering over to stand in front of him. “You’ve got something on your lip,” she said, leaning in to stick her tongue out. She licked up his chin to his mouth, and Quentin caught her arms just as she’d wrapped them around his shoulders.

  Cindy gave him an odd look. “Is there something wrong?”

  “I just told you I’m dating Phoebe.”

  Cindy pulled back slightly. “Does that mean you’re celibate, too, because that would just be depressing.”


  “I told you Phoebe’s a good girl, and she’s definitely an innocent.”

  “And by innocent you mean virgin?”

  “Ding!” Cindy said. “But do what you must. When you’re ready for some fun, you know where to find me.” Cindy turned around and sashayed to the kitchen sink with a sway in her hips and a whistle on her tongue.

  Quentin reached to his chin and wiped her kiss with the pad of his thumb as a flash of their last rendezvous fled through his mind. It was true, he and Cindy had shared some heavy erotic times, and that might just be too big of a problem for his newfound relationship with Phoebe.

  Chapter Ten

  “Eight ball, corner pocket.”

  The cue stick tapped the butt of the eight ball and rolled across the pool table with an air of confidence. At the entrance of the corner pocket, it whirled around the open goal before sinking inside.

  “Every time!” Josiah, the youngest of the Rose brothers, exclaimed.

  “Nobody’s that good,” Quentin said, shocked by the game-winning streak Jonathon had.

  The smug grin on Jonathon’s face was boastful enough. He didn’t need words. Josiah slapped Quentin on the back.

  “Look at it like this,” he said, “there’s always next time.”

  “Don’t make false promises, brother,” Jonathon said toward Josiah.

  They all snickered. Everyone but Quentin of course. Sitting at Lamar’s Sports Bar and Grill, the group of friends high-fived and switched positions as they all took turns playing pool. The bar was crowded for a Wednesday, but all Quentin wanted to do was let out the secret he held. Maybe having an audience this size was a good thing, then Quentin would have witnesses if this all went wrong.

  “I’m off my game, man,” Quentin said.

  “Oh yeah, I heard about your accident. Heard the car that hit you cost more to get fixed than your medical bills did.”

  Jaden and Jonas laughed.

  “It’s because I’m a beast,” Quentin joked, flexing his arms to show off his steely biceps. Although he joked and clowned around with his friends, Quentin noticed that Jordan was conveniently too busy to join them. Citing an important case was underway that needed his attention. A part of Quentin wanted to believe that was true; after all, Phoebe had also been missing the last twenty-four hours. The few times he’d spoken with her had been on a break she’d forced herself to take, so it was completely possible that Jordan’s absence was because of this important case.

  However, Quentin knew better. It was already starting, and he and Phoebe hadn’t even been on a date yet. Quentin knew this process wouldn’t be a smooth one in the least, but he’d half expected to be given a chance.

  Now standing here with men he considered family on the cusp of not asking but informing them he would be dating their sister was giving him a sour taste in his mouth, and it was no wonder he was on his fifth Corona, as he desperately wanted
to wash his palette.

  “I’m glad you’re all right, man, truly,” Jonathon said.

  “I appreciate that.”

  “How are you feeling now? Phoebe told me they released you the same day,” Jaden said.

  “Yeah. The doctor called me the Iron Man.”

  They all guffawed, and Josiah even ran around the pool table in circles, laughing.

  “I can’t believe you just gave us that kind of ammunition,” Jonathon said.

  “I did, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did,” Jonas said.

  “Fuck you all,” Quentin said.

  They laughed harder, drawing nearby smiles from lingering women.

  Quentin took a swig of his beer. “So, fellas, how’s married life?”

  “Oh look,” Josiah said, “he’s deflecting.” The guys chuckled. “Don’t worry tin-man; we don’t plan to laugh at you all night.”

  Quentin shook Josiah off his shoulder. “Get off me, busta,” he said.

  “Was that a serious question, man?” Jonas asked.

  “Yeah. I mean, we grew up together, and got into some pretty wild things, too. I’m proud of you all for growing out of it and changing your ways. It just goes to show that anybody can change for the better,” Quentin said.

  They all agreed.

