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A Cupcake to Die For

Page 13

by Mary Jane Forbes

  “I don’t know her, but yes I was pushed in her direction.”

  “And the name, sir of that blonde?”

  “I’ve seen her around. I think her name is Star Bloom. But so what. It was a cupcake.”

  Drake leaned back.

  “Can I go now?” Spider said jumping to his feet, blotting his face with his T-shirt. “It’s boiling hot in here.”

  “Not quite yet. Please sit down. Where were you last Thursday night around eight o’clock…exactly?” Drake saw blood drain from Spider’s face. Was his hunch going to pay off?

  Jimmy slumped back in the chair. “How should I know? I’m always doing something with friends.”

  “Last Thursday. Eight o’clock. Give or take twenty minutes, did you pick up a pizza? Think Mr. Spider. People take selfies with cells, selfies that capture what’s going on in the background, people standing in line.”

  “I’m always picking up a pizza. Who doesn’t?”

  “Pizzas Galore? Ever been there, Mr. Spider? Take a selfie? Get caught in somebody else’s selfie?”

  “Show me what you got or I’m out of here.”

  “Hold on, hold on. You’re not going anywhere. Think carefully, Mr. Spider, how you answer. The reason you’re here is because you are a suspect of attempted murder,” Drake emphasized the word murder.

  Jimmy Spider lunged from his chair, ran to the door, yelling. “Let me out of here. You can’t pin this on me.”

  Wilson quickly grabbed Jimmy in a hammerlock, forcing him back in the chair.

  “Let go of me. Let go of me.”

  “Calm down and I will,” Wilson said easing off his grip.

  Drake never moved. He sat watching the drama. He bent forward, his hand rubbing his arthritic knee. It was a sure sign when his knee began to throb that he was getting somewhere.

  “Mr. Spider, did you order the pizza? Pay cash or perhaps a credit card when you picked up the pizza?” Drake said. His voice was low but firm, a steely look in his eyes.

  “No, it was already paid for.”

  “How, Mr. Spider? Who paid?”

  “How should I know…I…I…I was told to ask for the Juniper Drive pizza. I don’t remember the number.”

  “Who told you to ask for the Juniper Drive pizza?”

  “I dunno. Never met her.”

  “Her, Mr. Spider?”

  “Her, him…a voice.”

  “And where did you get the jar of red liquid?”

  “Ah…ah…stopped at a 7-Eleven. Yah…a 7-Eleven.”

  “Then you delivered the pizza to the address on the pizza box?”

  “Yah, rang the doorbell, gave it to…to…a woman and left. Yes, I remember now. Dropped it off and left.”

  “Let’s go back to Pizzas Galore, Mr. Spider. You were told to go there. Come, come, Mr. Spider. You’re a smart man. Who paid you to pick up the pizza and how much were you paid…personally, for this delivery?”

  “Nothing. I got nothing.”

  “You said she told you, Mr. Spider. If you don’t tell me her name then it looks like Officer Wilson here will book you on murder in the first degree in the case of Mr. Vincent Roth, and attempted murder in the case of Miss Star Bloom. Is that what you want?”

  “I didn’t do nothing.”

  “Sorry, Mr. Spider, but the evidence says otherwise. Book him, Officer Wilson. Escort him to the arraignment officer and lock him up.”

  Drake didn’t have another card to play. He sighed, stood up. Looked at Wilson cuffing Spider’s wrists and ankles. Spider required a little more stimulus to give up the name of who hired him to deliver a lethal strawberry cocktail.

  “No, no, wait. She…she’s a redhead. I was instructed to meet her with the pizza near a hotel. She gave me a jar of red stuff and two hundred bucks.”

  Drake calmly took out his cell, showed Jimmy the line-up. Drake’s finger slowly advancing through the images to the last picture.

  “There, that’s her. The redhead.”

  The detective’s eyes widened. The woman wasn’t on his list of persons-of-interest.

  “Her name, Mr. Spider. Her name.”

  “I dunno. Honest. She knew me but she never gave me her name.”

  “Her name didn’t come up on your cell?”


  “Do you have your cell with you, Mr. Spider?”

