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Curse of Innock: Dragon Legacy Book I

Page 9

by R. G. Porter

  "Now, you were ready to hit me with a stick. Would you like to try that again?"

  "You can go to hell.” Alayia snapped back. She was sick of being treated like a child. She was tired, dirty and wanted nothing more than to forget her life.

  "Now what was that for? You are the one who threw it at me. I didn't do anything wrong."

  Alayia couldn't stand to face him, her heart full of emotions she didn't understand. “Just go away and leave me be. Go back to Talon and tell him I got away from you.” Her soul was a raw gaping wound that refused to heal. Deep in her heart she wanted to run and not look back, to leave this world of chaos and pain behind, yet she knew she would stay where she was at no matter what.

  "Don't do this. Don't shut me out Alayia.” She could sense his body close to hers, the heat that radiated from his skin called to her.

  "I can't get close to any of you. It's not safe. Please.” She could feel her voice crack under the tears that fell down her face. “You need to just let me go."

  Gabriel caught her hand pulling her into his embrace. His black eyes delved into her soul, she could feel it. What he was searching for, she didn't know. “Why would you leave and more than that why would it matter if you got close to us? Maybe I'm the one you should not get close to.” His words cut her like a knife.

  "I've nothing to fear from you. You cannot say the same for me.” She moved out of his reach, her hands fisted at her side. Now more than ever she wanted to run or at least vanish into thin air. She looked up into his eyes and found him staring back. His face full of emotions she couldn't read, yet one seemed more prevalent than any other but she couldn't be sure. Fear? But if so... for who?

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  * * * *

  Gabriel hadn't expected to see her again, yet the moment he'd heard her voice in the woods he'd found his feet moving in her direction. There was something about her that called to him. Even during the daylight when the dragon took over, he'd dreamt about her. In his dream, he'd heard her call out to him to save her. She'd been pursued by a man, someone sick in the mind determined to kill her. Fury had risen in his blood, the dragon's rage seething to enact punishment. Another voice had called out to him in the haze of his anger, a calming voice that guided him in his dream to Alayia's location and the man who'd planned to hurt her. He'd dealt with the man swiftly. Thankfully it was only a dream.

  A soft sigh brought his focus back to the present. His vision drifted over to the tree where she stood, her hand absently moving up to grasp a piece of her golden hair twisting it in a nervous gesture. Gabriel's heart lurched. “Alayia, do you always do that when you are nervous?” He had to know. He'd only known one other person to do that.

  "Do what?” She didn't ever realize what she was doing. Before she could move away Gabriel made his way to her side his hand a light caress against her cheek.

  "Why are you so distant? What could you possibly have to hide?” It broke his heart that she could feel so alone. No one should have to feel that way let alone her. He had a reason.

  "Just go Gabriel. Go back to Talon and leave me be.” Despair laced her words, a finality that he couldn't miss.

  Gabriel glanced at the rising of her chest, aware of the internal battle she was fighting. But for what? A sound from behind caught his attention, the movement of branch and grass as another approached. Gabriel moved his lips close to Alayia's ear so as to take in her scent for his keeping. “We will finish this later. For now our friend Talon has come to hunt us out.” He kept his hand secured to her shoulder to make sure she didn't sprint away into the darkness.

  "Just go away.” No matter what he did she wouldn't face him. Damn.

  "I see you two are still at it.” Talon emerged from the darkness, his cane firmly held in his right hand. As much as Gabriel hated to admit it, he liked the man. Long ago, he'd learned to sense the honor in others in what little was said or done. In the short bit of time they'd talked, he'd found someone who he knew was trustworthy.

  "Not completely. She hasn't fought back yet. I think we scared her.” Gabriel hoped by teasing perhaps he could rouse something in her, but Alayia continued to stare out into the night. He had to change tactics. He returned his focus back to Talon, his hand never leaving Alayia's shoulder. “So, Talon, what pray tell happened to cause Alayia to have to leave so fast?” He felt her stiffen. Least he knew she was listening.