  “Well, not everybody,” Jonathon offered.

  Quentin took another swig of his beer. “How’s that?”

  “You still seem to be going strong, carrying the little black book to the grave.”

  They all snickered, some bending over with laughter.

  “Yeah, you would think so, huh?” Quentin retorted. “I’ve had a little time to do some reflecting myself.”

  Their comical faces all slowly but surely one by one faded.

  “You’re talking about Cindy, right? You’re finally making an honest woman out of her,” Jonathon cracked.

  The guys all chuckled.

  “Nah man. Cindy and I aren’t a thing.”

  “Since when?” Josiah asked.

  “Since now.”

  They all laughed again.

  “So, who’s the unlucky woman?” Jaden said.

  “Why y’all on me like that?”

  The men continued to laugh.

  “Oh, I get it.” Quentin snapped his finger. “You guys can change and get married, but I can’t, right?”

  The guys’ laughter simmered down.

  “Naw, man, we’re just messing with you,” Jonathon said. “We’re all human. I know we’ve all had our fair share of fun.”

  They all agreed.

  “But every last one of us found our bride. If you’ve found someone whom you can’t live without, I will respect you for taking her off the market. I did.” Jonathon wiggled his brows. “You just have to remember, marriage is forever, and it’s brand new. It’s not something you can prepare for because it’s a different stage of life. But it’s beautiful, I’ll tell you that.”

  “Here, here,” Jonas said, lifting his scotch in the air.

  Quentin was feeling better about his revelation. If Jonathon truly felt that way, then Quentin’s next words should bond them even closer instead of pulling them apart.

  “You all feel the same way?” Quentin asked, glancing from one to the other. They all nodded and continued to sip their drinks. “You have no idea how big of a weight you just took off my shoulders.”

  They looked at him questionably.

  “What’s up, man?” It was Jonathon who asked.

  “I’m taking Phoebe out on a date,” Quentin said. He took down the rest of his Corona as he watched the words process through them.

  Jonathon blinked, then shook his head with one quick swipe. “I’m sorry,” he grinned, “sounded like you said you’re taking Phoebe, our baby sister, out on a date.” Jonathon’s laser beam focus shot a glare toward Quentin.

  At the same time, the door chimed, and Phoebe, Eden, and Jasmine sauntered through the opening. Quentin’s focus left the men and joined Phoebe’s. She smiled softly, but his stern gaze told her something was off.

  Noticing Quentin’s trajectory, Jonathon followed his gaze to Phoebe. With a hard-angled glare, he turned back to Quentin and watched them for a split moment before he struck out in Quentin’s direction.

  Everybody moved, with Jonas, Jaden, and Josiah reaching for Jonathon and Phoebe, Eden, and Jasmine running across the bar. None of them was quick enough. Jonathon tackled Quentin, and they fell into a table and toppled to the floor.

  “Jonathon!” Phoebe screamed as the men wrestled on the ground.

  “You son of a bitch!” Jonathon barked as his brothers drug him off of Quentin. “Take that shit back!” Jonathon shouted as he tried with ferocity to push against his brothers’ stronghold.

  Quentin rose from the floor, checking his lip with the back of his knuckle. It had split, causing a little blood to seep out. Quentin’s dark gaze cut straight to Jonathon. Phoebe slid to his side with her mouth hanging open and eyes wide.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Phoebe snapped at Jonathon. Eden and Jasmine stood next to Phoebe but off to the side. There had been many times they’d seen their brother angry, but this was a whole other type of madness.

  “No, what the hell are you doing, Phoebe?” Jonathon yelled. He pushed and pulled, trying with all his might to get to Quentin, but Jonas, Jaden, and Josiah had him locked in their grasp.

  Quentin slipped Phoebe further away from him, taking her out of the line of fire. He stepped forward and opened his arms.

  “Let ‘em go,” Quentin growled, a dark challenge in his eyes.

  “Oh yeah, please let me go,” Jonathon said, steadily pushing against his brothers.

  “No! This is not happening,” Phoebe said, stepping back in front of Quentin.

  “Come get your sister,” Quentin said, speaking to Eden and Jasmine.