  “Okay, here. You’ll only see my friends’ names and my boss. Not hers?”

  Chapter 49

  THE WHITE VAN, shiny clean, sparkled as Tyler turned off the highway. He was holding Star’s hand in a tight grip reminding them they had survived an attempt at a very evil act. They had one stop to make before heading home. Star promised CeeCee she would drop in to see Jenny Sue.

  The Washingtons had taken Jenny Sue to visit Star in the same hospital where she had surgery. It was the day she was released to go home. They didn’t realize the vivid memories of some painful days their little girl had endured a few days earlier would be traumatic for her. Seeing Star in bed, Jenny Sue jumped to the unthinkable. Her friend had cancer. Returning home, Jenny Sue stopped eating, only able to sit on the couch holding her pink stuffed bunny rabbit.

  Today Jenny Sue stood looking out the front window, clutching her pink bunny waiting for the familiar white van.

  “She’s here. Mommy, Daddy, Star’s here,” Jenny Sue squealed racing out the front door and into Star’s arms as she climbed out of the van.

  Laughing, Star hugged the little girl close, kissed the top of her fuzzy head. Her hair hadn’t grown much since being shaved for the operation. Star slipped to her knees in front of Jenny Sue. “How’s my favorite cupcake baker today?”

  “I’m happy,” Jenny Sue said tugging Star up to her feet. “Come in. You too, Tyler. I baked twelve cupcakes this morning after Tyler called that he was bringing you to see me.”

  Tears suddenly welled up in Jenny Sue’s eyes. She dropped Star’s hand throwing her arms around her friend.

  “Hey, why the tears. You and I are happy today, remember?”

  “Yes…I remember. Do you have cancer?”

  Jenny Sue’s words were muffled as she clung to Star’s skirt. Star knelt again, hugging the little girl, patting her back. “No, Jenny Sue, I don’t have cancer. I had a very bad tummy ache, but I’m better now.”

  “You’re not going to die?”

  “No, sweetheart, I’m not going to die.”


  “Yes, I promise. Now let’s go in so I can taste those special cupcakes. Are they tie-dyed?”

  “Yes, they are. I hope they taste good. Mommy bought the ice cream cones for me.”

  “I’m sure they’ll be yummy, after all they were made by a true bakery chef.”

  Star stood lifting the handkerchief Tyler held out to her. Darn, if there wasn’t something in her eyes.

  Tyler and Stuart took turns taking pictures with their phones of the coffee klatch with the tie-dyed cupcakes center stage. Tyler thought he might capture the perfect image for the cover of the kid’s cookbook Star was about to dish up to the New York publisher.

  “Star, CeeCee, how about we get together for a picnic on the beach with Jenny Sue in a few days,” Tyler said. “I want to get Star home now, but we’ll be making plans, plans we want to share with you.”

  “Say, yes, Daddy…the beach, a picnic with Star?”

  “That seals it, Tyler,” Stuart said.

  “Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches okay?” CeeCee said.

  “Always,” Star replied giving Jenny Sue a hug goodbye.

  Star and Tyler waved with a goodbye kiss out the van’s windows. Tyler glanced over at her, the sparkle was back in his angel’s blue eyes. Thank God for that, he thought. They had some serious decisions to make—like what to do and where to do it?

  Detective Drake called on Star’s cell. He had news asking if he could drop by about two o’clock. She glanced at Tyler.

  “Detective Drake wants to see us at two. It’s okay with me.”

>   “Tell him yes but make it a short visit.”

  “Detective, Tyler’s driving me home from the hospital—”

  “Oh, I lost track of time. My news…”

  “It’s okay. Come on by. I’m feeling almost like new…just a little tired. I’m sure you understand.”

  “Yes, yes, of course. Two o’clock. Bye.”

  - - -

  Tyler pulled into their driveway. He sighed. It had been a tough few days.

  “Let’s go in and then I’ll check the mailbox,” he said.

  “Sounds good. I’m going to take a nap.”

  “Cup of tea first?”


  “While you take a nap I’m going to draft some edits to a five-year plan for our company. Maybe we can sit on the beach, soak up some sun…a normal day before Drake arrives. How does that sound?”

