Kane 2 - The Throne of Fire
Page 37
Scarab beetle
Shabti a magical figurine made out of clay
Shen eternal
Souk open air market
Stele limestone grave marker
Tjesu heru a snake with two heads—one on its tail—and dragon legs
Tyet the symbol of Isis
Was power
Anubis the god of funerals and death
Apophis the god of chaos
Babi the baboon god
Bast the cat goddess
Bes the dwarf god
Geb the earth god
Heket the frog goddess
Horus the war god, son of Isis and Osiris
Isis the goddess of magic, wife of her brother Osiris and mother of Horus
Khepri the scarab god, Ra’s aspect in the morning
Khnum the ram-headed god, Ra’s aspect at sunset in the underworld
Khonsu the moon god
Mekhit minor lion goddess, married to Onuris
Nekhbet the vulture goddess
Nephthys the river goddess
Nut the sky goddess
Osiris the god of the underworld, husband of his sister Isis and father of Horus
Ptah the god of craftsmen
Ra the sun god, the god of order. Also known as Amun-Ra.
Sekhmet the lion goddess
Set the god of evil
Shu the air god
Sobek the crocodile god
Tawaret the hippo goddess
Thoth the god of knowledge