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Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3)

Page 23

by Maree, Aleisha

  Giggling at the foolishness and calmness that washes over me, reaching up I tuck a stray strand of hair behind his ear, leaning down into me he kisses the tip of my nose, moving to my lip, to the side of my neck I buck up my hips to meet his bludge that I felt rise up as I was sitting on his lap he travels his lips from my neck up to my ear as he bites on my earlobe I suck in a sharp intake of breath he whispers into me.

  “Patients Poppet, we will go slow” I push him up a little and look into his eyes searching them. “It will be hard Poppet cos I don’t own a shred of patients, but for you a man will.”

  I open my mouth to say But, as he pushes his finger to my lips “Sshh, baby I will make coffee” jumping up from me a giggle leaves me as I watch him shake his bludge down and push it back in place inside his sweats and boxers, sitting up I watch him go about making coffee with a grin that could light up the whole world's darkest night. Ghost is slowly allowing me to break the chains that bound me and he doesn’t even know it yet. Watch out world Timberly Roe is being re-born watch this space.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I’ll never forget the feeling the first time she let me kiss her. It was better than any high that lady love could ever give me. She runined me in that one spilt second of bliss I was undone and felt free.

  Now I feel like a douche knowing that she is changing before my eyes and I hope I can stay clean for her. That’s the last thing I want to put her though me being high and a hot fucken mess. I have to figure something out and fast though the come down from lady love ant pretty, cold sweats, night termors, vomiting and dope sickness fucking beautiful alright what a welcome to my world ‘Hi my name is Ghost I'm going to save you make you my queen but first sweetheart I gotta get clean and overcome this Dope Sickness can ya just hold five baby cakes’ shit that’s going to go down well ant it after the mess that was her home and the OD that just killed her mother.

  Taking the jug of coffee and two mugs out to the deck I count her tiny light footsteps follow me pouring her a cup and then myself the intanst bitter smell hits my nose and back of my throat. Walking to the edge of the deck I place one foot up on the rail and slowly sip away I need to occpy my mind the itch is forming in my veins and qiulling it today seems to be a fuck load more darining than any other day. Her arms wrap around my waist, holding my breath my body tenses my mind races can she see that I'm craving to be high can she sense it. Her lips find my bare back sending shivvers down my spine.

  “Whats going on in your head, Ghost” she asks me letting out the breathe I was holding.

  “Not a thing, Poppet” I say to her looking out over the sky line. “Can I ask you to do one thing for me?”

  She says the quvver of nerves laced in her voice does not go a miss to my ears. “Sure thing, Poppet” I say shollowing the lumb that is forming I my thoat.

  “Please, don’t ever lie to me.” The hurt in her tone has my body going rigid her arms tighten around me.

  “I won’t Poppet” I say placing my free hand over hers

  “But you just did,” she says “I know that something is wrong.” her voice a little stronger this time.

  “Oh, Poppet I'm not good for you” I say to her breathing in deep, closing my eyes I feel her let go of me and as I open my eyes she is standing in front of me her hands come up to either side of my face she runs her fingers over the stubble looking into my eyes and I mean looking right fucking into my eyes deep down to my soul and lady love hiding in the shallows.

  “You’ll always be a little too much or not enough until you met the soul you’re ment too love” she says too me all wise and shit a smile washes over my face and in that one moment I feel it gazing into her eyes my heart the cold stone ghaert of Ghost the exctioner beats to a rythum that matches the lady standing in front of me.

  “We can be each others saving grace Ghost” snaking my hand behind her neck I pull her tiny cute face with her massive eyes to mine

  “When you get all wise and shit” I say to her kissing the tip of her nose

  “The night you saved me from myself” she says to me “Let me in and I'll do the same for you” her voice floats over me as her lips lightly kiss mine one fleeting moment and I'm undone she disarms me and I know that I can take her into the dark side of my brain and just hope she doesn’t get lost in there.