  “I’m ready for normal,” she said with a smile.

  He gave Star a warm hug. It was good to be home.

  Tyler ducked out for the mail while the water came to a boil. There was a padded envelope in the box. Ripping it open he removed his cell phone. No note. No return address.

  Chapter 50

  TYLER SPREAD TWO BEACH towels on the warm sand. He unscrewed the cap of a bottle of icy cold water handing it to Star, then pulled a second bottle out of his backpack along with a handwritten sheet of paper titled—S&T Jackman 5-Year Plan.

  With a serious face, he handed the sheet to Star.

  Sitting on the towel, she read the heading then looked over at Tyler as he laid back on his towel, a ball cap covering his eyes.

  “When did you write this?” she said with a giggle.

  “At the hospital when you were in the ICU, the first night while I was watching over you.”

  “Umm, quite impressive, Mr. Jackman. Only one page.”

  “Let’s just say I was inspired. It’s a draft I’ve been working on. I’ll type it up after we talk it over.”

  “Okay. Take a nap while I read it. Go on. I’ll wake you up.”

  “It’s not that long, babe, but I’ll do as I’m told. Wait a minute.”

  Tyler pushed the ball cap up from his eyes, raising up on his elbow he looked at Star. “Before you start, I’m assuming we both want to leave Hollywood as soon as we can?” Even though it was a question, his tone was matter of fact, no ifs, ands, or buts.

  “As far as I’m concerned, your assumption is correct. The sooner the better. Now, go back to your nap.”

  “Just checking, babe,” he said pulling the bill of the cap down over his eyes.

  Star ran her finger over the title, clutched the sheet to her heart, then began to read.

  - - -

  The plan began with the creation of a corporation—S&T Jackman Corporation. It was noted that Jane Haliday, Daytona Beach, was tasked with drawing up the documents as well as a company checking and savings account. Star Bloom and Tyler Jackman were listed as partners and the only two who had access to and in charge of the funds in the accounts—twenty-five million dollars, less the money already withdrawn to pay the Washingtons as producer and director of the Baker Girl reality television series.

  Tyler then broke out two divisions labeled Star Jackman and Tyler Jackman. Under each partner’s name he listed potential business opportunities. A third list included projects where they shared the responsibilities, such as the Baker Girl reality show, overseeing the Washingtons.

  As a start under Star Bloom, Tyler included a proposed kids’ baking competition show with six to eight episodes, a series of kid’s cookbooks in collaboration with Tyler Jackman, illustrator.

  Tyler Jackman’s list included digital illustrations—books, both digital and paperback, short to full length animated films including sound tracks, and try his hand at a game for little kids.

  Both partners will contract with third parties to complete a project—publishers, directors, producers and an accounting firm to handle all financial duties reporting to the partners.

  Corporate headquarters to be established in Daytona Beach, Florida. Paradise—a place to flourish.

  Partners will marry within two months.

  The last sentence sent a thrill through Star’s body as she clutched the paper once again to her heart—married in two months!

  Chapter 51

  GAZING OUT AT THE sparkling blue water of the Pacific Ocean, waves softly rolling ashore, Star smiled. Her next five years with Tyler was mapped out on the page she held in her hand. It was thrilling, exciting, stimulating, his plan reaching for the moon and the stars. Their dream. The bullet points made sense. S&T Jackman Corporation was within their grasp.

  Hearing her cell, she rooted around the canvas bag and held the cell to her ear. Tyler lifted the bill of his cap annoyed that someone had called interrupting their business meeting.

  “Hi, Detective. How are you?” Star said.

  “Yes, hello, Miss Bloom. I’m at your house, standing at the top of the path…I see you on the beach.”

  Star looked up, waved. Tyler’s eyes followed her gesture.

  “Miss Bloom could you and Mr. Jackman come up to the house? I need your help. I’d come down but my eyes can’t take the bright sun. Of course, I could come if—”

  “No, no, Detective. Stay where you are.” Star handed the sheet of paper, the roadmap to their future, to Tyler. “Come on, Ty, the detective needs our help.”

