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Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3)

Page 12

by Maree, Aleisha

  Chapter Eleven


  Rolling my cigarette around my fingertips as the dull thump of Slipknot’s Snuff hits my core this song always fucks me up always pulling my phone from my jeans pocket I slide it open and hit compose to send a new message to Timberly. I had already programed the number into my phone.

  Me - Hey poppet it’s me Ghost. I know I said I'd leave you alone until you're ready but fuck Poppet you’re fucking with my soul. I need to know if you’re ok.

  Sent... Now to wait...That’s the hardest part, waiting.

  Pushing my phone back inside my pocket, I pour me a Jager from the jug that’s always waiting for me. The ice drops into the glass, sending Jager to jump up and onto the table. Leaning back on the sofa, I pull my cap over my eyes to hide the fact that I'm high as a fucking kite, swimming in the depth of lady love, loving it there with her wrapped around me, giving me the false love that I need.

  Raising the glass to my lips, I down the whole contents before placing the cup on my knee. It balances there as I watch the club that I love pump around me and the few new faces that fan out over the old ones. We sure are expanding and its mint. We have the Cobras here at the moment from fucking Tennessee of all places Bray is in talk to use them for the guns they can get and joining them with the Lone Wolves when he gets that club back in his hands. He’s just got to find their biker queen first. Raven is his heart and fucking soul and she just fucking vanished. One night she’s here with us and then the next, she’s gone like that, nothing, not even a trace or trail, no rhyme or reason, just gone. It broke Bray and thrust me into a role my fragile just clean soul couldn’t cope with, that and all the killing that Bray and his damn DA had me doing and watching Timberly. Shit, that had become a full-time job and look how well that turned out. She freaked out and I ran. Top job, Ghost.

  “Brother, you right?” I look up under my cap to the eyes of 81 running my tongue over my dry lips wishing they were linked with Timberly’s she’s a drug that my body craves.

  “Yup.” My tone is clipped and not giving room for any convocation.

  His eyes meet mine and his hands come up. “Say no more, Brother,” he answers to my glare this is not where I want to be.

  Pouring another Jager my eyes scan to movement by the back door coming in from where we hold church that door never gets used so who the fuck is the influx of men in different cuts walking into my club. Tapping Cage’s leg, he was seated to my right.

  “Brother who the fuck,” I grit out to him as my eyes watch them walk in and lean up against the far wall scanning the area looking for what? A tall mother fucker with a mohawk that’s two shades of black with blue tips tosser didn’t realize that we were in high school emo mode.

  “Lone’s, Brother, look at their cuts,” he says as the mohawk wearing douche jesters to the bar girl to bring them some beers.

  “Not in my club!” I snap as Bray comes down the stairs of his hidey hole. It’s where he spends all his fucking time with lips wrapped around a bottle of Southern Comfort... oh shit let's not forget chasing Ghost while I'm losing the pieces of me that make me fucking human for a club where by the looks they let anyone in.

  Standing, I down my drink in one mouthful. Flicking my cap backwards, I jump from the stage. I'll fuck this fuck boy up it’s just what my soul is screaming for blood and violence.

  “Ghost,” I hear spilling sharply from behind me.

  “Brother,” again nope fuck you all pussy’s I think as I storm through the crowd his blood will look good plastered over my fist and splattering the reaper that is in the frosted glass wall behind him that he seems to have his dirty ass boot leaning against no fucking respect. Well boy you’re about to get some smacked into ya.

  A hand grabs tightly around my forearm pulling me to a stop my eyes look to the finger’s that have a vice like grip on my arm “Let go,” I snarl out, my eyes meeting that of my Brother and pres.

  “Not happening, Ghost,” his tone is heavy with warning.

  “Bray they are fucking traitors and did you forget what the fuck they did to Bonnie and Raven?” I hurl it at him like he needs a reminder he lives it fucking daily his alcohol consumption says it all.