  Pulling us down I sit in the oversized chairs that dot my deck scooping her long hair from her neck so my lips can kiss the sliky smooth skin her warm skin finding my cool lips sends a feeling over me that I cant even describe I know I want her.

  I have to have her and I will make her my queen. “ Poppet” I say as she runs her fingers over my thighs.

  “I’m a fucking Rubix cube Poppet, I’m a fucking crazy ass mess, my head is a dark place and my mind and hands do some insane things and then there is this.” I say to her placing the upside of my arms into her line of vision her eyes flicker to my arms and back to my eyes as she turns in my lap to straddle me lifting my arm she runs a long finger of the track marks one by one and then places her lips over them kissing so softly that my cock twitches and my heart rate spikes to a new high tenseing in her girp my hands holding tight around her hips like I need her to anchor me to this place in time.

  “I know “she says bringing her eyes to mine “I knew the first time I looked into your eyes, and it don’t scare me one bit, I won’t let it take you too” she whispers out and my heart stops shes fucken going to kill me and save me all at the same time.

  Tapping her ass “Up poppet we gotta go sort shit” her eyes blink down to mine hooded under her lashes.

  “Oh, We gotta go back down there for them girls to send me death stares” she says I cant help laughing at the look on her face. “Jealous is all they are fuck em poppet.”

  I say to her picking her up an stalking inside throwing her on the bed a giggle slash yelp leaves her beautiful body as she bounces on the mattress her inky hair fanning out around her.

  “I think Lill has jeans and shit here” I say her pout looks funny on her face

  “Why” she asks me

  “She stays up here sometimes to escape the eyes of the club poppet it’s tough being a biker princess” rummering in the walk in wardrobe finding what I'm looking for I chuck it out to the beautiful babe sitting on my bed. Shit Ghost you’re one lucky son of a bitch.

  “Get dressed Poppet you and Lill can go shoppping for new clothes coz you know ya ant leaving aye?” I question her raising my eyebrow up at her smiling face.

  “Small problem caveman I kinda only have the small amount of money in my tin and didn’t you just load up that massive Hotel room well should I say floor with clothes.”She says to me as her cheeks pinkin from what embrassment

  “Shit Poppet you don’t need to worry ya pretty little face about that I have enough money and yeah I did that’s for like there, and you will need stuff for like hear.”

  I say picking up my jeans from the floor and pulling my wallet out of them I flick it open and pass her the card.

  “Take this and use what ever” I say with a wink her mouth forms a small O before she can say anything I pull her up and into my arms picking up the T-shrit. I pull it over her head and then grab the jeans she steps into them and I pull them up with ease to much ease they are big on her hanging from her waist and Lill isnt a big lady either but Timberly is so thin. “ Why cant I just wear the clothes from last night” she asks me.

  “What the boxers and Singlet and Uggs err no Poppet I don’t want the boys staring at ya more than their fucking sick eyes do now.”

  Kissing her lips softly so fucking softly it’s a mere graze because I know if I push harder my body will not be able to stay in control and her body will panic and she’ll pass the fuck out.

  Taking a breath and stepping back from her small slender body I rake my eyes over her a low growl like moan escapes me as she ties her long hair back into a messy bun. Jet black locks that shine in the sun and glow in the moon. This woman is t
ruly beautiful.

  Walking into the Club the guys are all just chilling watching a game on the tv and Miss Ginney is hollering orders out to the club girls. The new club girl with the blonde hair and a massive pink strip through it eyes me as I walk in her eyes go wide when she sees Timberly yep sweetheart shes mine and you’re never going to be on my dick.

  Pulling my bird into me tighter as Jenna strolls on out of the back room wiping her mouth and pulling her bearly there skirt down.

  She walks over my way and blantly shoulder brages into Timberly who is already shaking my hold the force of her pulls Timberly from my hold she stumbles back and 81’s hand warp around her pushing her back up.

  “Got ya little lady” he says with a wink whrilling around on Jenna “The fuck you do that for” snapping out to her anger shooting through me as a smirk laces her lips.