  "Some high and mighty lord seems to think our girl here is his intended. She disagrees.” Gabriel's stomach soured.

  "Which lord?” Gabriel steeled himself for the answer; the one thing he prayed wouldn't come from Talon's mouth. It couldn't be. He'd not seen the man in how many years?

  "Um... I believe his name is Elroy. Yes that's it. Lord Elroy.” Memories and rage flooded through Gabriel till he swore he would buckle over at the onslaught. “I've never met the man but I've heard stories. Truth be told, I wouldn't let her anywhere near that man even if it was true.” Of course he wouldn't. No man worth his salt would. But still, there was a hesitation in Talon's response. Gabriel wanted to ask why but felt it was best left alone for now.

  "He's an evil man. I've met him a couple times.” Another stir reminded him that Alayia was listening to their every word. No wonder she was so skittish. “Now there has to be another reason for you two to be out here. Where are you headed?” Gabriel watched as she began to twist her hair again, the action sending him back in time.

  "Well it seems our friend here has a score to settle with someone."

  Gabriel's brow furrowed. “How so?"

  Talon hesitated, unsure if he should continue giving information that Gabriel was sure he felt Alayia should provide. Minutes drew past ‘til he was sure he would have to wring the information out of him.

  Alayia cleared her throat. “If you need to know, it's because I have to find the beast that killed my brother and make him pay for it.” Alayia's sorrow-filled words tore at his heart. He'd not expected her to give up her reason for being in the forest, let alone sound so forlorn.

  Gabriel swung around to find Alayia facing him tears shimmering in the deep green depths of her eyes. In that moment he was lost. So many raw emotions swam in her small body, yet such strength to continue on in a quest that could easily get her killed. He found he admired her courage yet at the same time he wanted to pound some sense into her. Defiance radiated from her every pore. She was challenging him to stop her, to tell her she couldn't complete her task. Who was he to stop her?

  "Alayia.” He thought out his words carefully so as not to put distance between them. He found he needed her trust. “Who is it that killed your brother? Let me help you in this as best as I can.” The thought of someone harming kin that evidently meant so much to her angered him. Gabriel found that he wanted to protect her from anything and everything.

  "Well that might be a bit of a problem.” Talon's voice broke through the silence, reminding Gabriel that they weren't alone.

  "I see no problem. I'm good at hunting down people and if we have an idea of what this person looks like I should be able to locate them.” He didn't want to mention that with his acute senses he could discern any scent from within a hundred miles.

  Talon shifted his weight, his staff moving to the other hand a smirk crossing his face. “Now you see, that's the problem, what we are after isn't exactly human.” Talon's admission caught Gabriel off-guard.

  "An animal killed him? What kind?” Gabriel's mind raced at the endless possibilities knowing that so many creatures resided in the forests that finding the right one would be tough. “Where there any discerning marks?"

  "Gabriel.” She was pleading with him. “It's not your concern.” Of course it wasn't but that didn't matter any longer.

  "Tell me. What killed your brother?” His hand rested back on Alayia's shoulder as his head turned back to Talon. “Someone tell me.” Silence ensued as he wondered if he would ever be answered. “Damn it people."

  "Gabriel it
wasn't an ordinary forest animal.” He kept his gaze locked on Talon his grip on Alayia's shoulder tightening.

  "Do tell, what was it then?” Bile rose in his throat as he feared he already knew the answer. He prayed he was wrong.

  Talon's head bowed in a solemn gesture his tone even. “A large black dragon.” Gabriel's heart sank. “Believe us or not, but I've heard the tales and seen some of the destruction. Aside from that, I have no reason not to believe her.” Of course he didn't. Alayia didn't have a conniving bone in her body. Of course there was the one small issue. He was the dragon. How could he tell her? Could he admit his dark secret? Gabriel searched his memory to see if he could remember the day. A sickening feeling crossed his soul. Of course he did.