  “Yeah Brother, I forgot alright just like you forgot to not use anymore.” He spits it with so much venom that I feel the taste of bile hit the back of my throat “Do you forget brother that I know you better than you know yourself.” His words wash over me causing anger to spike down my spine fuck him and fuck this steeping right into my brother space my forehead meets his, my nose on his

  “Look in my fucking eyes and tell me you fucking know me, Bray!” I hurl it at him like a bucket of acid thick in the air, peeling the skin from our bones. All stills around us, people gasp, and the music dies down. I can feel the fear trickle down the spines of all the members and club whores this is a show they don’t ever see.

  “Ghost, back the fuck off me now.”

  “Or what brother?” I push him, taunt him.

  “Don’t,” he spits, his breath hot and laced with liquor.

  “Do you see her in my fucking eyes, Bray, do you?” I question him, pushing my head into his causing him to step back slightly. My body follows his not breaking the contact.

  “Let's not do this,” he says hushed but filled of an empty warning. I feel the boys flank our sides.

  “Not here aye boys.” Cage’s always so reasonable voice speaks out.

  “You are my brother, my Pres. and my family but you forget who does what here, Bray,” I snarl at him as his hands ball into fists and the vein in his forehead pops out.

  “I am, and I command respect even from you, VP,” he says it to me, reciting the fucking biker bible to me.

  “Well brother, I know the code, it’s you who is lost.”

  “Why don’t we step the fuck back boys and stop this in-house fighting and for once have each other’s fucking backs you two have been at it since Raven went enough is enough” 81 snaps his hand finding my arm pulling me back into him

  “Get ya fucking hands off me, cunt,” I grit out as the Mohawk and his posse walk our way

  “With fucking pleasure. I'm done with your shit, Ghost,” he says as he walks away.

  My eyes snap back to Bray’s. “So brother, what will it be? Me? Or them?” I leave no room for thought a question full of venom. Bray’s jaw clenches as the dick with the emo gets up and the teenage mohawk stopped right beside my pres. His vision honed on mine lifting my chin and clenching my fists I stood tall and wouldn’t back the fuck down he spoke his voice cold and low “Enough club talk aye, there’s a time and place gentleman” looking him up and down and over the dipshits he had flanking him the whole club had formed a deathly quiet circle around us I could see the anger spark from Bray. It was no match to the anger that was rippling from me I know Bray well and I know that he’s playing with fire even letting the Lone Wolfs in here they were family once before but that was before they breed a traitor and look at where it got them

  “You wanna lay with the dead so be it Brother but I'm out” I snap to him my eyes shooting waring that I'm not joking not this time I’ll go rouge before I even allow my Reapers to let them ride with me.

  “Are you a grown man there, Ghost?” Mohawk man spits at me, stepping closer to me. The tension is so thick my body tightens with hate for his presence

  “Aye and you just sealed your fate,” I muttered through my clenched teeth. “Sleep with ya eyes open, boys, you never know when the Reaper will be sleeping under your bed.” With that I push through the piss bags and out of a club that had been my one and now well now kit felt like an empty hole in the base of my spine gone like that with one decision I'll hand my cut in before I ever trade with the enemy. even if Bray doesn’t see it he knows I'm right. The Lone Wolfs and the Rouges are not our friends they are our foes and they killed his fucking mother set her on fire right in front of him.

  Mohawk’s voice sounds out around the whole club as I stop at the front door �
��You’re probably wondering why we are here.” His tone is clipped. “If you’re smart you will stay and listen.” placing my hands on the wood of the door the Reaper logo staring right back me “I’m in power now of the Lones, now that bitch is gone so you will respect me as a pres. of your sister chapter but boy my temper is short and you have just pissed on my boots” he snaps and my temper snaps along with his words spinning forcefully on my heel.

  I pull my Ruger 9mm pistol from the waist band of my jeans her cold steel running up my spine before I pull her free and aim it right between the eyes of the cock on legs firing it right between his eyes I watch as the shock hits the back of his eyes and blood oozes from the perfect circle in the middle of his forehead his body flies back as his men all reach for the guns but before war erupts I turn on my heel placing my gun back in my waist band and I walk out of the club and don’t look back.