  “Whats your fucking problem Jenna” I ask her seething through gritted teeth “My problem is gutter trash thinking she's got a place here, shit this little scared kitty kat couldn’t even stay conscious long enough for you to wet ya dick.”

  She spits out looking Timberly up and down the words from her dirty mouth hanging in the air and the look on her face sends me over the edge lunging my hand out I grab her around her throut squezzing her windpipe till I feel the pop of air leaving it.

  Bringing my face right to hers I look deep into her eyes “You better fucking watch yourself whore.”

  Her eyes bulge I feel her voice box trying to move to gets words out and soft hands on my shoulders then the sweetest sound kissing my ears.

  “Leave it Ghost, this little bitch ant worth it.”

  Cocking my head to the side as I watch my poppet come from behind me and stepping into Jenna space 81 right by her side.

  “Word or warning sweetheart, I may be gutter trash but that dick was in me this morning shit last night too and I was rather awake for it and he got off on me sober” I let the grip on Jennas throut lossen Timberly turns and looks at me.

  “Meet you at the shop after ive been shopping with Lilly”

  I just stand there in shock I know I havent had my dick in her and she knows it too but fuck me if it didn’t want to before it fucken does now.

  Leaning into me she grabs my cock hard a growl leaves me as her lips crash into mine and then before I know it she is gone folting on air up the stairs to Lilly who is standing on the top step clapping her hands and whooting and hollering.

  “Bout fucken time. Hey boys little miss Jenna got put in her place” she says out over the shocked club and Bray pops his head out his office window.

  “Ghost let her the fuck go and get the fuck in here” he yells out dropping a rather shocked Jenna to the ground I step over her body chocking for air and up to Bray. Watching my lady walk out with her arms wrapped around Lilly they look good together and need a friend who gets it, Coz fuck baby Blue is seven shades of fucked up at the moment.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Walking up the steps to Lilly my hands are sweating and my knees shaking I will not let the little tart see just how much she affected me Lillys clapping her hands as I walk up counting each step as I go.

  “High five girl” Lilly says to me as I step up beside her, “You go girl that bitch is crazy” Shaking I look into her eyes

  “Fifteen” I says.

  she eyes me “Say What?” her face cocked to the side

  “Fifteen, it took fifteen steps to get from her to you” looking puzzled “It’s how I cope so I don’t panic and pass out” I say

  “Right girl, ok then” wrapping her arm around my shoulder my body tenses as she begins to walk down the steps

  “What we going to do?” she says to me flicking her long blonde ponytail over her shoulder

  “Ghost gave me this” I pull the card from the back pocket of Lilly’s jeans “Ghost said to go shopping and use this I don’t know the first thing about using this also.” I say as we walk down past the club and all their eyes. Ghost winks at me as I walk out hes standing at the frosted glass door with their clubs emblem eatched into it.

  Walking out into the mid-mornings sun I try to sheild me eyes as the sun refelcts of a shinning big black SUV.

  “Ladies, your vehicle awaits.” A rather tall glass of hotness says to us as we ealk over stopping just before the opened car door his arm leaning over the door frame, he bows down as Lilly laughs and smacks him on the back of his head knocking his cap to the ground and his sandy blonde hair falls over his eyes standing back up rubbing the back of his head with what looks like moch shock and hurt washing out over his very young boyish features.

  “Lilly darling why?” he says laughing looking up at me he offers me his hand to help me in the truck I pull back stepping two steps back Lilly sees that I'm about to panic.

  “It’s ok babe I got this” he says to me stepping forward into my space “The names Branson, Branson Reid and Boss man said to take good care of ya.” He says to me as I see Jenna and her squad walking towards us from around the side of this massive compound Our eyes meet and lock into a stare down her shrill voice whips out over me like a iceing winters air “Watch out Bran that she don’t pass out on ya, scare little mouse this one.”

  Laughing with her mates she flicks her hair over her shoulder.

  “Best you fuck of mouse, there is no place for a wimpering bitch like you in this world, I'm Ghost’s queen best you remember that” she spits at me as she steps into my space.