  He wanted to deny what happened but couldn't. His head turned to face her. “Alayia, I'm so sorry.” His words lost in his throat. She was still staring up at him, her eyes wide and full of innocence. There was something familiar in their depths. It nagged at the back of his mind but he just couldn't reach it.

  "Don't be. Feel sorry for the beast when I find it. It was the only creature I saw the day my brother died. It had to have done it.” She planned to kill the dragon. Could he blame her? No, of course not. He would have done the same thing. “Don't try and stop me Gabe.” Her words pulled him from his thoughts. Gabe? He'd not been called that in more years than he could count.

  "No one calls me Gabe."

  "It suits you.” Her delicate fingers continued to twist her hair, the nervous habit sending his mind into overload. He touched her hand, the single gesture sending shockwaves coursing through his body. He needed to feel her close, to taste her lips like he had the night they'd met.

  "Talon, we need to go back to the camp site. Do you mind finding something for us to eat? I'll walk Alayia back there.” His arm looped around her waist. “I think she should be safe to walk on her own this time.” He didn't want to mention if he held her over his shoulder once more he would be tempted to touch parts of her he shouldn't.

  Talon shrugged his shoulders a knowing smile crossing his face. “You do whatever you feel is necessary. I'll meet you back at the fire.” Gabriel was about to say more but he was already gone, the movement of the bushes the only indication of where he'd gone.

  Alayia's hand held tighter to his arm. “He's fast."

  "Somehow, I think he felt we needed some space."

  "Why?” The innocence of her question moved through his mind. Surely she felt the heat that radiated between them. Hell, he'd felt scorched by her touch.

  "Never mind, let's get back.” Frustrated that she was dodging the issue, Gabriel preferred to get back to the campfire. The knowledge that Elroy pursued her brought an entirely different aspect to their meeting. Why would Elroy be so dead set on finding this woman? Hadn't he destroyed enough lives? Fury burned Gabriel's soul till he could swear he could feel the dragon roar for release.

  "Gabriel?” Alayia's voice washed over him calming the beast. The sweetness of her voice brought back memories he'd long forgotten. “Are you all right Gabe?” There she went again with calling him Gabe. Why? Only one person had every called him that and she was long gone.

  "It's nothing. Just the past come to haunt me a bit I suppose.” His stomach knotted as his vision blurred with the memory of Danielle's death. How could he have forgotten that day? It should have been burned in his memory. That was, unless Innok had made him forget initially. His heart hammered at the memory of that day. Her death. So senseless and cruel. No one had deserved to go through the pain she had.

  Alayia's hand tightened around his arm as she stopped. The sudden stop of momentum pulled him from his thoughts. “Look at me Gabriel.” He couldn't. His emotions were raw again, his mind searching for reasons for why he was still here. What was worse he couldn't remember what Danielle's smile had looked like. Was he that bad of a man to have forgotten such a small thing?

  "Let's keep moving.” He couldn't face her even if he wanted to. Her arm pulled harder.

  "Gabriel, please talk to me.” Such desperation in her words broke his heart. He didn't want to hurt her but he couldn't answer any question she might have. “I know something is wrong. I'm not dumb. There are things I see...” Her words trailed off, her silence drawing his attention.

  His whole body stiffened as his mind raced. What things? His body shifted toward hers, his arms pulling Alayia close. Dipping his head he looked deep into her emerald eyes. “What have you seen?” There was recognition in the deep green depths. He could feel it.

  "It's nothing, really.” She was avoiding. “Let's hurry please.” Her body moved away from his embrace. Her retreat startled him. Never had he been pushed away.


  "Don't Gabriel. I don't understand why I feel like I know you, but I can't deal with that right now.” He watched as a small tendril of golden hair fell across her porcelain face. “I just can't do it. Please, just go or stay, but don't ask me things I can't answer yet."