  “No!” Phoebe took her attention from Jonathon to Quentin, leaving her back to her brothers. Eden and Jasmine stepped in, attempting to pull Phoebe away, but she refused. “I won’t let this happen.” Tears stung her eyes. “This is not supposed to be happening!” she shouted hysterically.

  “Phoebe, what are you doing?” Jaden asked.

  “Dating Quentin is not a bad thing, he’s your best friend! You know he won’t do anything to hurt me!”

  Jonas, Jaden, and Josiah all groaned. The owner Lamar approached the group. Lamar knew each one of them personally because the men had frequented his bar for years. It was the very place Jonas met his wife Samiyah one evening while she sat at the bar drinking a mimosa.

  “Fellas, what’s going on here?” Lamar’s elevated voice boomed.

  “Get off of me!” Jonathon said, finally shoving away from his brothers. They reached to grab him again, but he pivoted on his heels and stormed across the establishment, disappearing outside. They all watched him go then slowly turned back around to Quentin.

  “I need to holler at you,” Jonas said.

  “Now,” Jaden added.

  Quentin held his arms out. “I’m an open book.”

  The men stared each other down. Jaden, Jonas, and Josiah stood inches in front of him, contemplating whether to knock his head off or talk some sense into him.

  Quentin stood ready. Regardless of how many of them there were, he would take a few down as he fell if need be.

  Jonas took his attention to Lamar. “I’ll pay for the damages and any upgrades required.” Looking back at Quentin, he spoke, “This is not a game, man, you’re playing with fire.”

  “Just a minute ago, you guys were all laughing and nodding. You were okay with the possibility that I had found someone I wanted to be with. But not now I guess. Hoping that you brothers would have my back and congratulate me was too much, huh?”

  “You know good and damn well that telling us you’re dating our baby sister would not go over nicely. Phoebe is not someone you can try out to see if you’re ready for marriage.”

  “I’m not trying her out for anything. As
of now, we are just dating.”

  “That’s even worse,” Josiah said.

  “Who knows? Phoebe might decide she doesn’t like me after all and ditch me for the new kid on the block.” Quentin tossed his hands up. “Will you guys have pity on me then.”

  Phoebe wanted to tell him that would never happen. Unless he did something stupid like cheat on her of course.

  “We’ve had these conversations before. Family is off limits,” Jonas said.

  “You sound like Jordan.”

  At the mention of their brother, the men’s eyes all skipped over one another.

  “Jordan knew about this?” Josiah asked.

  Phoebe folded her arms. “This is beyond ridiculous. You guys act as if I’m sixteen years old! I’m a grown woman, damn it!” And she was tired of shouting it, but no one seemed to be listening.

  “You’re right,” Jonas admitted, and Phoebe, Eden, or Jasmine couldn’t believe he’d said it. “You are a grown woman. Who you date is your business. But that doesn’t mean it won’t have consequences.”

  “You haven’t even given him a chance,” she said. “How’s that fair? None of us thought any of you would change and get married, but you did! How does Quentin not get a fair chance?” Phoebe’s chest was tight, and periodically a tear would escape her eyes.

  “I don’t have a problem with giving Quentin a chance,” Jonas said, “but not with you.”

  Phoebe was so heartbroken she could’ve screamed. She shouted and turned to face Quentin. She angled her head up to his face as she stood so close to him she could feel his breath as he exhaled. “Let’s go, this is pointless, please.”

  Quentin took his gaze from her brothers and glanced down at her worry-filled eyes. The door chimed as Jonathon walked back through it headed in their direction. Quentin placed a hand on Phoebe and pulled her back to the side, preparing himself for a fight with Jonathon.

  Jonathon pushed through his brothers, but they grabbed him as Jonathon pointed at Quentin.

  “Choose,” Jonathon growled, leveling Quentin with a deadly glare.

  “Jonathon!” Phoebe screamed, but Jonathon ignored her. He knew Phoebe would do what she wanted, and it wasn’t his place to stop her, but this wasn’t between Phoebe and Jonathon. It wasn’t about her ability to be able to pick out a respectful suitor to date because she didn’t really know what Quentin was capable of. But Jonathon did, and this was between him and Quentin.


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