  Chapter Twelve


  I shivered in his grip at the sudden change in him at the iciness and the hardness he breathed hard lifting me up and down as he sucked in the heavy breaths rising and falling the movement had a small hypnotic effect on me strangling calming. He walked then with a strong lean stride we were off to what and where I wasn’t sure, so I focused on the things around me taking it all in. He kicked open the steel door in front of him with a bang it smacked back in its hinges and snap back towards his foot large halogens lit the way hanging low from wire strings in the roof we past glass walls and I could see outside a dimly lit parking area that was lined with motorcycles and cars we continued down stooping he kicked open another door and inside was row upon row of motorcycles was this a parking garage it hadn’t taken too long to get to where we were I can remember waking in the van and feeling the road take off under me I was mildly conscious the moment they threw me into the van.

  My mind skipped back over the motorcycle clubs that were in the Area and just two that I can think off that were semi close The Reapers and The Lone Wolfs and well rumor had it they don’t see eye to eye so am I with them the Lone Wolfs? Because I'm sure as hell not with Ghost and the Reapers. You know being a diner chick and pretty much invisible makes it easy to gain useful information living where and how I do I need all I can get.

  Looking up from the ground I watched as the men ushered women down the corridor towards us their wrists freed and blindfolds off their eyes screamed fear and their bodies shook like leaf’s clinging to the tree for dear life as a hurricane ripped through it. “Move bitches” a man poke the last one as the others scurried forward as fast as their shaking legs could carry them. There were six heads six scared and confused heads well join the club I thought at least you all got to walk I was carried by a beast of a mane with snake eyes that gripped something in my soul so deep that it scared the shit out of my demon who is hiding behind the sofa in the corner of my core.

  Snake eyes walks us in and over to a table where he drops me down on the office chair next to it. “Stay!” he barks at me.

  “Um ok,” I answer back with a sass I’ve not heard before.

  “What” he snaps his eyes burning into my core

  “Well where would I go?” I ask him. “It’s a common question and realization, dick. I'm kidnapped, or did you forget that.” my mouth blurts out before my mind can even stop it his fist clench and his strong jaw clicks.

  “Are all American women smart bitches?” he asks the man who is standing at the end of the table chewing gum loudly he shrugs his shoulders in response.

  “Well this bitch and the Celtic goddess sure are,” he spits out.

  “Respect and a need to know your fucking place is what you need.” He slams his hands down on the desk in front of me and I roll my eyes as I cross my legs. Not even going to taunt the beast I see swimming in his eyes. “Get them inside we have a shitload to do and need to get them ready for market” he growls out. Scanning the room, we are in I see the wall in front has,

  Rouge – Ride alone, walk alone, corrupt in all things that matter.

  A motorcycle club.... Sweet Jesus sweat slipped down between my shoulder blades all the way down in a thin line slowly like a glacial melt. A headache in the moment a full-blown headache no the dull thump of a cracked skull but an all over shooting right into the temples headache hit me and I raised my fingers up to cresses the pain willing it to dismiss I need a clear head, I need to listen, to watch, to gather info and form a strategy.

  My eyes went back and forward over the shaking whimpering women like a ping pong ball. “Shhhhhhhh” I whispered out to each one of them “Whimpering and cowering like that is going to get you nowhere.” Shit look at where it got me years of torture and abuse and it took this attack to my soul for it to snap and the bitch that was sleeping deep down in the depths to be awoken. “Women are strong ass humans,” I mouthed to them silence on my lips but the truth on my tongue “Believe me,” I spoke silently to them, their eyes darting from me to the now many men that flooded the room, taking all the fresh air and filling it with the rank smell of old booze and cigarettes. Yuck, filth.

  So as fear zaps from them my mind travels to the what is next scenario, kidnapped – Check.

  Raped and sexually assaulted for years – check.

  Beaten for years and tonight watched my life flick before my star laced eyes – Check.

  So all that surely could be next would be sold, trafficked to the highest bidder for either money, drugs or guns shit all of the above really this is a motorcycle gang after all and a not so nice one if the head honcho next to me with the intriguing accent is anything to go by.

