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Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3)

Page 33

by Maree, Aleisha

“Let’s roll out,” he nods standing easy to easy for having a grown ass woman in his arms, she’s a shell of the fierce biker queen we grew up with.

  Picking up the bag of her belongings that Lilly must have packed up well bought brand new no doubt we have had no trace of Raven for over a year now.

  Stopping at the door I open it for Bray pulling the cold handle down into my fiery hot skin stepping to the side letting him out into the nights air a welcome cool washing past me as I pick up the bag of tricks from the Doc that’s meant to help us junkies come down but it doesn’t, it just seems to fuck us up more and have us running in circles trying to chase the taste.

  Stepping into the club house after setting Raven up at Blue and Knox’s pad for now far enough away from the club house where no fucker can hear her scream her head off as the come down rakes through her body claiming more of the fractured soul that at the moment Bray is trying to hold together with duct tape, easy access for Bray also to be with her at night and during the day when he ant here sorting shit the Devils Dawn and the Cobras are riding in Tonight hence the lock down for war is about to be waged watch the fuck out NYC we are about to light you up baby.

  Grabbing the bottle of beer from Ginny’s hands walking up behind my woman I place my hands on either side of her hips she jumps slightly at the intrusion before she realises it’s me and falls back slightly melting into my touch, leaning into her ear.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  I murmur into her skin on her neck she goes about setting up the tables for dinner, buttering dinner rolls.

  “I’m jealous so fucking jealous everyone in here wants a taste of you Poppet I see it as they all watch you.”

  I say biting into her neck. “Want a taste of these?”

  Holding up a dinner roll over her shoulder I lean down sink my teeth into it biting the warm roll that is socked in melted butter.

  “Fuck me, you’re too much Poppet,” I mumble over a mouthful of the hot roll.

  “Not right now babe I’m kinda busy.” She says placing rolls down into the baskets on the tables I can’t help but laugh at her and the choice of phasing she hit me with.

  “Oh, and that’s all these animals will be tasting too I’m reserved for a king.” She sasses out holding up a roll and shaking it as I spin her around my arms holding her body painfully close to my hard cock for her words alone set me on fire.

  “Hell fucking yes my queen,” I breathe into her lips crushing her mouth with mine kissing her rough, taking all I can from her in this moment. I bend her back so I can taste all the way down to her soul that Mirrors the dark than mine.

  “You’re fucking sick you can't hide behind a fake angel Ghost.”

  Breaking the kiss, I pull Timberly up and wrap my arm around her.

  “Fuck off Jenna.” My tone low and full of warning “You and ya posse of hyenas just fuck off,” I bite out.

  “Well it's true she'll never be me.” Her fingers reach to the bubble gum bubble she just blew out from her lips and popped twirling it around her finger then biting it off again.

  “No, you’re right there sweetheart, she will never be you for you darling are a devil in the form of a Whore and this women right her is a fucking Queen.”

  She pales stops chewing her gum opens her dirty mouth to speck but before she can I snap my fingers.

  “Blue baby jacket,” I holler out.

  “Cage, shut the music.”

  “Got it, VP!” he yells out as the music shuts off and people stop talking. Now there is nothing but a dull sound of breathing and feet shuffling as people mull around to see what’s up.

  “Jacket, Ghost baby,” Blue places the soft brand-new leather into my hands the smell of new leather reaching my nose and the weight of it perfect in my hands my stomach flips with the weight of what I am about to do right here, right now in front of my whole club and I haven’t even run it past my Pres.

  “Timberly, I no longer fear the monster that lives deep in my soul for you taught me to fucking embrace it, love it, for it’s me, and Poppet, you were mine the moment I laid eyes on you. When I opened my shop I knew I needed you. So, Poppet, will you be my old lady?”

  Her hands find my arms. She holds on tight digging her nails into my skin. Fuck I know I shouldn’t have done this but shit Jenna needs to know she’s just a whore and Poppet’s my soul she’s shaking, taking a step into her space.

  “Look at me and me only,” I whisper out to her as her eyes meet mine, glass blue meeting forest green. “Will you?” shitting myself that she will say no and fucking run.