  Pushing my shoulder I stumble back not prepared for her to attack me this way my mind scrambles to think of what to say and do. I do know I don’t want to pass out Lillys voice cuts through my rampered thoughts that seem to be matching my heart rate.

  “Fuck off back into the dark hole you climbed out of Jenna.” She says as Branson steps behind me leaning into me the warmest of his breath finds my ear.

  “Lets go babe shes just a two bit whore” placing his hand on the small of my back he pushes me slightly towards the open car door looking Jenna up and down she eyes me and looks at her little bitch squad.

  “Problem fresh meat” she snaps out to me. “Me?“ I question her confidence seems to wash from my pores. Looking around my finger pionting towards my chest.

  “Me” I ask again as she rolls her eyes “Or Lilly?” I point to Lilly. Jennas Voice sounds out high pitcy and ear percing. “No you bitch, you got a problem.” Her tone snappy I just smile no more bowing down Timberly.

  “Oh no darling no problem. My minds just struggling to compahend what these men seem to want with a what is it Branson a two bit whore?”

  His mouth drops open as Lilly slams her hand over hers Branson just nods as I look at him turning to face Jenna I step right into her space.

  “Yes that is it a two bit whore you are darling and well fresh meat I may be but I'm Ghost’s fresh meat and best you fucken remember that, coz you push me any fucking futher and you won’t like the bitch that will snap back!” I say to her through clenched teeth my plams sweating and a droplet of sweat runs down my spine pionting my finger hard into her chest her eyes snapping down to my finger.

  “I’m the Queen now, you we just a dick warmer and a shit one at that.” Leaning in nice and close to her. “ Well that’s the word in the compound anyway.” A gasp leaves her body as a small laugh leaves mine.

  “Oh really sweetheart” she laughs out sherching for back up from her bitch squad who I may add are all standing there staring in shock a smile forms over my lips as I see Ghost walk from the side door of the club and striding over to us I push my body closer into her space and flick my fingers into the middle of her forehead.

  “Yes sweetheart really, “ I snap as I turn and slap Ghost’s ass. I walk back over and step into the SUV. Lilly is clapping and cheering as Ghost slams his hands into the side of the door sending us both into the air with a yelp of shock.

  “Well ain’t my little lady got some balls now?” he says with a smirk, winking at me before truning his thoughts
and mouth to Jenna.

  “Lady you may wanna remember just where you were found and just why you are here you do not wanna fuck with me and my patience Jenna coz your ass and ya little bitches here will be out as quick as ya sorry druged asses were bought in.”

  Her eyes glance from him to me and back to her pack “Lets go, she'll keep” she snaps out as her cheeks reden in embrassment.

  “Oh threats darling make sure you’re good for them” I say craning my head out the door of the SUV as she turns on her heel and stroms off flicking up the dusty gravel as she storms away.

  “Nice company you keep babe” I say to Ghost through a smile Lilly is holding her stomach knees up laughing her ass off.

  “Something funny Lill” he says to her

  “Yep you, her, Jenna, Shit Ghost where you find this Chica I freaking love her, wait till Blue heres about this one.” She says I look at Ghost and he shakes his head.

  “I gotta go into the shop babe I’ll tell Red where you are, and I'll see you back here later.” Nodding my head at him as he cranes his head into the open window and kisses me hard but yet softly I feel so safe yet so vulnerable with him. Pulling back he winks at Lilly.

  “Don’t get into any fucking trouble and don’t dress poor Branson up in sexy womens’ underwear like you and Blue did last year, Lilly; it’s bad for his rep,” he says laughing as he pats Branson on the back.

  “Thanks Boss,” he says stepping into the SVU and strating the engine before I know it we are bouncing down the same bouncy dirt road that we drove in just twenty- four hours earlier with my mother dead in the back of a van and me cuddled into Ghost on the back of a damn motorbike. Letting my head roll back and the motion of the SUV calm me my eyes close and I slip into a easy breathing pattern.


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