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Before the Storm

Page 31

by Michael P. Kube-Mcdowell

  Behn-kihl-nahm flushed in an angry red. “If any member of the Senate has had any part in this—”

  “Quiet,” Drayson said sharply.

  “I am the viceroy of the Duskhan League, a free federation of Yevetha worlds in what you call the Koornacht Cluster,” said Nil Spaar. “I have come to you a second time to tell you of events far from your homeworlds, and warn you of a danger very close at hand.

  “Two days ago, the forces of the Yevethan Protectorate successfully thwarted a deadly plot against our people and our way of life. The plot involved inhabitants of three planets—”

  “Three?” said Behn-kihl-nahm. “They can’t count or tell the truth.”

  “—located near the boundaries of our territory. These outsiders, whom we had generously allowed to settle on Yevethan soil, betrayed our trust and hospitality. All were discovered to be secretly assisting our enemies prepare for an invasion.

  “We have escaped the immediate danger. We acted swiftly and forcefully in our defense, and we make no apology for doing so. All those responsible have been executed for their crimes—”

  “Great stars,” said Ackbar. “He’s claiming credit for the massacres.”

  “—but you, the homeworlds, remain in danger. Because the plot against us was hatched on Coruscant, by a new generation of warlords. They are our enemies—not because we wish it, but because they have chosen it.

  “They are your enemies as well. They hide their faces and their evils behind a cloak of open government. Do not underestimate their perfidy. A New Empire is being born, led by a child of the old Empire. Your dream has been betrayed. You have placed your trust in immoral and deceitful leaders.

  “I accuse President Princess Leia Organa Solo of high crimes against her office, and against my people.

  “Even now, after her conspiracy has been revealed, she threatens us. Warships of the New Empire are in Farlax at this very moment, seeking to compel my silence and our submission. She covets our wealth, and fears our independence.

  “But know this—the Yevetha will never bow our necks to this woman and her hired killers. We will resist her predations to the fullest measure. Her spies and conspirators know that now. Her generals will know it soon. We will resist, and we will prevail.

  “We regret the deaths which have already transpired. But they are on her hands, and the hands of those who serve her without question. We have the right to protect ourselves. We will never accept the authority of the Coruscant warlords over our dominion. And we will not tolerate the daughter of Vader meddling in our affairs.

  “If you do not renounce her, and you will not restrain her, then be prepared for war.”




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