  Turning and pulling her into me so she can’t see Jenna and her evil stare.

  As she’s about to say something Jenna’s voice sounds out bitter and laced in venom. “She can’t fuck you like I do.” Her voice is pure fucking evil it hits my ears my knuckles clench and my jaws fucking cracking under the pressure.

  Timberly’s hands find either side of my face as her eyes lock into mine she’s so calm never once does she lose her composure.

  “Baby in the end it’s you and me. I will always ride with you.”

  A loud cheer erupts around us as I pull my lady, my old lady into me kissing her hard she has fucking made my life right there in that moment those few words made me feel fucking human and for once alive without the need to be high I can actually feel something other than the fake arms of lady love. Pulling back from her she mouths to me as the music starts up.

  “You’ll always be a little too much or not enough, until you meet the soul you’re meant to love, and baby I love you.” Mind fucking blown I lift her up in my arms spinning her around as her hair falls down around us her legs wrap around my waist.

  “I fucking love you Poppet,” bliss this right here is the closest thing to a non-drug euphoric feeling you can get.

  “Ha fucking fake cunts! You don’t know what love is! Love with you Ghost is a dirty needle in ya arm while you cut the fuck out of me while ya dick is balls deep in my pussy. And you ya little bitch” Stalking over to us her finger pointing at Timberly to close to my lady’s perfect face for my liking.

  “Well you’re just a mouse in wannabe fucking clothing. You will cave, and he will throw you away and come find a real woman who gets off on being strangled.”

  I see fucking red dropping Poppet down to the floor passing her, her new leather jacket.

  “Put this on,” I mouth to her as I kiss her forehead stepping towards Jenna my hands come out and lace around the bitches throat her eyes glaze over she gets off on this shit my fingers tighten restricting the air flow a sick sadistic smile form over her lips and my blood boils.

  “You better shut the fuck up before I use your fucking face as a fuck pad Jenna I’m sure my boys would love to get off on you tonight.”

  “She’s just a fucking bitch,” she gasps out as I feel Timberly’s hands on my shoulder and her other hand on my arm. Turning my head slightly to look into my angels my saving graces eyes. I see nothing but her fury raging in them. “Takes a bitch to make a bitch sweetheart and thank you for bringing out my inner bitch, now Il show you how to make it count...”

  I watch as my lady steps into Jenna’s space and punches her in the stomach as my hand falls from her throat I step back and Timberly steps in and grab Jenna by the back of the skull her body hunched over and gasping for air Poppet’s hands find a handful of hair and rip her head up painfully fast as her knee comes up and her hand comes doe Jenna nose and face meets Poppet’s knee and her face shatters into it blood flowing from Jenna’s nose all over herself and the floor of my club. She stumbles back into her posse’s arms and gasps sound out around us as her hand hold her broken nose and blood trickles down over her fingers and arm. Perfect I can’t help but smile at the monster we have all had a hand in creating. My perfect little Dark angel.

  “I smell bitch in the air tonight.” She says looking around as Blue and Lilly come up behind her.

  “I dressed to kill and look at you, you wear a dress to a gu
n fight you have baited me for days. I’m wearing my jeans and tee oh and look at this.” She snaps out spinning around in Jenna’s face.

  “My new leather jacket that says I’m an old lady and sweetheart look at you standing there in ya tight red dress and high heels, dressed like what you really truly are a club meat and sloppy meat at that, never will you be an old lady so back the fuck up and fuck right off.”

  Her tone is laced with power and a fierceness wrapping her in my arms I kiss her neck.

  “Let’s get fucked up, Poppet.” Stepping away with her under my arm “Boys they are all yours,” I say to the newbies as I walk away to our seats above the club.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  “I will not let you feel invisible anymore, you’re never to feel that way ever with me.”

  My eyes graze over her as I pull her down to sit next to on my right her rightful place.

  “This patch will make you more than visible Timberly it will make you known and fucking feared.”

  Kissing the nape of her neck her smell mixed with the fresh smell of ink blankets me.