  I shivered at the mere thought of it. “Get me a fucking blanket!” snake eyes screamed out over the men as they scrambled and a man with a goatee came back with a prickly grey blanket with red strips on it snake eyes lowered it over my body my skin broke out in goosebumps at the touch as the wool licked my skin and the warmest in his actions had my mind for on spilt second think he was ok.

  “Going soft there, Viper!” I heard a man bellow out as he entered the room he was tall way taller than snake eyes his chest was massive ripped bulging arms covered in tattoos poked out from a rather over stretched to the point of near ripping black Tee with the word Rouge written in white across the chest and as he turned his body and his back to me the back said The nightmare under your bed shit I believe it I thought as he walked to the start of the quivering line of women. “Why isn’t she in the line up?” he questions tilting the young blonde girls chin up and looking over her features as she sunk into herself his lips grazed over her neck. “Don’t fret doll I won't bite hard,” his voice laced with the tone of desire as his teeth clenched into the flesh of her neck and her tiny frame fall to the floor the poor girl passed out fuck me I would have too.

  I'm barely keeping the dark at bay sitting here and he’s nowhere near me I pull myself deeper into the blanket thankful for it. “Well Viper?” he barks walking behind the next in line and wrapping his forearm around her neck pulling her back deep into his rock wall of a body she flinches her eyes go wide and search mine for reassurance that it will be ok well sorry doll I got nothing.

  “She is Ghost's old lady,” snake eyes well Viper as they call him answers nightmares question his movements still his tongue that was licking up the poor women collarbone and neck shoot back in his mouth as his eyes find mine and fear ripples down my spine fuck me if looks could kill I'd be dead and thankful for it.

  “Why the fuck is she here then?” he bellows out a boom that is louder than the sharpest crack of lighting on a winter storm I jump as does all the bodies in this room including snake eyes ha not so tough now are you.

  “That pissbag, Drake and his idiot boys brought her,” he spat it out like it hurt him to say it.

  “She wasn’t on the fucking list so why is she here” nightmare asks moving to the next girl on the line. “Trouble is what you all have caused I knew bringing you in was going to stir shit up,” he rages out snake eyes fists go white at his sides. “It's not on me tha
t ya boys so happen to be raping the old lady of the VP to the Reaper himself for drug debt owed by her mother.” He snaps out steeping closer to me. “I came here to join you for one reason guns and to get my old lady back from the Reapers not to be a part of this fucking trafficking and sex slave dancing den you got going on.” and with that he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder a scream leaves my body as he strides forward towards the nightmare whom has stepped out in his space.

  “Any mother fucker lays a hand on her or even touches one fucking hair on her head will have a bullet between their eyes before they can even blink her from their vision.” Snake eyes hollers around us the earthquake in his voice from before back in full swing and scary as hell. “You think this man here is the Devil well you wait and see what Ghost will do when he realizes that she is missing and it's your Rouge club of fuckwits that have taken her your spies in the Lone Wolfs won't be able to save you from the unhinged lunatic and may god have mercy on your soul.” walking out past them all their eyes on us with my hair falling down over his back my eyes meet each of the men who are standing speechless poking my tongue out in a childish ha fuck you way cause well cause I can.

  Snake eyes walks me down a series of corridors all white with insanely bright lights I can see rooms upon rooms with glass walls and what looks like hospital beds some with women in them with IV lines hooked up to the veins and nurses standing by checking things and scribbling on note boards. “What is this place?” the words fall from my mouth without any prior warning from my brain.

  “Habit Hotel,” the man with the snake eyes known as Viper answers with a chill in his tone that sends a rapid of apprehensiveness through my body I can't help but feel concern and distress over the simple fact that he may have vowed me untouchable but those needles and the look the men had in their eyes for me has a phobia of them all running high through my veins. “Right well then” is all I can seem to muster as I watch in shock as we past room by room with women after poor women strapped to the beds with the said needle poking from there rather over used veins.


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