  Emotions rushed through his veins faster than lightning. He needed to be close to this woman. Why? He'd sworn he would never care for another yet here he did not want to be away from one. Had he lost all his good sense? What was worse was that Elroy was involved again. Anger sparked a firestorm of fury through his body. His gaze drifted to the darkened sky, his questions shouted out in silence to the gods. Why? Why now? Was he betraying Danielle by caring for this woman? A single star trickled across the night sky twinkling twice before dying out.

  "Make a wish.” Her words broke through his thoughts. He returned his stare back to her, his heart in his throat. “Well? Haven't you ever thought to wish on a star? There is magick if you believe.” A lump formed in his throat.

  "You remind me of someone I knew long ago. You would have liked her."

  "What was her name?” His blood froze. He'd not spoken about his loss to anyone. “Gabe?"

  "Danielle. Her name was Danielle. She was spirited, much like you.” A smile crossed his solemn face. “Stubborn too.” A slap on his shoulder a clear indication she didn't agree with his assessment.

  Alayia kicked around a stone, her fingers twisting in her hair again. “What happened to her?” Her question was the last thing he expected.

  "What do you mean? How...” Was he that transparent?

  "I told you I could sense things. I've touched you... and... well... there are many things I see which I don't understand. At first you could block me but the more I'm around you the wall you have built seems to fade. One thing involves a woman but I can't see what happened.” She'd seen into him? Danielle had been the only other person capable of such a feat, even though he'd learned to block her more often than not. His stare narrowed on Alayia, her golden hair flowing in the wind.

  Her hands kneaded the hem of her dress and Gabriel found himself lost for a moment. A shake of her head drew his attention, her big green eyes questioning. “It's something you wouldn't believe even if I did tell you.” Not to mention he didn't want to think about it.

  Alayia's hand reached out to his, the warmth of her touch soothing the raw wound on his soul. “Please. This is something I need to know.” So much trust in that one request. For once, he felt the pull to tell his story. Not in the long days since his awakening had he wanted to talk about it. That was... until now.

  They broke through the bushes and back into the camp. The fire roared to life as if it had been waiting their return. How much time had passed since Danielle's death and yet it felt as fresh as if it had happened yesterday. A cool breeze brushed past him, the scent of fresh violets filling his nostrils. Danielle. Another touch of Alayia's hand brought him back to the present. Damn if only he could shield his memories.

  "Gabe?” There was that familiar term that tore at his heart. “I'm sorry to pry, really I am, but there is something nagging me about what I've seen. I'm hoping you can shed some light on it all.” All his defenses melted in that one request.

  "Sit by the fire, Alayia.” He wanted to stay close. Her
warmth had thawed out the ice that had begun to build in his blood. “I'll tell what I can but you may think me to be insane afterwards.” The idea she'd look upon him in anyway negative bit at his ego.

  "Let me be the judge of that please.” Stubborn to the core he admired her ability to be open-minded to something that he still didn't completely understand.

  "I'll make this as short as possible.” Whether that was for his benefit of hers Gabriel wasn't sure. His back against the tree, he focused his gaze on Alayia, the reflection from the fire made it appear as though the flames were licking across her skin. It gave her an ethereal glow, one that made him wonder if she was a ghost come to haunt him.

  "Whenever you are ready I'm listening.” His mind was in another world when her words drew him back.

  "Danielle and I were to be wed.” Shock crossed Alayia's face then something else, an emotion he wasn't sure of.

  "I see. So you are bound to someone.” Was that hurt in her voice? How he didn't want that.

  " well, at least, not anymore."

  "I see."

  "No... I'm afraid you don't.” His tone softened to help ease the tension that had increased after his admission. “Danielle was taken from me long ago. She was murdered by a man evil to the core.” A gasp escaped Alayia's lips.

  "I'm... I'm so sorry Gabriel.” Such sincerity in her voice brought his attention back to her face, tears glittering in her eyes. He had to stop, he couldn't let her hurt. Not for something she had nothing to do with.

  "Thank you.” He wanted to go to her but held back. She deserved someone who could give her all that she needed, everything she could desire. He could offer her nothing but sadness and pain.


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