  “I only want your love,” picking up my large handle of Jager bringing it to my lips. “All this is just added bonus,” my eyes look over his brothers sitting around the table with us and their ladies, Lilly with Kash they cute they need to hurry up and get together we all see it even I and I just rocked up. Blue wrapped in Knox’s arms, Cage and 81 they need a good woman and well then there is Arlam the zombie man tattooed and crazy he never speaks, and he is only here for short periods at a time.

  “My love you have,” his voice is hot on my collarbone as his eyes look out over his family that is filled with so much danger it dances over the clubhouse. “I just hope Poppet my love and title are enough to keep you safe.”

  The weight of his words finds my soul and sit heavy in the pit of my stomach,

  “Afraid that I may fall?” he asks his eyes turning to molten as I turn looking deep into him I always will fear that the taste for lady love will pull him from me and the thirst for blood and destruction will be too much for me to handle but fuck me I will try honest here we will build on honesty.

  “Yes,” I whisper to his question.

  “Me too baby me too.” The rasp mixed with a huskier hardness than usual it slams into my heart dripping slowly down my thighs. My insides are like liquid I’m done in that instant I’ll never leave him.

  Leaning back, I drink my drink slowly tapping my foot to the music as Blue leans over the table “You alright babe?”

  “Never better,” I smile to her. Ghost stands adjusting his jeans over the bulge that has definitely grown since my fingers were drawing small patterns over his thigh while we spoke.

  Snapping my head up to meet his eyes as Arlam stands with him his voice is a low husk it sends a chill over you dark and fucking scary as his looks. “Her beauty is alluring, her smell so intoxicating Ghost reminds me of you know and thus women well she is a delicacy that I can’t indulge in, no matter how tempting those eyes are.”

  Ghost leans in his and on his brothers shoulder his mouths opens to talk I bet him to it crossing my long black jean covered leg over my other my cherry red doc martin boots on my feet the same as my mans I fucking love them tap away to the music as a new calm and confidence washes over me picking up a cigarette and lighting it blowing out the smoke “Why not?” I ask him the scary man covered in a body tattoo that looks like he is zombie boy. “You talking to me?” his tone river beats over the small space we sit in and I see 81 moves closer to me his look changing his eyes glaring warning at Arlam to watch his tone, my hand reaches out to his. “It’s ok Tiger, I got this” flicking the ash from the tip of my smoke 81 is amazing we have gotten close as the days have meshed into one. “I said why not, as in why can’t you indulge in her?” rising my eyebrow at him he scrubs his hand over his face “Like life’s short, you lost the love you just mention and now you seem to have been given a second chance under shit fucking circumstances also I may add so brother if I was you ’'d take it and fucking run” stabbing out my smoke leaning back and crossing my arms over my chest “What?” I snap out as the tables eyes all bore into mine and Ghost has a grin like a fucking Cheshire cat over his face. “Where the fuck you find her?” Arlam’s voice beats out to Ghost “Meadows baby,” I say for him wink at the scary ass man that could eat my face off without a second thought but instead he smiles pointing at me. “I quite like you little lady your Sassy as fuck,” slapping Ghost’s shoulder. “You’re done good with this one Brother don’t fuck it up.” He says leaning up I high five him “Too fucking right brother.” I sass out and he turns stepping from the stage we sit on a circle of couches and cahiers wrap around us this cosy little group overlooking the clubhouse Ghost jumps down “And you’re going where” I yell out “Pisser, Poppet wanna come hold my dick while I piss?” he says a smile licking his lips winking at me. “Na I’m good,” picking up my glass as Blue and Lilly both sit next to me well actually on me I should say a flurry of hair and laughter.

  “So,” Lilly says wiggling her eyebrows at me.

  “And,” Blue says winking.

  Laughing is all I can do. “You’re both fucking weird,”

  “Weird we may be but we wanna know what it’s like to be the fucking old lady to the fucking Reaper.”

  Picking up a smoke and my drink looking ahead as my eyes find the bitches that tried to ruin me.