  “Hold up,” Tyler said as he stood. “Tell me—the plan—good start?”

  Dropping the towel on the sand, Star stood on tiptoe, circling his neck with her arms. “A most beautiful start. I love you partner.”

  Tyler held her close kissing her plump pink lips. Leaning back, he smiled. “Ok, now I’m ready to hear what the detective has to say.”

  Slipping on his backpack, towels draped through the straps, Tyler grasped Star’s hand. Star waved to Detective Drake as she and Tyler trudged up the path.

  - - -

  “Coffee, Sir?” Star asked as Tyler unlocked the front door. “Ty and I are ready for a pick me up.”

  “No, no, thanks anyway. This won’t take long.”

  “And what is this?” Tyler said following Star into the house. Drake was close behind.

  “Hopefully you, or Miss Bloom, can identify a woman in a picture.”

  Star pushed Mr. Coffee’s button then perched on a stool alongside Tyler at the kitchen island. Drake, phone in hand, navigated to his line-up. He handed the cell to Tyler. Star leaned her head against his chest to see the thumbnail images.

  “There’s Star…me next to her. Suzie, Mr. Burnett.”

  Tyler kept advancing the pictures.

  “Oh, there’s my team, Detective. Looks like the last picture. They dropped by to tell me we were going to work on our new project in Twentynine Palms.”

  “And the woman, Mr. Jackman, what’s her name?”

  “That’s Roxy standing by Ben and Sam. We teamed up in Hollywood several months ago.”

  “Roxy…first name, last name?” Drake said, pen poised above his little notepad dog-eared from being stuffed in his back pocket.

  “Roxanne De Luca. I’m not sure that’s her real name. We always call her Roxy. Why the interest, Detective?”

  “She’s been implicated in Mr. Roth’s death and the attempt to murder you, Miss Bloom.”

  “Hey careful what you say, Detective. No need to scare us but I don’t believe it. Roxy is a bit head strong, but murder? I don’t buy it,” Tyler said shaking his head.

  “I see, I see. Well, with Miss Bloom’s help leading to Mr. Spider, he then led the investigation to this woman Roxanne. Picked her out of my line-up.”

  Drake stuffed his cell into his front pants pocket, the notepad in the back pocket. “Mr. Spider didn’t know her name, so I took a chance one of you did—all were at that Burnett Media barbecue. I’ll be leaving. Thanks for your help.”

  “Detective, Star and I have some business to attend to in New York City. You said we shouldn’t leave town but it’s ve
ry important and—”

  “Sure, sure, go ahead. How long do you plan to be gone?”

  “Only a day or two at most,” Tyler said.

  “Call me when you leave and definitely the day you return,” Drake said. “I may need you. The case is moving fast. Please keep what we talked about to yourselves, and Mr. Jackman, don’t let on to your Twentynine Palms’ friends what we discussed. The case isn’t closed yet, so I wouldn’t say you’re out of danger, Miss Bloom. It’s probably a good idea if you’re out of town for a few days.”

  Chapter 52

  IT WAS ALL ARRANGED. The New York City publisher, Grace Turnbull, was almost giddy at the prospect of meeting Star. Even more so that her fiancé, Tyler Jackman, was bringing cartoon sketches of the kids’ baking class, the pilot episode.

  The last item on the partner’s to-do list before they flew to New York was meeting with the Washingtons for an update on the status for the Baker Girl project. Tyler also had played over with Star an idea about a cookbook to accompany the release of the Baker Girl show giving the recipes she whipped up in the competition. So many of the recipes she made on the spot were from her grandmother when she and Star as a child baked together.

  When Star called Gran to get permission to use her recipes, tears came to Gran’s eyes at the thought of the connection of love she and her granddaughter shared.

  Today was the meeting with the Washingtons. Jenny Sue was the first out the front door running into Star’s open arms. The little girl grabbed her best friend’s hand pulling her into the house.

  “I made cupcakes, Star. A new special recipe Mommy gave me just for you.”

  “How thoughtful of you, Jenny Sue. You know I love cupcakes. What kind are they?”


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