  “When he hurts, I hurt, when the dark dreams come I quivered with him, with the blood screams took his soul at night I discovered that my whispers could send them away. I was the kryptonite to his dark nights just as he was my saving grace.” Their eyes burn into me I feel them both holding their drinks up to their lips smiling I place my finger on both bottoms of their glasses and tip them slightly, so they can drink and not look like retards. “He's my own personal hurricane lighting so white while the thunder claps so loud you can't hear your own heart. Clouds so black that your invisible to them, a rain that whips at your skin leaving the most incredible sensation. Your whole body is alive, your Intune to his storm walking in never wanting to leave he bellows around me while I walk on a bed of debris up to his core where my heart shall sit forever...” taking a long drag on my smoke and blowing out smoke rings towards the shocked women next to me. “Wow Tim that is some deep shit.”

  “So that good then?” Lilly says, taking the smoke from me and dragging on it coughing her lungs out take it back from her.

  “You’re cool, Lill, but you’re not that cool,” she gasps, holding her chest in mock hurt. We crack up laughing.

  “This is where I was born to be I feel ladies.” Stretching back into the couch my two new besties flanking me drink in hand and smoke in the other my man’s patch on my chest and his heart in my back pocket. I’m fucking stoked finally I’m something and I’m more than she will ever be. For I am fucking FREE!

  “Fuck yes Tim we are the three mother fucking musketeers now baby.” Blue says as Jenna’s bitch Lilla walks up to us.

  “Here we fucking go, Round what now Lilly 10.” I roll my eyes before homing in my glare on her.

  “You want what?” My tone tired and just can’t be fucked. Her hand reaches for mine trying to pull me up. “Bitch fuck off,” I snap pulling my hand back from the dirty, manky touch looking at my girls and on cue the three of stand together. “Oh, fuck me shits about to get real” 81 laughs out slapping the other boys next to him. “Boys ready for the floor show.” Looking at him he winks at me. “Take it away, lady Reaper,” blowing him a kiss. I grab the bitch around the throat and lift her dangling her tiny over starving skinny body over the lip of the stage ready to drop her on her ass.

  “Ever wondered what’s he doing? What’s taking him so long? Do you really know where he is?”

  She questions over the hold I have on her throat my eyes burn into her and I see a sick twisted humor lacing them.

  “You know the desire he has for her will never fade coz
babe where there is desire there will always be a flame, she’s a burn that your perfect timid soul can’t soothe. Coz just like the fire his pain is red hot and rapid out of control and you, well you’re not enough, that burn runs deep and he has him now and you were never enough.” She laughs out as my fingers dig deeper into her skin wanting nothing more than to snap her fucking smug face.

  “Where the fuck is she?” I snap dropping her to the floor and jumping down over top of her body gulping in air her eyes find mine and all she does is throw her head back and fucking laugh.

  The buzz from the Jager gone and replaced is annoy and the prickle of fear jumping out over my body.

  “Too late bitch,” she snaps out as I fall to my knees straddling her body and pulling my clenched fist back I slam it into her fucking face shattering the cunts nose.

  “Tell me!” I scream out “Fucking tell me where he is” my voice broken but my blows to her face strong fluid and fucking heavy hitting home each time I feel arms wrap around me and a strong voice in my ear “Little lady stop,” he grits out. “Enough” 81 murmurs he is the reason to my rage in this shit pit that has just become a bad mother fucking dream. “They have done something to him.” I scream out as he pulls me into him my legs kicking out trying to land one into her smug broken face before 81 takes me away.

  “BRAY! BRAY! BRAY! FUCK NOOOOOOO.” I hear Lilly’s voice screaming out the whole common room opens up like a sea waves parting and giving me a direct line to where Lilly’s hands over her mouth her body shaking and her face pale. ‘” Fucking let me go,” I scream to 81 as his arms loosens I slam my hands into his forearms breaking the hold and I fall onto my knees scrambling to my feet I stumble and fall again as I run like lighting to where Lilly stands. My heart fucking pounding my body on fire with fear of what I am about to see. Ten fast steps was what it took for me to reach her and my body freezes I’m so not prepared for what my eyes fall on as I enter the open door of the men’s bathroom.

  Ghost lays slumped on the floor of the bathroom Jenna behind him her body wrapped around him her tits hanging out and her tights and skirt ripped the telltale bruising of her broken nose for earlier peppering over her cheekbones and under her eyes.


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